irclog2html for #debian on 20041105

00:00.15*** join/#debian astronut (
00:00.42astronutWhat's an easy proxy to set up? and by proxy, I mean proxy server (squid), not an open proxy to use
00:01.15citralthe question already contains the answer...
00:01.23astronutis it easy?
00:01.39citralbah with a good howto it's not hard
00:01.40astronuti didn't know if setting up squid was like setting up postfix or sendmail
00:01.45astronutcitral: you know of one?
00:01.47PerfDaveastronut: What do you want it to do?
00:01.47astronutwhat i'm trying to do
00:01.56astronutis set up an SSH tunnel from school using putty
00:01.58astronutto my home box
00:02.00mostyastronut, see the squid howto
00:02.01PerfDaveastronut: tinyprox
00:02.02PerfDaveastronut: tinyproxy
00:02.03astronutand forwarding it to the squid
00:02.08astronutor tinyproxy
00:02.19astronutPerfDave: the name makes it sound easier
00:02.24PerfDavetinyproxy is a piece of piss to set up, it's what I use to tunnel my HTTP traffic over SSH
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00:02.41astronutthnaks PerfDave
00:02.43astronutthat's what i want
00:02.54astronutdoes dpkg-configure do it all, or is that wistfull thinking?
00:03.07PerfDaveastronut: I think so, but the config file's nice and easy anyway
00:03.16astronutjsut started it
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00:03.31PerfDaveastronut: That's all the setting up you need :)
00:03.35astronutnice proxy
00:03.38astronutconf rather
00:03.48astronutPerfDave: well, i'd like to limit it to localhost :-P
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00:04.01PerfDaveastronut: I think it only listens on localhost by default, could be wrong though.
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00:04.20PerfDaveastronut: Fair enough, I was running it on a box behind NAT anyway
00:04.31astronuti'm running mine on the NAT box
00:04.37optic_is there an indent command for vim?
00:04.41olmoanyone have a good site that will explain how to setup a dhcp/router on this debian?
00:04.52ajavidro,auto,umask=0222 <- these are the options I use for my ntfs drives in the fstab.  Nobody but root can access the ntfs drives, I tried umask=000 also with no luck.  I read up on permissions and searched google a lot, readint differnt docs on how to mount ntfs drives under linux, well I still can't get it to work.  any help would be greatly appreciated
00:05.03astronutso PerfDave, how do i set up ssh for it?
00:05.05optic_olmo: setting it up is easy.  see all the examples included in dhcpd.conf
00:05.12PerfDaveastronut: You don't set up ssh for it.
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00:05.18PerfDaveastronut: You run sshd on the same server
00:05.23astronutis that all i have to do?
00:05.26astronuti have sshd running
00:05.31astronutthen the rest of the config is on the putty side?
00:05.51optic_olmo: most important options are the subnet declaration, range, route, nameservers
00:05.55mostyolmo: google :)
00:06.03PerfDaveastronut: You ssh from your client, forward a port on your client to the tinyproxy port on your server, then tell your web browser to use that client port as a proxy.
00:06.10olmothat's what i meant
00:06.15olmoi'm not network savvy
00:06.20olmorather have a working sample
00:06.33astronutthe forwarding is done how?
00:06.37mostyolmo, this cool site called google has lots!
00:06.42PerfDaveastronut: ssh -L
00:06.48astronutPerfDave: windows
00:06.53olmo./ignore mosty
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00:06.59astronutPerfDave: putty
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00:07.05PerfDaveastronut: Read the PuTTY documentation
00:07.09astronutwill do
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00:07.18astronutah, you were right
00:07.21astronutsort of
00:07.23_morbid_Xfree86 isn't being able to access the mouse, it says that I am trying to access it directly
00:07.34_morbid_people, any secret to run a serial mouse under 2.6.9 kernel?
00:07.36astronutlimits it to and 192.168.1.* through allow
00:08.08optic_ssh -L <port>:target:<port> <user>@firewall
00:08.19stew_morbid_: modprobe mousedev ?
00:08.28ajavidPerfDave, do you know anything about mounting ntfs drives under linux.  I use these options in my fstab - ro,auto,umask=222 - and have tried many differnt umasks.  No one but root can access it.
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00:08.59mostyolmo, seriously why don't you just google debian dhcp.conf ?
00:09.08PerfDaveajavid: Not really, no.
00:09.08thoriecan someone help me with my pf.conf file?
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00:09.58optic_ajavid: man exports
00:10.18ajavidno manual entry
00:10.32optic_ajavid: on the server
00:10.35JoshHoptic_: ntfs, not nfs
00:10.39PerfDaveoptic_: man exports has to do with nfs, not ntfs
00:11.00JoshHajavid: try adding "users" to the options
00:11.03ajavidi mean really, out of 750 folks, someone here has GOT to know
00:11.14optic_ajavid: man mount which lists all the mount options
00:11.17PerfDaveajavid: I don't use NTFS :)
00:11.37optic_using ntfs is bad news afaik
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00:11.44ajavidoptic_,  believe me when I say, I've been told that 1000 times, and I've read the man pages about 10,000 times
00:11.45rich_ajavid I heard ntfs was some kind of windows thing.
00:11.49mostyajavid, try umask 000
00:11.58dmb062082how do i check my routers ip address
00:12.00_morbid_stew how I tell that mousedev is SERIAL and not PS2?
00:12.04stew_morbid_: thats fine
00:12.07sussudiodmb062082: rtfm?
00:12.18stew_morbid_: you shouldn need to tell the kerel, just X
00:12.29dmb062082uhhh well its a linux related question man, how would i do so in debian
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00:12.33dmb062082is there a command?
00:12.39JoshHdmb062082: ifconfig
00:12.40optic_ajavid: if its an access problem then you might need to specify an umask as a mount option and possibly a user/gid (don't know if ntfs supports those though)
00:12.41rich_ajavid Sorry I should have mentiuoned that means you ussually click on it
00:12.53PerfDavedmb062082: What is your router, how is your Debian system connected to it?
00:13.01_morbid_stew and how to do it? In X, mouse is configured to use /dev/input/mice
00:13.12sussudiodmb062082: no, you should really rtfm for your router. it's not debian-related at all.
00:13.13JoshHajavid: adding users to the options will let users mount it
00:13.23ajavidthat makes sense
00:13.25sussudiomanuals are handy for that.
00:13.26ajavidi'll try that
00:13.26gdb$ netstat -nr is more portable ;-)
00:13.33ajavidthough I did have users in there to begin with
00:13.39JoshHajavid: and then umask/permissions if you want them to write, etc
00:13.41ajavidjust like the tutorial said
00:13.44JoshHwhich nobody should do, since its ntfs
00:14.03sussudioJoshH: if it's a router, ifconfig won't give him the IP for the router, will it.
00:14.06optic_depends which router address
00:14.19JoshHsussudio: why not?
00:14.22FieldySnutstime for a larting.
00:14.25FieldySnutsJoshH: you need a clue
00:14.26JoshHassuming its a debian router
00:14.29sussudioJoshH: because it's a router. it routes things.
00:14.38ajavidsussudio, really?
00:14.50ajavidomg! I didn't know a router routed things
00:15.04sussudioajavid: i see you're a fucktard.
00:15.04FieldySnutssussudio: they're especially thick skulled today i see. sunday?
00:15.05ajavidim just beinga moron man
00:15.14ajaviddon't get too worked up
00:15.29sussudioit's friday
00:15.39ajavidit gives you excuses to call people names?
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00:15.49sussudiowhy would i need an excuse for that?
00:15.59ajavidthat is very rude of you then
00:16.07sussudioajavid: bite my shiny metal ass
00:16.13ajavidthank you
00:16.32rich_ajavid You dont need an excuse. But there is a line. I cant say what it ism but it exists
00:16.41astronutPerfDave: what type of proxy is that?
00:16.51sussudioa router that stopped routing at itself wouldn't be much use, would it.
00:16.52PerfDaveastronut: tinyproxy?
00:17.14PerfDaveastronut: http and https AFAIK
00:17.33astronuthow do i know if it's working?
00:17.38ajavidrich_, morality IS a relative matter, but there are some universals that apply, some absolutes that are, well, just absolute, and one of them says being a dick isn't cool
00:17.48PerfDaveastronut: Check its logfile?
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00:18.03sussudioajavid: being a dick is cool in the US. they make you president.
00:18.03astronutunauthorized connection from [my public IP]
00:18.11ajavidgood one
00:18.12ajavidI like that
00:18.18ajavidbut still my point, lighten up bro
00:18.19PerfDaveastronut: You're not tunneling over SSH then
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00:18.55pv2bajavid, don't feed the bitter old farts then.
00:19.04astronutah, got it
00:19.11FieldySnutsajavid: this is #debian . it's rough. can't take it, go away.
00:19.15ajavidpv2b, I'm sorry, I didn't catch that
00:19.19astronutPerfDave: no...what i did was i had it forward to <my hostname>:proxy prot
00:19.25astronuti changed the forward to localhost, and it worked
00:19.26sussudiorun away! run away!
00:19.33PerfDaveastronut: Exactly :)
00:19.44simonrvnall done
00:19.49SammyTheSnakeis anyone else here using mozilla-firefox from testing? (version 0.9.3)
00:19.52ajavidFieldySnuts, that is besides the point, just because this is #debian, does not mean you can go around calling people names
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00:19.56sussudio!anyone use
00:19.56dpkgNo, no one uses it, not even the people who use it.
00:19.59astronutSammyTheSnake: my server does
00:20.06FieldySnutsajavid: we will call you whatever we want. fuck off.
00:20.23SammyTheSnakeI've got an odd (javascript related?) problem
00:20.24ajavidgo ahead
00:20.29astronutSammyTheSnake: ::shrug::
00:20.32astronuti'm not the one to ask
00:20.42ajavidwhile you are at it, try getting a life
00:21.05FieldySnutsright. i just got back from work and have a hunk of a bf. no life there. try some real insults, child
00:21.09FieldySnutsbrb work
00:21.13SammyTheSnakeI use an rss agregator webshite,, which has a list of feeds in one frame and ought to display the entries for the feed I select in the other frame
00:21.16astronutFieldySnuts: girl? using debian? IMPOSTER!!
00:21.19rich_"in the name of gwar, in the name of love, in the name of the blood dripping out of the sun, I call out your God, 'till before me he stands, but dont send me Jesus, He's only a man" -- gwar, meat sandwich
00:21.21SammyTheSnakeit works fine in mozilla, but not firefox :(
00:21.44astronutSammyTheSnake: /j #mozilla-firefox/#firefox/ #firefox
00:21.46ajavidFieldySnuts, thats why you are telling me, defending your 'life'
00:21.46astronuti dunno
00:21.49ajavidwhatever man
00:22.16simonrvnFieldySnuts: i don't want to sound like an idjit, but are you really a woman, or just pulling our leg?
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00:22.29sussudioPhated: kill astronut
00:22.37novicehow can i remove the 'bip' sound from my X?
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00:22.45astronutsussudio: for?
00:22.45simonrvnnovice: turn the sound off
00:22.56pv2bnovice, i think you can adjust that using "xset".
00:23.00SammyTheSnakeastronut: I figured it might be a debian specific thing. I'll try it on my windows machine at work tomorrow. In the meantime, I guess I'll try those other channels, thanks.
00:23.00citralnovice: what makes sound? terminal?
00:23.05ajavidFieldySnuts, I don't care, i don't think sussudio cares either, go suck a nut
00:23.06simonrvnalso using xset works
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00:23.09WcktKlwnis there a way to tell it where the default hard drive is? I remove hda and my hdb is now the main drive, and grub is still installing the root drive as hdb
00:23.12pv2bnovice, failing that you can always take a pair of wire cutters to your speakers.
00:23.36Roninwow it a full moon or something? the day started off with stupid people and seems to be ending that way too
00:23.41Rick--hi.. i have installed kernel 2.4.27 via source but, i am unable to bring up my  net card
00:23.51citralset bell-style visible or none in .bashrc is fine
00:23.55Rick--it is 3c59x
00:24.13dpkgwell, friday is Tardsday Eve Eve
00:24.19ajavidRonin, I know
00:24.19sussudioRick--: weren't you in here yesterday with the same crap?
00:24.30pv2bRick--, you either haven't compiled in the proper network driver -- or you haven't loaded the proper module.
00:24.32simonrvnRick--: so modprobe 3c59x, set up the interface bring it up, and you're done
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00:24.56pv2bRick--, you said you built the kernel yourself, did you build the right driver into it?
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00:25.15Rick--simonrvn: well.. dont
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00:25.15shekharhi all, does anyone know a good laptop/energy battery optimizer? I tried to find something through apt-cache but most of the listed tools dont work..
00:25.17Guerinas I recall, Rick--, your kernel was built wrong. Did you check it against a known-working config yet?
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00:25.33simonrvn@tell Rick-- about man interfaces
00:25.36simonrvn@tell Rick-- about interfaces
00:25.38Guerinshekhar: acpi
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00:25.45Rick--but... i done a modprobe.. it give like the whole list of options
00:25.46simonrvnfollow that and you should be ok
00:25.52Rick--interfaces set right
00:25.54ajavidsussudio, that was actually just a joke, about the router being able to route things, I see now how I couldve come across as sarcastic on that one, I didnt think about it, Im just stoned and being stupid, sorry
00:25.54relexhello... does anyone know how to get the /dev location of a scsi device listed by cdrecord?
00:25.59relexlike that.
00:26.02Guerinshekhar: there's a package called acpi, but that's just a client program to the acpi kernel subsystem
00:26.09Rick--i can obtain network when i boot rescue mode off the cd
00:26.16pv2bRick--, did you build the module then?
00:26.24pv2bRick--, take a look in /lib/modules and see if you can find it.
00:26.27GuerinRick--: which means your KERNEL IS FUCKED. Go and fix it.
00:26.27simonrvnrelex: looks like sda, but not sure if you gave enough info
00:26.29shekharI thought acpi just displays the bat status
00:26.33SammyTheSnakeRick: did you try it with no options? just modprobe [module name] ?
00:26.34mostyrelax: is it a real scsi drive?
00:26.35citralRick--: modprobe 3c59x, not modprobe alone
00:26.40shekharI ve installed it
00:26.43docgnomeI'm having some problems with my videocard... It works well enough, but I think I need a better driver, I have an ati radeon 9600se and i'm using the ati driver... Components tend to paint realy slowly though.
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00:26.51SammyTheSnakeI have a card of that ilk and that's what I did :)
00:27.00ajavidanyway, users,ro,auto,umask=000 are the options I am using now, and still non-root isn't able to access the mount
00:27.01Guerinshekhar: no, acpi stands for advanced configurable power interface or somesuch
00:27.02citralRick--| but... i done a modprobe.. it give like the whole list of options
00:27.03Rick--citral: yes.. modprobe 3c59x
00:27.25shekharok, then how do I configure acpi?
00:27.26citraland what does it say?
00:27.37pv2bRick--, that means that either modprobe is broken -- or you haven't compiled 3c59x as a module.
00:27.40novicecitral: yes....the xterm for instance. i don't wanna it makes the bip sound when i strike tab.
00:27.43Guerin!tell shekhar about acpi
00:27.46docgnomeand It's very irritating, trying to develop java apps when my driver causes things to paint slower than they would normaly. Java is slow enough as it is at painting with out help from a driver thats not up to snuff.
00:27.47dpkgrumour has it, ntfs is Microsoft's attempt to create a Unix-like filesystem. is a good source of information. has patches against 2.4.20 of the backport of the 2.5.X ntfs [ntfs-tng] allowing overwrite without changing filesize. you need umask=022,gid=xxx to acces the partition as non-root.  See also
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00:27.56Rick--pv2b: i have compiles it into kernel
00:27.59shekhark thanks
00:28.04ajavidno fucking shit
00:28.10citralnovice: put set bell-style visible in your .bashrc, logout, login finished.
00:28.13pv2bRick--, probably not.
00:28.26pv2bRick--, if you had compiled it in, it would work.
00:28.29rich_Seems to me theres a thing called ifs thats the closest thing ms has to a unix filesystem.
00:28.38rich_A lot closer than ntfs
00:28.46Rick--pv2b: i know
00:28.48citralRick--: lsmod | grep 3c
00:29.01pv2bRick--, do you mind if we take this over /msg? i think that'd be less confusing for the both of us.
00:29.04novicecitral: set bell-style?
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00:29.18citralnovice: "set bell-style visible"
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00:29.31ajavidwhat is being troll mean
00:29.33GuerinRick--: the kernel module is not the issue. You have the right kernel module. there's some other networking thing you've left out that you obviously need. Figure it out and rebuild your kernel with it.
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00:29.43ajavidisn't troll a fantasy creature like an elf or something
00:29.44citral!advocay troll
00:29.49dpkgrumour has it, troll is a race on some muds;a guy under a bridge: an annoying robot; a port scanner, or somebody faking being clueless to be shown the One Linux Way so he can argue against it for his psychology thesis on linux advocates, or an employee of trolltech, or at or
00:29.50citral!advocacy troll
00:29.50dpkgwell, advocacy troll is a term that greycat made up to describe a troll who demands action (typically unreasonable or unachievable) "for the good of Debian".  Example: "Debian needs to have a graphical installer to make it easier for end users to increase its market share!"  Example: "The BTS should have a web interface for submitting bugs so we can have vague, misspelled, irreproducible PEBKAC errors and no way to contact the submitter!"
00:29.56LinHi all!!
00:30.17Roninmore polite then i was typing but an excellent answer :)
00:30.22Rick--Guerin: i have tried...
00:30.25Rick--but.. no clue
00:30.28ajavidso... in laymans terms, a troll is....
00:30.56asuffielda troll is the kind of critter that works in the accounts payable department
00:31.04asuffieldtheir job is to eat invoices
00:31.05citralsomeone who is here just to flame, irritate, get reactions etc.
00:31.08Guerinajavid: you've been given the layman's terms. If you were even up to the standard of your average layman, you'd have understood them.
00:31.15LinI having problems with deb mirror here.. the command line is: debmirror -e http -h --nosource -p -v --root=debian -dist=sarge /stor/disc1/debian
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00:31.17ajavidi see
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00:31.48ajavidGuerin, I am not your average person, I am much much stupider
00:31.57Guerinajavid: that much is clear.
00:31.59ajavidany other attacks on my esteem?
00:32.12ajavidany other uncalled for comments?
00:32.15rich_a troll is a nasty creature who lives under a bridge (like the bridge between whatever else and linux) They say things they dont believe, ussually to get a reaction from others and they demand a fee, a concession that they are right, before it allows people to cross that bridge, whatever it is. They have also been known to eat billy goats
00:32.27Guerinajavid: you haven't merited any yet, but I'm sure if you continue, I'll find a reason.
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00:33.15NuBusthey'll eat bill gates? yay \o/
00:33.21LinThe error is: Won't mirror without dists/sarge/non-US/main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages.gz signature in Release at /usr/bin/debmirror line 1094.
00:33.30Guerinaccounts payable, not account payee
00:33.33ajavidI mean I understand you guys volunteer, and having to put up with all sorts of people you are trying to help is frustrating, still, I don't think its good to act like a dick
00:33.39bob2Lin: email the debmirror author
00:33.44LinI lied, this is the command line: debmirror -e http -h --nosource -p -v --root=debian-non-US -dist=sarge/non-US /stor/disc1/debian/debian-non-US
00:33.49Guerinajavid: just don't bother.
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00:33.55Linbob2: this is a bug?
00:33.55rich_ajavid Not everyone is capable of acting differently
00:34.00ajavidand so far man, thanks for all your help
00:34.01Roninajavid: try efnet and #debian or #slackware these folks here are perfect gentlemen
00:34.02pv2bajavid, look. some people are here just so they can act like a dick to affirm their own superiority over others.
00:34.08bob2Lin: no, but I doubt anyoone here has ever used that program
00:34.08pv2bajavid, i'd just ignore them.
00:34.11ajavidi wouln't know linux worth shit if it wern't fo ryou people
00:34.15rich_Not everyone even wants to be an actor
00:34.21ajavidbut some of you are really assholes u know that
00:34.25ajavidand im not pinting any fingers
00:34.28ajavidlets just leave it at that
00:34.30NuBuspeople in #debian generally have very very long fuses.
00:34.30NuBusthey just happen to keep getting lit, constantly, day after day.
00:34.33swatikissmy new kernel keeps hanging on boot
00:34.33Linbob2: hey.. we're in debian channel.. there is a lot of people here !! :-)
00:35.29Guerinajavid: we don't care what you think.
00:35.29WiFiTuxajavid, cut it
00:35.29rich_ajavid would you prefer that they hide it?
00:35.29ajavidits time to stop talking about it
00:35.30Rick--hi.. is there a 2.4.27 kernel for debian woody
00:35.30Guerinswatikiss: what did you do to it?
00:35.30GuerinRick--: no.
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00:35.53swatikissGuerin, i went installed the 2.4.27 (no luck) then i installed the 2.4.26 image
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00:36.05Guerinswatikiss: luck has nothing to do with it.
00:36.15olmohow come my ifconfig doesn't work?
00:36.31marmotare you root?
00:36.42marmotdefine doesn't work
00:37.14swatikissGuerin, i kept getting an error: NO IRQ known for interrupt pin A of devices 00:13.0 please try using pci=biosirq
00:37.19ajavidim not talking about people being frustrated or angry, thats understandable anyone could get like that, its human nature, shit hjappens life sucks, im only talking about the peple who delieberately try to be assholes cuZ they havn't anything better to do online.  it was just a comment in general, don't know why everybody got so excited anyway, im gone, gotta go feed the birds
00:37.29citralswatikiss: then try it
00:37.31Guerinswatikiss: did you try that kernel parameter?
00:37.41swatikissGuerin, i tried that in lilo
00:37.50Guerinswatikiss: try a 2.6 kernel?
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00:38.06swatikissGuerin, my system went crazy with 2.6
00:38.15citralor fix the bios maybe
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00:38.34swatikissso i thought i would try the 2.4 images
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00:38.45WiFiTux!works on 2.4
00:38.45dpkgEvery time you say "___ doesn't work in 2.6, but it worked in 2.4", a 25 cent (USD) surcharge must be paid to greycat.
00:38.46Guerinyeah, you might have PROPRIETARY IRQ HANDLING STUPIDNESS = YES in bios someplace
00:38.52bob2Lin: has anyone answered?
00:39.01bob2Lin: I bet you a case of beer no one knows
00:39.04swatikissim jut not able to get my sound working yet in 2.4 (worked fine in 2.6)
00:39.12citralswatikiss: look like something is bad plugged in your hardware
00:39.21Guerinswatikiss: what do you mean by crazy?
00:39.22WiFiTuxswatikiss, keep 2.6 then
00:39.26pv2bif it aint broke.
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00:39.44Guerinpv2b: but in this case, it IS broke.
00:39.45swatikissGuerin, i got a bunch of errors...( i can post in flood if youd like
00:39.54Klipperhow do i search for a file anywhere in /usr/* ?
00:40.00jharrisonpv2b: :-O
00:40.06jharrisonpv2b: what you gonna do now hhmm?
00:40.11bob2Klipper: contents or name?
00:40.13citralKlipper: find /usr/ -name '*foo*'
00:40.24Guerinswatikiss: errors, or warnings? Switching kernel series often produces a lot of warnings about missing modules, etc, which can typically be ignored.
00:40.36Klipperwhats up with the whole foo bar thing?
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00:40.48Guerin!tell klipper about foo
00:40.50Guerin!tell klipper about bar
00:40.50jharrisonKlipper: do you know foo bar?
00:40.57pv2bjharrison, then my advice doesn't apply.
00:41.23jharrisontime to install 2.6.9
00:41.27Klipperi have heard of foobar
00:41.34Piruklipper, or so
00:41.37GuerinKlipper: read the link I sent you.
00:41.45WiFiTux!listkeys foo
00:41.46dpkgFactoid search of 'foo' by key (15 shown; 60 total): fooz-- ;; barfoo ;; whereis foobar ;; be fooz barbie ;; foolish bot ;; foobaz ;; foodlube ;; foo fighters ;; foo bar ;; kung foo ;; foon ;; knew: foo123 ;; foomatic ;; you fool ;; fooquux.
00:41.59WiFiTux!you fool
00:41.59dpkgaah, who's the fool now wifitux
00:42.07citralWiFiTux: do that in private with dpkg
00:42.08Guerinit's in the factoid named "foo", for god's sakes
00:42.18WiFiTuxcitral, yes grumpy
00:42.18swatikissGuerin, yes but my NIC wouldnt come up at all
00:42.19Klipperguerin: cool
00:42.20swatikissand my mouse went nuts
00:42.22swatikissGuerin, just posted in flood the errors
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00:42.26Piruheh, foo has very lenghty explanation :-)
00:42.37jharrisonWiFiTux: heh
00:42.37Guerinswatikiss: I'm not in #flood
00:42.42ajavidim back
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00:42.49WiFiTuxjharrison, ? :)
00:42.53Guerinswatikiss: what nic? the module may have been renamed.
00:43.10swatikissGuerin, it is a linksys pcmcia100v2 nic
00:43.13ajavidi tried users as well as umask 222 with gid 1000 in the fstab, but still only root can access the partition
00:43.15WiFiTuxjharrison, had a laugh there? :)
00:43.28ajavidI've tried numerous things and have read the man page for mount more times than I can remember
00:43.29jharrisonWiFiTux: yes at your "yes grumpy" comment
00:43.31UsuarioI'm on Debian Sarge, and I need help configuring my sound card to play sound. I'm on a 2.4.x kernel.
00:43.35jharrisonWiFiTux: that made me chuckle
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00:43.59jharrisonthe moment of truth
00:44.02WiFiTuxjharrison, haha, me too. If we don't laugh, we die...
00:44.03jharrisonwill it boot
00:44.05jharrisonor will it not
00:44.20WiFiTuxjharrison, reboot --dry-run :/
00:44.42jharrisonWiFiTux: well I dont really see why you would have to enter a private session with the bot and I was thinking of something smartass to say but you beat me to it
00:44.51zbowlingI'mmmm... back!
00:44.53ajavidbob2, you seem to know a lot, maybe you can help, gid=1000,users,ro,auto,umask=022 are the options I'm using in the fstab for the ntfs disk, only root can read it, how do I make it user mountable/useable
00:44.57simonrvnFieldySnuts: btw, it's ok f you don't reply. i was just curious
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00:45.04green_earzUsuario, here a link that should help
00:45.05docgnomeHow do I figure out exactly which kernel I'm running?
00:45.06jharrison2.6.9 here I come
00:45.14Guerindocgnome: uname -a
00:45.15jharrisonor rather here my rooter comes
00:45.23grendal_primeok bonehead question how do i reconfigure eth0 for dhcp...quick way?
00:45.26docgnomeGuerin: Thanks. My brain is totaly... Off or something
00:45.26Guerinheh, rooter
00:45.29Rick--hi.. is there a 2.4.27 kernel for sid
00:45.37GuerinRick--: naturally.
00:45.47Guerin!tell Rick-- about search
00:45.50Rick--ok.. i think i might as well use sid ..
00:45.50bob2ajavid: you're asking two different things there
00:45.51FieldySnutssimonrvn: it's not that just working
00:45.53AlleriaI've an odd question. I'm running testing, and have the appropriate lines in my sources.list.
00:45.54ajavidI am
00:45.55FieldySnutsmore work :( brb
00:45.56xio04i'm trying to obtain my mac address, i think ifconfig wlan0 should return  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00, which is it. but it says 0's.  somthen wrong about that?
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00:46.01Rick--instead of the hassle ..
00:46.02simonrvnFieldySnuts: ok. np
00:46.02ajavidok I see
00:46.06Guerin!tell grendal_prime about man interfaces
00:46.09bob2ajavid: if you want everyone to be able to read it, just use "users,ro,auto,umask=002"
00:46.16AlleriaA dpkg -l for an uninstalled package (e.g. bittorrent) yields nothing, but an apt-get -s install bittorrent is successful.
00:46.18Alleriawhat gives?
00:46.18WiFiTuxjharrison, some people are too Globalized and just try to isolate even more everyday... how would I have known there is a !listkeys if I never saw it in the chan? :)
00:46.33dpkgi heard ntfs is Microsoft's attempt to create a Unix-like filesystem. is a good source of information. has patches against 2.4.20 of the backport of the 2.5.X ntfs [ntfs-tng] allowing overwrite without changing filesize. you need umask=022,gid=xxx to acces the partition as non-root.  See also
00:46.38ajavidthat says 022
00:46.41bob2Alleria: dpkg only knows about installed packages
00:46.41simonrvnajavid: yes, 777 - 002
00:47.01ajavidand lots of other websites also say 022 not 002 are you sure its 002
00:47.03bob2ajavid: the bot contains lots of useless information
00:47.04WiFiTuxajavid, do that in a msg to dpkg !
00:47.12grendal_primeGuerin, ya i read that..thing is...i was hoping for something that would put me into that setup like dpkg reconfigure network
00:47.15bob2ajavid: try it.
00:47.29Alleriabob2: dpkg shows me a lot of packages with "un" status as well as those with "rc" status.
00:47.30Guerinajavid: fuck's sake, go and read man mount, the section on umask
00:47.31bob2Alleria: well, not true, but it's knowledge of uninstalled pacages is useless
00:47.35simonrvnajavid: 002 simply means that group write is allowed
00:47.41bob2Alleria: yeah, it's pointless tho
00:47.45Alleriabob2: how do I know what uninstalled packages are available?
00:47.49bob2Alleria: if you really really care, "dselect update"
00:47.53bob2Alleria: use apt
00:47.59Alleriabob2: ooh, good point. Thaks.
00:48.03RoninAlleria: or apt-cache search
00:48.10bob2Alleria: and you really don't want a list of packages that aren't installed, it'll be 10 000 items long ;)
00:48.18AlleriaRonin: oh ya.
00:48.22WiFiTuxAlleria, apt-cache search and google are your friends...
00:48.26novicecitral: i edited my .bashrc adding the line u wrote but i still have bips. :(
00:48.26ajavidGuerin, once again, have read it many times, but honestly, stop being an ass, for 'fucks sake'
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00:48.42Alleriabob2: well, I need to know that say, my woody system doesn't have a package called "bittorrent" available, but that my sarge system does have such a package.
00:48.43Alleriathat's all.
00:48.43citralnovice: I told you to log out and log in
00:48.44Guerinajavid: how many times can you read it and not understand it?
00:48.49Roninit wont give you a list of all avalible but liek bob2 said thats a nasty list anyhow
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00:48.54*** kick/#debian [Adelineee!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
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00:49.04*** mode/#debian [+o bob2] by ChanServ
00:49.06WiFiTuxajavid, easy boy, he is that way bu nature... :)
00:49.07*** mode/#debian [-o bob2] by bob2
00:49.12bob2LoRez: you're my hero
00:49.17alindeman*cough* Was me ;P
00:49.22GuerinWiFiTux: are you still ignoring me?
00:49.23rich_debian sarge plus marillat is almost 15 thousand packages. So when someone comes in asking for some wierd program you never heard of, it probably exists, theres just no one who can remember 15 thousand packages
00:49.26bob2alindeman: oh, you too then :)
00:49.30alindemanbob2: :-)
00:49.30Rezbob2: wasn't me :)
00:49.45zu22what is marillat?
00:49.49bob2alindeman: quinn-diff sort of does that...
00:49.50ajavidno really, differnt documents on ntfs on linux say different tings, bob2 says differntly, *his method ii
00:49.52ajavidi'll try
00:50.01WiFiTuxGuerin, no, but tell me if I should, I remove my list daylee, until people have their period over the 8 day...
00:50.02ajavidbot says diff too
00:50.16Guerinchristian marillat is the patron saint of video playback in debian
00:50.17bob2ajavid: you could have tried it, broken it and given up by now
00:50.21rich_zu22 Third party debian archive including mplayer and other sound and video processing software thats not included in debian
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00:50.33bob2Alleria: quinn-diff does something like that
00:50.38zu22rich_: ah
00:51.05*** part/#debian Usuario (~usuario@
00:51.09Alleriabob2, ronin: thanks for the suggestions. I guess I'll try using apt-cache and those bits. :-)
00:51.31ajavidbob2, gid=1000,users,ro,auto,umask=002 - and I still can't get it to work
00:51.44RoninAlleria: theres also
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00:52.15ajavidi've tried all sorts of differnt umask settings
00:52.34green_earzAlleria, and to veiw the package system check out aptitude
00:52.58citralguess WiFiTux comes back in 3 minutes
00:53.02*** mode/#debian [+l 743] by debhelper
00:53.22zu22citral: WiFiTux?
00:53.26simonrvnalindeman: w00t
00:53.37simonrvnLoRez: you too, w00t
00:53.49Alleriathanks all. dselect-update solved the issue in the end. :-)
00:53.49citralhe's going away and back every half hour today
00:53.53jcurryWill eclipse 3.x make it to debian?
00:53.55ajavidusers,ro,auto,umask=002 that doesn't work either
00:54.00citralat least 20 times
00:54.18Guerin!info eeclipse ssid
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00:54.22Guerin!info eclipse sid
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00:54.31simonrvnGuerin: fucked up kbd?
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00:54.45Guerinit repeats some keystrokes
00:54.47asgjcurry: just download it, stuff it in /usr/local with the jvm from sun and have at it
00:54.56bob2ajavid: can you be more vague?
00:55.00Guerinand it's not a kbdrate setting issue, before you lecture me :)
00:55.02bob2ajavid: paste the output of "mount" to #flood
00:55.10simonrvnGuerin: wasn't going to ;)
00:55.16bob2ajavid: and can root access it?  what does ls -ld /mountpoint print out?
00:55.24citralGuerin: that happens when one puts beer between the keys XD
00:55.38novicecitral: i logged out and logged in
00:55.40simonrvncitral: heh
00:55.42UsuarioI'm trying to get sound out of my onboard sound card by following:; but I do not have a modconf command. Can I apt-get it?
00:55.50ajavidroot CAN access it, I think i've said that about 1000 times, just not users
00:55.57asgUsuario: do it as root
00:55.59Guerincitral: heh, i recently cleaned all the gunk and dust and shit out of it
00:56.08citralnovice: so, no more evil beeps?
00:56.10Usuarioasg: yes, it's as rot
00:56.14jcurryAsg: but no debian package?
00:56.17green_earzAlleria, have you check out sarge net installer yet ? if not its well worth a boot
00:56.17jcurryA shame.
00:56.38Usuario# modconf
00:56.38Usuariobash: modconf: command not found
00:56.39Guerinjcurry: is it free software? i don't see a current version in debian, even in contrib or non-free...
00:56.42Alleriagreen_earz: I've multiple woody systems, and one that I apt-get upgraded to sarge.
00:56.43asgUsuario: then apt-get install modconf
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00:56.51Usuarioasg: thank you
00:56.57citraljcurry: the shame is that you don't use your tabulation key
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00:57.01novicecitral: evil beeps,hehe...well, i had logged out and logged in when i've written the first time that it hasn't worked
00:57.04MobyTurbosarge net installer needs ppp support. Even though I don't usually run a woody system I have to use a woody disk and dist-upgrade.
00:57.05asgjcurry: debian prides itself on being free. java is non-free.
00:57.07Alleriagreen_earz: the seamless upgrades of Debian without reinstalls are greatly underappreciated by users of other distros. :)
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00:57.16GuerinI mean, I know javaware, but SOME javaware makes it into contrib...
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00:57.20citralnovice: impossible
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00:57.27MobyTurboAlleria: yep. :-)
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00:57.48rich_MobyTurbo really? The new sarge installer doesnt find cable modems?
00:57.51mammothanyone use mammoth?
00:57.54novicecitral: is there any specific line into .bashrc for the command be inserted?
00:57.56jcurryGuerin: i'm pretty sure it is free...i must have gotten it from another repo...sorry to bother then.
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00:58.16citralnovice: you have been putting "set-bell style visible" at the end but BEFORE the "fi" right?
00:58.21green_earzAlleria, if you do a new install of debian on another box check out > net installer >
00:58.22MobyTurborich_: I'm using a dial-up modem, but if I was using pppoe I'd have the same problem. The lack of ppp support is documented.
00:58.55Alleriagreen_earz: will do, thanks. :-) Maybe time to make a VMWare session.
00:59.04novicecitral: let me was before the if even...
00:59.12rich_MobyTurbo I dont think everyone needs ppp. As far as I know, its just for dial ups and adsl
00:59.14citralnovice: and did you uncomment .bash_profile that it includes .bashrc ?
00:59.36rich_or other dsl
00:59.44MobyTurborich_: maybe you don't need it but I need it. :-)
00:59.47novicecitral: no, it was inside the if-fi
01:00.02*** part/#debian lilalaunelicht (
01:00.07citralnovice: make sure .bash_profile includes .bashrc
01:00.16citraljust uncomment
01:00.26Usuarioit seems that modconf does not currently have a module that I need for my soundcard to work. How can I install a module for my Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801AA AC'97 Audio (rev 0 2)?
01:00.50Guerin!tell Usuario about ac97
01:00.51dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, ac97 is there's no universal driver for every single motherboard that uses ac97 audio. ac97 is just the codec, you need a driver for your audio chip.  Usually (for OSS, not ALSA) this means either i810_audio or via82cxxx_audio. Use "lspci" to see whether you have an Intel-VIA-based chipset.
01:01.02UsuarioGuerin: thanks you
01:01.22MobyTurboUsuario: I have an intel sound chip, I use i810_audio
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01:01.40zu22simonrvn: woo
01:01.43Guerinsimonrvn: omfg really? Then you'll be able to make backups!
01:01.44*** join/#debian zeini (~zeini@
01:01.47jsoftAnyone ever used OSSIM ?
01:01.53Guerin!anyone use
01:01.53dpkgNo, no one uses it, not even the people who use it.
01:01.55herbiah crap i just did a dist-upgrade in unstable...will my sound stop working if i reboot? i didnt realise alsa-base was borked.
01:01.57asgGuerin: nah, he can finally fool around with knoppix ;)
01:01.59simonrvnGuerin: i already can, but to HDD.
01:02.04Guerinsimonrvn: :P
01:02.16jsoftGuerin: eh?
01:02.27grendal_primei did it by hand
01:02.28UsuarioMobyTurbo: how can I try to install i810_audio? I'm on a Dell Optiplex GX 200, btw.
01:02.31asgherbi: you can downgrade to the previous non-borked version by downloading the deb from and doing 'dpkg -i <pkg>'
01:02.31simonrvnasg: meh. oldworld ppc doesn't boot from cd to linux, only mock os :|
01:02.33Guerinherbi: my crystal ball is on the blink, sorry.
01:02.37jsoftdpkg: what?
01:02.40asgsimonrvn: :)
01:02.51*** join/#debian Pred1 (
01:02.53MobyTurboUsuario: modconf or modprobe
01:03.13j4cbodhcpd says "socket: Protocol not available" and to check for CONFIG_PACKET and CONFIG_FILTER
01:03.14asgjsoft: are tasty with a little lemon butter yes.
01:03.14simonrvnjsoft: dufus
01:03.16Guerin!tell jsoft about bad polls
01:03.23UsuarioMobyTurbo: at least for modconf, there is no i810_audio option
01:03.34Guerinasg: mmm, cocks and lemon butter ?
01:03.34*** join/#debian trogger (~jem@
01:03.34simonrvnasg: *g*
01:03.37herbiasg, roger, ill do that if i reboot and its borked :)
01:03.38jsoftwhat a bunch of nutbars.
01:03.41asgUsuario: then type 'modprobe i810_audio' as root
01:03.44bob2jsoft: if you have aa question about about some piece of software, just asl
01:03.49j4cbobut i was running an older dhcpd version without problems... have the requirements changed or did i just mess something up in my debian conversion?
01:03.51asgGuerin: fowl, chickens, etc.
01:03.58Guerinasg: suuure.
01:04.01swatikissGuerin, so, would you advise installing the 2.6 kernel or trying to get this 2.4 image to work ?
01:04.04bob2jsoft: it's annoying and and stupid to ask if anyone has used it
01:04.06jsoftOk, Well. IS OSSIM worth the hassle of setting up?
01:04.08asgUsuario: if that doesn't work, print the output of 'uname -r'
01:04.14ajavidbob2, i pasted in #flood
01:04.18asgGuerin: hey, at least Phated isn't here
01:04.25swatikissGuerin, not having much luck with either atm
01:04.29UsuarioMobyTurbo: okay, I was returned not error message with modprobe i810_audio
01:04.38Guerinswatikiss: I don't have a clue how to fix your problem with 2.4, unless it's to fuck with bios settings or swap your pci cards around.
01:04.44Guerinasg: that is a relief :)
01:04.44UsuarioMobyTurbo: no error*
01:04.44MobyTurboUsuario: it's in modconf, I just looked.
01:04.53bob2ajavid: paste an example of some commands that don't work
01:04.56green_earzAlleria: VMWare session i am not formiluar with but like the sound of it after a google
01:05.00swatikissGuerin, k
01:05.10UsuarioMobyTurbo: what line should I be looking at in modconf?
01:05.10swatikissGuerin, where wouldi find the module name for my NIC ?
01:05.12MobyTurboUsuario: check out dmesg to see if it worked for sure.
01:05.16Guerinswatikiss: modconf
01:05.18Alleriagreen_earz: you might check out their demo. It's great fun.
01:05.26*** part/#debian jsoft (~bloo@
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01:05.34simonrvngood riddance
01:05.48ajavidbob2, what do you mean
01:05.55citralif he's so patient with setting up things, that's bad
01:06.00Guerinyou know he'll just go back to #fedora and whine about how evil debian users are.
01:06.03bob2ajavid: you say it's not working.  paste an example of what doesn't work.
01:06.06zeinihello. i cant install j2sdk1.5 (unstable), I need the package sun-j2sdk1.5.    can you give me a source for apt ? thanks
01:06.11MobyTurboUsuario: kernel/drivers/sound in modconf
01:06.22Guerin!tell zeini about java
01:06.25UsuarioMobyTurbo: i810_audio: AC'97 codec 0 Unable to map surround DAC's (or DAC's not present), total channels = 2
01:06.25simonrvnGuerin: see if i care ;)
01:06.29asgzeini: /msg dpkg j2se-package
01:06.32ajavidbob2, you asked me to paste the output of mount in #flood, I did, I don't know what you are going on about now
01:06.37Guerinsimonrvn: see if I do first :)
01:06.45simonrvnGuerin: hehe
01:06.54bob2ajavid: bah
01:07.00bob2ajavid: you claim it "doesn't work".
01:07.07bob2ajavid: which is a useless complaint
01:07.11ajavidno I didn't, i just said only root can read it, not users
01:07.17bob2ajavid: paste some lines of shell output that show what doesn't work
01:07.19ajavidwhich I think i said about 1000 times
01:07.23MobyTurboUsuario: don't worry about that error message, that just means that it doesn't have surround sound support I believe.
01:07.24bob2show me
01:07.31ajavidshow you what?
01:07.33*** join/#debian romulo (
01:07.38rich_debian isnt mean at all. Dont let the trolls get you down, everyone knows we are the best, they consider it a challenge to try to convince people of the most unlikely thing they can think of, no place else on irc is this friendly and helpful.
01:07.39romulohow i force remove of a module from kernel??
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01:08.21UsuarioMobyTurbo: well, there's a + next to that module, so... I assume it's installed
01:08.27MobyTurboUsuario: yep.
01:08.31Guerinromulo: man rmmod
01:08.37zeiniasg: j2se-common could be ?
01:08.46MobyTurboUsuario: another way to check that is lsmod
01:08.47ajavidyou said paste the output of 'mount' I typed mount, and pasted the output in #flood, what are you wanting me to do now?
01:08.48Guerinasg: played Paranoia XP ?
01:09.12asgGuerin: no (unless it relates to the Paranoia roll playing game from way back.)
01:09.13novice_citral: can u believe that i have my machine crashed after ctrl+alt+back? now i have the .bash_profile lines uncommented and the evil beeps persists.
01:09.17ajavidI said I can mount it, but only root can read it, and users cannot.
01:09.22UsuarioMobyTurbo: okay, then, now I think my problem is ALSA + apps that use ALSA
01:09.23*** join/#debian Zap-W (
01:09.28asgGuerin: I did impersonate a member of the clergy at halloween a few years ago though.
01:09.29Zap-Wwhat range of IPs does this cover ?
01:09.30Guerinasg: it's the new version, for the Modern Troubleshooter.
01:09.41asgGuerin: ah, rock. I'll have to have a look for it
01:09.41Zap-W134 ?
01:09.44bob2ajavid: basically, I think you're confused, and I'm trying to get you to paste unambigious output so I can find out if you are or not
01:09.46MobyTurboUsuario: if you're runing the latest unstable alsa-base is borked.
01:09.47bob2but nevermind
01:10.00Guerinasg: I think
01:10.02asgzeini: what debian version are you running
01:10.02citralnovice_: no, I cannot believe that... what console are you using?
01:10.07asgGuerin: cool, thanks
01:10.11zeiniasg: unstable
01:10.23Guerinasg: it's got a nifty faux-windows logo and everything :)
01:10.26citralnovice_: and did you log out and login again that it takes effect?
01:10.27ajavidI don't deny it brother, I AM confused
01:10.27novice_citral: u mean my wm?
01:10.35novice_citral: no
01:10.46citralnovice_: the terminal makes beeps not the wm or?
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01:11.14asgzeini: well is what you should look for to convert sun's jvm binaries into compliant packages.
01:11.14novice_citral: ?
01:11.16jharriso1son of a
01:11.39grendal_primethats no way for a gentiman to speak
01:11.41Usuariookay, I'm running Sarge, my sound card is fine module wise, now I need to ALSA-tize the system
01:11.42novice_citral: everything is working like i've never made any changes.
01:11.42citralnovice_: I don't understand you, what do you do that it beeps
01:11.47novice_citral: :\
01:11.49zeiniasg: thanks. i dont know what to do with the sun's jvm binaries
01:12.01GuerinUsuario: get a 2.6 kernel
01:12.02asgzeini: what I always do, download and install in /usr/local
01:12.21citralnovice_: you must log out, not only stop X and restart it you understand?
01:12.25asgzeini: you'll need equivs to create dummy packages to provide depends for anything you want to apt-get though
01:12.42rich_Usuario If you Need to do something and you cant do it, your dead. I say this because not all sound cards need alsa and some people are just as happy with oss
01:12.49asgzeini: personally, with java, I just store all java related stuff in /usr/local as downloaded for jakarta, sun, etc.
01:13.02*** mode/#debian [+l 733] by debhelper
01:13.08novice_citral: stop start my gdm?
01:13.09zeiniasg: ok. thanks
01:13.16asgzeini: you're welcome
01:13.18citralah! gdm
01:13.29UsuarioGuerin: Okay, do you know if the bug for 2.6 + nvidia drivers is workable?
01:13.39citralnovice_: yes, try that
01:13.47Usuariorich_: from what I've heard OSS is totally dead
01:13.49GuerinUsuario: no idea, I don't use nvware.
01:14.02Guerinoss is just as good as it ever was
01:14.07asgGuerin: agreed
01:14.13ajavidvfat    rw,users,auto,umask=000  - this is what I use on my fat disk, and it works fine, ntfs    users,auto,umask=222 0 0 - this is the options for the ntfs disk, and only root can read it.  How do I make it so that users can read it also
01:14.15Guerinit's just that something else is better now
01:14.22*** join/#debian Walther (
01:14.24asgcitral: it it isn't 'startx' it's crap?
01:14.33Guerinbut if you don't care about that, don't sweat it.
01:14.35novice_citral: what the persists.
01:14.36asg!curse irc
01:14.37dpkgMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, irc !
01:14.46simonrvnnice curse
01:14.50zbowlingi feel scared.
01:14.51rich_Usuario That would be wrong, because I can still hear it, and I didnt even install it, which means iit must have been in the 2.6.9 kernel. But the key things is dead things dont sound like that
01:14.51citralnovice_: what do you do that it beeps
01:14.51*** join/#debian joki (
01:15.05novice_citral: i've already tried to logged out and in...
01:15.17citralnovice_: WHAT DO YOU DO THAT IT BEEPS
01:15.18grendal_primethats funny stuff
01:15.24asgGuerin: s/Me/Dedicated Solitaire Console/
01:15.32grendal_prime!curse shit
01:15.33dpkgMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, shit !
01:15.51Guerinasg: haha
01:15.55citralnovice_: When, how, why, and in what application does it beep?
01:16.10asgGuerin: we even have 8 proc servers dedicated to the fine pastime ;)
01:16.20Guerinasg: ...?
01:16.30novice_citral: when i type a command (e.g anjuta) on a xterm; i strike "tab" during the "anj" and when i press tab, it supposed to don't gimme any setterm -blegth 0 on the console
01:16.43asgGuerin: our windows admins apparently don't have a problem installing Solitaire and Freecell on our db machines
01:16.49zbowlingi'm moving to canada.. I can't believe Bush won.. I'm still in amazment. I kept thinking, if he does something stupid again, the house will stop him, then I remember that his lackies run the house too.. I feel really sick and really scared about this
01:17.03Guerinasg: that's so many kinds of stupid
01:17.05Usuariorich_: Thanks. I'm still on a 2.4 kernel. I have to fiddle around with my nvidia problems with my 2.6.7-1 firstly.
01:17.36asgGuerin: yes
01:17.37zbowlingI feel safer moving to Mexico
01:17.50jharriso1db servers run windows?
01:17.57GuerinYeah, whenever I think of this election result, I come back to the old saying that people get the leaders they deserve.
01:18.09asgjharriso1: sadly, the MS-SQL crowd arrived before I did.
01:18.12Guerinjharriso1: they shouldn't, but they can.
01:18.19ajavidso looks like everyone was wrong
01:18.20citralnovice_: what I told you about .bashrc works for that, but you can create a /etc/X11/Xresources/xterm file, and put xterm*visualBell:true in it
01:18.23*** join/#debian Oleg_ (~oleg@
01:18.30ajavidincluding bob2 with the 002 umask
01:18.30green_earzzbowling: i bet that the war busness will like the return of bush
01:18.38ajavidusers,owner,ro,umask=000 0 0 - this is what works btw
01:18.44grendal_primemy new line at work "Quit bitchen and learn linux"
01:18.45ajavidon the ntfs disks, works perfectly
01:18.47citralnovice_: at least it is 100% sure not to beep anymore
01:18.50jharriso1yay bush won
01:18.56*** part/#debian Oleg_ (~oleg@
01:19.02*** part/#debian Usuario (~usuario@
01:19.05asgjharriso1: much better if you said 'yay, you won bush'
01:19.13ajavidjharriso1, yeh, now we can wait for world war 3
01:19.16Guerinajavid: that's an ownership issue you could have gotten around by putting your users in a group and specifying gid
01:19.33rich_Guerin They declared war on me in 1980, so Its a little comforting to know Im not alone.
01:19.43rich_The more the merrier
01:19.45ajavidGuerin, if i knew how to do all that, I would be helping poeople like you, not begging for help
01:19.51chealerGuerin: took in note your old saying
01:20.02jharriso1bunch of liberals
01:20.10rich_Ive always been a trend setter :)
01:20.21ajavidGuerin, and if you knew what the problem was, why didn't you help me out?
01:20.29jharriso1my 2.6.9 kernel is happy that bush won
01:20.38asgjharriso1: to disagree with the outcome does not make one a liberal
01:20.38ajavidyou instead of the sarcasm, could've told me what to do, walk me through it once and i'll learn
01:20.40Guerinajavid: I don't even own a ntfs drive, and I haven't set umask on anythign in months. All I know how to do is RTFM.
01:21.05ajavidcatch fish for me, i eat for a day, teach me to fish, i eat for a lifetime
01:21.09ajavidim sure youve heard that one
01:21.16Guerinajavid: I didn't really. I'm no expert on it, so I prefer to leave it to those people who know more. They undoubtedly know the same.
01:21.16ajavidanyway, thanks
01:21.21ajavidI did finally get it to work
01:21.24asgajavid: yes, every BitchX quit message has it
01:21.24jharriso1asg: yes thats true
01:21.25ajavidso its all good
01:21.34swatikissi cant get my sound to work in my debian box - trying to use alsa with my opl3sa2 module
01:21.45novice_citral: create a file called xterm? and put the command on it? isn't there another way? i mean...if i want to compile w/ anjuta and wish not hear the beep signal? should i create another file and put the command inside it?
01:21.50ajavidand in case anyyone wants to know
01:21.54zeinijharrisol: , your kernel is happy. my kernel is sad (2.6.8)
01:22.01Guerinswatikiss: is the opl3sa2 soldered to your laptop's mainboard?
01:22.05novice_citral: so, i should do that w/ the others programs?
01:22.05jharriso1zeini: 2.6.8 never worked for me
01:22.06ajavidmaybe you could learn something from that
01:22.07swatikissGuerin, yes
01:22.09ajavidif you dn't know
01:22.20asgjharriso1: have they fixed the tg3 code in 2.6.9 yet?
01:22.21Guerinswatikiss: that's the only reasson not to throw it away :(
01:22.24jharriso1now all of my machines are 2.6.9 except for 2
01:22.30citralvery small, simple example
01:22.37jharriso1asg: yeah I believe so
01:22.47*** part/#debian SlayerXP (
01:22.53citralnovice_: depends on the apps, you may want to create one for emacs e.g.
01:22.56Guerinajavid: I have already demonstrated my ability to RTFM. You haven't. So don't lecture me.
01:22.58asgjharriso1: the HW autoneg failure one?
01:23.07jharriso1asg: yeah
01:23.08swatikissGuerin, i am not sure what i should do to get it to work
01:23.13jharriso1asg: check the changelog to be sure
01:23.16asgjharriso1: *nod*
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01:23.32asgjharriso1: it doesn't matter that much, the sarge installer will not likely include it.
01:23.43ajavidonce againk, you get defensive for no reason, u havn't set up umasks on ntfs in ages, I just pointed to the page for future ref. knowlege can't hurt.  Im not downin on ya, why you get defensive, i never lectured you
01:23.45*** join/#debian Usuario (~usuario@
01:23.47jharriso1postfix on my new server seems to be quite screwed up though
01:23.50novice_citral: ok...thanks
01:23.56jharriso1ill have to look into that
01:24.06Guerinswatikiss: paste the output of the following commands to paster: uname -a ; dpkg -l |grep alsa ; lsmod |grep snd
01:24.12dpkgDo not paste into the channel. Use #flood or visit to paste.
01:24.17Guerinswatikiss: ^^
01:24.38Usuariomy friend wants to download cvs stuff on Windows, so that he can install the drivers on his linuxtop for a wireless card how can he do that?
01:24.56Guerinajavid: I don't need to set umask, because I only use filesystems with sane permissions. And if I did need to set a umask, I'm perfectly capable of readin up on how to.
01:25.01*** join/#debian Zap-W (
01:25.02swatikissGuerin, k, one sec
01:25.03ajavidand btw, Guerin , I come on irc AFTER exhausting all known(to me) recources of information.  so thank you, and don't tell me shit about RTFM, ok
01:25.11swatikissGuerin, paster ?
01:25.26Guerin!whine ajavid
01:25.39ajavidI had a guy bitching at me yesterday about rtfm, but wouldn't tell me which manual to fucking read
01:25.57ajavidyou are pretty much doing the same
01:26.06Guerinajavid: that's not what I did, though. I even told you which part of which manpage to read.
01:26.30ajavidand I have, if i don't understand it clearly, and ask qustiona about it, you get pissed
01:26.31simonrvnis umask the only way to set the perms on dirs/files for a mount command?
01:26.43directhex_no, there's dmask and fmask too
01:26.57ajavidu prolly get asked tese questions 1000 times a day, i can understand
01:26.59directhex_the correct umask for everyone to read ntfs is 0222, in my experience, for the record
01:27.01*** join/#debian holycow (
01:27.02dpkgDammit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.
01:27.03simonrvnjust masking, eh? damn
01:27.13*** join/#debian MrPoopyPants (
01:27.21directhex_simonrvn, despite the names, dmask and fmask are actual permissions, not masks
01:27.27Guerindirecthex_: that makes sense
01:27.28simonrvnautofs is reading the umask wrong, and setting shit d------x
01:27.41simonrvndirecthex_: ah i see. thanks
01:27.44chealerUsuario: tortoisecvs?
01:27.56ajavidjust because you have been on linux longer and know more doesn't make you special, get off your high horse
01:28.06GuerinI think that paste url needs to go in the topic so we can refer people directly to the topic
01:28.09ajavidall of you arrogant ones in here
01:28.15ajavidlove an peace guys
01:28.15Guerinajavid: jesus, it's not about that at all.
01:28.19Usuariochealer: gracias, mi amigo
01:28.32jharriso1I dont get along well with others
01:28.43directhex_aw shit, gotta be up for work in 5 hours. tata
01:28.45ajavidGuerin, its all good, man.  I'm sorry, i'll stop arguying
01:28.58Guerindirecthex_: ciao :)
01:28.59*** join/#debian swatikiss_ (
01:29.00citralwget rocks my life
01:29.07ajavidyou are right, i am wrong, i need you more than you need me, so i'll have to suck it up
01:29.09*** join/#debian chips (
01:29.09simonrvnajavid: just shut up already
01:29.10Guerincitral: lftp 4 evar!
01:29.24citralGuerin: for http?
01:29.31Guerincitral: yup :)
01:29.32simonrvnsheesh, i've never seen someone complain so much about nothing i na fucking long time
01:29.35UsuarioDoes anyone use the "nvidia" driver? I am having problems with kernel 2.6 and x starting (but not 2.4 problems)
01:29.43rich_ajavid Well if he got asked that question so often iut would probably be in the bot. But if its in the manual, that doesnt mean I or someone else should read the manual for you. Maybe if you can find something constructive to say about it and and carry on a cionvorsation, someone who just happens to know will tell you, otherwise, you might have to read the manual :)
01:29.44Guerincitral: wget is better for trivial stuff though
01:29.48directhex_Usuario, no, nobody has ever used it
01:29.49*** join/#debian sepoys (
01:29.53dpkgi guess nvidia is To learn how to install nvidia drivers on your Debian system see 'nvidia-howto' or maybe 'nvidia debs'.  That should explain all you need to know.
01:29.56jharriso1simonrvn: what exactly is a fucking long time?
01:30.00*** part/#debian sepoys (
01:30.01jharriso1simonrvn: is that the same as a long time?
01:30.08paster"zbowling" at pasted "Microsoft Source Comment" (8 lines) at
01:30.33simonrvnjharriso1: longer than "a long time"
01:30.47Usuariodirecthex_: nobody has ever used what?
01:30.57jharriso1simonrvn: ok ill remember that when I want to stress longer then a long time
01:31.05*** part/#debian chips (
01:31.05simonrvnautofs doesn't grok fmask, dmask. crap
01:31.05Usuariodpkg: somebody bashed that link
01:31.06dpkgi don't know, Usuario
01:31.11citralGuerin: wow, backgrounding downloads and browsing at the same time is cool, I'm gonna try it
01:31.11simonrvnjharriso1: :)
01:31.18chealerUsuario: it was sarcasm. he's saying it's obvious that people use nvidia on 2.6, just like me
01:31.31swatikiss_Guerin, k, i pasted it
01:31.31ajavidrich_, I HAVE read the manual many times, and have looked on google for insane amounts of time, after exhausting all venues knwon to me, I come on irc seeeking help, I don't just come on irc and start asking questions trying to take the easy way out.  i have no problem reading, but I am handicapped, I am in a fucking wheelchair, I can't get out much and I don't know many people, and irc is the onl place left for me to ask questions, and well
01:31.31ajavid, you konw how it is online, people just get ticked off like that
01:31.34*** join/#debian otto__ (
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01:31.50directhex_i got lost. what was ajavid trying to do?
01:31.56dpkgsomebody said dpkg was the debian package manager, sort of like the debian equivalent to rpm. a blootbot on #debian, or a bloodbot on #crack
01:32.00Usuariochealer: where you aware of this bug and did you dpkg -i the package before you got nvidia working?
01:32.15jharriso1ive got to get some coding done
01:32.21ajaviddirecthex, i    got it working now
01:32.24Guerinajavid: apart from the stupidity, your brain seems to work ok. DOn't play the "I'm a cripple" card.
01:32.26ajavidi was just saying in general
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01:32.44otto__wie heist das progamm internet Telefon
01:32.45ajavidGuerin, im not
01:32.47Guerincitral: the best thing about it is its ability to do clean incremental mirrors over http
01:33.00citralah ah.
01:33.07ajavidand I am not stupid, mind you
01:33.30*** join/#debian chr15 (
01:33.33Guerinswatikiss_: did you paste to that paste site? it should have give us the url.
01:33.44swatikiss_Guerin, ill try again
01:33.52*** join/#debian starlon (~starlon@
01:34.02Guerinswatikiss_: just give me the gdmf url
01:34.24*** join/#debian nikky (
01:34.29swatikiss_i just did it again
01:34.53*** part/#debian starlon (~starlon@
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01:35.14swatikiss_i dont think it worked
01:35.27Guerinswatikiss_: 1) go here: 2) follow simple instructions
01:35.39nikkykann mir jemand helfen?wie heißt das inzernet telefon unter debian?
01:35.40*** join/#debian cmeme (
01:35.53Usuariochealer: where 2.6.x are you running?
01:35.55dpkgde is, like, deutschsprachige hilfe bekommt ihr in - aber aufpassen, die sind manchmal ziemlich unfreundlich. german speaking users please go to - but beware, they're pretty unfriendly sometimes...
01:36.11chealerUsuario: well kinda...I did a difficult and very long install of nvidia, but learned after that there should have been easier ways. I'm running 2.6.6
01:36.23citralnikky: gnomemeeting.
01:36.45Usuariochealer: I'd like the easy way please ^.^
01:36.55swatikiss_Guerin, yes, i have done that 3 or 4 times now - no luck
01:36.56*** join/#debian Holborn (
01:37.07Guerinswatikiss_: luck has nothing to do with it
01:37.18Usuariochealer: I'm doing 2.6.7-1 and already installed that package, currently on a working 2.4.x
01:37.19Guerinswatikiss_: jesus
01:37.19zbowlingwhy do germans like David Hasselhoff?
01:37.31ajavidGuerin, i hope you get in a wheel chair soon, and stay in one for the rest of your life, you might even develop compassion for the 'cripples'
01:37.32swatikiss_could i just paste in flood for you
01:37.52Guerinajavid: I have plenty of compassion for them.
01:37.55Guerinswatikiss_: do it.
01:37.55citralzbowling: David Hasseldoof
01:37.56asgzbowling: why do Americans have an infatuation with the Royals
01:38.05chealerUsuario: did you try nvidia-kernel-source, nvidia-kernel-common, nvidia-kernel-2.6.6 and nvidia-glx
01:38.14ajavidyou show it real well too don't you
01:38.16cafuegoasg: The alternative is the monkey
01:38.30rich_zbowling in what way do they like him? And doesnt his name mean something like house of comraderie or something like that?
01:38.30Guerinajavid: I used the term advisedly.
01:38.33chealerI never tried the easy way, I just realized after my way seemed overcomplicated, so I'm not the best to advise
01:38.37nikkythank you citral
01:39.00ajavidis it just too hard to treat people with respect man, i mean thats all anyone wants right?
01:39.00asgcafuego: Charles or W?
01:39.00citralnikky: kein problem.
01:39.01*** join/#debian MarteSagiasdf (~opera@
01:39.01ajavidu have just been doggin me all night long
01:39.01cafuegoasg: W
01:39.01rich_or hospitality house?
01:39.08ajavidi dunno what i did wrong by asking about ntfs
01:39.09asgcafuego: *nod*
01:39.16cafuegoajavid: I don't need no steekin respect, I need alcohol and hookers!
01:39.16ajavidbut jesus christ man
01:39.23Usuariochealer: sure, I have all those except I have nvidia-kernel-2.6.7-1-386
01:39.27ajavidcafuego, :)
01:39.41Guerinajavid: please stop your heart from bleeding all over our nice clean channel.
01:39.48*** part/#debian jan_ (
01:39.50ajavidGuerin, fuck you
01:39.56*** part/#debian ajavid (
01:39.57cthulfuegofree blood?
01:40.08chealerUsuario: and that's not enough?... what's missing or not working?
01:40.10asgcthulfuego: ftagn
01:40.11*** join/#debian dofre (~fred@
01:40.26asgcthulfuego: that was the diminutive
01:41.01dpkgi guess qotd52 is <sideone> ricky_clarkson: i try to give all women a chance, until they blow it.
01:41.05cthulfuegolast time he  licked a hole in my arm
01:41.11nikkyhey citral sprechst du englisch oder deursch als muttersprache
01:41.15*** join/#debian ajavid (
01:41.22*** part/#debian MarteSagiasdf (~opera@
01:41.28sussudio!dachs nikky
01:41.29citralnikky: I'm french
01:41.29dpkgnikky: Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Pilz Pilz Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Schlange! Eine Schlange!
01:41.31Nylewow, after waiting all day I finally get the computer
01:41.32zbowling!bugs 277298
01:41.35dpkg#277298:I[kernel-image-2.6.7-1-686-smp] Kernel 2.6.x real time clock hang on Dell (patch)
01:41.35Nylehows it goin fellas
01:41.44*** join/#debian findme (~findme@
01:41.47GuerinNyle: your mate is a fucktard.
01:41.55citralfranzose heiist das
01:41.55Usuariochealer: I get the coughing sneezing XFree, it tries all three video resolutions and fails
01:42.00nikkyah okey
01:42.05Nylehe's got problems man
01:42.14*** join/#debian docgnome (
01:42.17asgcthulfuego: shub-niggurath X30?
01:42.18Guerinyeah, we know.
01:42.25cthulfuegoasg: AthlonXP 2200+
01:42.26zbowlingI wondering
01:42.32Nylesome drunk hit the poor guy, now he is in a wheel chair and usually depressed
01:42.35Nylei learned to ignore him
01:42.38Nylethas my brother btw
01:42.44simonrvnNyle: and rather than fixing them, he takes out his frustration on everyone else
01:42.44*** join/#debian swatikiss (
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01:42.51Nylehey man
01:42.52swatikissGuerin, ill try again
01:42.54Nylewhat can you do
01:42.55paster"swatikiss" at pasted "sound issues" (10 lines) at
01:42.55cthulfuegoasg: With 8 16X DVDRW drives
01:42.59jharriso1its amazing how well postfix can handle spam
01:43.00Nylei gotta put up with it you know
01:43.02*** join/#debian ldexter (
01:43.04Nylehe is my brother
01:43.07*** join/#debian merhojt (
01:43.09Nylesorry for his antics
01:43.12Nylei apologize
01:43.16asgcthulfuego: oh, don't let california find out
01:43.18Nylei didnt even know he chatted here
01:43.19*** part/#debian MrPoopyPants (
01:43.24Nyleor seked help rather
01:43.25simonrvnNyle: not you don't. talk straight with him, and get him to solve his issues. but what do i know
01:43.25cthulfuegoasg: Eh?
01:43.40cthulfuegoasg: Why would that matter?
01:43.59chealerUsuario: seriously, that experience was so bad and long I don't remember what I did. try the URL dpkg referred to, or ask in #nvidia...eventually ask me if you really hit a wall
01:44.00Guerinswatikiss: awesome
01:44.02Nyleoh sweet, my ntfs disk is loaded, music time
01:44.13asgcthulfuego: hollywood (8 x dvdrws indicates massive cloning.)
01:44.46Nylehey, I am trying to get my webcam working, its a logitech quick cam express.  what drivers do I need for the kernel, or how do I go about configuring it, google isn't displaying anything useful
01:44.47cthulfuegoasg: Yes, I clone data dvds for clients, not movies. The shit hollywood produces isn't WORTH a $1 DVD disc.
01:44.51Guerinswatikiss: run modconf and probe snd_opl3sa2
01:44.55Guerinswatikiss: actually
01:44.56Usuariochealer: thanks for your help, I will firstly go into 2.6.7-1-386 and read my XFree log
01:44.58asgcthulfuego: ;)
01:45.05Guerinswatikiss: just do modprobe snd_opl3sa2
01:45.15simonrvnNyle: try the ova11 (or whatever the name is0 driver
01:45.19docgnomeIs anyone using the drivers provided for ATI cards that ATI provides, rather than the ones that come with X?
01:45.34simonrvndocgnome: no
01:45.37cthulfuegoasg: Quite happy about it too, a 7 drive prebuilt duplicator is $3300 and I can build one for $1900 :-)
01:45.41Nylesimonrvn, can you give me some keywords to search for on google, im not quite sure what you mean by ovall
01:45.45asgcthulfuego: nice
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01:45.50cthulfuegoasg: ... with space in the case for 3 more drives.
01:45.51Gerenanyone familiar with PS2?
01:45.52simonrvnNyle: that's 11, not ll
01:45.54*** part/#debian Usuario (~usuario@
01:45.56asgcthulfuego: oooooo
01:45.58CitI'm running sid on an ext3 fs and kernel, the machine just crashed, on reboot fsck complains that it needs to be run manually, so I do, and it throws up dozens of errors ... any suggestions how to proceed from here?  should I just say yes to fixing all the errors or what?
01:46.01Nyleoh one one
01:46.02docgnomesimonrvn: no?
01:46.03Gerencan i download PS2 games and burn them onto a cd and play on PS2?
01:46.09docgnomesimonrvn: why?
01:46.09asgGeren: I had tons of fun playing GT3
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01:46.12dofrexdm or gdm refuse to connect user but with startx method it's does anyone idea?
01:46.13sussudioGeren: wtf
01:46.17Nylei'll look it up, thanks, brb
01:46.18asgGeren: no, go away
01:46.20swatikissGuerin, "can't locate module snd_oplsa2"
01:46.26simonrvndocgnome: why would i bother with non-free drivers even if i could use them?
01:46.26GuerinCit: back the filesystem up with dd before proceeding, if you can.
01:46.28Gerencause i know there are ways to get ps2 games onto cd's and play
01:46.30sussudiowhat's with the warez-tards today?
01:46.31Gerenwithout buying it
01:46.33Guerinswatikiss: opl3sa2 ?
01:46.34dofrebut with startx it's ok sorry
01:46.35asgGeren: not here
01:46.41CitGuerin: and if I can't?
01:46.41asgGeren: try #exceed on efnet
01:46.49Gerenjoin #exceed
01:46.51docgnomesimonrvn: Because they might do a better job than the ones provided with X thats what i'm trying to figure out
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01:46.54asgGeren: you are a moron
01:46.57GuerinCit: but typically the only eway to fix it is to allow fsck to do its thang.
01:46.58Gerenno i'm serious
01:47.06asgGeren: efnet, not freenode
01:47.12swatikissGuerin, that didnt complain about anything (opl3sa2)
01:47.15simonrvndocgnome: what i said stands. kernel and x drivers work fine for me. i do not care
01:47.18kensaiIs there a way to have sound in doom 3 although I use the alsa drivers?
01:47.29Guerinswatikiss: just returned you to a prompt?
01:47.31CitGuerin: I'm happy to do that, but is it likely to destroy data if I just say yes?
01:47.31Gerenwhat is exceed?
01:47.33chealerkensai: are you using KDE?
01:47.39kensainope gnome
01:47.40green_earzNyle: Package:  camstream (0.26.3-7)
01:47.40green_earzCollection of tools for webcams and other video-devices
01:47.41Nyleoh jesus christ, what did you guys say to him, man, he's been in his room crying this whole time
01:47.42GuerinCit: it's possible, yeah.
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01:47.45Nylewhat the hell happened
01:47.46dpkgNo, debian, you're not online any more.
01:47.51asgGeren: a place to get l33t w4r3z (at least in 1996 or so)
01:47.55RoSmecheranyone here good in scheme?
01:47.58chealerkensai: ask directhex :)
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01:48.14Citdamnit, see, that's where the problem is =)
01:48.17asgRoSmecher: #scheme
01:48.22cthulfuegoswatikiss: Then it's loaded OK and you now have sound.
01:48.22zbowling!beer everyone
01:48.23GuerinNyle: that was probably my fault.
01:48.27olmowill a driver made for 2.4 work on the 2.6 kernel?
01:48.27RoSmecherasg the guys in scheme are no good
01:48.28swatikissif i try to run "play foo.mp3"  it gives me : sox: can't open output file '/dev/dsp': no such device
01:48.30chealerkensai: but there is a way, because I use ALSA
01:48.30Citshite, I don't have any space to backup the fs
01:48.31simonrvnNyle: he thought people were picking on him, when and he was making a big ass of himself
01:48.31Gerenasg, no no i'm not talking about playing on pc, but playing on the ps2 console
01:48.39swatikisscthulfuego, i have yet to hear anything tho
01:48.44zbowling!drink me
01:48.45asgRoSmecher: well, we aren't likely to be much better but ask your question
01:48.50olmowill a driver made for 2.4 work on the 2.6 kernel?
01:48.52Guerinswatikiss: ok, modprobe snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss
01:48.54kensaichealer: thanks
01:48.56sussudioolmo: no, it will not
01:48.58jharriso1well dudes you can fall for it if you like but im not
01:49.05Guerinswatikiss: those two modules are alsa's oss emulation
01:49.05asgGeren: download X from Interthingy and burn to disc is warez.
01:49.06rich_Nyle who? Nothing ever happens here. He's just frustrated because of some computer problem if you ask me. No one ever gets upset here unless their computer is broke.
01:49.12olmohm anyone have a bookmark to a good "intel pro/100 VE" driver?
01:49.16kensaidirechtex: Are you there?
01:49.18swatikissGuerin, cant locate snd-pcm-oss
01:49.24sussudioolmo: wtf?
01:49.29swatikissGuerin, or the other
01:49.36simonrvnNyle: like i said, he has issues, and he needs to fix them
01:49.38Nylerich_, well, apparantly something DID happen, my older brother is very upset
01:49.43Guerinswatikiss: did you build this kernel yourself, of is it a debian kernel?
01:49.44sussudiowhy would a NIC need a value edition?
01:49.56sussudioolmo: are you even using debian?
01:49.58asgolmo: try 'modprobe e100'
01:50.00swatikissGuerin, this is now the debian kernel : bf24
01:50.06docgnomeAnybody using the ATI drivers provided by ATI? I'm wondering if they work any better than the ones that come with X. I'm developing Java apps, and when things get painted there is a hellava lot of flicker/slowdown, and i'm wondering if thats the video card driver, or if the JVM is measurably slower under Linux than other OSes. Which would make no sense to me.
01:50.06donpaoloHi guys! What should I change in a testing box in order to have correct use of utf-8? Now I put a utf-8 locale, and set it as a default gnome language setting, but I keep seeing "strange" characters, in gnome terminal, in xchat, in galeon. Any hint?
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01:50.16olmothanks asg
01:50.17Nyleok, well my life is shitty, now I gotta go talk to him
01:50.18GuerinNyle: I was pretty hard on him for being a whining moron for hours and hours, and then not shutting up about it once he got his problem solved.
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01:50.36Guerinswatikiss: aargh
01:50.39olmowhat's suppose to happen asg?
01:50.43Nylebah, he IS a whiner
01:50.49Guerinswatikiss: I thought you were using a 2.6 kernel
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01:51.00asgolmo: nothing hopefully except that '/sbin/ifconfig -a' will indicate a new network device
01:51.16swatikissGuerin, i wasnt able to get that working so i went back to bf24
01:51.23rich_Nyle people bring their frustration here. When they get obscessed about language and other things its because they were all ready frustrated and it just came to the surface. Seriously, its probably a computer problem.
01:51.24chealerkensai: do you have a specific problem, like an error at startup?
01:51.25Nyleanyway, the guy really is a genuine problem haver, take it easy on him, or ignore him, harsh words just make him like this, and the I have to go waste my time talking to him, everytime anything happens
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01:51.38swatikissGuerin, should i go back to the 2.6 and try to get that working ?
01:51.43kensainope just that I have no sound
01:51.52Nyleanyway i gotta go
01:51.55sussudioNyle: just don't let him come here again, things will be fine.
01:52.00Nylei'll be back about the webam later
01:52.03Guerinswatikiss: yeah, I barely know how to get this card working under oss, but under alsa it's not hard.
01:52.06asgNyle: #hottub is a great place for such things.
01:52.17simonrvnfucking spfd..
01:52.17kensaishould I start doom 3 from terminal and put the output for you to see?
01:52.18Nylesussudio, i'll try dude, lol, I can't watch him all day long, I got work and school
01:52.18dpkggun is, like, fun
01:52.25olmoasg i'm getting the ifconfig mostly gibberish
01:52.26swatikissGuerin, i need 2.6 in order to use alsa  ?
01:52.35rich_everyone gets frustrated, its part of life, but the more things work, the less frustrated they get, just an observation.
01:52.36simonrvn!gun =~ s/fun/stupid/
01:52.36dpkgsimonrvn: OK
01:52.41asgolmo: when you typed 'modprobe e100' did it just return a prompt?
01:52.42chealerkensai: do you have alsa-oss compatibility?
01:52.51Guerinswatikiss: you don't need it, but if you don't have it, it makes things tricky. YUou need to install extra kernel modules, etc.
01:53.05swatikissill takle it tomorrow
01:53.05asgolmo: okay, then 'man 5 interfaces' (or /msg dpkg man interfaces) and setup the card.
01:53.34kensaithts what I don't know
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01:53.47Guerinit's nearly 1100, so I'm going back to bed
01:53.51asgGuerin: night
01:53.54kensaichealer: where do I chweck that is that a package on apt?
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01:53.58cthulfuegoGuerin: Pfffrt.
01:54.01chealerkensai: I can send you the log of a discussion I had with directhex if you wish
01:54.04cthulfuegoasg: 1100 != 2300
01:54.05asgGuerin: as in Good Night
01:54.10docgnomeDoes anyone use the drivers provided by ATI for their cards? I'm wondering if they work better than those provided by X.
01:54.18kensaichealer: good Idea
01:54.18asgcthulfuego: I know GuerinSTD
01:54.23jharriso1docgnome: I do
01:54.27chealerkensai: there is an alsa-oss package
01:54.35cthulfuegodocgnome: If you have a radeon 9xxx the ati ones will work better, yes.
01:54.36Guerinah, I slept really badly, and my wife is still in bed, so I could do a couple hours...
01:55.01cthulfuegoGuerin: Make your wife cook you brunch ;-)
01:55.19sussudioin soviet russia, brunch cooks you.
01:55.20asgcthulfuego: Chocolate HotDog Egg!
01:55.24kensaichealer: I'll check it now
01:55.30dpkgmethinks ifconfig is the tool you use in Debian to setup how your machine decides how to process "if" conditional statements. if you type `ifconfig all-true` everything will be true. someone also told me it has to viewing and configuring your networking interfaces...
01:55.36cthulfuegoasg: I was thinking eggs florentine
01:55.44asgcthulfuego: whatever works
01:55.49docgnomejharriso1: happen to know of a good tutorial for installing them?
01:56.09jharriso1docgnome: just the one in my head
01:56.10kensaichealer: I found it should I install it?
01:56.31cthulfuegoHmm, Bagle.AU outbreak today?
01:56.40asgcthulfuego: haven't seen one here
01:56.57zbowlingapt-get install apt-get ?
01:56.59chealerkensai: alsa-oss compatibility was not MY issue, that package was already installed
01:57.07jharriso1docgnome: compile a kernel with no direct rendering and with the agpgart driver built in for your motherboard chipset (not as a module)
01:57.24kensaiOhh so I'll check thene
01:57.33jharriso1docgnome: then download the ati rpm and do 'alien fglrx.rpm' to turn it into a deb
01:57.34kensaichealer can you send me the log?
01:57.49jharriso1docgnome: then instal the deb with dpkg -i --force-overwrite fglrx.deb
01:57.55cthulfuegojharriso1: There's a debianised fglrx installer afaik
01:58.14cthulfuego!ati drivers
01:58.14dpkgdebs of the binary ATI drivers are at (requires that the 'rpm' package be installed)  Be sure to *modularize* both the AGP GART and the Radeon DRM options in your custom kernel (under Character Devices).  ATI's binary driver does NOT support 9700 mobility radeon or the Mobility U1. See for Radeon U1 DRI.
01:58.28jharriso1use those then
01:58.48chealerkensai: I'm formatting it. do you get sound with cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp ?
01:59.03jharriso1I should put my directions up on my site
01:59.10helixsussudio: yes?
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02:00.05olmoasg the problem is that i've gone into the modconf
02:00.13sussudiohelix: people asking for warez and crap.
02:00.16olmobut i can't the module for the intel pro/100
02:00.29zbowlingHEHEHE.. comic chat 2.0 still works... wonder what it looks like in here?
02:00.36cthulfuego#APPEARS AS ANNA
02:00.37asgolmo: does 'lsmod | grep e100' list e100?
02:00.38olmoalso i've laready installed another module for an intel pro/1000 nic that i have
02:00.42citralrmmf I have problems with "find . -size -10240k | xargs rm {};" because the file names have fucking white spaces in it
02:00.48sussudiohelix: he's gone now
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02:00.51asgzbowling: as long as I get to be the Tiki Head, I don't care
02:01.03olmoyeah actually both the e100 and e1000
02:01.05kensaichealer: I got some king of freaky weird noise LOL
02:01.06cthulfuegohelix: sussudio was asking for dcc !lists
02:01.10sussudiohelix: second one today
02:01.11zbowlingasg: LMAO
02:01.13olmothere's also one with mii
02:01.15relexhello... does anyone know of any packages for debian (or any programs in general) that can convert avi to .VOB
02:01.19cthulfuegohelix: He wants a warezed badger
02:01.20rdancercitral: find -print0 | xargs -0
02:01.23asgcitral: find .... -print0 | xargs -0
02:01.25relexand other formats to VOB if possible.
02:01.32helixthey probably love slashdot
02:01.40kensaichealer: is that OK?
02:01.44chealerkensai: so your oss compatibility should be working according to directhex...hum...
02:01.50asgolmo: then get out of modconf (since the module is loaded) and configure the interface that uses the module 'e100'
02:01.59cthulfuegorelex: transcode; check google for tutorials on video dvd creation on Linux
02:02.00citralah yes, cool
02:02.08relexthank you
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02:02.26rdancercitral: you should use this always on untrusted filenames (e.g., wgeted).
02:02.31olmoassuming you mean by configure to go into the /etc/network/interfaces then add a eth1 much like the one i already have there correct?
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02:02.40asgolmo: yes
02:02.48olmoah thanks
02:02.52osirisHi can somebody help me to be able to play dvds please? i have a dvd write and every program i try to play dvds in says couldnt open device?
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02:03.05olmosorry for the bother i have a couple of references but people seem to be the fastest way to the solution
02:03.10citralrdancer: that's exactly the case
02:03.12chealerkensai: so alsa-oss is something different. if you have oss compatibility lsmod should mention snd_pcm_oss and snd_mixer_oss
02:03.16asgolmo: no worries
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02:04.43kensaichealer I just installed the file alsa-oss
02:04.47kensaiIll try now
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02:05.18chealerkensai: sorry I talked about it by error, directhex said it was something different than oss compatibility
02:05.32docgnomeOk, So... when I follow that tutorial I was directed to it tells me to "make-kpkg blah blah blah" and when I do, it responds with "bash: make-kpkg: command not found" Am i missing something or am I just being unreasonably dense.
02:05.48chealerso I think you can consider your OSS compatibility is working if you have snd_pcm_oss and snd_mixer_oss in lsmod
02:05.59dondelelcarodocgnome: install kernel-package, build-essential, and fakeroot
02:06.10mathieudocgnome, apt-get install kernel-package
02:06.18docgnomeRight. Thanks.
02:06.23chealerkensai: but you'll need to google for the problem you actually have I guess :/
02:06.53kensaichealer: Ok then I'll google thanks any ways
02:07.15chealerkensai: or RTFM if you didn't already :)
02:08.18pv2bRead The Manual.
02:08.28pv2b(the F is silent.)
02:08.33asgpv2b: no it isn't
02:08.51rdancerpv2b: lol
02:09.47kensaichealer: Thanks I'll google RTFM doom 3 LOL
02:11.28chealerkensai: ie maybe
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02:12.21kensaichealer: Thanks
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02:15.36zakamehi all
02:15.40Nylemm, popcorn
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02:16.28rich_Nyle merry maids and popcorn to you too :)
02:16.44Nylehey, is there a software similar to Microsoft Publisher, my younger brother has to do an assignment for school and he needs to print out a broshure of some kind.
02:16.57asgNyle: scribus
02:17.09Nyleis that also a package name
02:17.23Nylelemme see
02:17.31asgNyle: yes at least in sid (probably sarge too)
02:18.02zbowlingApache/1.3.26 (Unix) Debian GNU/Linux PHP/5.0.2 mod_perl/1.26
02:18.03docgnomeWell... now when i try to run make-kpkg it says "String found where operator expected at -e line 1, near "k7""" as well as a few other errors... none of which i understand.
02:18.04asgNyle: an older version exists in woody
02:18.15Nylethat program would print out the broshure with the lines, telling you where to fold?  That is the function he is looking for
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02:18.28zbowlingheh debian woody running PHP5
02:18.33Nylei run sarge,and i'll install it, thanks
02:18.34asgNyle: maybe, it is apparently a pretty full featured program
02:18.36dondelelcaroNyle: you don't need the lines.
02:18.39asgzbowling: backports are for sucks
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02:18.52zbowlingheh.. i need to for php5
02:19.06asgzbowling: no, you probably don't
02:19.08zbowlingi don't backport... i source install
02:19.42zbowlingi need php5 xsl support and the added soap support
02:19.50Nyledondelelcaro, I don't know, I was just telling you what my little brother told me.  I was like dude, I don't buy ms publisher, and we don't have it, he said, then he can't do his homework.  I said, so basically you are telling me that you teachers say if you don't have ms publisher you can't get your work done?
02:20.22Nyleoh, to be 14 again...
02:21.24Roninno thanks Nyle once was enough
02:21.35asgNyle: the beer was crappier and harder to get.
02:21.45NyleRonin, was it that bad ;)
02:22.41chealerNyle dude: I hate teachers saying that too :)
02:22.41zbowlingreno 911 is funny
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02:23.02chealerI heard scribud was quite full-featured too
02:23.04Nylechealer, I'm afraid I don't understand
02:23.33osiriscan anybody help me set my system up for dvd play back
02:23.43zbowlingi hate teachers that require you bring in a power point presentation.. i'm like.. why don't i just make a fully interactive dvd movie on my linux box and they are like well i take these home and i don't have a dvd player
02:23.44chealerNyle: teachers saying use MS *crap* and do that
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02:23.48Nyleosiris, what dvd hardware do you have?
02:23.59asgosiris: /msg dpkg dvd (might give you some pointers on where to start)
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02:24.32Nylechealer, they MAKE you dependent on MS products, or try to at least.
02:24.36asgchealer: mrs. asg doesn't ;)
02:24.41zbowlingi brought a pdf document to school that i exported from open office
02:25.06Pakalwhat is the best client for e-donkey?
02:25.11Nyleasg, you are a teacher?
02:25.16asgNyle: my wife is
02:25.16osirisNyle i have a dvd write its an emprex
02:25.29asgPakal: apt-cache search e donkey
02:25.33olmosimple q' for a simple ans' what's the package for firefox?
02:25.46Nyleolmo, apt-get install mozilla-firefox
02:25.50asgPakal: try them all and decide for yourself
02:25.58olmofigures heh
02:26.13Nyleolmo, an easy way to search for packages is to use the command, apt-cache search <package name keyword here>
02:26.27rich_I was in a class once where we worked in teams, on a project, for the whole class, and my job was to keep coffee on the table and draw documentation and someone gave me office, in the origional cd. When I tried to give it back after the class was over he said "keep it"
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02:27.28asgrich_: and office helps keep coffee on the table?
02:27.33Nyleolmo, try and read the apt man pages for a better understand of the package management tool, it makes life a little less complicated
02:27.46rich_asg it was to draw a flow chart
02:28.08asgolmo: for a gentle (but somewhat outdated intro to debian) try
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02:28.14chealerolmo: or apt-get install synaptic
02:28.42olmosynaptic is already installed
02:29.07Nylesynaptic is alright, I still prefer command line though, much faster
02:29.10Nylefor me at least
02:29.17chealerolmo: just search with ctrl-f then...
02:29.25Nyleplus apt is just frikkin awesome
02:29.38Nylenext best thing to portage
02:29.58*** part/#debian Pakal (
02:30.07nvsNyle: blasphemy! ;-)
02:30.19asgdondelelcaro: I was wondering who was going to flinch first
02:30.28Nyleimho, mind you :)
02:30.31rich_Nyle yea but apt has been around longer than the others and it shows in the sophistication of the dependancy system
02:30.45Nylerich_, indeed it does
02:31.01dondelelcarodependency system is actually dpkg. Apt does the dependency resolution... which is it's main advantage.
02:31.15Nylenvs, whats going on dude
02:31.17dondelelcarothe former being much, much easier than the latter.
02:31.32nvsNyle: I'm watching someone getting fired! ;-)
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02:31.46Nyleyou actually watch that show
02:31.57nvsNyle: I LOVE the infighting
02:32.08RoninNyle: that bad being 14? no would i want to do it again? no damn way
02:32.14rich_yea people from other dists complain about how they cant find dependancies and have to install them themselves, but because apt is so well polised, and because the quality control is so good and you cant get a package unless you can get its dependancies, debian users dont have that problem
02:32.27*** join/#debian arnon (
02:32.51NyleRonin, if I could be 14 again with all the knowledge I have now, man, that would be so sweet, I could be a billionair
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02:33.11arnonhi, how can I make debian execute dhclient automatically everytime I boot up ?
02:33.33stewarnon: /msg dpkg man interfaces
02:33.40asgNyle: Billionaires, however, do know how to use ispell(1)
02:33.46*** join/#debian p0int (point@
02:33.50Nylethen I would buy MS from gates, and release the source code and integrate the stupidly user friendliness of windows, with the stability and functionality of linux
02:33.52Nyleyeh yeh yeh
02:33.56Nylethats what I want
02:34.26arnonthx stew
02:34.35asgNyle: or use OS/X
02:34.38rich_fvwm is superior to windows in simplicity of design and versatility.
02:34.40debianunder what condition would the name resolve failed while resolv.conf was made correctly?
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02:34.48Nyledondelelcaro, not really man, considering I am an MCSE and I suck, which is why I moved to linux
02:34.48asgrich_: s/fvwm/ion/
02:35.06rdancerdebian: tcpdump will tel you?
02:35.08rich_asg yea probably everything but gnome and possibly kde :)
02:35.09asgdebian: your /etc/nsswitch.conf is misconfigured
02:35.23asgrich_: too heavy for me
02:35.29debianrdancer, asg: let me look in this direction thanks.
02:35.52SDFH_Linuxhow do you change the font size during start up in debian
02:35.59debianNyle: it was not you. MCSE sucks by default, nothing personal.
02:36.08asgSDFH_Linux: vga=791 (an often used choice)
02:36.09citralSDFH_Linux: edit /etc/console-tools/config
02:36.17rdancerasg: does one really have to alter /etc/nsswitch.conf by hand, unless altered previously?
02:36.18Nyleoh, if I have given that impression, I must clearify that I do not fit the descripton of a troll
02:36.41Nyledebian, when I figured that out, I moved to linux and gave up on ms
02:36.42asgrdancer: no, but I don't know what is being done to cause the issue since the question was vague
02:36.44citralSDFH_Linux: the fonts are in /usr/share/consolefonts/
02:37.34rdancerasg: heh, the most hardcore reply, just besides ``the kernel networking code got fucked up'', heh 8))
02:37.36citralSDFH_Linux: you can try to load some with consolechars -f /usr/share/consolefonts/foo and put the one you like in /etc/console-tools/config
02:37.47asgrdancer: or 'I fooled with /etc/hosts but forgot'
02:37.58rich_Windows is reletively new, I hope someday it will evolve into something usefull.
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02:38.12asgrich_: it's useful as a game machine
02:38.37Nyleasg, I second that, I only keep xp dual boot because of  Morrowind and Diablo II
02:38.42SDFH_Linuxis there a way to put say a tux or debian logo during boot
02:38.59rdancerSDFH_Linux: apt-cache search logo?
02:39.15SDFH_Linuxduring boot
02:39.16Nyleasg, I have only one computer :(
02:39.17trucidoI need to be able to bind things that I run in inetd to a particular internal IP address only. I understand that the easiest way to do this is by using xinetd instead. Is there a better way to accomplish this?
02:39.19rdancerdualboot sux <= rebooting sux
02:39.31rdancerSDFH_Linux: latter
02:39.31dpkgfrom memory, bootsplash is  && (Themes and updates) see also gensplash
02:39.32Nylehey, wanna donate one to the cause? :D
02:39.35asgNyle: ah well, that's fine then
02:39.37bob2trucido: netkit-inetd does not support that
02:39.49debianasg: so, that's nothing to do with nsswitch.conf?
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02:39.56citralor the sound of a giant shoe on a lake
02:39.57debianasg: I thought you're giving me advise here.
02:39.58trucidobob2: so, xinetd is the way to make it happen?
02:40.08bob2trucido: if you insist on inetd at all, yes
02:40.11SDFH_Linuxasg where i put that command for fonts
02:40.14asgdebian: maybe maybe not. What are you running that doesn't appear to be using /etc/resolv.conf?
02:40.19Nylebob2, long time no see, how are you?
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02:40.26debianasg: ping
02:40.35rich_Ive never been able to use windows but Ive noticed it includes unix commands one by one. After what, 20 years or so, they have like six or seven, ftp, telnet, etc. I guess that means just two or three hundred years and it will have a decent command set.
02:40.45rdancerdebian: it can be *anything*, man 5 nsswitch.conf if you don't believe asg
02:40.57trucidobob2: i looked at the xinetd package and it does not conflict with inetd. I'm unsure of the steps I need to take to ensure this transition goes smoothly. Any help you can offer?
02:40.58asgdebian: oh, if you wait a minute and a half, does it start working?
02:41.05NyleI installed scribus, where is it, I can't find it
02:41.15asgNyle: dpkg -L scribus | grep bin
02:41.26rdancerasg, debian: but probably it's /etc/hosts, 'cause that's the only thing that doesn't use /etc/resolv.conf?
02:41.29debianrdancer: well, as you said, I don't know what in nsswitch.conf would case the problem after looking at it and compares it with the other server.
02:41.30bob2trucido: don't use either
02:41.33Nylehey thanks
02:41.37debianasg: it's been days since it doesn't work. :)
02:41.37bob2trucido: if you want to, just remove inetd
02:41.50asgdebian: so it did work fine and then suddenly *poof*?
02:41.58rdancerdebian: tcpdump ?
02:42.02debianasg: never ever work.
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02:42.22debianrdancer: since it's a production server the dump are relatively messy, what do I look?
02:42.34debianasg: I mean the name resolve thingy
02:42.41asgdebian: well, for shits and giggles (as well as narrowing the problem space), try ping (and wait at least 2 minutes)
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02:42.47trucidobob2: I run bitlebbe and imapS in inetd, i want both on internal IP only, but they are very low use. Want to get them from binding to *
02:43.06debianasg: it returns immediately that the name doesn't resolve
02:43.07asgdebian: also, be sure that 'ping' works
02:43.37rdancerdebian: tcpdump -i eth0 port 53
02:43.38debianasg: aye it works.
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02:43.53asgdebian: and what do you have in /etc/resolv.conf?
02:43.58swatikissit seems that when i install the 2.6 kernel on my 2.4 box things get really messy with X and other settings - is there a way around this ?
02:44.03synzzanyone got any tips on installing nvidia X drivers under debian sarge?
02:44.18dpkgrumour has it, nvidia is To learn how to install nvidia drivers on your Debian system see 'nvidia-howto' or maybe 'nvidia debs'.  That should explain all you need to know.
02:44.42synzzrdancer, danke :-)
02:44.43trucidobob2: Do you think I need to remove inetd before installing xinetd?
02:44.45debianrdancer: the bind works, so that bothers me. (tried it with nslookup <bind server>)
02:44.55bob2trucido: if they don't conflict, no
02:44.55rdancersynzz: bitte
02:44.57bob2synzz: don't do it
02:45.00debianasg: first line search localdomain second line the nameserver
02:45.14synzzbob2, eh?
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02:45.24trucidobob2: thanks for the help bob2, going to try.
02:45.42asgdebian: and when you say it immediately returns, what error do you get?
02:45.49osiriscan anyone tell me how to make enlightenment appear in my sessions menu? i cant seem to run it at all?
02:45.56debianasg: unknown host
02:45.59Nyleok, good, scribus does the job, thanks, be back soon
02:46.01dondelelcaroosiris: just change your .xsession
02:46.04bob2osiris: echo enlightenment >> ~/.xsession
02:46.12bob2osiris: choose "Debian session" from gdm or use xdm
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02:46.30osirisecho enlightenment >> ~/.xsession
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02:47.06asgdebian: if you 'telnet 53' do you get "Escape character is '^]'."
02:47.31troggertell me, oh knowledgable debian geeks - what currency would most shops at Frankfurt Aiport accept? deustchmarks, euros, other?
02:47.45trogger(just a touch OT, but never mind)
02:47.54bob2isn't germany on the euro now?
02:48.05*** join/#debian SDFH_Linux (
02:48.06asgdebian: s/
02:48.11dondelelcarobob2: should be.
02:48.14swatikissi am having trouble getting sound to work on my laptop - should i install the 2.4 kernel or 2.6 kernel to fix this ( i have the default bf24 debian kernel now and am having problems getting alsa to work properly)
02:48.26debianasg: aye I tried the ip, it returns the message you said
02:48.32bob2singapore airport took pounds, singapore dollars and au dollars, iirc
02:48.37asgdebian: so, no tcp firewall issue then
02:48.54troggerbob2: heh, that would be nice
02:48.54stewswatikiss: you are trying to get alsa working on bf24?
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02:49.04swatikissstew yeh
02:49.05stewswatikiss: /msg dpkg real kernel
02:49.18sunvientAre any of you familair with using Netgear wireless adapters (i.e. MA111) that connect through the USB with Debian? I've tried with Fedora and nothing but hell so I'm considering trying Debian. Any experiences?
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02:49.32bob2sunvient: they semi-suck
02:49.55sunvientyeah, so far linux is a pain in the ass to use with USB wireless adapters
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02:49.59asgdebian: I'd follow rdancer's advice and use tcpdump to monitor what packets are traveling on the wire. Also, 'strace -o /tmp/trace ping' might provide illumination.
02:50.01stewsunvient: you might try asking in #wireless
02:50.03debianasg: the other identical server doesn't has this problem.
02:50.07bob2sunvient: no, the chip itself
02:50.15bob2sunvient: but mine works most of the time
02:50.22bob2sunvient: and it beats no wireless (bloody broadcom)
02:50.29debianasg: you're right, let me try....
02:50.43swatikissstew yes, i know... that is why i want to upgrade my kernel... but the 2.4-k6 kernel wont boot up properly on my laptop.... and when i tried 2.6 it was was really messy and left me with things to fix (and my NIC stopped working)
02:50.44bob2sunvient: just get the latest linux-wlan-ng tarball from, build, install, read the end of the README where it talks about usb devices
02:50.53bob2sunvient: you can't use ad-hoc mode, sadly, but kismet works
02:51.03kensaihow can I set up a printer that is in another PC with windows in my network? I am alredy seen that pc and it shared docs but not the printer
02:51.05sunvientoh ok, thanks. I'll give that a try
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02:51.10stewswatikiss: why wouldn't the 2.4-k6 kernel boot?
02:51.39swatikissit gave me errors about "no irq known for interrupt pin A" ( i think this is for my pcmcia cards
02:52.20stewswatikiss: did you try booting with pci=biosirq or one of the similar kernel params? (just guessing)
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02:52.31stewswatikiss: what nic did you have trouble with in 2.6?
02:52.49troggerhow many places in the UK accept euros?
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02:53.02swatikissstew: i added that to lilo (append pci=biosirq) or whatev
02:53.54swatikissstew it is a linksys pcmcia100v2 (think thats what its called anyways)
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02:54.29SDFH_Linuxhow do you change those start up fonts again plz
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02:55.10SDFH_Linuxfonts in debian during boot up
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02:58.12debianasg, rdancer: tcpdump returns nothing when ping, while it does returns relevent information when do nslookup
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02:58.35asgdebian: what debian are you running?
02:58.37debianasg: while with ping, I compare both server, one work one doesn't
02:59.02debianasg: one sarge one stable....the stable one works
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02:59.14alnrhello. I have a soundblaster live 24 model sb0410, I get an error Starting ALSA.../etc/init.d/alsa: Error: alsactl restore failed with message 'alsactl: load_state:1134: No soundcards found...'. Is this card unsupported ?
02:59.15asgdebian: so they aren't identical
02:59.49asgdebian: does 'md5sum /bin/ping' -> e77027680b54e5714825dcef378b04ab  /bin/ping
02:59.49debianasg: hmm, sorry, I'm referring to their related part
02:59.58nvzalnr: run alsa-config
03:00.12debianasg: now you scare me. :)
03:00.16debianasg: hold on
03:00.28SDFH_Linuxhow change start up fonts in debian?
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03:00.40asgSDFH_Linux: which fonts, what are you trying to do?
03:00.40bob2"start up fonts"?
03:00.42bob2the console font?
03:00.44bob2why bother?
03:00.47alnrnvz, i dont have that command
03:00.52SDFH_Linuxthey are to big
03:00.56SDFH_Linuxi need to change them
03:01.01SDFH_Linuxhow do i do it
03:01.03maisi got a problem with my d-link nic interface
03:01.06SDFH_Linuxi can see most of the words
03:01.08bob2SDFH_Linux: why?
03:01.14bob2mais: oh, can we guess what your problem is?
03:01.18SDFH_Linuxnew monitor
03:01.23SDFH_Linuxand and i cant see them
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03:01.57SDFH_Linuxcan someone help me please
03:02.02maisbob2 my cd live reconaigze  my eth, but not my debian
03:02.03*** join/#debian Orlino (
03:02.05bob2SDFH_Linux: you need to be more annoting
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03:02.25bob2SDFH_Linux: does X start?
03:02.33SDFH_Linuxof course bob2
03:02.44Orlinoanyone know/using a similar tool to iptraf?
03:02.50bob2iptraf is cool
03:02.54bob2what doesn't it do for you?
03:02.59sswatikisstew do you know what module is for my NIC in 2.6 ?
03:03.09SDFH_Linuxi just cant see most of the words
03:03.09asgOrlino: ntop is nifty as well
03:03.11bob2mais: what module does it use?
03:03.13SDFH_Linuxi need them a bit smaller
03:03.16Orlinobob2: I can't navigate menues remotely
03:03.22maisvia-rhine bob2
03:03.25Orlinoasg: have ntop
03:03.25bob2Orlino: iptrad -d eth0
03:03.32bob2mais: and loading it on Debian doesn't work either?
03:03.42bob2SDFH_Linux: you need to recompile your kernel for that, afaik
03:04.01bob2how much do you care?
03:04.13Orlinobob2: what is -d?
03:04.36maisnot bob2, i had installed with bf24, and i encounter the module, pero this wrangler says to me that dosnt encounter my interface
03:04.54bob2Orlino: 13:02:55           bob2 | what doesn't it do for you?
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03:05.23NuBusSDFH_Linux: do you specifically need to change the font itself, or would a resolution change for the initial console to make the same font smaller work the same for you?
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03:06.42maisi had edited my /etc/network/interfaces
03:06.52sswatikiswhere do i add the "pci=biosirq" setting for the kernel boot ? !?
03:07.10asgsswatikis: boot: Linux pci=biosirq
03:07.28sswatikisasg where do i put that though ?
03:07.33asgsswatikis: at the LILO prompt (if you use grub, just edit your kernel line and append to the end.)
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03:07.50asgsswatikis: permanently? /etc/lilo.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst
03:08.19SDFH_Linuxresolution change is fine NUbus
03:08.23SDFH_Linuxhow i do that
03:08.37sswatikisasg crap, i put an append pci=biosirq in my liloconf but that didnt fix my booting problem in the 2.4 kernel image
03:09.07asgsswatikis: hmmmm
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03:09.31sswatikisasg all i am really tring to do is to be able to have sound and a stable system
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03:09.39sswatikisright now i only have a stable system :P
03:09.40asgsswatikis: try passing it manually at boottime to see if it works at all.
03:09.42Agrajag-asg: i just install ntop to give it a go, but i get "**FATAL_ERROR** of /var/lib/ntop/prefsCache.db failed: File open error" - that file exists, and user/group is ntop. i ran ntop with sudo, so i dont know what the problem is?
03:09.50chealer*WUHU* I got that apache core dump I was looking for, thanks to all those that tried to help me
03:10.09*** join/#debian dli (
03:10.12sswatikisasg how do i do that - type it in ?
03:10.28asgAgrajag-: what debian? did you read /usr/share/doc/ntop/README.Debian (for particulars you might need to know about.)
03:10.38sswatikisasg i just dont know why i cant get sound witht this bf24 kernel ...
03:10.41Agrajag-asg: testing, i'll read that now
03:10.59NuBusSDFH_Linux: I don't know how to do it myself, but it someone else may - just suggesting it as something to ask for different to just font changing.
03:11.00asgsswatikis: oh, well bf24 is the install kernel and doesn't support a lot of non-essential hardware
03:11.10SDFH_Linuxah ok
03:11.15asgsswatikis: apt-get install kernel-image (pick a kernel that suits your arch and install it.)
03:11.16dliI have ENV "XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority", couldn't find where to comment out this
03:11.21SDFH_Linuxk how i change the start up resoultion in debian
03:11.43SDFH_Linuxthanks nubus for suggestion
03:11.44dliSDFH_Linux, in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
03:11.56SDFH_Linuxk in there what i change
03:12.13SDFH_Linuxmy lcd is fine resoultion its just during start up everything is huge
03:12.14mertSDFH_Linux: I think you wanna look at the Framebuffer HOWTO
03:12.18asgSDFH_Linux: you're problem isn't related to X, disregard what dli said
03:12.31SDFH_Linuxok where i go for that
03:12.31SDFH_Linuxi read up
03:12.42dliasg: sorry, thought about screen resolution
03:13.00asgdli: /msg dpkg vagueness (in relation to your question)
03:13.09Agrajag-asg: ok, i tried running it with -A to set an admin password, that worked. but i still get that same error. am i mean to start it with some options? im just doing "sudo ntop"
03:13.09chealerAgrajag-: ntop is your web server? (not apache?)
03:13.26Agrajag-chealer: eh? ntop as in a network monitoring tool
03:13.27sswatikisasg that is what i am trying to do but the 2.4 kernel image keeps freezing on boot
03:13.33asgAgrajag-: try just 'su'ing to root and running it (for a start)
03:13.47Agrajag-same problem
03:13.56mertSDFH_Linux: perhaps just to /usr/share/doc/HOWTO or some such, but you can go to
03:14.04asgsswatikis: the bf24 kernel works but a real kernel-image doesn't?
03:14.17chealerAgrajag-: doh, my brain had a buggy bit
03:14.19dlihow do I undefine an ENV in bash ?
03:14.20SDFH_Linuxk thanjks mert
03:14.21asgAgrajag-: well, check the bts to see if this is a known problem (/msg dpkg bts)
03:14.31dondelelcarodli: with unset
03:14.31SDFH_Linuxanother question good idea to use autofs?
03:14.35SDFH_Linuxor no
03:14.37Agrajag-asg: ok
03:14.42asgdli: export ENV=
03:15.07dlidondelelcaro, thanks, I couldn't find where the XAUTHORITY is defined :( just unset it now
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03:16.12maisand so
03:16.22maiswhere is bbo2
03:16.27sswatikisasg yes, i can use the bf24 kernel just fine -- but i am having trouble booting up in the real kernel
03:16.30asgdli: or 'unset ENV'
03:16.48asgsswatikis: did you pick one comensurate with your machine architecture?
03:17.05asgmais: s/bbo2/bob2/
03:17.19Agrajag-ags: can't find that particualar problem
03:17.22bob2mais: ?
03:17.28dliasg: thanks, I'm using "unset XAUTHORITY" in my .bashrc, but ssh -X still got problems, I picked a wrong point :(
03:17.42bob2dli: don't fuck with your environment
03:17.45bob2ssh does it for you
03:17.47asgAgrajag-: hmmm odd
03:18.06dlibob2: "ssh -X" stopped working for me :( wondering why
03:18.07sswatikisasg well, i have a k6-2 and i am trying to use the k6 kernel image....
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03:18.15asgAgrajag-: did you just 'apt-get install ntop' ?
03:18.17bob2dli: install xbase-clients on the other end
03:18.32Agrajag-asg: yeah. i just started it now with "ntop -u ntop" and it's working
03:18.38asgAgrajag-: ah
03:18.41dlibob2: no, the other end is debian, and works for other box, problem at the side
03:18.52asgsswatikis: at which point does it fail? what error?
03:19.02bob2dli: you can do X forwarding from the remtoe box if you ssh from another machine?
03:19.42dlibob2: yeah, if I do ssh from other boxes, X works perfectly
03:20.09dlibob2: but not from a box running :( X forwarding expires in minute then
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03:20.37dliX Error of failed request:  BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)
03:20.45bob2dli: I'm running on my local machine and X-forwarding works
03:20.59dmb062082what would be the best media player? I think I am liking xmms
03:21.06dlibob2: great, rescue me :(
03:21.19asgdmb062082: it depends on the media
03:21.28dmb062082all around
03:21.34bob2dmb062082:all "media players" suck.
03:21.38sswatikisasg it complains about my "no PCI known for interrupt pin A of device 00:13.0 please try using pci=biosirq".... iget a similar error for pin B / 00:13.1 ( i belive these are my pcmcia slots and when i fiddle with bios settings it gives slightly different error but still freezes
03:21.46bob2use a music player for music and a video player for your pon and pirated movies
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03:21.47dmb062082well some must be better....
03:21.57asgdmb062082: well, the majority of stuff I view is 'ASCII' so less(1) (otherwise, mplayer works well for me)
03:21.59dlibob2: what's the trick, I installed, then, I couldn't use X forwarding, I mean, for more than 10 minutes, I would have to exit ssh, and reconnect to get X forwarding
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03:22.04dmb062082winamp needs to be ported =( great app
03:22.47debiantDoes anyone know what kernel parameters are required for dhclient besides CONFIG_PACKET and CONFIG_FILTER ??
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03:22.52bob2dli: no idea
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03:23.02bob2dmb062082: cplay is a great music player
03:23.08asgdebiant: /msg dpkg dhcp kernel
03:23.29dlidebiant: I remember there's dhcp support also, I just select them, maybe only needed for dhcpd
03:23.32stewyeah cplay is great
03:23.38*** join/#debian try_catch_this_ (trycatchth@
03:23.39dmb062082does is play movies in ascii?
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03:23.49dmb062082err music nevermind
03:23.56asg!lart alejandro_ in general
03:24.00dmb062082i might stick with xmms
03:24.01debiantI get an error back that says I don't hve CONFIG_PCKET and CONFIG_FILTER in my kernel
03:24.06debiantbut I DEFINITELY do
03:24.08stewdmb062082: mplayer will play movies in ascii
03:24.16jeanmihi. My GF's computer hangs while starting a service at boot time. This happens before the network is configured and thus I can't fix the problem by connecting to the machine. She is using GRUB (which I don't know), the machine is distant, no CD to boot from. How can with GRUB do something equivalent to "linux init=/bin/sh" (like with LILO) ?
03:24.41alejandro_-aWaysorry, it went twice...
03:24.50asgjeanmi: the 'service' is trying to resolve dns but can't since the network is not up. wait for 90 seconds or so and fix the boot order.
03:25.01dlibob2: do you have XAUTHORITY at your xclient side?
03:25.22initechjeanmi: have her start single user then remove the offending service so you can fix it?
03:25.25bob2dli: you really don't need to fuck with your environment
03:25.30jeanmiasg the service is cupsys and I dont why it hangs
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03:25.32bob2dli: and if it ever works, then fucking with it won't help
03:25.34debiantdo people with debian 3 use the dhcp-client package or the dhcp3-client package? Anyone know the difference??
03:25.38jeanmiinitech how do I start single user with GRUB ?
03:25.52debiantjeanmi you add -s to your boot parameter
03:25.52FyronixHow do I use apt to search for packages of the "testing" variety, rather than "stable?"
03:25.52*** join/#debian quadrata (
03:25.56asgjeanmi: it's probably broadcasting for other ipp services.
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03:26.08asgjeanmi: there should be an option in grub at the menu to 'e' edit a line
03:26.13quadratasequethin: there you are
03:26.18initechjeanmi: get the prompt then "blah single", sorry i don't use it though, but something along those lines
03:26.27asgjeanmi: type that, append ' single' to the end, hit <ENTER>, and then 'b' to boot
03:26.40initechjeanmi: how did cups ever get put before the network?
03:26.48jeanmidebiant I am in China while she is in France, I have no experience with (don't even know how the menu looks like). so I need to know the basic stuff I need to tell her (she is ot a geek at all)
03:26.50sswatikisasg do you have any idea ?
03:26.59asginitech: because debian puts shit in the wrong order
03:27.03quadratajbit: so you are
03:27.05jeanmiinitech I installed cupsys on the host last time it was up and since .....
03:27.06initechasg: not here
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03:27.21asgsswatikis: I don't, I'm sorry. Anything on google?
03:27.40asginitech: with pcmcia, debian is completely broken ootb.
03:27.41MrPoopyPantsI seem to have a problem in sarge - I can only exit X if I hit ctrl-alt-backspace
03:27.45sswatikisasg it just said about putting an append in lilo.conf -- which i did but with no luck
03:27.55*** join/#debian wulfbane (
03:28.00sswatikisasg perhaps i should just bite it and install 2.6 ? !?
03:28.05asgsswatikis: did you type '/sbin/lilo' afterward to get lilo to recognize the option?
03:28.20jeanmiasg so basically there should be at some point a chance to type for instance "linux single" ?
03:28.26asgsswatikis: installing 2.6 is an option.
03:28.27debiantjeanmi like asg said, you hit 'e' or something to edit the current boot line, its on the grub manpage (and the menu) , but I don't have a grub-enabled system available at the moment
03:28.42jeanmiasg does she need to hit a special key to get access to a prompt where to type linux single ?
03:28.45asgjeanmi: yes, at the GRUB menuy screen, hit <SPACE> to stop the timer.
03:28.50sswatikisasg i ran lilo aftwards ... it did not complain about anything .. i just assumed it was O.K.
03:28.52MrPoopyPantsOh there we go - there seems to be a long delay in between when I click log out and the time it actually allows me to log out is about a minute
03:28.59quadrataso, I was wondering, how do I format an aol cd with debian?
03:29.13jeanmiasg, OK then first hits SPACE, then 'e' ?
03:29.15sswatikisasg i wouldnt mind installing 2.6 - just that when i did everything got really messed up and my NIC stopped working
03:29.15asgjeanmi: then, underneath the options there should be a list of things you can do (i.e. 'e' edit)
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03:29.28debiantquadrata - format an aol cd??
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03:29.31vaxenis there linux program that can format partition as FAT32?
03:29.37asgjeanmi: hit <SPACE> to stop the timer, then read. I don't remember offhand what the exact options are.
03:29.43quadratadebiant: yes so I can run aol on debian
03:29.45asgsswatikis: what nic?
03:29.53sswatikisquadrata i wish i knew!
03:29.55debiantvaxen: mkfs
03:29.57bob2vaxen: mkfs -t vfat
03:29.58asgvaxen: fdisk should be able to do so
03:30.22asgs/fdisk// (me missed the question entirely)
03:30.26debiantquadrata I don't think aol runs on debian does it??
03:30.37vaxencan i specify cluster size?
03:30.40jeanmiasg man grub ?
03:30.41MrPoopyPantsis there a full AOL client for linux?
03:30.41quadratadebiant: well it should, don't you think?
03:30.51MrPoopyPantsmy stepmom could leave windoze
03:30.55quadratait should be a simple matter of formatting the cd as ext3, right?
03:31.00MrPoopyPantsmaybe it runs with wine
03:31.03debiantquadrata - that is something like blasepheme
03:31.06vaxenasg: fdisk only change partition id isnt it?
03:31.14asgjeanmi: once you get to the *default* grub screen (blue with white lettering) hit some key (arrow, space, whatever) to stop the auto timer.
03:31.20quadratadebian: blasephme?
03:31.21MrPoopyPantshow hte hell do you format a cd as ext3?
03:31.27asgvaxen: yes, I misread what you said
03:31.28debiantquadrata are you talking about a cd FROM Aol??
03:31.31Sebhow do I tell hotplug to not do anything network-related, period ?
03:31.32MrPoopyPantsthat would be pretty sick
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03:31.38quadrataMrPoopyPants: don't be so negative
03:31.39FyronixHow do I use apt to search for packages of the "testing" variety, rather than "stable?"
03:31.46asgMrPoopyPants: create a ext3 iso image and burn it to cd
03:31.47jsoftI want to install via floppy. Which images do I need. The docs are not clear.
03:31.52MrPoopyPantsquadrata, not negative jsut stoned
03:31.55SebMrPoopyPants: CDs are to be iso9660, why would you want ext3 ?
03:32.01asgjeanmi: the instructions should be at the bottom of the blue box.
03:32.03sswatikisasg it is a linksys pcmpc100v2 NIC
03:32.09MrPoopyPantsyou know - once i set up the kernel debian runs as fast as gentoo
03:32.13jeanmiasg ok thanks a lot
03:32.18MrPoopyPantsIm pretty impressed
03:32.23jsoftgentoo is overrated imo :)
03:32.23quadratayeah MrPoopyPants why would you think you could format a cd as ext3?
03:32.28jsoftits trying to be bsd
03:32.38MrPoopyPantsquadrata, I dont - someone else said that
03:32.39asgsswatikis: hmm, not familiar with that. Someone else here might be though.
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03:32.53MrPoopyPantsquadrata it should be a simple matter of formatting the cd as ext3, right?
03:32.54quadrataMrPoopyPants: who? I'll get 'em :/
03:32.55asg!hug OpenBSD manpages
03:33.02dlibob2: I think it works after I "unset XAUTHORITY" at the end
03:33.02*** mode/#debian [+l 724] by debhelper
03:33.06Sebasg: hell yeah :)
03:33.17debiantquadrata - what is it EXACTLY you are trying to do??
03:33.39quadratadebiant: well, I want to run aol on debian, but my cd only works in windows
03:33.44debiantpoopypants what kernel are you using?
03:33.56jsoftAnyone? What floppy bin do I need to install debian?
03:34.00quadratadebiant: so I figured it probably needs to be formatted for linux, right?
03:34.00jsoftI will do a net-install.
03:34.09*** join/#debian Saw^ (
03:34.10debiantquadrata - Windows software doesn't run on Linux unless you use wine
03:34.15bob2jsoft: you need to read the install guide
03:34.20debianasg: problem solved
03:34.22bob2jsoft: for woody you need at least root.bin and boot.bin
03:34.22jsoftI have. Its vauge.
03:34.27jsoftOk then.
03:34.30debiantpoopypants - I thought 2.6 didn't run with debian stable? or does it?
03:34.39MrPoopyPantswhat debian stable
03:34.40bob2jsoft: it's not vague, it gives exact urls
03:34.44MrPoopyPantsIm not runnign woody
03:34.51debiantyou running sid?
03:34.52quadratadebiant: what? What does drinking have to do with running windows software on linux?
03:34.55MrPoopyPantsIm running sarge! now drop and giveme 20!
03:35.11asgdebian: and?
03:35.13debiantquadrata - wine is a package that allows SOME windows software to run on linux
03:35.20MrPoopyPantsbob2, its your fautll
03:35.25dpkg< quadrata> debiant: well, I want to run aol on debian, but my cd only works in windows
03:35.34bob2oh god
03:35.39*** part/#debian Fyronix (
03:35.40MrPoopyPantsif you hadnt answered some questions of mine you wouldnt have gotten me interested
03:35.44debiantpooopypants - how did you get the 2.6 kernel to run??
03:36.00SDFHhehe poopypants
03:36.00MrPoopyPantsdebiant, I installed a daily snapshot build of sarge
03:36.02jsoftEveryone seems to have hassles upgrading to the 2.6 kernels
03:36.10bob2it worked flawlessly for me
03:36.19debiantMrPoopyPants got a link?
03:36.31MrPoopyPantsdebian hold on ill get ti for you
03:36.51quadrataok, well if I can't format my aol cd for debain...
03:37.05quadratadoes debian have any prebuilt x86->arm toolchains that support multilib for big-endian, little-endian, and softfloat?
03:37.06rich_jsoft yea, and I think its because they left a few things out of the default configs. First it was a serial driver and then some ide controlers
03:37.17bob2quadrata: apt-cache show toolchain-source
03:37.29bob2oddly, Debian doesn't keep all n^2 possible cross-compilers in the archive
03:37.32jsoftlinux is not really well organised is it
03:37.36rich_jsoft then people try to use the debian config but dont know enough about initrd
03:37.38debiantquadrata the gcc toolset can do that
03:37.41jsoftvery unsastifyingly messy.
03:37.52bob2jsoft: are you a troll or just really stupid?
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03:38.05bob2because you're certainly really annoying
03:38.08jsoftNot a troll, no. Not stupid either. Just dont like messy stuff.
03:38.10dlirich_: I don't know initrd :(
03:38.28debiantpoopy: you just downloaded a CD image and went with it??
03:38.33bob2jsoft: "$foo is messy" is a stupid and subjective statement
03:38.42MrPoopyPantsdebiant, yep.
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03:38.47quadrataok, well here's a question, does debian allow me to use email?
03:38.53MrPoopyPantsdebiant, I used a net install
03:38.55jsoftbob2: lucky I did not say $foo then.
03:38.56rich_dli: me either and it took a few compiles before I realised it needed to be removed. Minor inconvenience for the sake of advancement.
03:39.04bob2quadrata: um, of course
03:39.07debiantpoopypants: cool - are you using dhcp??
03:39.11bob2quadrata: if you mean "aol mail", then "hahaha"
03:39.20MrPoopyPantsdebiant, no.
03:39.21*** join/#debian toothpick (~neils@
03:39.44debiantI'm currently having problems with dhcp/woody/2.4.19
03:39.51toothpickI want to make the latest how can I make it become a .deb ...not to maintain just to get rid of easily?
03:40.05*** part/#debian punchik (~siggmus@
03:40.07MrPoopyPantssorry debiant I dont do 2.4
03:40.07bob2toothpick: you can't, just use sid or install to /usr/local/gimp
03:40.23toothpickbob2 is 2.2 in sid?
03:40.25MrPoopyPantsdebiant, I highly reccomend the weekly build 'o sarge
03:40.29toothpickI'll have to check something.
03:40.30bob2!+info gimp sid
03:40.31*** join/#debian Mage_ (
03:40.32dpkggimp: (The GNU Image Manipulation Program, stable version 2.0), section graphics, is optional. Version: 2.0.6-1 (sid), Packaged size: 2912 kB, Installed size: 7600 kB
03:40.32dlirich_, hehe, I just disabled it from the beginning
03:40.42bob2toothpick: nope
03:40.57debiantpoopypants - tempting, but the box in question is a 366mhz trashiba laptop and kernel builds take forever
03:41.19Gumbyany hostap users here?  I am trying to get my wireless card up and running but run into an error.  the following URL is results from /var/log/messages when I plug the card in.
03:41.26MrPoopyPantsdebiant, you dont have to build the kernel
03:41.30quadrataI'll brb, I gotta get some fruitcake.  Hope you guys will help me with the aol soon.
03:41.35*** part/#debian quadrata (
03:41.49debiantpoopypnats I do because I'm using a wireless USB network transciever
03:41.51bob2I think he has all the fruitcake he could possibly ned.
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03:41.57sswatikisdebiant what model - i am running a toshiba 2545xcdt
03:41.59rich_dli well before that I was just re useing my old kernel config and I think it kind of forced me to re-assess my configuration which was good
03:42.01mwilsontoothpick: Wouldn't gimp 2.2 have to exist before Debian would package it?  It's not released yet, after all.
03:42.10debiantsswatikis toshiba 7020ct
03:42.17MrPoopyPantsdebiant, the net install is not going to be any slower or faster than normal
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03:42.24dave__hi, how can i disable "backup" in emacs?
03:42.25debiantsswatikis are you running dhcp?
03:42.26sswatikisdebiant coo
03:42.28dpkg< quadrata> debiant: well, I want to run aol on debian, but my cd only works in windows  < quadrata> I'll brb, I gotta get some fruitcake.  Hope you guys will help me with the aol soon.
03:42.33MrPoopyPantsdebiant, its just better developed
03:42.35sswatikisdebiant client or server ?
03:42.51debiantpoopypants - the install is fast, but the kernel rebuild for wireless usb drivers takes ages
03:43.03dlirich_: I still don't know whether I can just do "apt-get install kernel-image" :( 2.4 requires initrd by doing so.
03:43.07debiantsswatikis going to run it as a server, but its actually pretty usable as a desktop
03:43.12toothpickmwilson, makes sense...I'm just thinking unstable...would have unstable stuff.
03:43.34bob2toothpick: unstable does not contain random cvs pulls
03:43.38dave__hi, how can i disable "backup" in emacs?
03:43.42rich_dli I dont know either, I get mine from, and I dont use anything that needs patching
03:43.44debiantsli 2.4 does NOT require initrd
03:43.45bob2dave__: #emacs
03:43.54MrPoopyPantsdebiant, why would it be any longer thna a 2.4 kernel I noticed significant performance increase
03:44.02mwilsontoothpick: Where is that written?
03:44.05eventideI'm using apt with xargs: "some commands | xargs apt-get install", and it wants me to type "Yes, do as I say!" (yes, I really want to do it), but I cannot, and specifying -y and --force-yes don't succeed either. apt just quits.
03:44.06jbitpressing alt-f4 seems to put me onto my forth virtual desktop
03:44.09dlirich_, I use openmosix patch, which requires
03:44.11dave__bob2:i don't understand
03:44.21bob2dave__: "that's an emacs question, try in #emacs"
03:44.26debiantmrpoopypants - it wont be longer, but I've already spent #%@%@#$@ hours trying to get the 2.4 to work with wireless usb/dhcp
03:44.32bob2eventide: don't do that
03:44.39bob2eventide: for fuck's sake
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03:45.06dlidebian, why not 2.6 ? even a dummy as myself can get wireless pc-card here
03:45.06toothpickmwilson...I guess I ws dreaming ;)
03:45.10MrPoopyPantsdebiant, debiant why not just install sarge and have it work without hour of labor on an old ass kernel?
03:45.18bob2toothpick: it might be in experimental
03:45.27bob2toothpick: which can contain "random crap from cvs"
03:45.34debiantpoopypants - tempting, but I'll still have to recompile the damn usb wireless drivers into the kernel
03:46.16*** join/#debian vegetax__ (vegetax@
03:46.23MrPoopyPantsdebiant, why not check and see , it may be autodetected by hotplug and installed when you install without that
03:46.33MrPoopyPants2.6 is great
03:46.33*** join/#debian tecnotronic (
03:46.50debiantmrpoopypants check /lib/modules/kernel/drivers/usb and see if there are any drivers for att76c503
03:47.33MrPoopyPantsdebiant, you know I have a custom kernel and i didnt put that in...
03:47.36*** join/#debian p0int (point@
03:47.52debiantpoopypants what?
03:48.00MrPoopyPantsyou gotta check the kernel headers .config file for your build
03:48.01tecnotronici installed lilo in the root sector of my partition hdb5
03:48.10bob2eventide: out of morbid curiosity, what are you trying to do?
03:48.20bob2toothpick: partitions don't have mbr's (= "root sector")
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03:48.27tecnotronichow can i make appear the boot loader
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03:48.31debiantpoopypants it's a 3rd party driver (or was) recently GPL'd so it may not be in the sarge release
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03:48.39bob2tecnotronic:  partitions don't have mbr's (= "root sector")
03:48.55toothpickbob2,  what's the partition mbr comment regarding?
03:49.00tecnotronici mean root partition
03:49.00bob2tecnotronic: so your question is "How do I make an install of linux appear in my bootloader menu?"?
03:49.00toothpickoh ok I see
03:49.04bob2toothpick: wrong person, sorry
03:49.06toothpickI should go to sleep.
03:49.13asg!be bob2
03:49.13dpkgasg: I'm going to bed now, really
03:49.14bob2always a good plan of action
03:49.23bob2tecnotronic: which bootloader?
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03:49.54tecnotronicshould i make a ram disk?
03:50.29bob2you add a new section to /etc/lilo.conf
03:50.30tecnotronica friend
03:50.38bob2copy an existing one and change the partiton and name
03:51.00MrPoopyPantsbob2, do you have any idea what would make exiting gnome have a i minute delay
03:51.03huhligok whats people best and simplest mail server
03:51.07MrPoopyPantsa 1 minute delay
03:51.10bob2huhlig: postfix
03:51.21huhligwell postfix is dropping mail
03:51.26tecnotronicthe big question is how do i edit lilo.conf
03:51.34huhlignano /etc/lilo.conf
03:51.38debianthuhlig: I use SMTP
03:51.44bob2huhlig: "dropping mail"?
03:51.55huhligbob2, its set up and I can connect to it
03:51.57debianthuhlig: err, sendmail
03:52.06bob2huhlig: you mean it's not accepting mail?
03:52.08huhligbut mail doesent get to the spool
03:52.10bob2huhlig: or it's not deliverying it?
03:52.14bob2huhlig: what do the logs say?
03:52.16huhligbob2, neither I think
03:52.29bob2huhlig: check your logs
03:52.37huhligwhere is the postfix log
03:52.38bob2do not ever ever ever complain about a MTA until you read the logs
03:52.56debianthuhlig: what bob2 said
03:52.57tecnotronici used nano-tiny
03:53.03*** mode/#debian [+l 714] by debhelper
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03:53.14tecnotronici only can boot up from the cd
03:53.29*** join/#debian Caveman- (~biocorp@2001:db0:100a:0:0:0:0:2)
03:53.39huhligNov  4 19:52:42 MDGateway postfix/master[728]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup pid 13400 exit status 1
03:53.39huhligNov  4 19:52:42 MDGateway postfix/master[728]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/cleanup: bad command startup -- throttling
03:53.39huhligNov  4 19:52:42 MDGateway postfix/master[728]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/pickup pid 13298 exit status 1
03:53.40huhligNov  4 19:52:42 MDGateway postfix/master[728]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/pickup: bad command startup -- throttling
03:53.40*** kick/#debian [huhlig!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
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03:54.07MrPoopyPantsbob2, ?
03:54.20bob2MrPoopyPants: I've seen it before, I have no idea what causes it
03:54.24bob2begging makes me hate you
03:54.26*** join/#debian huhlig (
03:54.33bob2huhlig: wow, that was surprising
03:54.40huhligthat it kicked me?
03:54.42bob2huhlig: you broke the default config somehow
03:54.54huhligbob2, ok... how the hell did I dot that
03:55.05*** join/#debian skibobdi1 (
03:55.12bob2huhlig: does the default config work?
03:55.50huhligbob2, this should be the default config except the change in hostname
03:56.24SDFHautofs good to use on debian?
03:56.35bob2autofs is never good to use
03:56.46*** part/#debian eSSe (
03:56.51SDFH_Linuxreally why?
03:57.19bob2even more so when you append the name of some random project
03:57.21zu22!kill huhlig
03:57.29huhligwhat the?
03:57.31huhligzu22, ?
03:57.35toresbebob2: You are cranky today :D
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03:58.02zu22huhlig: don't channel flood, go on #flood if u must paste a lot
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03:58.12krystoferman, you guys are gonna hate me...
03:58.12huhligzu22, 2 lines isnt a flood I thought
03:58.12morkahi, i can't kill the "mount" process, even with kill -9
03:58.13bob2huhlig: I'm not sure what the problem is there...running postfix -v might help
03:58.13morkaplease help
03:58.20bob2zu22: we already cleared this up
03:58.27bob2morka: it's in the D state, you can't kill it
03:58.31bob2morka: did your kernel oops?
03:58.35bob2toresbe: yeah, I am for some reason
03:58.40bob2apologies to everyone, adios
03:58.47huhligbob2, postfix -v returns fatal
03:58.52zu22bob2: k
03:59.08bob2huhlig: it returns the numeric error code "fatal"?
03:59.11zu22toresbe: McD's discontinued the SuperSize :(
03:59.15bob2or it pritns out one word?
03:59.17morkamy kernel is ok..
03:59.17toresbebob2: OPNE IT UP :D:D
03:59.19huhligpostfix/postfix-script: fatal:
03:59.23morkaso there is no way i can kill it?
03:59.24morkawhy not
03:59.25zu22toresbe: after that "SuperSize Me" movie
03:59.37toresbezu22: Oh, no, whatever shall I do.
03:59.39bob2morka: what where you mounting ?
03:59.41huhligand a usage list
03:59.42bob2toresbe: hm?
03:59.54huhligdo you want me to reload?>
03:59.56zu22toresbe: go to Wendy's? ;)
03:59.58toresbebob2: I gave you a box of happy :P
04:00.01*** part/#debian [1]Pepe (Pepe@
04:00.10toresbezu22: I go to Sushi and Wok.
04:00.11bob2I need a box of "someone else to do my job"
04:00.17bob2also some oporto, I'm starving
04:00.24zu22toresbe: mmm
04:00.35bob2huhlig: I dunno, try #postfix or debian-user or debian-isp
04:00.37krystoferanyone have a few minutes to help a complete newb?
04:00.51bob2if you describes your self as a "newb" no one will bother trying
04:00.53debianasg: the problem is someone deleted a line in nsswitch.conf, you're right
04:00.54morkabbo2: my second harddrive
04:01.02morkawhich is /dev/hdb2..
04:01.04bob2just ask your question and don't waste our time with pre-question questions
04:01.04toresbekrystofer: Just ask the question.
04:01.06morkaan ext3 partition
04:01.13krystoferbob2: I can follow simple directions, i'm not THAT stupid
04:01.25bob2krystofer: so come in, and ask your question
04:01.25toresbekrystofer: Then ask the question :P
04:01.36*** join/#debian webfreak (
04:01.38bob2krystofer: this is a help channel, asking if someone will help you is annoying and a waste of time
04:01.41krystofertoresbe: i just installed debian, finally got fed up with mandrake, and can't get xfree to start
04:01.54bob2krystofer: also, using the word "newb" will make people assume you want someone to do styff *for* you
04:01.55toresbekrystofer: Have you installed X?
04:02.04bob2and now I'm ranting
04:02.05krystoferit loads, then bombs
04:02.09bob2it was supposed to be friendly advice
04:02.15krystoferdislikes my card, or isn't finding it
04:02.18bob2defintely non-irc time
04:02.23debiantbob2 do you know if there kernel parameters besides CONFIG_PACKET and CONFIG_FILTER required for dhclient to run?
04:02.26toresbekrystofer: Try this: X -configure
04:02.36bob2debiant: if you have to ask, use a Debian kernel
04:02.41bob2!+kernel options for dhcp
04:02.42dpkgUse CONFIG_FILTER (Networking Options -> Socket Filtering) (dhcp-client package requires it) and CONFIG_PACKET (Networking Options -> Packet Socket). If you forgot, you'll have to recompile. CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP should be reserved for special uses like diskless clients: if you asked you don't need it.
04:02.46debiantI can't - my networking device is not supported
04:02.53bob2debiant: what is it?
04:02.59krystoferfatal server error
04:03.07debiantNetGear MA101REVb
04:03.10toresbekrystofer: Really? Hmm.
04:03.11debiantwireless usb
04:03.19*** join/#debian atrus (
04:03.21krystoferits trying to use a Mach card?
04:03.36debiantIt requires the berlious at76c503 drivers
04:03.49bob2debiant: why does that require you to build a new kernel?
04:03.49krystoferPCI/AGP Mach64 in slot 1:0:0 could not be detected!
04:03.53bob2surely it's jusrt an extra module
04:04.16debiantI have CONFIG_PACKET and CONFIG_FILTER set, but dhclient still bombs
04:04.24bob214:03:49           bob2 | debiant: why does that require you to build a new kernel?
04:04.26krystoferi dont even have a mach64, where do i change that to my proper card
04:04.39bob2if the answer is "it doesn't, i just wanna" then good luck, but lunch > you
04:04.46debiantthe stock kernel spits up unresolved symbols on the berlios driver
04:04.53*** join/#debian chipstick (
04:05.11bob2then you built it wrong
04:05.17debiantThe rebuilt kernel works fine, and I can assign it an address manually, but dhclient barfs
04:05.19toothpickthanks for help, gnight all.
04:05.20bob2and that is your problem, not "how do I build my own kernel"
04:05.49debiantwell, its a kernel/dhclient thing, and there don't appear to be answers anywhere on the web
04:05.53krystoferbetter yet.. how do i completely start over with X...
04:06.03*** join/#debian poin__t (point@
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04:06.32*** join/#debian Dalcius (
04:06.54DalciusNewbie question -- what's the command to list currently installed packages?
04:06.55peterSkrystofer: dpkg --purge xserver-xfree86; apt-get install xserver-xfree86
04:06.58peterSDalcius: dpkg -l
04:07.11DalciuspeterS: Thanks!
04:07.26*** join/#debian quadrata (
04:07.28krystoferlet me try that
04:07.38quadratammm. that fruitcake was good.
04:07.38*** join/#debian kyncani (
04:08.17bob2oh, cool, more idiot AOL trolling
04:08.51*** part/#debian Dalcius (
04:09.07bob213:38:48       quadrata |  ok, well here's a question, does debian allow me to use email?
04:09.13*** join/#debian jhd (~jhd@
04:09.19krystoferoh nice... won't let me purge, dependancy of something else... lovely
04:09.19quadratabob2: well, does it?
04:09.26quadratano one answered my question
04:09.32peterSkrystofer: dpkg --purge --force-depends
04:09.49bob2quadrata: I answered your question
04:09.59quadrataif I can't use aol with my new debian, how am I going to send emails?
04:10.00peterSquadrata: I've been reading and sending email exclusively on Debian for several years now
04:10.02bob2quadrata: "duh, yes, any operation system lets you use email"