irclog2html for #debian on 20041107

00:00.20sussudioi must've missed the caphuso and tintin comics
00:00.23lunaphyteoff-topic - opinions on using courier-imap vs. cyrus imap testing packages?
00:00.30caphusoKnight_Lord: hergé is from belgium, not france, IIRC
00:00.31lunaphytei remember asterix & obelix!
00:00.40Seblunaphyte: i like courier
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00:00.44Sebcaphuso: correct
00:01.04Knight_Lordcaphuso Asterix is actually french?
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00:01.27Sebsure. Although irrc one the 2 cartoonists might be from belgium
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00:02.02mirakI need an hint
00:02.18mirakwhen I try to run esd, esd says /dev/dsp: no such device
00:02.28Knight_Lordmirak wrong sound drivers
00:02.29mirakI mean what must I do to enable this device ????
00:02.33Sebmirak: you need to insert the module corresponding to your soundcard
00:02.34Knight_LordSeb indeed both french
00:02.49mirakI have a sblive 5.1 !
00:02.54SebKnight_Lord: ah ok
00:02.55mirakthe module is emu10k1
00:03.00Sandmanmake-kpkg kernel_image, then I installed it. But it didn't redirect /vmlinuz, isn't that supposed to be done automatically? Also, how do I know if it's an initrd kernel or not?
00:03.01Sebmirak: nah, sblive
00:03.11[ZACK]Hey, I am running UBUNTU and I would like to add the debian sources to my sources.list, does anyone have a list of the sources that i need to download ALL programs from DEBIAN>
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00:03.25sussudio[ZACK]: #ubuntu
00:03.31mirakSeb: FATAL: Module sblive not found.
00:03.36Knight_Lord[ZACK] what do you mean by all the programs?
00:03.46Knight_Lordmirak modconf might be your friend
00:03.47Sebmirak: might be a _ somewhere, or I might not remember right
00:03.54Sebmirak: but you do need another module than the emu... one
00:03.56mirak[ZACK]: I think you should do that
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00:04.19mirakSeb: well I used this one on mandrake
00:04.25mirakI don't understand what's wrong
00:04.31Knight_LordMy brilliant chess program just lost 0-25 against gnuchess
00:04.31pau4ocan someone help me about sound in chrooted enviroment?
00:04.32miraki am willing to try anything
00:04.37Vyrus001yo... i have a laptop with svideo out off a ati 340M vid card and i want to hook it up to my tv but i have no idea how to do this... i have booted with tv hoocked up and no diffrance... can sombody help ?
00:04.41mirak[ZACK]: I think you should NOT do that
00:04.57Knight_Lordpau4o sound in chrooted? is that even possible?
00:05.13pau4oit hink so Knight_Lord
00:05.18[ZACK]#Ubuntu told me to come here. On knoppix you can use apt-get and download alot of things. On UBUNTU, you are limited. I would like to be able to apt-get and get a wider selection of programs
00:05.25Sebmirak: as I said, you might not have noticed on mandrake, but you need another module
00:05.29Sebmirak: run modconf
00:05.37Sebmirak: alternatively ask google for module linux sblive
00:05.56Knight_Lordmirak yea run modconf and start playing with inserting random modules :-P
00:06.09JDahlis there an irc channel for kernel developers?
00:06.25mirakwell I must admit something
00:06.26pau4oKnight_Lord, I have all modules loaded and can produse sound via cat ~/somefile > /dev/dsp :-)
00:06.30mirakok I won't
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00:06.49Knight_Lordpau4o this is from your chrooted shell?
00:07.18Knight_Lordpau4o does /dev/dsp exists inside the chroot root?
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00:07.58pau4oKnight_Lord, yes, it is [chroot-Sid] kmn@support:~$ ll /dev/dsp
00:07.58pau4ocrw-rw----    1 root     17        14,   3 ìàð 14  2002 /dev/dsp
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00:09.20UsuarioI have errors while booting up is there a log for that screen or can I log that screen to read errors?\
00:09.20Knight_Lordpau4o i can try to help but i don't really know. How did you create those devices?
00:09.31pau4oKnight_Lord, the problem is that I can't use mixer
00:09.33nvzkethinov: closest hit I can find anywhere on the web is a commercial driver and utility called TurboPrinter
00:09.34Knight_LordSeb notice the use of "did you create" instead of created
00:09.38helixUsuario: type dmesg
00:09.42SebKnight_Lord: hahahaha
00:09.44SebKnight_Lord: :))
00:09.54nvzkethinov: doesnt seem to be a whole lot of development for that old printer of yours
00:10.00SebKnight_Lord: s/notice/note/ though ;D
00:10.10pau4oKnight_Lord, I created it with instaling basefiles.tar with debootstrap
00:10.12Usuariohelix: thanks
00:10.37kethinovnvz, i looked up the printer on and found a user comment talking about the driver having horrible defaults
00:10.45Knight_Lordpau4o I wonder how will the kernel know about them. This is over my head :-P
00:10.45kethinovnvz, i made the changes that user suggested
00:10.51kethinovnvz, there is considerable quality improvement
00:10.57Knight_Lordpau4o what kernel version by the way?
00:11.00kethinovnvz, but i would still like to find a way to do the head cleaning
00:11.06nvzkethinov: yeah I read some funny things on there about those printers too
00:11.15Knight_Lordpau4o why do you say it's a mixer problem?
00:11.27nvzkethinov: says they have a "wasted ink bin" and the firmware on the printer shuts it down
00:11.31mirakSeb: le module c'est bien emu10k1
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00:12.11FieldySnutsson of ass
00:12.12pau4oKnight_Lord, this is my supposition
00:12.19nvzkethinov: that TurboPrinter seems to support your model, and says it provides a driver and a utility that aligns and cleans cartridges and stuff.. its like $30 though.
00:12.20kethinovnvz, i'll look into the commercial driver. but i'm probably just going to write this one off. the quality improvement gained from that user's tweaks is imho acceptable
00:12.32Knight_Lordpau4o what error do you get when you cat?
00:12.32Sebmirak: ok, and so did this module insert successfully ?
00:12.44mirakSeb: yes !
00:12.48Knight_LordSeb i'll try harder next time
00:12.51nvzkethinov: yeah that is a good resource.. if you plan to buy a printer, consult that site first
00:12.56SebKnight_Lord: ;)
00:13.06mirakSeb: but I still don't have the dsp device
00:13.07Sebmirak: and ls -l /dev/dsp says no such file ?
00:13.15kethinovnvz, indeed. but in this case we're dealing with a windows to linux convert. no such hindsight :(
00:13.17mirakls -l /dev/dsp
00:13.17mirakcrw-rw----  1 root audio 14, 3 2004-11-06 23:19 /dev/dsp
00:13.23pau4oKnight_Lord, when I do cat ~/somefile > /dev/dsp I hear strange noises
00:13.28Sebadduser youruser audio
00:13.31Seblog out, log back in
00:13.36Knight_Lordpau4o and how is that bad?
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00:13.53nvzkethinov: yeah its always good when you have well supported hardware, makes it a more enjoyable experience.. but most people dont have the oppertunity to plan ahead.
00:13.54Knight_Lordpau4o is somefile a .wav?
00:13.57mirakkarim@mirak:~ $ id
00:13.57mirakuid=1000(karim) gid=1000(karim) groupes=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),44(video),103(plugdev),107(lpadmin),108(scanner),1000(karim)
00:14.04Knight_Lordpau4o if you hear sound then it seems to be working
00:14.08mirakSeb: I am in the group audio already
00:14.17pau4oKnight_Lord, no, not a wav it is a usual file
00:14.35Sebmirak: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp
00:14.35Knight_Lordpau4o if it's a normal file noise is what one expects
00:14.46kethinovnvz, yep. for the most part its been a positive experience on this machine though. everything except their digital camera is supported. there isn't a driver for that at all and it won't mount as usb storage. but i expected less support
00:14.49pau4oKnight_Lord, yes, I know that
00:14.58Knight_Lordpau4o so what is the problem?
00:15.11pau4oKnight_Lord, I just testing is it work
00:15.16mirakcat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp
00:15.16mirakbash: /dev/dsp: Aucun périphérique de ce type
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00:15.36mirakSeb: I honestly don't understand
00:15.39pau4oKnight_Lord, problem is that I acan't play files with xmms or other software
00:15.43zodidoes apt-get'ing firefox kill mozilla ?
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00:15.48Sebmirak: me neither. YOu do have sound.o and friends loaded, right ?
00:15.58Knight_Lordpau4o ah that's a much smaller problem :-D
00:16.17mirakSeb: I can't past lsmod to you
00:16.24MobyTurbozodi: no
00:16.24pau4oKnight_Lord, beleive me it is boring to do cat *.wav > /dev/dsp
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00:16.32Knight_Lordpau4o LOL
00:16.32ompaulpau4o you do have something like kmix installed? tends to to *nice* things
00:16.33nvzkethinov: well we have one pc here that has a 6-1 card reader, and our HP PSC 2175v also has one built-in so we can access our camera cards at least with either of those.. the HP PSC 2175v prints nice, and the card reader works.. and there are a few utils to interact with it.. but the scanner I havent managed to get working.. those HP PSCs differ alot from one model to the next
00:16.34pau4oKnight_Lord, ;-)
00:16.38Sebmirak: no you can't
00:16.40NetTechiewhere does apt-get put kernel-source?
00:16.44Sebmirak: lsmod | grep sound
00:16.54Knight_Lordpau4o looks like xmms is not finding the correct device
00:17.04Knight_Lordpau4o i'm assuming xmms is also inside the chroot
00:17.05mirakSeb: where do I show the result ?
00:17.14Sebmirak: that should only be one line
00:17.18pau4oKnight_Lord, yes all in croot
00:17.29NetTechieapt-get install kernel-source-2.6.8 where did it put it? nvidia drivers need it
00:17.31Knight_Lordpau4o the error from xmms is no output device found?
00:17.31mirakSeb: huh no there is 10 lines
00:17.35jetscreamerhey wtf can i do with a k6-2/350 (that it would do well)
00:17.41Knight_Lordpau4o is it using alsa output?
00:17.44Sebmirak: with | grep sound ?
00:17.45mirakSeb: sorry just one
00:17.48nvzkethinov: ink costs more than a cheap printer anymore anyhow.. for the price you pay for ink you could probably buy 3 new printers.
00:17.48mirakroot@mirak:/home/karim # lsmod | grep sound
00:17.48miraksoundcore               9824  2 snd,bttv
00:18.01Sebmirak: k, you wouldn't be running alsa at the same time, by any chance ?
00:18.05Sebmirak: lsmod | grep snd
00:18.09nvzkethinov: would have to consult and maybe or something.. but its possible
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00:18.16mirakSeb: on this one there is ten lines
00:18.22pau4oKnight_Lord, I don't know
00:18.22Sebmirak: so you're running alsa
00:18.35Sebmirak: make up your mind bro, either OSSS or alsa (with OSS emulation)
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00:18.46kethinovnvz, lol probably. personally i hate the whole concept of printing. i have never found it necessary to do so outside of college
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00:18.53mirakSeb: what ?
00:18.57Knight_Lordpau4o can you check the output plugin from xmms?
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00:19.10Knight_Lordpau4o can you also use a simpler program like mpg123 to test?
00:19.11pau4oKnight_Lord, lsmod tell me that all modules is oss
00:19.20mirakkethinov: gutemberg is turning himself in his grave
00:19.22MrPoopyPantsIm trying to apt-build gnome, and it freezes after it says xfree86-common and xlibs-data dont need to be rebuilt
00:19.22Sebmirak: /etc/init.d/alsa stop
00:19.29Sebmirak: you can't run alsa and oss at the same time
00:19.33MrPoopyPantsI beg for help in a most pathetic manner
00:19.38hDyhey guys, would debian run well on a 150mhz box?
00:19.38kethinovmirak, long live digital documents!
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00:19.44pau4oKnight_Lord, ok I'll apt-get it in a moment
00:19.50MrPoopyPantsI would REALLY like 3dnow mmx sse and sse2 extensions enabled in gnome
00:19.56MrPoopyPantsit makes it run super duper fast
00:19.57sussudiohDy: yesnomaybebadgerllama
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00:20.01toresbeHey guys
00:20.02mirakkethinov: as long as you have good eyes and a good screen
00:20.04toresbe$ talk fu86
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00:20.16mirakSeb: so how can I shut down OSS ?
00:20.44hDysussudio, thank you for the straight forward answer :)
00:20.56cafuego_MrPoopyPants: Especially on Pentium 2, 3 and classic machines.
00:21.04nvzkethinov: yeah I dont do much of it either..  I used to have a LaserJet 4si at one time.. that will make you want to print stuff.. at least until you have to buy a toner cart.. it would hold a whole ream of 500 pages in each of its two bins, and print up to like 80,000 pages front and back flipped either horizontally or vertically, at like 600x600 b/w.. had like 3 separate output trays, and two paper trays.. and built-in network support..
00:21.05cafuego_sussudio: Bow to me.
00:21.21Knight_LordhDy console runs great, X is slow
00:21.25nvzkethinov: the cartridges would run you nearly $200 though
00:21.34mirakSeb: you seem to be able to help me resolve the problem. I ready to listen you
00:21.41kethinovnvz, crazy
00:21.42toresbeAnyone know anything about Linux support for this chip?
00:21.54cafuego_toresbe: What chip is that?
00:21.55sussudiocafuego_: bow to Piggy
00:21.59kethinovnvz, there seems to be a free working version of turboprint
00:22.00cafuego_sussudio: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 2800+
00:22.01toresbecafuego_: No idea
00:22.01hDyI was mainly wanting to use this 150mhz box in my bathroom to access this pc remotly from the john :)
00:22.06cafuego_sussudio: I am now leet.
00:22.11nvzkethinov: yeah they mentioned a trial on the site
00:22.17garblewhat is the xfree config command (anyone)???
00:22.17cafuego_toresbe: console mode here, doing an install..
00:22.22Sebmirak: modprobe -r soundcore. But it's easier to stop alsa, as I told you earlier
00:22.22afcpackabrotman: bow to the Stillers
00:22.23dpkgxcfg is probably dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
00:22.23caphusogarble: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
00:22.27sussudiocafuego_: no you're not
00:22.34cafuego_sussudio: I *completely* am.
00:22.39mirakSeb: but I have stopped alsa
00:22.41abrotmanafcpack: go sox!
00:22.50Sebmirak: so no more snd_* modules in lsmod ?
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00:22.56mirakSeb: FATAL: Module soundcore is in use.
00:23.00ElNooboStupidoscrew apt-build - I just found apt-get -b ====you guys need to give a poopy brother a clue sometimes yaknow
00:23.02Sebmirak: so no more snd_* modules in lsmod ?
00:23.04toresbecafuego_: Oh, good luck :P
00:23.06abrotmanafcpack: i hope you're right
00:23.06kethinovnvz, nope seems to work forever. its merely a stripped down version
00:23.10Knight_LordhDy there is this neat program that can use windows binary drives to make things wireless cards work on linux
00:23.10kethinovnvz, im gonna try it out
00:23.18mirakSeb: yes still around 10 lines
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00:23.26mirakSeb: yes still around 10 lines of snd stuffs
00:23.26kethinovnvz, its in an rpm though. i hope alien likes it
00:23.31Sebmirak: /etc/init.d/alsasound stop
00:23.36afcpackabrotman: cool news, but old news... I'm looking to the iggles beatdown in the 'burgh tomorrow :)
00:23.38Seband check again
00:23.46garblecaphuso, it says its not fully installed
00:23.46cafuego_toresbe: Don't need luck anymore, i have it booting odd hd now, after a WHOLE DAY OF CRAP
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00:23.50resiakcan anyone remember the 10-character recursive bash function that basically kills the computer on which it is run?
00:24.06sussudioresiak: startkde?
00:24.15mirakSeb: I still have them all
00:24.16afcpackargh... three days of 'connection refused' @ :(
00:24.16resiaksussudio: ;)
00:24.18caphusogarble: install x-window-system-core xterm and whatever window manager you like
00:24.25nvzkethinov: I dont like alien.. is that all they'll give you is an rpm package?
00:24.31NetTechiedoesn't debian extract the kernel-source when you get it with apt-get? or does it just download it, and I have to extract it
00:24.39kethinovnvz, and a slackware tgz
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00:24.47nvzkethinov: rpm is an inferior format.. alien would have to guess at how to create deb's from an rpm
00:24.49Sebmirak: remove them by hand. NAd uninstall alsa while you're at it
00:24.51Knight_Lordresiak you can make one is C pretty fast
00:25.03sussudioin soviet russia, alsa uninstalls your nads.
00:25.15rich_resiak I bet some super hacker told you about that huh? I came with inches of that guy being my brother in law and he's been full of sh|t since the day he was born :)
00:25.21nvzkethinov: not to mention there are no redhat/rules that enforce any kind of policy when you build an rmp
00:25.21garblecaphuso I used tasksel I thought by selecting the xserver and such that it would work?
00:25.22mirakSeb: huh he want to remove gdm
00:25.26Knight_Lordresiak for(;1;)fork();
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00:25.37mirakSeb: can't I remove OSS instead ?
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00:25.45rich_why do guys like that always date your sister?
00:25.45NetTechiecan you see what I type
00:25.55Sebmirak: modprobe -r emu10k1, then modprobe -r soundcore
00:26.05Sebmirak: then you go read on alsa vs. OSS
00:26.11NetTechiecan anyone see this
00:26.13pau4oKnight_Lord, I get it, start it but no sound
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00:26.15caphusogarble: that should work too
00:26.16afcpackNetTechie: you need to extract it yourself
00:26.18kethinovnvz, still worth a shot. ive converted rpms successfully before
00:26.20Sebdpkg, tell mirak about oss
00:26.24Sebdpkg, tell mirak about alsa
00:26.25caphusogarble: did you get any errors when installing it?
00:26.31MelloYellowhen installing from non graphical mode, what do I call the mount point for a swap partition so the system knows I have space designated for it?
00:26.38nvzkethinov: I rather build it from a source file usually.. but if this is commercial, chances are they dont give you source.. the tar.gz is probably a binary.. you could just copy it to /usr/local/ or /opt/ then link its binaries to /usr/local/bin/
00:26.39Knight_Lordpau4o now i understand why you say it's the mixer :-P
00:26.49caphusoMelloYello: swap doesn't get mounted
00:26.52ElNooboStupidoalrighty - building gnome for my system
00:27.04nvzkethinov: but its worth a try.. if alien can cleanly convert it
00:27.06MelloYellocaphuso: but how do I allocate space for it?
00:27.09Knight_Lordpau4o do you have any mixer program like aumix?
00:27.21pau4oKnight_Lord, I have kmix
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00:27.33caphusoMelloYello: you create a swap partition
00:28.12MelloYelloI called it /swap but the system says you have not configures swap space...  its not drop and drag.. I need to type it in
00:28.12Knight_Lordpau4o and what does it say about the volume? Is master and pcm both unmuted and with good volume?
00:28.12mrnulli'm having trouble will my 3 network cards.  i have all three setup in interfaces.  Can I use the same static ip for 2 different cards?
00:28.15caphusoMelloYello: again, swap doesn't get mounted, so it does not need a mount point
00:28.22ElNooboStupidocan someoen tell me what the configuration option is
00:28.32The_Vulturemrnull: I don't think so..
00:28.37Knight_Lordmrnull don't try it
00:28.39caphusoElNooboStupido: it's for /etc/apt/apt.conf
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00:28.45The_Vulturethey would be on the same network.. can't have two hosts with the same IP on the same network..
00:28.50ElNooboStupidook thanks
00:28.53jetscreamermrnull, you can set them up to be bridged
00:28.54MelloYellowell I'm looking at disk druid, there is no other provisoopn to create this partition
00:28.57AiroxIs there even a libapache-mod-status in the debian repository ??
00:28.58pau4oKnight_Lord, :-) it's say nothing no mixer
00:29.06jetscreamerbut usually, no 1 static, 1 nic
00:29.07caphusodisk druid? what the hell is that?
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00:29.10mrnullok.. well can they be in the same format 192.168.0.x?
00:29.11mirakSeb: how do I remove OSS ?
00:29.15MerlinCorey_!tell Airox about serach
00:29.17miraksorry I must be dumb
00:29.18MerlinCorey_!tell Airox about search
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00:29.21mirakor something
00:29.24jetscreameryes mr null
00:29.24AiroxI did search.
00:29.25Sebmirak: I told you already, scroll back up
00:29.33pau4oKnight_Lord, here is aumix: [chroot-Sid] kmn@support:~$ aumix
00:29.34pau4oaumix:  error opening mixer
00:29.34mirakSeb: it doesn't work !!!
00:29.43Knight_Lordpau4o what happens if you cat stuff to /dev/mixer?
00:29.44Sebdpkg, tell mirak about doesn't work
00:29.46MelloYellodisk druis is a partition tool
00:30.01pau4oKnight_Lord, let me try
00:30.07nvzdisk druid is evil
00:30.15caphusoMelloYello: it seems to suck. use something sane
00:30.20jetscreameraumix is for oss eh
00:30.23ElNooboStupidocaphuso, I dont have an /etc/apt/apt.conf but I do have an /etc/apt/apt-build.conf
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00:30.33Knight_Lordjetscreamer this is oss
00:30.52caphusoElNooboStupido: create it. read "man apt.conf"
00:31.20mirak<Seb> mirak: modprobe -r emu10k1, then modprobe -r soundcore
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00:31.28mirakSeb: sorry I though I pasted the result
00:31.43mirakmodprobe -r soundcore
00:31.43mirakFATAL: Module soundcore is in use.
00:31.53Sebmirak: mirak did you remove emu10k1 first ?
00:31.55jetscreamerwhat does -r do
00:32.02caphusojetscreamer: man modprobe
00:32.02mirakSeb: yes
00:32.07pau4oKnight_Lord, that is happen: cat: write error: Invalid argument
00:32.10jetscreameri don't wanna man it
00:32.17Sebmirak: try lsof /dev/dsp
00:32.17caphusothen don't ask
00:32.26Sebmirak: and kill those processes that are accessing it
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00:32.50mirakSeb: none
00:32.51Knight_Lordpau4o you are cating *to* it not reading from it right?
00:33.01resiakKnight_Lord, rich_: I just thought I'd amuse myself by irritating a new linux convert. Thanks ;)
00:33.12Knight_Lordpau4o i haven't seen that error
00:33.13pau4oKnight_Lord, yes, it is
00:33.14mirakSeb: lsof | grep dsp  returns nothing
00:33.14caphusoKnight_Lord: what's the point in catting stuff to /dev/mixer?
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00:33.49Knight_Lordcaphuso check exactly this that happened. If it was working no error should have happened
00:34.03pau4ocaphuso, the point is that I have no sound in chrooted debian
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00:34.17Sebmirak: can you read correctly ?
00:34.32mirakSeb: I have tried both
00:34.42mirakSeb: lsof /dev/dsp returns nothing
00:34.43caphuso# cat =ls > /dev/mixer
00:34.43caphusocat: write error: Invalid argument
00:34.46MelloYellogosh, how hard can it be... disk druid wont let me setup swap space
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00:34.50Knight_Lordpau4o what is the kernel version and the output of ls -la /dev/mixer?
00:34.56nvzmentions that "jetscreamer |  what does -r do    caphuso |  jetscreamer: man modprobe      jetscreamer |  i don't wanna man it     caphuso |  then don't ask" is a perfect illistration of that saying "there are no stupid questions just stupid people."
00:35.00Sebmirak: lsmod might say what other module depends on soundcore
00:35.02mrnullso, what would i need to set the different ip's / subnet massks to if i have two different network cards in my computer, each connected with crossover to a different computer?
00:35.03caphusoKnight_Lord: funny, i get the same error, and my sound is working just fine
00:35.06jetscreamerbite me buddy
00:35.11Sebmirak: between () by the end of the line
00:35.14ElNooboStupidohmmm how do I configure the --compile option in my apt.conf?
00:35.18mirakSeb: ok I try that
00:35.35caphusoElNooboStupido: generally, you don't, because it's pointless
00:35.36Knight_Lordpau4o oops. try echo 1 > /dev/mixer
00:35.49jetscreamerthat's what i thought
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00:36.05jetscreamersame as rmmod
00:36.10ElNooboStupidocaphuso, well I am hoping to compile gnome for my architecture, so 3dnow, mmx, sse, and sse2 extensions are used...
00:36.16pau4oKnight_Lord, that is realy funny, I go out of chrooted Debian and produse same error msg  with cating to /dev/mixer
00:36.17caphusoElNooboStupido: hehehe
00:36.25nvzjetscreamer: I think insmod and rmmod are like deprecated
00:36.29pau4oKnight_Lord, ok I'll try
00:36.33caphusoElNooboStupido: "apt-get -b source foo" will *not* do that
00:36.35Knight_Lordpau4o the test was bogus
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00:37.06nvzjetscreamer: bearing in mind, that the 2.6 kernel has completly rewritten module support
00:37.12MelloYellocaphuso: I'm not using graphical mode.. otherwise it was crap
00:37.12pau4oKnight_Lord, nothing happen
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00:37.16caphusoElNooboStupido: besides, it's pretty pointless to recompile gnome, you won't see it become any faster anyways
00:37.16pau4oKnight_Lord, [chroot-Sid] support:~# echo 1 > /dev/mixer
00:37.16pau4o[chroot-Sid] support:~#
00:37.17ElNooboStupidocaphuso, excrement! apt-build freezes when I try to install gnome with it - is there any way to do this in debian or is this strictly a gentoo thing?
00:37.28ElNooboStupidocaphuso, :((
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00:37.42jetscreameri just know stuff is different in 2.6 module wise, no idea how or what or why
00:37.45Knight_Lordpau4o ok then the problem might be somewhere else
00:37.47caphusoElNooboStupido: neither mmx nor sse2 will speed up idle processes
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00:38.20caphusoand that's what gnome does 99% of all the time
00:38.24nvzjetscreamer: well modules have a different extension, and you need updated tools .. are the most noticable differences without looking at the code.
00:38.31pau4oKnight_Lord, hmm, have you some idea?
00:38.36ElNooboStupidocaphuso, well the extensions ARE used in gnome if enabled on compile, and I got screaming gnome performance in gentoo, im hoping to get the same out of debian
00:38.37Knight_Lordpau4o in mpg123 specifically state the output devices
00:38.39nvzjetscreamer: I just read through the kernel sources when I get bored.. its funny sometimes
00:38.42jetscreamerthat's about what i know :)
00:38.47Knight_Lordpau4o -a /dev/dsp
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00:38.53caphusoElNooboStupido: did you do any benchmarks?
00:39.03Knight_Lordpau4o and use -v
00:39.13ElNooboStupidocaphuso, no, I just noticed that apps popped up a hell of a lot faster
00:39.19dpkg[gentooitis] a mental disorder which causes the sufferer to feel a constant craving for ever-higher version numbers, despite any warnings of bugs, problems, incompatibilities or other obstacles to productivity.  Sufferers will often spend hours or days recompiling perfectly good packages for no benefit.  Other symptoms include the use of mysql in place of ordinary text files, or the use of XML in any context whatsoever.
00:39.21caphusoElNooboStupido: bullshit
00:39.30ElNooboStupidocaphuso, no mierda de toro
00:39.33caphusoElNooboStupido: loading of apps is limited by I/O, not CPU
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00:39.51Knight_Lordpau4o forget it aumix doesn't work
00:39.57mirakSeb: it seems soundcore is stuck because of bttv module wich depends many modules
00:40.05Knight_Lordpau4o i'm running out of ideas :-P
00:40.06pau4oKnight_Lord, I can't see which option to use
00:40.10ElNooboStupidocaphuso, I have no idea what that really means, but if I started mozilla it was faster to start and MUCH faster to restart in gentoo
00:40.14dondelelcaronvz: I thought there were a few quotes already in there... but go right ahead, of course. ;-)
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00:40.33pau4oKnight_Lord, 10x for sharing ideas
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00:40.43caphusoElNooboStupido: well, then just "apt-get -b source" the gnome stuff
00:40.48Knight_Lordpau4o use -q with aumix
00:40.54nvzdondelelcaro: yeah I am just getting bored with my fortunes.  I often use screensavers with fortunes.  I still havent finished the ones with dpkg's qotd+flw
00:40.55Knight_Lordpau4o and -d /dev/mixer
00:40.57SandmanHow will thsi work out in /etc/fstab?: /dev/hda6       /mnt/hda6       vfat    defaults                        0      $
00:40.58mlakshi how do i review the messages on my boot up that occured after the stuff in dmesg
00:41.01Knight_Lordpau4o just to check what happens
00:41.02ElNooboStupidocaphuso, how do I make sure that gnome is built for my architecture?
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00:41.08caphusoElNooboStupido: it will be
00:41.13ElNooboStupidook thanks
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00:41.25caphusoElNooboStupido: tell me how it worked out
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00:41.41Sebmirak: well figure the dependencies out, my friend
00:41.48nvzdondelelcaro: got sick last night.. but I got what seems to be a little shell script to parse those apt_dump's and make them fortune-friendly
00:42.02mlaksfor example i see that stupidly i have both apache and apache2 installed which conflict
00:42.08ElNooboStupidocaphuso, will do - I have to take off at 6 but im extremely high on vicodin so I doubt I will gone long
00:42.12mlaksand i want to know what else i need to remove
00:42.18dondelelcaronvz: ah...
00:42.21SandmanI ran make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image, but it doesn't install any /initrd.img (or link it). How can I make an initrd image properly?
00:42.36dondelelcaroSandman: the initrd image is built when you actually install the kernel.
00:42.37mlaksby seeing the different messages that scrolled by too fast on boot
00:42.37SandmanI grabbed kernel-sources-2.6.8, and kernel-package
00:42.45*** part/#debian absence (
00:42.45caphusonvz: could it be made diff friendly too? so that we could have daily diffs to read through to find new/changed/deleted/fucked factoids?
00:42.47Sandmandondelelcaro: YOu mean when I dpkg -i <package>?
00:42.53Sandmandondelelcaro: Yes sir, that's what I did.
00:43.04pau4oKnight_Lord, aumix -q says that I have devices configred or I'm in the wrong
00:43.06ElNooboStupidohey speaking of - how does one see the boot messages?
00:43.24Knight_Lordpau4o what's the output of ls -la /dev/mixer?
00:43.30pau4oKnight_Lord, do you want to paste output in private
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00:43.42Sandmandiff headers includes?
00:43.44Knight_Lordpau4o just paste in #flood
00:43.45dondelelcaroSandman: and mkinitrd wasn't ever run?
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00:43.58NetTechiewhat command should I run to extract the kernel-source?
00:44.02pau4oKnight_Lord, crw-rw----    1 root     17        14,   0 Mar 14  2002 /dev/mixer
00:44.06xmbim getting mkext2fs: command not found when trying to install kernel-image-2.6.9-1-686, symlinkin mkfs.ext2 to it dosnt work too
00:44.07NetTechiegzip doesn't work :/
00:44.21NetTechieit's a bz2 file
00:44.25nvzcaphuso: I suppose.. the inital part is just "cut -d , 11" which takes the 11th col of each row which seem to be the factoids.. just working out things like removing leading spaces or <reply> tags.. as some factoids arent as clean as others.. then putting the % line between each one in the output
00:44.28dondelelcaroSandman: well, assuming you have mkinitrd installed and the appropriate /etc/mkinitrd/modules, it should be built when the kernel postinst is run.
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00:44.38nvsNetTechie: tar -xjvf kernel.bz2
00:44.47dondelelcaroSandman: if it isn't, check the postinst to see exactly what is going on.
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00:45.03caphusonvz: last time i checked there was a lot of crap in there, e.g. for the tables containing the data for the "seen" command and so
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00:45.11Sandmandondelelcaro: Yessir.
00:45.19NetTechienvs: /usr/src# tar -xjvf kernel-source-2.6.8.tar.bz2 that look correct?
00:45.23dondelelcarocaphuso: yeah... it's a full dump
00:45.27nvzcaphuso: yeah I grep for qotd or flw, then pipe it into cut, and work with that
00:45.28nvsNetTechie: yes
00:45.32Sandmandondelelcaro: BTW: I installed a new kernel, and my old kernel is an initrd
00:45.36NetTechienvs: thanks
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00:45.53Sandmandondelelcaro: And now, when I try to boot into Linux.OLD, it still doesn't work. Which is strange to me since that's never happened before
00:45.59mirakSeb: thanks, I have learned something about modules today
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00:46.05Sandmandondelelcaro: So I can't download the modules, because the hardware is all NVidia stuff
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00:46.08mirakSeb: I have remove them all
00:46.13Sebmirak: good
00:46.25Sebmirak: no, restart alsa, and check for sound again
00:46.27caphusohmmm, i might have a look at it this afternoon
00:46.29Sebnow, I mean
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00:47.00MelloYellowhere do I find samba server when installing fedora core.. I want to install with the stadard install
00:47.35Knight_Lordpau4o everything seems pretty normal, i don't know how to fix it sorry :-(
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00:47.41nvzI need to find a decent library and start learning to program better, cause shell script is the long way around for most of this stuff. I dont know why I dont use python anymore... just lazy I guess
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00:48.13swatikisswhen i compile a kernel, should i edit the config file in /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8 or in /usr/src/linux ??
00:48.35Knight_Lordswatikiss are they a symlink from one to the other?
00:48.42swatikissKnight_Lord, yes
00:48.45pau4oKnight_Lord, I think so, but it's not working
00:48.47Knight_Lordswatikiss then they are the same file
00:48.56swatikissKnight_Lord, oh ...heh :P
00:49.02bootfloppyany idea where the boot messages are logged? i tried messages
00:49.07Knight_Lordswatikiss symlinks are a bit like web hyperlinks but at filesystem level
00:49.13mirakSeb: whooo ho
00:49.15nvzeven python confuses me sometimes.. and its very well documented.. its loose data types get confusing sometimes all the tuples and pickles and shit
00:49.16swatikissKnight_Lord, coo thanks
00:49.21mirakI got sound
00:49.25swatikissbootfloppy, dmesg
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00:49.40Sebmirak: :)
00:49.56ellobocan anyone tell me how to get lm-sensors working with 2.6.* kernels ? there are no lm-sensors patches for kernel 2.6 in the mirror...
00:50.01nvzits a time saver though.. especially when using a decent editor.
00:50.01miraknow guess I wil have this problem at rreboot
00:50.08Sebmirak: now, you have to figure out how to prevent soundcore and friends to get loaded at startup
00:50.15Knight_Lordpau4o yea seems the mixer doesn't like something. You can try to google for sound in chroots because i think that's quite unusual
00:50.25Sebremoving them from /lib/modules/... is the quickest and dirtiest solution
00:50.34mirakseems so
00:50.37Sebbut ask the channel how you can prevent module loding at startup, I ain't sure about this one
00:50.56mirakok thanks
00:51.04nvzmirak: /etc/modules
00:51.15nvzis the file.. unless you have other things like hotplug or discover
00:51.20nvzthat could be loading them
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00:52.08Sandmandondelelcaro: What do you think?
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00:52.34ElNooboStupidocaphuso, isnt apt-get -b suppsed to BUILD the packages and then install them?
00:52.45caphusoElNooboStupido: no, it just builds them
00:52.47SandmanElNooboStupido: apt-get source -b <package>
00:52.53Sebnvz: to *prevent* modules from loading, /etc/modules ? I didn't know that...
00:52.53SandmanElNooboStupido: Then dpkg -i resulting package
00:53.03ElNooboStupidowtf I did apt-get -b install gnome
00:53.11ElNooboStupidowhat does that do? nothing?
00:53.12miraknvz I have hotplug and discover
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00:53.31nvzSeb: modules are loaded from /etc/modules.. you take them out and they dont load.. only reason you need to "prevent" is if you have hotplug or discover
00:53.31pau4oKnight_Lord, now I'm try to play mp3 with mpg123 but using root acount in chroot SURPRISE!!!  have sound
00:53.39Sebnvz: k
00:53.43mirakSeb: maybe I can force the loading here before discovering ?
00:53.45pau4oKnight_Lord, but I'm in group audio
00:53.55ellobonvz: if you have hotplug installed you can 'blacklist' the modules... in file "/etc/hotplug/blacklist"
00:53.56miraknvz: is this file intented for this usage ?
00:54.01nvzmirak: I dont use them, but they have a blacklist you can list modules in somewhere.. you'd have to ask for help or look for docks.
00:54.03pau4oKnight_Lord, can you help me solve this?
00:54.04LU7DFVWhy apt says that may be gentoo is better than Debian?
00:54.07Sebmirak: I passed the buck, don't ask me anymore ;)
00:54.14Sebmirak: what you need is to fix hotplug/discover
00:54.23NetTechiewhat command determines my kernel version?
00:54.24Sebmirak: hotplug has a blacklist feature that you can use
00:54.25mirakSeb: you did 90% of the job. I should pay you
00:54.29SebI dunno about discover
00:54.30nvsNetTechie: uname -r
00:54.30pau4oKnight_Lord, I think it's easy thing :-)
00:54.32Sebmirak: shit yeah :)
00:54.33elloboNetTechie: uname -r
00:54.36mirakSeb: are you ok for a beer ? ;)
00:54.40NetTechiethank you
00:54.41Sebmirak: sure
00:54.49toresbePlease tell me the lesser of three evils: S3 Trio64V+, SIS 6215, ATI Mach64
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00:55.01nvstorbjorn: NOT S3!
00:55.08Sebtoresbe: i vote for sis
00:55.10toresbeI'm building a PeeCee for a friend
00:55.13nvzthats a tough choice
00:55.16p2-mateATI Mach64
00:55.20nvzI would look up that SiS first
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00:55.23nvzbefore using it..
00:55.28Knight_Lordpau4o sure :-P
00:55.31sussudiowhat's a PeeCee? a PC you pissed in?
00:55.32toresbeAllright, three people. three answers. Ah, #debian. :P
00:55.37bootfloppyanyone used kudzu with debian?
00:55.38nvzthey have some sort of memory issues those 6xxx SiS cards
00:55.43Knight_Lordpau4o did you logged out after adding yourself to group audio?
00:55.58Knight_Lordpau4o how did you manage to cat to /dev/dsp?
00:56.07ElNooboStupidoif I didnt get hard drive read errors for no reason in gentoo I would use it
00:56.08nvzsomething about if they have more than 4mb X cant be allowed to acces beyond like 4096 or they glitch
00:56.11pau4oKnight_Lord, oh, how 'm stupid
00:56.21SandmanWhat's the difference between headers and includes?
00:56.22pau4oKnight_Lord, I forgot to log out
00:56.28Knight_Lordpau4o :-P
00:56.42pau4oKnight_Lord, 10x :-)
00:56.43Knight_Lordpau4o and how did the cat to /dev/dsp worked?
00:56.51nvzElNooboStupido: somehow I knew you had gentooitis
00:57.00Knight_Lordpau4o you're welcome
00:57.13pau4oKnight_Lord, with su -c " cat blah/blah > /dev/dsp"
00:57.27Knight_Lordpau4o ah i thought you had run it with the same permissions
00:57.28toresbeThis ad just came on TV
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00:58.12toresbea mother was awkwardly explaining birds and bees etc, stammering and stuff, and the kid goes "Mom, are you talking about when I saw you shag dad?" ^_^
00:58.17pau4oKnight_Lord, that's happen when I work at night :-)
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00:58.28Knight_Lordpau4o :-)
00:58.31nvzI thought it would be funny to get one of those really horrid rap stars out there and do a ghetto version of those commercials.. like the one where he walks up to those two guys buying the hotdogs on the street..
00:58.33pau4oKnight_Lord, I'll be back :-)
00:58.45NetTechieis there an apt-get for the nvidia drivers?
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00:59.07elloboNetTechie: only source drivers
00:59.11Knight_Lordpau4o cya
00:59.38nvzyo check out tha 6-4, then the vehix guy walks up and says, yea I got you, day be like 10 of them mafukkas withing 10 miles yo..
00:59.43elloboNetTechie: correction ... there are binary modules for some kernels too
00:59.51elloboNetTechie: apt-cache search nvidia
00:59.53SandmanWhen I mount a vfat fs, I want my non-root users to be able to at least read it. Howto?
01:00.10SturzflutSandman: man mount
01:00.15Knight_LordSandman do you want them to be able to mount them?
01:00.26Knight_LordSandman if not maybe you just need to set umask accordingly
01:00.48SturzflutSandman: see the part "Mount options for fat"
01:00.51Knight_LordSandman umask=022 in fstab might be a good idea
01:01.28FieldySnutssussudio: your buddy?  --> kawfee ( has joined #gentoo
01:01.31mrnullnetworking question.. eth1: ip-192.168.04 mask-; eth2: ip- mask-;  Why can't i bring up both interfaces?
01:01.43NetTechieI can't seem to get the official drivers to work , said it needed the kernel source. I downloaded the source, extracted it, and listed the source location when I did the install, and it gives an error about KBUILD_OUTPUT or something
01:01.55Knight_Lordmrnull what happens when you try?
01:02.03sussudioFieldySnuts: if by 'buddy' you mean 'things i want to run over repeatedly with a tank'.
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01:02.15NetTechiemaybe I have the wrong source, or it needs configuring. this is my first install of debian
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01:02.25Knight_Lordmrnull ip-192.168.04 i hope you didn't forget the dot in the configuration file
01:02.36nvzgawd kafees are still about?
01:02.36CaesarMy circa 2000 laptop running a 2.6 kernel seems to run its fan incessantly, is this fixable?
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01:02.52SandmanKnight_Lord: Looks like it. THanks
01:02.55mrnullKnight_Lord: it'll let me bring them both up, but i'll only be able to ping one of the computers.  if i load eth1, i can ping the computer on it's network.. if i load eth2 i can only ping the computer on it's network
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01:03.13Knight_LordCaesar try to take a look at acpi. Maybe...
01:03.21mrnullthey each have the same net address
01:03.23NetTechiehow can I install source drivers for nvidia through apt-get? I did the apt-cahce search nvidia, and it only shows clock utilities
01:03.28dpkgsomebody said kawfee was KAWFEH, or married to Boris, the russian Ebay Bride.  A troll; like a bot, but squishier
01:03.42Knight_Lordmrnull you are using adress
01:03.43mirakok this works
01:03.46nvzhmm.. not what I thought it was
01:03.53CaesarKnight_Lord: during boot it says it disables it because my BIOS is too old. Should I try forcing it?
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01:04.14mrnullKnight_Lord: no.. for eth1 i'm using for eth2 i'm using
01:04.16Knight_LordCaesar i don't know, you can try
01:04.30sussudio!stab Caesar
01:04.31pau4oKnight_Lord, same thing my user have no sound
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01:04.49pau4oKnight_Lord, I'm just going krazy ;-)
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01:05.04mwolffalright, I have a debian system all setup.  If I wanted to add a soundcard, what'
01:05.10Knight_Lordmrnull got it. Yea you can't have 2 NIC on the same network on the same computer
01:05.10mwolffs the general practice?
01:05.24mwolffjust install boot up, try it?
01:05.29The_Vulture!tell mwolff about audio
01:05.34Piruyeah, they need to be in different nets
01:05.35Knight_Lordpau4o change permission on the devices just to make sure it works (666)
01:05.58mrnullKnight_Lord: but i have eth0 connected to the internet right now
01:06.04nvzmwolff: is it a sarge system?
01:06.05mwolffThe_Vulture, thanks
01:06.05green_earzNetTechie: check out >
01:06.11mwolffnvz, yeah
01:06.16mrnulleth0 = dhcp
01:06.17Knight_LordThe_Vulture what for?
01:06.23kingsleyWhat are common speeds of internet connections?
01:06.26nvzmwolff: what kind of card you putting in?
01:06.41The_VultureKnight_Lord: your permissions suggestion
01:06.43Knight_Lordmrnull why do you have to have the other nic on the same network?
01:06.43NetTechiedoes anyone know how to install nvidia drivers? I'm having trouble with them on kernel 2.6.8 :(
01:06.57Knight_LordThe_Vulture you clearly didn't follow the discussion
01:07.03The_VultureNetTechie: use the nvidia-kernel-source debian package and follow the instructions
01:07.03pau4oKnight_Lord, now it works, but I read somewhere that this is not in Debian way
01:07.04NetTechieoh, missed your url green, lemme look at it
01:07.05abrotmanscarynetworkguy: it's really official .. i can't taste garlic :(
01:07.05mrnullKnight_Lord: i shouldn't?
01:07.14Knight_Lordpau4o it was just a test
01:07.14Guerinabrotman: ??
01:07.20abrotmanGuerin: i can't
01:07.25Knight_Lordpau4o i already got the problem
01:07.29Guerinabrotman: what, it just takes like nothing?
01:07.34Knight_Lordpau4o on those ls -la that you made
01:07.36abrotmanGuerin: just doesn't taste
01:07.44The_VultureKnight_Lord: I skimmed it, what was so unusual about his situation that warrants breaking permissions?
01:07.49SandmanKnight_Lord: If I want to put that in fstab, I just enter uname=022 for the options, yes?
01:07.51Pirumrnull, the system can't tell which nic it should use to reach the other hosts
01:07.51Guerini think maybe you need to try korean garlic
01:07.56Knight_Lordpau4o the group owner of the devices is not audio
01:08.11Pirumrnull, so it picks one.. it's a routing pb. you need to put them to separate networks
01:08.13Knight_Lordpau4o try to chown /dev/mixer and /dev/audio
01:08.16Guerinabrotman: that's so weird.
01:08.18pau4oKnight_Lord, I see
01:08.19abrotmanGuerin: i just cooked shrimp in some butter and oil .. with a whole sectoino of garlic+assorted other spices .. nothing
01:08.28Pirumrnull, or use single nic.
01:08.31Guerinwhat's a section?
01:08.34abrotmanGuerin: you know ... one section from the clove
01:08.35Knight_LordThe_Vulture the sound system is chrooted, and the permission change was just for test
01:08.53Knight_Lordpau4o if that works change the permissions back
01:09.10Guerinabrotman: garlic comes in bulbs and cloves. A clove is what I think you're talking about.
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01:09.12danamaniaabrotman: how curious, I cooked just the same earlier.
01:09.16pau4oKnight_Lord, can you tell me how to put back right permisions to devices
01:09.17abrotmanGuerin: sorry
01:09.23abrotmanGuerin: you're right .. a whole clove
01:09.28Knight_LordSandman yes
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01:09.31abrotmanGuerin: and nothing
01:09.47Guerinabrotman: some cooking methods dull the flavour of garlic really well - sauteeing or frying in oil is one of those.
01:09.48Knight_Lordpau4o chmod 660 /dev/mixer
01:09.57Knight_Lordpau4o same to /dev/dsp
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01:10.11abrotmanGuerin: uhm .. dull .. there was nothing
01:10.18Guerinabrotman: you should have tasted SOMETHING, though.
01:10.19Sturzflutpau4o: unless you are using devfs
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01:10.25abrotmanGuerin: yeah .. pretty sad
01:10.31nvzheh.. cooking is more popular than any offtopic conversation around here
01:10.39Guerinabrotman: try with four cloves next time :)
01:10.45abrotmanGuerin: and it sucks .. one of my favorite spices
01:10.50nvzwe should make a cookbook package the #debian cookbook
01:10.57pau4oSturzflut, I'm not using devfs
01:10.57Sturzflutnvz: would have thought Microsoft would be the most popular
01:11.06abrotmanapt-get install debian-irc-cookbook
01:11.08pau4oKnight_Lord, 10x
01:11.13Guerinnvz: been talking about that for ages. Go back to some old logs and grep for apt-food
01:11.19green_earzNetTechie: that link is for the debian own nvidia , if you want to install nvidia own driver you will compile a kernel then install nvidia own drive for that method here >
01:11.33Knight_Lordpau4o does it work? :-D
01:11.35nvzSturzflut: well most of us know all we care to know, and said all we care to say about that.
01:11.47nvzSturzflut: however everyone gathers for food converstaion time
01:11.54pau4oKnight_Lord, yes it is
01:11.57nvzGuerin: heh
01:12.01Knight_Lordpau4o great :-)
01:12.14nvzGuerin: I dont even have screen running right now
01:12.22GuerinSturzflut: strangely, we like to talk about NICE things
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01:12.25abrotmanGuerin: it's garlic damn it!
01:12.36Knight_Lordpau4o btw why are you running the sound chrooted?
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01:13.00Guerinabrotman: one clove of garlic isn't much. I routinely use 4-6 cloves of a meal for my wife and I.
01:13.09pau4oKnight_Lord, finaly I think that problem came to me with installing chrooted debian using basedebs.tar for stable and than switching to Sid
01:13.17Guerinabrotman: but I'd consider that an abnormally large garlic dose.
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01:13.22Sturzflut3 should be good for one person
01:13.25The_VultureGuerin: yeah, I was about to say..
01:13.31Sturzflutdepending on dish size
01:13.32l3mNetTechie: just install a stock debian kernel ( apt-get install kernel-2.6.8-1-whatever ) and then #sh"
01:13.37abrotmanGuerin: it was like .. 1/4 stick of butter and a little oil
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