irclog2html for #debian on 20040522

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00:00.32cafuegoKarlosII: *shrug*
00:00.37cafuegoYeTr2: There's the door
00:00.39SebYeTr2: please proceed
00:00.53gudI wold like to leardn dbootstrap INTERNALS
00:01.06YeTr2damn... i lost to myself in a debate.. knoppix is too odd
00:01.07KarlosIIcafuego, this delay of sarge is not just an inconvenience
00:01.24cafuegoKarlosII: *shrug* Nothing to be done about it here.
00:01.27KarlosIIYeTr2, join kanotix
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00:01.34gudbut google doesn't get any link
00:01.43gudI wold like to learn dbootstrap INTERNALS
00:01.44YeTr2KarlosII how good is it?
00:01.51KarlosIIcafluego except motivate the masses to do something about it
00:01.55gudwhere to go, sources maybe?
00:01.58cafuegois kanotix debian for dyslexic people?
00:02.07ardyseb: any other ideas? or amy I just screwed
00:02.12KarlosIIYeTr2: in my partial opinion it's awesome
00:02.14cafuegoKarlosII: half the people here are on sid, I doubt they care much.
00:02.15Sebardy: i'm still thinking :)
00:02.26ardyseb: lol
00:02.27Sebardy: cause I had that same problem, I just don't remeber the actual fix :\
00:02.29wolsardy: tried a stock kermel from debian?
00:02.46KarlosIIcafuego, kanotix is a live cd and becomes a debian sid installation when you install it to hdd
00:02.46Sebardy: I sorta fail to see how the kernel only could do that
00:02.52cafuegoKarlosII: and just for good measure, the other half of the people here are bots, not people ;-)
00:02.53KarlosIIpure debian sid
00:02.54YeTr2The_vulture, btw, the error is different this time.. before i had a gui, now startx keeps saying screen not found
00:03.00ardywols: but then my ethernet wont work...
00:03.10SebYeTr2: shitty, huh ?
00:03.12KarlosIIcafuego, heh
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00:03.18cafuegoKarlosII: So it still won't make his geforce4 work without him READING THE DOCS?
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00:03.18Sebardy: what kind of nic ?
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00:03.24Sebcafuego: heh
00:03.33KarlosIIcafuego, :) yes it will :)
00:03.36ardySeb: an onboard 3c2000 1000mbit lan
00:03.42Sebardy: argh
00:03.44KarlosIIit sutoconfigure it for him
00:03.48KarlosIIerr auto
00:03.56Billwill grub always boot from the kernel that is on the top of the list??
00:04.02ardyseb:It supposidly works with sk98lin but in reality it doesn't
00:04.07SebBill: "default", read the damn docs
00:04.16cafuegoKarlosII: It has the binary driver?
00:04.21ardythe motherboard came with special modules/code for it
00:04.25KarlosIIYeTr2, join #kanotix for more info
00:04.39hennersBardy: if you're talking about the 3c2000, it does work with sk98lin
00:04.47wolsBill: apt-get install grub-doc. then read those docs
00:04.50KarlosIIcafuego, not really but there is a script that installs the drivers at
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00:04.59ardyhennersB: huh... I couldn't get it to work..
00:05.03cafuegoKarlosII: so it's not pure sid, then? ;-)
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00:05.19hennersBi had to change the configure script to look at my kernel source
00:05.19KarlosIIuh depends what you mean
00:05.24YeTr2KarlosII, i've downloaded enough linux isos... and my cdburner is sol untill i get some os back up
00:06.09ardySeb: could it be a thing with smp?
00:06.10cafuegoYeTr2: if you'd read the docs you were referred to, your X would be long working by now.
00:06.35YeTr2cafuego, are you talking about that site?
00:06.39Sebardy: I doubt it, but at this point it would be worth recompiling without smp and see what's up
00:06.46wolsardy: you said it boots up different now. different how?
00:06.47cafuegoYeTr2: No, I'm not.
00:06.57wolsg4lt: blame windows
00:07.00cafuegog4lt: around 1995, I think.
00:07.09YeTr2cafuego then what docs are you referring to? because i don't remember seeing them
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00:07.27cafuegoYeTr2: The ones that come with the package you were told you needed to install.
00:07.56ardywols: much fatser.... also, It used to blacklist a whole bunch of usbs now it doesn't and it used to load the alsa drivers but now that the 2.4.26 kernel has the sound card built in I dont need alsa
00:08.03YeTr2cafuego name of the docs?
00:08.41YeTr2thanks.. now i see why people really don't like comming to the debian channel
00:08.52wolsYeTr2: do you need spoonfeeding with your food too, or only with computer stuff?
00:09.05cafuegoYeTr2: Imagine having to help people who IGNORE YOUR HELP and then complain they weren't helped.
00:09.12rich_YeTr2 Yes thats why the channel is always empty :)
00:09.21cafuegoYeTr2: and THEN whine that #debian isn't helpful.
00:09.27cafuegoYeTr2: Imagine 20 of those per day.
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00:09.44YeTr2damn.. 'the ones that came with the package you were told you needed to install' can we stop using friggen pronouns, maybe it would be easier for me to comprehend
00:09.46cafuegoYeTr2: apt-cache search nvidia; install the packages it finds, read the docs.
00:09.48ardySeb: I wonder if it has nothing to do with ssh and maybe something to do with something else because samba doesn't work either
00:09.55YeTr2thank you cafuego
00:10.12ardySeb: And I can't get the http interface of my router...
00:10.35ardyseb: like maybe theres a firwall in the kernel or some sort of filter
00:10.52wolsardy: iptables firewall is non blocking by default
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00:11.28YeTr2Justin: its subliminal messaging
00:11.44sonicwoodwols: im back regaring the "kernel panic: vfs: unable to mount root fs on 03:03" problem... it is the same error message with or without the root= line in lilo.conf
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00:11.45tellis a firewall necessary, and if so, which one do i need, preferrably with a nice graphical interface
00:11.55ardywols: iptables doesn't work for some reason... error '1.2.9 can't initalize iptables table filter : iptables who?'
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00:12.08deadcatcafuego: is your orinoco ethX or wlanX? how do i change it to wlanX? its ethX for me now.
00:12.08telli heard only about 5 virusses for linux are around
00:12.18wolsardy: then you haven't netfilter in your kernel config
00:12.21dystopiawols: ah damn i found the problem out. Somehow the old Nvidia GL libraries were in /usr/lib/tls... i deleted these...
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00:12.47ardywols: do I need it?
00:12.54rich_tell Irc started as one of them.
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00:13.26ardywols: also in /dev/ there is no eth0
00:13.29wolsardy: no since it's behind a router
00:13.30danor/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found howto fix this?
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00:13.51wolsardy: so how are you using your 3c2000 thingie when you don't have eth0 ?
00:14.08ardywols: I dont know... it just works..
00:14.35sonicwoodanyone experienced with the problem: kernel panic: vfs: unable to mount root fs on 03:03... the same message appears with or without the root= line in lilo.conf
00:14.42ardywols: when I do ifconfig, it shows up
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00:14.57ardywols: but its not in the dev dir
00:15.04wolsardy: ethX aren't in /dev
00:15.16holycow <-- hehehe :)
00:15.39ardywols: where are they then?
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00:16.16dan|el^D is used to stop stdinput to most programs such as mail, but how would I close stdin if I was using interactive mail from a shellscript for isntance?   EX:   mail user@host -s Somesubject; echo "text body";   how do I terminate input to send the mail?
00:16.42tellrich_ : nothing to worry about so it seems
00:17.11caerethdanor, what are you doing when you get that message?
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00:17.29ardywols: where is eth0 stored then?
00:17.36ardywols: if not in dev
00:18.07dan|elor to ask differently, how do I write in bash what would look like this in perl:   open FH, "| mail user@host -s Somesubject"; print FH "text body"; close FH;
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00:18.22danorcaereth: problem solved. I recompiled the binary. Thanks anyway
00:18.27ardywols: oh...
00:18.32dondelelcarocat file|mail user@host -s Somesubject;
00:18.41dondelelcarodan|el: ^^^^^
00:18.52dan|eldondelelcaro: oh yeah
00:19.24dan|elthat was too easy
00:19.42dan|eldondelelcaro: I'm using perforce to do something, I was just using mail as an example
00:19.58Justindondelelcaro: isn't 'mail' mailx?
00:19.59dondelelcaroJustin: could be.
00:20.08lightnI'm trying to set up a system with the new sarge installer, I'm currently trying the 20040521 build and I'm having trouble setting up raid
00:20.10spikbollWhere do I find a debian installer that can handle resierfs and hds bigger than 137 GB?
00:20.21deadcatis there a way to change my orinoco card from eth to wlan?
00:20.39cafuegodeadcat: no. it would also be entirely pointless.
00:20.54lightnfirst of the partitioner forces me to have a partion for /, but I want to do that inside the raid
00:21.07Viddybut you could ;)
00:21.50vipeany idea what command to use to extend a shared memory file (like shmctl on unix) ?
00:21.55lightnso I create a small one to get it to continue, and then I go to the 'configure md devices' and it hangs
00:22.11holycowisnt the 137g limit per hd something to do with the hardware the connects it? i.e. its 32 bit interface cant handle anything greater?
00:22.13ardysed, wols: I have an Idea on what it is... I tried to replace the sk98lindriver with the 3c2000 driver and the make files didn't work so yesterday someon online gave me a different makefile for the 3c2000
00:22.15lightnand to even get md to show up I had to run it in expert mode and select the module...
00:22.19lightnany ideas?
00:22.20holycowdamn, wish i had an article for the explanation
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00:22.32g4ltholycow sort of.  it's a limitation of udma66
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00:23.05medgnog4lt: is that a partition size limit, or hd size limit?
00:23.08holycowAh! k.
00:23.18lightnany documentation on how to setup raid with the new debian installer?
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00:23.30g4ltmedgno hard drive limitation.
00:23.43medgnog4lt: so how would you use a larger drive?
00:24.26holycowthats a good question
00:24.32wolsmedgno: use a newer kernel. and hope your harddisk controller can do 48bit sector addresses
00:24.52g4ltmedgno soldering iron, unsolder the udma66 chipset and put in a newer chipset
00:24.59holycowhehe :)
00:25.00wolssomewhere around 2.4.18-20 IIRC
00:25.09medgnowols: so 2.6.5+ is good?
00:25.29wolsmedgno: 2.6 can definitely deal with 48bit sector addresses
00:25.43wolsbut this won't be enough if your controller can't
00:25.44guestishmedgno: 2.6.5 is in release canadate status, so it might not work 100%
00:25.45jrdittmannok... so now GNOME and everything can see my airport card, and it's on the network and it's trannsmitting..
00:25.48holycowcool, danky for the info, i didn't know that
00:25.57wolsif the harddisk is > 137GB it will be able to handle itself of course
00:25.58jrdittmannnow how do i get my web-browser / internet to use eth1 instead of eth0?
00:25.58wookieNZhi, i have squid running via CLI. how can i tell how full it is??? Also how many hits it is getting, ie if its doing a good job!?!?
00:26.21cafuegowookieNZ: the squid logs
00:26.32guestishmedgno: i mean 2.6 in general
00:26.52medgnoguestish: ah, okay. i still run it for the speed boost and was just wondering
00:27.06guestishmedgno: it works fine for me too, just saying it might not always work
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00:27.27medgnoguestish: not a bad idea to make sure people know
00:27.28wolsJDCentral: depends on the way you connect to the net, but usually by editing /etc/network/interfaces (man interfaces)
00:27.31medgnothank you
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00:30.56jaxxanhey ya'll
00:31.09JDCentralok.. so I've set up the interfaces 'correctly' I beleive.. (auto loads/unloads modules..)
00:31.19JDCentraland I can see stuff using wavemon
00:31.23wookieNZcafuego, that just tells me what files it has there a summary of how much the squid is used up or how many hits it is 23% hits??
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00:31.26JDCentralbut... the browser won't use eth1
00:31.50wolsif ti doesn'
00:32.07wolsit if doesn't work like you want you obviously haven't set it up correctly, no=
00:32.20jaxxanmy wireless is configured with wlan0
00:32.28JDCentralah.. iSee ;-)
00:32.44JDCentralwell.. put it this way.. it's configured so that everything can see it, but nothing is using it.
00:32.51jaxxanthis is my first time seeing wavemon, but i configured mine using ndiswrapper because there isn't a linux driver for my truemobile 1300
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00:33.16dpkgGoodbye to you too, tell
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00:33.17wolsJDCentral: then you haven't set the route correctly
00:33.21jaxxanndiswrapper loads the driver fine, and i configured it with the wireless-tools package
00:33.27guestish!goodbye tell
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00:33.40jaxxanis wavemon just a gui based wireless-tools app ?
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00:34.03JDCentralit just monitors the strength of the signal
00:34.07JDCentralits a terminal app
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00:34.19p-manis sarge equivalent to fedora ?
00:34.35guestishp-man: fedora is red hat
00:34.40wolsp-man: that's comparing apples and oranges
00:34.42p-manreally ??
00:34.43jaxxanp-man there is no equivalent to sarge. sarge rocks.
00:34.54p-mani know what fedora is
00:34.55ardysed, Wols: Hey Great News!!!! It was the damn make file
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00:35.23p-mani want to know in the debian structure is sarge the testing version ?
00:35.24jaxxan* == redhat < sarge
00:35.28guestishp-man: yes
00:35.39p-manit is fairly stable then
00:35.39wolsp-man: currently yes
00:35.46jaxxanp-man: yup
00:35.52ardywols: thanks for your help
00:35.53jaxxanmines super stable
00:35.57ardysed: thanks for your help
00:35.58p-manok thanks
00:36.16p-manthat's why i was asking is it's close to fedora
00:36.18JDCentralugh.. ok.. so how do I change the route?
00:36.26dondelelcarowhen we talk about stable we don't mean no crashes, or few bugs.
00:36.28wolsJDCentral: man route
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00:36.33p-manI like to try a newer version of debian that is stable
00:36.37dondelelcaroWe mean unchanging.
00:36.42wolsJDCentral: you want to change add a default gateway
00:36.43guestishp-man: it is not close to fedora, its not even similar to fedora
00:36.46dondelelcaroTherefore, testing is not stable. Cannot be stable.
00:36.56guestishp-man: fedora operates on a release schedule, testing is continually updated
00:36.57jaxxanwhat should i name my dell poweredge 1300? any ideas?
00:37.09siimomy 56k serial modem only connects at 36k anyone know what the problem is? i have tried changing setserial flags etc
00:37.15MrKeunerhi, how can I test a network if there are some problems with some cables or some equipment such as the router etc.? is this possible?
00:37.20p-manthanks for your help
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00:37.47dondelelcarojaxxan: less /usr/share/dict/words; pick one at random
00:37.53jaxxanooooo okies
00:38.01wolsp-man: the only differences between debian stable and debian testing or unstable is usually the time you upgrade: testing and unstable packages might not always install or work properly out of the box. if they run, they are always stable
00:38.28guestishwols: there are bugs and security holes
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00:38.52VensonHey all, can someone point me to a repository with divx/xvid codecs? Thank you.
00:38.54rich_I think sarge is pretty stable and I mean no crashes  very few of what I would call a "bug". Ive had to reboot a few times improperly but I cont call it a crash if I killed my own interface. Its not a crash just because you disconected your keyboard and mouse at the same time and cant get them back without a reboot. But when everything stops and they can move anything people always call it a crash. Its not linux's fault.
00:38.58wolsguestish: those are in stable too... or is there software without bugs? and about security: see
00:39.21guestishwols: doesnt support testing
00:39.32wolsVenson: there are no "codecs" in linux but usually the stuff is compiled into the movie viewer
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00:39.50guestishwols: there are codecs in linux...
00:39.56jaxxanhrm, /usr/share/dict/words is a broken link to /etc/dictionaries-common/words
00:40.06guestishVenson: look for the codecs under the downloads
00:40.15Vensonwols: Thank you. But i installed mplayer and xine and totem..and none of them seem to play divx/avi/mpg's
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00:40.25guestishwols: the codecs are in a seperate package
00:40.26Vensonguestish: Thank you. Will look there now.
00:40.33guestishVenson: the codecs are in a seperate package
00:40.57ardydoes anyone knwo how to get midi working? I see the midi deviced in /dev but kde doesn't recognize them
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00:41.02wolsguestish: some time since I installed mplayer, but I wasn't at mplayer.hq for anything back then I think
00:41.12dondelelcarojaxxan: that's because you haven't installed wamerican or whatever.
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00:41.17JDCentralthanks.. hopeuflly I can toy with this and get it to work
00:41.17guestishwols: marillat has the codec package as a dependency
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00:41.40wolsguestish: so installing mplayer should give him the codecs just fine.
00:41.46wolsunless he forced stuff
00:41.50guestishwols: but thats not what hes asking for
00:41.50jaxxaninstalling it now
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00:43.56debianguestish: may want to download more codecs
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00:44.24guestishdebian: what?
00:44.45JDCentralok.. time to test it out
00:45.14JDCentralyes... I am a happy camper.
00:45.44debianguestish: apt-get install mplayer might not fetch you all the codecs you need. At least in the past we've to manually apt-get install w32codecs as well. I'm not sure if it's fixed now anyway. :)
00:46.06wolsdebian: for divx3.11?
00:46.08ansonghasn't realplayer 10 come out for linux? i thought there was one based on helix or something. my copy of realplayer 8 only gives me "can't open sound device"
00:46.12guestishdebian: yeah, he fixed that, finally, but got rid of the lite pacakge
00:46.24debianwols: aye
00:46.37guestishdebian: i compile mplayer from source always :)
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00:46.45wolsansong: do you use a sound daemon like artsd or esd?
00:46.46debianguestish: for the rest of them I've to refer to the website and download them manually. You CAN'T skip this step. :)
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00:47.11guestishdebian: thats what i said to Venson to do, wols was the mplayer guy
00:47.24guestishdebian: i said to just download the codecs off of mplayer's site
00:47.36ansongwols, uh...alsa??? not sure if its a sound daemon
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00:47.49wolsguestish: it's always bad to download stuff and not telling the package system about it
00:47.51guestishansong: has one
00:47.53blacksmokehow can i overwrite on a package ?
00:47.57guestishwols: its not bad, just inconvient
00:48.04debianguestish: oh, then it's for wols. :)
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00:48.17wolsansong: not alsa. are you running kde or gnome with sounds enabled?
00:48.18rich_I use the upstream mplayer debian source archive, and then just use apt-get --compile source mplayer
00:48.19guestishdebian: yeah, harass him, not me! :)
00:48.42guestishrich_: whats that?
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00:49.05ansonghmm, i can play mp3's, running gnome, debian unstable
00:49.19JDCentraloh oh
00:49.31JDCentralin xmms?
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00:49.43JDCentralbrb... gotta bring my computer upstairs
00:49.44blacksmokehow can overwrite on a package using dpkg ?
00:49.48ansongJDCentral, yes
00:49.53ansongif that was for me
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00:50.10guestishrich_: whats the archive location?
00:50.44rich_guestish deb-src unstable main    deb backport main     deb unstable main        but you need to realise when you do that your installing non debian packages. Currently mplayer is the only thing that I think is worth it
00:51.00guestishrich_: ah, you mean marillat's packages then
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00:51.03ansongi take it i need to install a sound daemon
00:51.04guestishrich_: i use those too
00:51.18guestishrich_: his mplayer-custom, aka self-compiled version
00:51.38wolsansong: no. you have to make sure the sound daemon isn't hogging /dev/dsp and that if you use alsa, you need the OSS emulation layer
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00:51.41rich_guestish Yes but the thing is if you use the source packages yuou can compile them yourself
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00:51.57guestishrich_: like i said, thats what i use :)
00:51.58cafuegorich_: I found kaffeine (kde xine) a lot less sucky than mplayer.
00:52.03rich_guestish Yes, it works like a charm
00:52.08guestishcafuego: bah, gui adict ;)
00:52.30wolsguestish: for a mediaplayer, GUI is better
00:52.37guestishwols: go away
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00:52.51The_Vulturecafuego: I've reinstalled mplayer recently because xine (or libmpeg2 anyway) was having trouble with multiplexed streams for some reason.. mplayer seems to play the same files fine..
00:52.52guestishwols: did i ask for your opinion?
00:52.53cafuegowols: nah, mplayer -vo aalib is fine too
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00:53.07The_Vultureguestish: this is a public channel, opinions don't have to be requested
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00:53.24rich_cafuego But mplayer is minimalist. That fits my windows manager. I already have several front end s for mplayer that I wrote myself useing bash and xmessage it wont take long before I work the kinks out and decide on one
00:53.25wols!lart guestish
00:53.30guestish!srt wols
00:53.37guestish!kick wols
00:53.38cafuegoThe_Vulture: The only multiplexed problem i have is that transcode produces mpegs that won't work on my dvd player.
00:53.42guestish!helixsmite wols
00:54.00wolscome back when you grow up
00:54.04guestishwols: you need my host mask
00:54.05JDCentralyou want to reinstall a package?
00:54.31*** join/#debian anarcat (
00:54.39cafuegoThe_Vulture: They don't seem to realise that the only opinion of ANY importance here is mine.
00:54.50The_Vulturecafuego: clearly :)
00:54.52guestishwols: try /ignore guestish@*!*@*
00:55.12The_Vultureguestish: most clients expand things appropriatelyif given only a nick
00:55.25guestishThe_Vulture: cool, mine never seem to
00:55.28peterS!cafuego disclaimer
00:55.31dpkgsomebody said cafuego disclaimer was Don't believe what cafuego tells you, unless you're immortal, cafuego or both!
00:55.34JDCentralwhy is it that my computer USED to be loud as hell under OS X
00:55.39*** join/#debian daelstorm (
00:55.55JDCentraland under linux it's reaaaaally quiet
00:56.04*** join/#debian bloom (
00:56.06The_VultureJDCentral: because the mixer settings defaulted..
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00:56.25peterSJDCentral: you didn't get the OS X patch to fix the fan speed thing, perhaps?
00:57.32Antisochehow do I apt-ping some packages?
00:57.57JDCentralprobably not ;-)
00:58.00*** join/#debian Slappy2 (
00:59.08Nosf3ratuWhat is that designates that End should print F in vi? The term?
00:59.22*** join/#debian Slappy3 (
00:59.26tchinowols: it is always comile, my kernel
00:59.29*** join/#debian anarcat (
00:59.29*** join/#debian tony_wt ('s the term.
00:59.38peterSAntisoche: /msg dpkg pinning
00:59.40The_VultureNosf3ratu: vi isn't designed to deal with anything but a rathe minimal base character set..
00:59.48AntisochepeterS: Thanks
01:00.40Nurbscyrus-sasl2 2.1.18-4.1 - version 2.1.18, debian release 4, NMU 1?
01:00.43tcsetattrNosf3ratu, the key to go to the end of line in vi is '$'. Stop fooling around with those extra keys
01:01.53*** join/#debian unixfool` (~user@
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01:02.59unixfool`Anyone know a tool/script in (sed|awk|python|perl|sh|etc) that can do this: echo "1.2.3-1" > VERSION ; cat VERSION | incrementnum  -> "1.2.3-2"
01:03.18unixfool`simplicity is the key ;)
01:03.36Vensonguestish: That didn't help. I installed just about every possible codec...but there isn't a divx one
01:03.46guestishVenson: sure there is
01:04.16*** join/#debian plhofmei (~No@
01:04.18guestishVenson: xvid, and you can get libavcodec (also known as ffmpeg) from marillat or other areas
01:04.31Vensonok...will try that
01:04.33plhofmeihello everyone, does anyone know much about Exim Filters?
01:04.37guestishVenson: and you dont install codecs, you have to enable them at compile time
01:04.39tcsetattrunixfool, perhaps perl -pe 's/(\d+)(\D*)$/($1+1).$2/e'
01:05.10tcsetattrdepends on whether you want to also be able to increment 1.2.1a to 1.2.1b, or if you think it should become 1.2.2a
01:05.43unixfool`tcsetattr: hmm.. yes
01:05.53*** join/#debian eoin (
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01:05.57unixfool`tcsetattr: I knew someone would know some perl gibberish to accomplish this task ;)
01:06.02*** join/#debian NamShub2 (
01:06.13tcsetattrand what happens if you increment 1.2.1z? 1.2.1aa?
01:06.18plhofmeianyone know where I could find someone that knows something about Exim Filters?
01:06.40unixfool`tcsetattr: maybe i'll disallow letters
01:06.48maherplhofmei: ask a more specific question
01:07.04*** part/#debian NamShub2 (
01:07.10unixfool`tcsetattr: you rock :) thanks
01:07.20plhofmeiI need to check for the presence/absence of a header
01:07.26tcsetattroh, with lookahead assertion you can make it prettier: perl -pe 's/(\d+)(?=\D*)$/$1+1/e'
01:07.34plhofmeiI've tried the def:
01:08.03plhofmeiI could not get def: to work, so I went with:
01:08.09tcsetattrsomewhere deep within dpkg internals there is an official comparison function for version nubmers. You better make sure your incrementing definition is consistent with that.
01:08.43plhofmeimaher: any ideas?
01:09.00sussudio!any ideas
01:09.00dpkgYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a box of rutabagas, a little sauerkraut, and a handful of rabid badgers.  And keep the NSA off my back for the next few hours!
01:09.27*** join/#debian dewback (
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01:10.17maherplhofmei: talk in the channel - and i don't know much about exim
01:10.18*** join/#debian aay (
01:10.19croephacan you install Debian from windows without using a CD?
01:10.33guestishcroepha: dont think so
01:10.45mahercroepha: probably with great difficulty
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01:10.48guestishcroepha: i think you can do a hd install wtih a floppy
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01:10.58guestishcroepha: worth a try
01:11.02nichoshi all, having trouble w/lm sensors. sensors-detect says "couldnt open /proc/bus/i2c" I have the i2c-core module loaded. Using linux 2.6.6
01:11.06tcsetattrdebtakeover from cygwin? :)
01:11.12plhofmeicroepha: You can, you need to make several boot disks and do a net install
01:11.17*** join/#debian jaxxan (
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01:11.26plhofmeicroepha: or you can use jidgo to make an iso
01:11.27Nosf3ratutcsetattr, I know that, but when I'm in insert mode, it's counter-intuitive to hit esc to leave insert mode, then hit $, then i again, back into insert.
01:11.40Nosf3ratuA one-key solution, you must admit, is far better.
01:11.46Nosf3ratuAnd it usually works. I dunno what changed.
01:11.52tcsetattrNosf3ratu, I think it's counter-intuitive to NOT leave insert mode when you want to move the cursor :)
01:11.55*** join/#debian juanin (
01:12.00tcsetattrinsert mode is for inserting!
01:12.04plhofmeicroepha: I think the magic number is 20-some floppies
01:12.06*** join/#debian dogayonv (
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01:12.19plhofmeicroepha: or one floppy you use over and over again and just keeping writing a different image to
01:12.20unixfool`tcsetattr: yeah, I may just use dch, and grab it outta the changelog
01:12.29mahercroepha: you can get away with 2 floppies - 8 if you're unlucky
01:12.51sussudiothere are *FIVE* floppies!
01:13.18mahersussudio: i thought 2 + drivers - am i confused?
01:13.29sussudiomaher: i take it you're not a star trek fan
01:13.31dpkgI disclaim all of you!, or "fortune -m 'Void where'"
01:13.33dogayonv:dpkg confuse maher
01:13.44dogayonv:dpkg confuse maher
01:13.47tcsetattrNosf3ratu, vim usually has some keybindings for function keys and goofy keys like End/Prev/Next/Ins/Del/Redo
01:13.48sussudio!lose dogayonv
01:13.49dpkgdogayonv: You Lose.
01:13.53maher!confuse dogayonv
01:13.54dpkgno, how is your hamster today, dogayonv ? by order of the republic of micronesia with extra cheese
01:14.00dogayonvits not working in kopete LOL
01:14.07tcsetattrit depends on your termcap being correct
01:14.16mahersussudio: no i am not a trekkie
01:14.31g4ltdogayonv trust me, it's not kopete, it's PEBCAK
01:14.39danorvtf is this: Sep 24 23:19:29 debianserver01 modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-464c
01:14.46dogayonvwell whatever lol
01:15.08plhofmeimaher: know of any particular channel that would know of exim and MTAs well?  I made a post to debian-user and debian-isp...
01:15.14croepha!confuse me
01:15.15dpkgno, them is their pants yesterday, croepha ? by order of the dictatorship of micronesia with extra cream
01:15.18sussudio!sing g4lt
01:15.18dpkgSometimes he p4rks in h4ndicapped sp4ces, while h4ndic4pped people m4ke h4ndic4pped faces, g4lt's an 4ssshoooole...
01:15.19tcsetattrdanor, that's the result of trying to execute a file whose first two bytes are "FL", which is not a valid executable signature
01:15.22maherplhofmei: no
01:15.23juaninhi! I got a simple question: if I download a kernel-2.6 source backport on Debian Woody via apt-get, will the binutils, util-linux, etc dependencies be downloaded too? (or they just download if I install the image?)
01:16.01*** part/#debian spikboll (
01:16.08plhofmeijuanin: I would explicitly install them as well...just to be safe
01:16.38plhofmeijuanin: You may need to use kernel-package and apt-get source --compile -t unstable binutils, etc...
01:16.44*** join/#debian k00giez (~k00giez@k00giez.registered)
01:16.53danortcsetattr: ya I read that it's an ELF thingie
01:16.56plhofmeijuanin: Or you could just move to sid =P
01:17.26juaninplhofmei: hahah :)  would you use sarge for a router?
01:17.44tcsetattrdanor, an ELF file begins with the 4 bytes "\177ELF". your file isn't one of those.
01:18.02juaninplhofmei: I will use it for router woth rp-pppoe, htb for bandwidth-control and squid, no firewall
01:18.15plhofmeijuanin: I have woody right now, for my home desktop/router
01:18.20plhofmeijuanin: I am considering sid
01:18.23*** join/#debian unique (
01:18.34plhofmeijuanin: I would NOT use sid on a business/production machine
01:18.35sussudio!tell plhofmei about sid upgrade
01:18.37tcsetattrdanor, maybe you should tell us what you were trying to do when that error occurred
01:18.40*** join/#debian miles800 (
01:18.56miles800How do I find out what process is using the cdrom so I may unmount it?
01:19.03uniques2:/home/buzzy# mount -oremount /dev/hda3 -o usrquota,rw,umask=002
01:19.04uniquemount: / not mounted already, or bad option
01:19.10uniquewhy does not this work ?
01:19.15juaninplhofmei: what about sarge?
01:19.22danortcsetattr: I get this in syslog. Well, averything seems to work.
01:19.32*** part/#debian dogayonv (
01:19.39tcsetattrunique, usrquota is not a mount option, even though it is in the options column of /etc/fstab.
01:19.41plhofmeijuanin: The disadvantage of sarge is that it lags two security updates are 2 week behind
01:19.53plhofmeijuanin: you can always grab the security updates from sid though
01:19.58invsblduckdello #hebian :D
01:19.59uniquetcsetattr: well it all did work
01:20.07tcsetattrunique, the way to turn on and off quotas is with quotaon and quotaoff
01:20.12uniquetcsetattr: but not the umask thingie
01:20.20tcsetattrthen why are you bitching? if it worked, you wouldn't be here.
01:20.23croephahow do i test to see how 'cool' or 'unique' my nick is?
01:20.42invsblduck~nickometer croepha
01:20.42apt'croepha' is 0.000% lame, invsblduck
01:20.53*** join/#debian [DarkStar] (~darkstar@darkstar-000005.registered)
01:20.59tcsetattroh well I don't know about that umask... what is it, a VFAT?
01:21.02plhofmei~nickometer plhofmei
01:21.02apt'plhofmei' is 0.000% lame, plhofmei
01:21.09juaninplhofmei: the sytem will be a very basic one.. just the base-system, compiled kernel with htb and squid, nothing more... not too risky, isn't it?
01:21.09uniquetcsetattr: a ext3 filesystem
01:21.14neiljp~nickometer neiljp
01:21.15apt'neiljp' is 0.000% lame, neiljp
01:21.17croepha~nickometer bob
01:21.17apt'bob' is 0.000% lame, croepha
01:21.23croepha~nickometer apt
01:21.23apt'apt' is 0.000% lame, croepha
01:21.26juaninplhofmei and rp-pppoe
01:21.30tcsetattrunique, you have apparently greatly misunderstood the meaning of "umask" if you think umask is a mount option for ext3 :)
01:21.30debiancroepha: print a name card with "I'm croepha of #debian@freenode and distribute to chicks in a bar. To see how popular you're
01:21.40uniquetcsetattr: ok
01:21.47invsblduckcroepha: the string 'COOL!' may be otherwise...
01:21.54tcsetattrthe umask mount option controls the FAKE permissions used on wussy filesystems that don't have real permissions. ext3 has permissions!
01:21.54unique~nicometer unique
01:21.58unique~nickometer unique
01:21.58apt'unique' is 0.000% lame, unique
01:22.04g4ltactually, if you want to find out how popular you are, mis a few bills
01:22.12paxlQuestion to all.. how to compile GCC without kernel header or libc ( for elf-sh (dreamcast) )
01:22.16unique~nicometer XzERbR
01:22.23unique~nickometer XzERbR
01:22.23apt'XzERbR' is 98.670% lame, unique
01:22.32*** join/#debian Evaso (
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01:22.54croepha~nickometer debian
01:22.54apt'debian' is 0.000% lame, croepha
01:22.58*** join/#debian asg_ (
01:23.16croephai tinhk we are all 0.000% lame :)
01:23.17debian!lart croepha
01:23.54holycow  <-- neat
01:24.21rich_thanks everyone see you later
01:24.28*** join/#debian Prime (~prajm@
01:24.45Primedpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 45617:
01:24.45Primeinvalid package name (character `%' not allowed - only letters, digits and -+._ allowed)
01:24.46dpkgPrime: are you smoking crack?
01:24.48debianholycow: it's called rsync. :)
01:24.57Primecould someone tell me what it means ?
01:24.57*** join/#debian spoopin (
01:25.12tcsetattrPrime, it means you better look at line 45617 and fix it.
01:25.23holycowdebian, ehe, :)
01:26.10debianholycow: honest, I've bad experience with rsync. It fails to recover from backup at some point
01:26.33*** join/#debian Ra1stlin (
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01:26.36holycowit does?
01:26.43nichoshow can i get /proc/bus/i2c to show up for lm sensors? im using linux 2.6.6
01:26.48maherdebian: explain?
01:27.08debianmaher: the hardlink it recovers corrupted. Not all of them but bad enough
01:27.23debianmaher: fyi. it's ext2. and it can't be recover by fsck
01:27.39maherdebian: ok - file a bug - i've never had problems with rsync
01:27.46holycowi need something where i have win clients available for backup, and a few other features like encryption, etc.
01:27.57debianmaher: have you recover hardlinks?
01:27.58Nurbseh, the fs gets broken and fsck can't fix it?
01:28.06Nurbsor what is broken?
01:28.19neiljpnichos: did you have it working before?
01:28.50guestishdebian: is that nick registered?
01:28.57nichosneiljp  not with 2.6
01:29.14debianguestish: why do you ask?
01:29.16Torvalds-wanna-bcould Debian be installed using VMWare from windows with out CD's?
01:29.27guestishdebian: just seems like it would be popular :)
01:29.33maherdebian: isn't every file a hard link?
01:29.36debianguestish: i've been here since day 1. :)
01:29.43*** part/#debian juanin (
01:29.46guestishdebian: thats crraaaazzzzyyy'
01:29.57debianmaher: I mean those made by ln
01:30.07*** join/#debian Trivia (
01:30.11Nurbsdebian: what exactly breaks?
01:30.18guestishdebian: day one is a while ago
01:30.28debianNurbs: not break. we talk about rsync
01:30.44debianguestish: quite a while. :)
01:31.00Triviahi ppl, ive been trying to figure out how to use the date command to only disaply the DAY, man said something about using +format but i can't get the right syntax, anyone know how to do this properly? thanks in advnace
01:31.02neiljpnichos: do you have any i2c modules installed? (ie. in-kernel)
01:31.06*** join/#debian knoppix (
01:31.17Nurbsdebian: what gets corrupted? the file data is different if recovering hard links? :)
01:31.17nichosneiljp  yes, ( via686a,i2c_sensor,i2c_dev,i2c_isa,i2c_viapro
01:31.19maherdebian: if youcan find a reproduceable bug someone will fix it
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01:31.38nichosneiljp but, sensors-detect wont complete, it fails becasue the /proc/bus/i2c dir isnt there
01:32.11debianmaher: last time I check (dec 2003 I think), that the hardlink problem was report and persist for about 21 months.
01:32.18JustinTrivia: mentioning what you are typing would kind of be helpful
01:32.19Nurbsnichos: woody?
01:32.20debianmaher: I wonder what's Hands is doing late. :)
01:32.22neiljpnichos:  I don't have a /proc/bus/i2c dir...
01:32.23cafuegonichos: That's coz the 2.6 versions use sysfs instead.
01:32.29*** join/#debian eoin (
01:32.30plhofmeianyone know a bit about Exim Filters?
01:32.33cafuegonichos: Yoiu need an updated sensors-detect
01:32.48cafuegonichos: AND a mounted sysfs
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01:33.03debian@tell root -about root
01:33.05TriviaJustin: date +format %A is what i got from the manual but its clearly wrong
01:33.06*** part/#debian slackmf (
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01:33.11nichosneiljp what ver of sensors are you using?
01:33.12*** part/#debian antiPoP (
01:33.13tcsetattrdate +%A
01:33.29tcsetattr"format" is something to be filled in by you. %A is a format.
01:33.37nichoscafuego when i go to the sensors website, it says dont download these files,t hey're in the new kernel tree
01:33.37Torvalds-wanna-b@tell croepha -about root
01:34.03Trivianow to find out how to use it in the filename for a tar'ed file for backup purposes
01:34.15xsdgI'm putting a mobo in a new case; do the pad thingies (clay-brownish color) go between the mobo and the standoffs or between the mobo and the screws? (or both?)
01:34.15guestish@tell guestish -about root
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01:34.37tcsetattrtar -cf /var/backup-`date +%A`.tar somedir
01:34.45debianxsdg: usually do...
01:34.48cafuegonichos: Version 2.8.6-11 (sid) here, which works fine once you manually load the required i2c drivers.
01:34.50Triviaxsdg: they cusion the screw head from the mono
01:35.01eoinhi all, i'm using debian testing.  i've just started getting these "kdm: :0[1361]: (pam_securetty) access denied: tty ':0' is not secure !" messages in var/log/auth.log which (I think) are preventing my normal user account access to X.  I'm clueless with pam stuff!  Any ideas?
01:35.01*** part/#debian juanin (
01:35.06debianxsdg: just move mobo between desktop case to server case back and forth just fine
01:35.11neiljpnichos:  same as cafuego says
01:35.17Triviatcsetattr: ta man
01:35.33nichoscafuego same here
01:35.37cafuegoCPU 45.6C, SYS 51C
01:35.38debianxsdg: might miss a couple of screws in the middle, but normally you can stuck 7 of them
01:35.43*** join/#debian knoppix (
01:35.50neiljpI just needed to load the i2c-dev driver for sensors-detect to work (ie. so the dev files were made)
01:36.11cafuegoneiljp: I needed i2c-viapro as well (so it saw the bus)
01:36.12xsdgdebian: huh? what you said made absolutely no sense
01:36.27neiljpcafuego:  I think it autodetected mine...maybe discover did it
01:36.31debianxsdg: :(
01:36.32lightnanyone have experience with software raid with the new sarge debian installer?
01:36.50neiljpcafuego:  notquite as good: 37C, 57C... ;)
01:36.57cafuegoxsdg: generally there are clips on the case that the mobo sits on, slightly elevated. Then you pop the little rings on top of the mobo and run the screw through.
01:37.05cafuegoneiljp: hot system, ack.
01:37.15cafuegomy cpu is up coz of rc5-72
01:37.16nichoswait a minute, sensors -v says: sensors version 2.8.1 and apt-cache show lm-sensors says its 2.8.6
01:37.17xsdgcafuego: "clips"? you mean the standoffs?
01:37.18nichoswhats w/that?
01:37.23*** join/#debian Kogz (
01:37.25neiljpcafuego:  yeah, think its due to the case, need better case fan
01:37.33xsdgnichos: `which sensors`
01:37.45neiljpsensors -v -> 2.8.6
01:37.58cafuegoxsdg: Whatever your case has... so probably yes.
01:38.00nichosxsdg !!! thanks!
01:38.04*** join/#debian spindle (
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01:38.11guestishubj ybat ntb jnf qnl 1?
01:38.24neiljpcafuego: has a habit of increasing the temp... ;)
01:38.34xsdgnichos: had a version in /usr/local?
01:38.43kremlynWhere is the best site for debian-specific forums?
01:38.57guestish!+rot13 ubj ybat ntb jnf qnl 1?
01:38.57dpkghow long ago was day 1?
01:39.01xsdgkremlyn: welcome :o)
01:39.05cafuegoneiljp: Yeah, somewhat. Without it I run at 35-38C cpu and ~ 40C sys
01:39.11Antisochedebianplanet ?
01:39.14Antisochedebianhelp ?
01:39.24nichosxsdg yep!
01:39.29Antisochethe debian mailing lists?
01:39.30*** join/#debian dippo (~cwage@
01:39.32dippohow do you go about figuring out where to find a certain kernel parameter in make menuconfig
01:39.34*** join/#debian tchino_ (
01:39.35dippoi can't figure out where you turn on CONFIG_USB_EHCI_HCD
01:39.36wolscafuego: how can your sys be hotter than your cpu?
01:39.43cafuegodippo: usb -> usb2
01:39.44neiljpcafuego: mine cools down, but not that much
01:39.48Nurbsdippo: you can grep the kernel source tree :)
01:39.54cafuegowols: big FO fan on the cpu
01:39.58asgwols: that's where he keeps his ashtray
01:39.58neiljpwols: you trust your case temp sensors? :)
01:40.03dippocafuego: where is that? I don't see it anywhere
01:40.04Nurbsdippo: the Kconfig files
01:40.06Antisochedippo: set it manually in .config and run 'make oldconfig'
01:40.13debianWhere has Philip Hands - the author of rsync, been? :(
01:40.21cafuegodippo: devices -> usb -> usb 2.0
01:40.23dippoyeah i was gonna try that
01:40.31asgdippo: /msg dpkg seen <nick>
01:40.36wolsneiljp: since they are in the same chip as the cpu one, my guess is they have both the same kinds of erros :)
01:40.38cafuegodebian: don't shake it, you don't know where it's been
01:40.46maherdebian: probably on a small island off the uk coast...
01:41.06neiljpwols: depends on accuracy of lm-sensors calculations
01:41.10cafuegoneiljp: what cpu/chipset you got?
01:41.11debiancafuego: :)
01:41.19neiljpI trust my cpu matches the acpi value ;)
01:41.26*** join/#debian sambatron (~sambatron@
01:41.30neiljpcafuego: 1700+, via thingy
01:41.34maherdebian: anyway i thought tridge wrote rsync
01:41.40*** part/#debian thyhorror (
01:41.43cafuego2400+ here
01:41.57sambatronplease, which debian kernel images support ipsec directly ? I mean precompiled
01:42.00dippoeven make oldconfig blows it away if I set it manually
01:42.04dippothere's clearly a dependency I don't have enabled
01:42.10tcsetattrdippo, if you don't see it right under 'USB Host Controller Drivers', try enabling experimental options (under general kernel config)
01:42.11dippobut I can't figure what it is or where to find what it is
01:42.13neiljpcafuego: well, um...maybe the faster one runs cooler?...possible ;)
01:42.15dippoah, hm
01:42.20dippothat's probably it
01:42.33tcsetattrin 2.4 it's experimental. in 2.6 maybe it's not
01:42.34cafuegoneiljp: Yeah, they do actually. Different core.
01:42.39dippoi didn't realize it was experimental in 2.4
01:42.41dippocool.. thanks
01:43.06neiljpcafuego:  what I meant :) but not sure it shouuld be that drastic ;)
01:43.39*** part/#debian Venson (
01:44.20cafuegoneiljp: yeah it is, the thoroughbreds run a LOT cooler
01:44.32neiljpcafuego:  talking of, do you know what happened to the pkg maintainer?
01:44.40cafuegoneiljp: eh?
01:44.42neiljpcafuego:  reall?
01:44.51neiljpcafuego:  the distributed-net pkg
01:44.58*** join/#debian prock (
01:45.03prockis it possible to (without killing an app) switch its display (for example from :0 to remotehost:0)?
01:45.19*** part/#debian bloom (
01:45.31sambatronplease, which debian kernel images support ipsec directly ? I mean precompiled
01:45.32cafuegoneiljp: I get the tarball
01:45.37xsdgprock: apt-cache show xmove
01:45.40cafuegosambatron: 2.6.x kernels
01:45.51cafuegosambatron: And no, you can't use those on woody/stable
01:45.58neiljpcafuego:  me too now, since the pkg is out of date and I wanted the ogrp2...
01:46.11sambatroncafuego : > 2.4.2x ?
01:46.13cafuegoneiljp: that's not open atm anyway
01:46.17cafuego!lart sambatron
01:46.23cafuegoare we dyslexic?
01:46.35invsblduckdyslexics of the world untie!
01:46.58cafuegoi am dyslexic of borg, your ass will be laminated, resistance is futil
01:47.11neiljpcafuego:  seems to be eating my packets...
01:47.20*** join/#debian greenfir (~bsmith@
01:47.39cafuegoneiljp: oh hold on, the libc5!!!! proxyper server i use doesn't do ogrp2
01:47.44sambatroncafuego : I read somewhere that some 2.4.xx kernel-images were already patched with openswan or freeswan
01:47.54cafuegosambatron: not in debian
01:47.54sambatroncafuego : is that true ?
01:48.14naythwhat is /dev/shm it's mounted as tmpfs even though its not specified in fstab?
01:48.15wolslibc5 still exists?
01:48.18neiljpcafuego:  my daemon was doing rc572 for ages since it couldn't find ogrp2...needed the new client :)
01:48.23invsblduckinteresting -- i've just realized: i'm a cheater, cheater   ..... packet eater >:)
01:48.46cafuegoneiljp: the old crusty proxyper just doesn't do it
01:48.46prockxsdg: coo. thanks! =)
01:49.02neiljpcafuego:  that a proxy?
01:49.03cafuegowols: slackware 3 box; 2.0 kernel as well
01:49.15holycowyou know whats amazing?  how a good skin can make a mediocre user experience superb
01:49.19debiansambatron: who told you to patch it?
01:49.19cafuegowhy ouch?
01:49.25cafuegoit routes dsl just fine
01:49.35wolscafuego: didn't anyone tell you that it's not 1995 anymore? *g*
01:49.40neiljpcafuego:  no issues with security patches?
01:49.54cafuegoneiljp: Not anymore.. ssh needed some fiddling to make it work
01:50.00sambatrondebian : what do you mean ? nobody told me to patch it, what I read was that they were already patched
01:50.02holycowhere i found a decent gnome skin and a decent wallpaper and all of a sudden the system feels 'professional', which of course is totally stupid
01:50.11cafuego!hug ipfw
01:50.12*** mode/#debian [+l 739] by debhelper
01:50.13neiljpcafuego:  I mean...just general ones with running a system that old...
01:50.20cafuegoneiljp: Nah
01:50.28neiljpcafuego:  or none you know about ;)
01:50.48cafuegoneiljp: it's stable and any open services (apache/php/mail/ssh/ftp) can be upgraded quite easily from tarball.
01:51.21debiansambatron: then it's answered
01:51.38neiljpcafuego:  take it that's not a 2400+...?
01:51.50cafuegoneiljp: K6-2/350
01:52.12*** join/#debian StrykerUnit (
01:52.26StrykerUnitwhat cds to i need to install debian?
01:52.43wolsStrykerUnit: the first one.or a netinstall CD
01:52.55StrykerUnitwols what are binary cds?
01:53.00maherStrykerUnit: just cd1 if you are on x86
01:53.09cafuegoStrykerUnit: cds with compiled software
01:53.35StrykerUnitmaher whats the filenname?
01:53.37*** join/#debian flaco (
01:53.49maherStrykerUnit: cd1?
01:53.57naythare files in cron.daily executed in sequence alphabetically
01:54.06mahernayth: yes afaik
01:54.19naythso if one fails then the rest wont run ?
01:54.19Justinnayth: man run-parts would tell you
01:54.32mahernayth: no it will just go to the next one
01:54.48naythif a command hangs though
01:54.55*** join/#debian ninja__ (
01:55.09*** join/#debian psycho000 (
01:55.20naythsurely it would twidle its thumbs
01:55.22psycho000is novell netware a whole OS ?
01:55.30mahernayth: sholdn't cron fork a new process for each one? mayeb it doesn't
01:55.44naythhmm im going to have to check
01:55.54*** join/#debian Jawoota (
01:56.14*** join/#debian knoppix (
01:56.17tcsetattrcron executes commands from /etc/crontab, one of which is run-parts /etc/cron.daily
01:56.28*** part/#debian psycho000 (
01:56.43StrykerUnitis it this debian-30r2-i386-binary-1.iso??
01:56.44*** join/#debian tukso (
01:57.08wolsStrykerUnit: yes
01:57.10maherStrykerUnit: sounds good to me
01:57.13*** join/#debian inxane (
01:57.18JDCentralhey - how do I mount my firewire drive?
01:57.35cafuegoJDCentral: load the ieee1394 drivers, sbp2 and sd_mod
01:57.42*** part/#debian eoin (
01:57.46cafuegoJDCentral: ie: it shows up as scsi when all goes correct
01:57.53inxanehey everyone - why doesn't my floppy drive mount in a normal user mode but it mounts in root
01:57.59tuksowhat happens on a network protocol when a field in the header (like checksum) has the same value of the trailer? since fields in the headers are supposed to be fixed sizes ...
01:58.24tcsetattrtukso, what do you mean by "trailer"?
01:58.26wolsinxane: permission issues. or the floppy is not mentioned in /etc/#fstab
01:58.44*** join/#debian gnu (
01:58.56tuksothe byte, that end and closes the header
01:58.57somiajanyone know of a good introduction to perl webpage
01:59.10tuksoopen and close
01:59.10debiansomiaj: #perl
01:59.10gnuhere comes my problem: on SID
01:59.15*** join/#debian hps_ (
01:59.23tcsetattryour question doesn't make any sense to me.
01:59.26gnuDistro: Sid
01:59.28gnuPackage: libpam-runtime
01:59.28gnuVersion: 0.76-18
01:59.47gnudpkg: error processing libpam-runtime (--configure):
01:59.48dpkggnu: bugger all, i dunno
01:59.49gnuwere encountered while processing:  libpam-runtime
01:59.54tuksotchino_: do you know network protocol intrisics ?
01:59.58JDCentraloh... can I mount the HFS+ filesystem, though?
02:00.11tuksotcsetattr: do you know network protocol intrisics ?
02:00.14*** join/#debian tell (
02:00.26gnui get this, at Sid installation
02:00.53sussudio!tell gnu about flood
02:01.04maherJDCentral: you need a kernel with the hfs modules built
02:01.19sussudio!topicbadger gnu
02:01.20dpkg/topic/topic/topic/topic/topic/topic*READ IT*READ IT*/topic/topic/topic/topic/topic/topic/topic*a shaaame it's a shaaame that gnu didn't read the*/topic/topic/topic/topic...
02:01.21tcsetattrtukso, ask the question in a way that makes sene
02:01.24inxanewols, permissions are fine and floppy is mentioned in fstab
02:01.48JDCentralyeah.. I built em' into mine, I beleive
02:01.51aay/usr/bin/cdrecord: Permission denied
02:01.55JDCentralwhat's the type for hfs, though?
02:01.57aaycrap sorry
02:02.05tcsetattrJDCentral, cat /proc/filesystems
02:02.15tuksoif you a network protocol you know what separes one packet from another is the trailer
02:02.17wolsinxane: that is provably false since as you said root works and user doesn't. what is the error message?
02:02.41tcsetattr"hfsplus" probably
02:02.45tuksothe trailer is a chosen character, not very used
02:02.58*** join/#debian siTe (
02:03.15tcsetattrtukso, if you know network protocols you know that what separates one packet from another is the fact that packets have length fields in their header
02:03.31inxanewols :Unable to run the command specified. The file or directory file:/mnt/floppy does not exist.
02:03.32*** join/#debian juanin (
02:03.47tuksowhen that character shows up in the data field it's represented by trailertrailer (the same char)
02:04.03wolsinxane: does /mnt/floppy exist? if so what are the perms of /mnt and of /mnt/floppy
02:04.14tuksotcsetattr: no that's not, because if there's noise all your comunication is lost
02:04.16scoutanyone help me to delete all the *.rpmorig?
02:04.16tcsetattrtusko, WHAT PROTOCOL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? There is no such thing as a trailer in IP packets, and you appear to be fantasizing
02:04.35tuksoip, tcp, almost anyone
02:04.35juaninany kernel-guy?
02:04.39tcsetattrwhat protocl are you talking about? not IP, that's for sure
02:05.04inxanemnt/floppy has a link to unknown
02:05.07tcsetattrIP doesn't have "trailers" on its datagrams. TCP doesn't have "trailers" on its segments. There is no double-up-this-byte esacping in IP or TCP
02:05.13*** join/#debian knoppix (
02:06.06aristonhas anyone been able to get perl working with apache2?
02:06.07tuksoif you say so, you don't know my answer anyway thanks.
02:06.14*** join/#debian karsten (
02:06.28Justin"trailer", thats a good one
02:06.42tcsetattryou won't get your answer until you ask the right question
02:07.01*** join/#debian Boomer|Away (
02:07.11*** join/#debian mick_laptop (
02:07.19debian~tell Boomer|Away about root
02:07.26scoutfind . -name *.rpmorig | xargs rm
02:07.28tcsetattrI know of one protocol that has "trailers" (like the opposite of headers)... HTTP/1.1 in chunked transfer mode. But I don't think that's what you're talking about.
02:07.29scoutis this ok?
02:07.37inxanewols: mnt/floppy has a link to unknown
02:07.41dpkgIt has been said that root is the administrative account - only use it when root power is needed. So no reading mail, compiling programs, or running applications as root. And don't even think about irc'ing as root, it increases the danger from exploits and trojans (such as bliss), or see, for example, the security advisory on BitchX
02:07.56wolsinxane: you didn't answer my question
02:07.58*** join/#debian bcc (
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02:08.44inxanewols: i have full permissions on /mnt on /mnt/floppy
02:08.52*** part/#debian juanin (
02:09.14andi5inxane: try to "ls -l /mnt/floppy" in a shell... what exactly do you mean by unknown?
02:09.16wolsinxane: you still didn't answer my question. are you deaf?
02:09.18bccHi!  I just successfully installed Debian for the 1st time, but am having trouble with apt- I have a pkg, grubconf, that appears to be 'not fully installed or removed'.
02:09.30andi5inxane: ls -ld /mnt/floppy
02:09.37inxanewols: to be honest i am deaf
02:09.50tellbcc: apt-get --reinstall install grubconf
02:09.51tuksotcsetattr: ok, ieee 802.3 has, so what
02:10.00wolsand I don't know sign language, I'm afraid
02:10.16tcsetattrhmm, ok so you're talking about a lower level
02:10.30wolstukso: do you know what IP is and what ethernet frames are?
02:11.03naythhe's an OSI layer 1 whore
02:11.03naythcourse he dont
02:11.03inxanedebian: not funny man
02:11.05andi5what does osi 1 have to do with tcp or ip?
02:11.06debianinxane: WHAT??!
02:11.18wolsandi5: ask tukso. he knows
02:11.18tcsetattrok, I can believe that ethernet packets have trailers... but I find it very hard to believe that there's a magic byte that must be escaped in the body of the packet.
02:11.29inxaneDEBIAN: NOT FUNNY!
02:11.46JDCentralyou know what's amazing?
02:11.55debianinxane: RIGHT I'M NOT A BUNNY!
02:11.55tuksoi want an answer for 802.3, i wasn't focus on any specific, anyone that have trailers
02:12.05JDCentralI fuck around in windows for HOURS trying to get the smallest thing to work..
02:12.13JDCentraland in debian I just hafta screw around for like.. 20 minutes ;-)
02:12.22wolstukso: then better learn how to ask appropriate questions since yours certainly wasn't
02:12.28naythnormally the oposite for me lol
02:12.31inxanedebian: yea you're not a bunny, you are just an ass
02:12.42tcsetattrto bad IEEE802.3 isn't available as an RFC
02:12.43wolsJDCentral: still 19minutes too much
02:12.46tcsetattrs/to bad/too bad/
02:12.52nayth20minutes in winodws 2 months in debian
02:13.03debianwols: he's not deaf it seems
02:13.18*** join/#debian sharth (
02:13.19JDCentralIt took me about 3 days to get wireless working 'correctly' in OS X.
02:13.20bcctell: Thanks, but it looks like I was wrong- something else is wrong- let's see here...
02:13.21tellnayth : but when something works, it does work
02:13.22tuksowols: what i asked wrong ?
02:13.24naythJDCentral: the _real_ difference is that once its working in debian, it works properly and forever
02:13.30JDCentralyeah.. that's the idea ;-)
02:13.32naythtell:^^ lol
02:13.38wolstukso: you never asked about 802.3 but talked about IP and TCP
02:13.41gnuDoes anybody know, how to fix SID "libpam0g" installation bug?
02:13.46inxanedebian: deaf doesn't mean ignorant, like you
02:13.48StrykerUnitim going to start a talk radio station devoted to linux anyone interested in supporting?
02:14.03maherStrykerUnit: will you have shock jocks?
02:14.03JDCentralthe cool thing is... it all works.
02:14.07tuksowhat happens on a network protocol when a field in the header (like checksum) has the same value of the trailer? since fields in the headers are supposed to be fixed sizes ...
02:14.09*** part/#debian paulproteus (
02:14.20JDCentraldammit.. my fans all just turned on
02:14.26StrykerUnitmaher shock jocks?
02:14.30naythtukso: its delimited
02:14.40naythby fixed size
02:14.43JDCentralhow do I add modules to load on boot?
02:14.48bcc...looks like dpkg is choking on console-common_0.7.41_all.deb...error code 1.
02:14.50tell!moron tukso
02:14.51dpkgtukso: You are moron #64
02:14.55debianinxane: waste no further typing energy on me!
02:14.55wolsJDCentral: put them in /etc/modules
02:14.56mahertukso: what do you mean value of the trailer?
02:15.02andi5JDCentral: /etc/modules?  dont know for 2.6
02:15.05StrykerUnitif you interested join #linuxradio
02:15.11JDCentraloh.. yeah.. I need 2.6
02:15.15tcsetattrI think he wouldn't be such a moron if we were listening to his question in the original Portuguese
02:15.23gnuDoes anybody know how to fix SID "libpam0g" installation bug?
02:15.27wolstukso: a header always has a fixed size of X bytes, so that trailer byte in there is just ignored
02:15.27JDCentralI think it's like modutils.d, or something.. I'll finx it
02:15.29tuksothe byte value of the char
02:15.31gnujoin #flood
02:15.32wookieNZwhat port does webmin usually run off?
02:15.38wolsJDCentral:  /etc/modules
02:15.38tcsetattrbasically, he believes that 802.3 packets a terminated by a sentinel byte that must be escaped somehow if it occurs before the end of the packet
02:15.47aristonis libapache2-mod-perl2 all i need to get perl working with apache2?
02:16.00*** join/#debian Nurbs (
02:16.00aristonor to be able to run ANY cgi script
02:16.06telltcsetattr : boring
02:16.14JDCentralhow do I mount a .sparseimage?
02:16.31mahertukso: aren't the headers fixed length - so you know what stuff is by position?
02:16.35tcsetattrnever heard of a .sparseimage
02:16.45gnuhow to get "dbootstrap" sources?
02:16.51wolsJDCentral: are you running kernel 2.4?
02:17.01*** join/#debian blusyit (mtuhkt@
02:17.12tuksomaher: that maybe an answer
02:17.12JDCentralI backed up all of my old OS X stuff (music) into a .sparseimage
02:17.20JDCentralseemed like a good idea at the time :-)
02:17.24sharthhmm.. I just finished installing with the d-i beta4 and my mouse's scroll wheel isin't working. the zaxismapping is in the config as well.
02:17.35wolsJDCentral: maybe something apple specific?
02:17.35andi5anyone with working udev installation? is it ready to take over world domination and kick devfsd?
02:17.37StrykerUnitjoin #linuxradio if you interested in a linux talk show
02:18.00JDCentralI'll google around, I thought somebody might have a quick answer for me :-)
02:18.03*** join/#debian gmanic (
02:18.05tuksomaher: but i'm afraid of if that can be misinterpretaded as new packet
02:18.34bccMy dpkg is choking on console-common_0.7.41_all.deb...error code 1. Pain? Help?
02:18.35wolstukso: are you writing your own tcp stack?
02:18.39naythtuso: don't b affroad, 802.3 devices are designed by professionals
02:18.42*** join/#debian sciboy (
02:18.50wolsbcc: this is a known bug
02:18.50tuksobut ok, that answer is ok for me
02:19.17StrykerUnitjoin #linuxradio if you interested in a linux talk show
02:19.22tuksoi'm writing a wireless protocol, and found that doubt
02:19.46andi5tukso: what does all that have to do with debian?
02:19.48tuksoif i could use the trailer caracter in the header
02:19.50sciboyMy sound seems like it doesn't work with a majority of the programs i use but few of them do... Is there something i am missing? (I am using ALSA with a Creative Sound Blaster Pro, 5.1)
02:19.54mahertukso: why don't you read the rfc's for the existing net/wireless protocols
02:20.01tcsetattrif you really want to know how ethernet determines the beginning of a new packet, you'll have to study more than the packet header format
02:20.05wolstukso: you don't care about lower protocols. the point of networking stuff is to work on the shoulder of lower protocols
02:20.08*** mode/#debian [+l 732] by debhelper
02:20.19naythtukso: look into the amateur radio ip over rf protocols, might help you out somewhat
02:20.37JDCentralgah... seems to be apple specific
02:20.45bccwols: Thanks, am researching...
02:20.47*** join/#debian ThisGuy (
02:20.49JDCentralI'll probably end up re-flacing all of my CDs
02:20.57*** part/#debian adhom (
02:21.09naythtukso: google for AGW Packet Engine
02:21.10wolsJDCentral: no osx around anymore?
02:21.37guestishfor the first time in forever updating doesnt produce any packages to upgrade
02:21.40*** join/#debian abydos (~asittler@
02:21.46ThisGuyOK, simple question: I'm trying to figure out how partitions are mapped to /dev devices or GRUB (hdn,m) device names. Can anyone point me to a web page or something with this info?
02:21.46*** join/#debian owh (
02:21.56tuksonayth:mine is not ad-hoc, is a central one (infraestruturaded
02:22.04maherThisGuy: doesn't it say in man grub
02:22.09naythtukso: fair enough
02:22.09*** join/#debian fpmc (
02:22.12guestishThisGuy: dmesg | grep hd for 2.4.x
02:22.14andi5ThisGuy: apt-geinstall grub-doc && info grub
02:22.20abydosSomeone want to give me a clue on something?
02:22.20fpmcHi, I seem to have man pages for 'clock_gettime', but it can't be use in my program... any ideas?
02:22.30abydosHow big is the debian equivalent to /usr/portage?
02:22.32ThisGuyI don't know... Haven't managed to get debian installed yet.
02:22.37guestishThisGuy: dmesg | grep p1 for 2.6.x
02:22.40maherabydos: there isn't one
02:22.46tellabydos : don't ask to ask, ask
02:22.47naythtukso: it does't really matter though, as you time delay transmissions to the nodes
02:22.48StrykerUnitjoin #linuxradio if you interested in a linux talk show
02:22.51wolsThisGuy: apt-get install grub-doc
02:23.00wolsthen you will have /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/
02:23.06abydosmaher: It doesn't cache the package fetch locations and names?
02:23.17ThisGuyOK, except... <ThisGuy> I don't know... Haven't managed to get debian installed yet.
02:23.18naythP2P or P2MP it's indifferent
02:23.31maherabydos: ok - that's in apt's available file then
02:23.37ThisGuyWindows 2K doesn't have apt-get, AFAIK.
02:23.40owhThis may sound like a silly question, but I'm trying to determine when a file's access time (atime) is set - I'm unable to locate any man or web pages on the subject. Specifically, does it get set when a file is created in addition to when it was read, or is that dependent upon how you create the file - any RTFM pointers gracefully accepted.
02:23.42guestishThisGuy: it should give you a list of your partitions, fdisk can list your partitions too
02:24.00guestishThisGuy: well then use the install disk's cfdisk to list the partitions
02:24.01abydosmaher: How big is an up-to-date version of that?
02:24.03danoris there no good evm howto?
02:24.06wolsabydos: so why are you asking?
02:24.06tuksonayth: i don't think so but better go back writing it, thanks
02:24.23wolsguestish: grub doesn't use the normal /dev/hdaX syntax
02:24.23naythtukso: good luck
02:24.25abydoswols: I'm looking at building a router, and I'm speccing OS and distro for it.
02:24.29maherabydos: -rw-r--r--    1 root     root     12418553 2004-05-21 16:00 /var/lib/dpkg/available
02:24.33guestishwols: hes asking for a list of his partitions
02:24.39*** join/#debian teh (
02:24.40naythapt-get install windows server 2003
02:24.43andi5ThisGuy: grub naming scheme is pretty similar to linux one... hda1 = (hd0,0), hdb6 = (hd1,5).... imho
02:24.56abydosI was looking at Gentoo as a distro, or Debian.
02:24.59wolshe is not: < ThisGuy> ...figure out how partitions are mapped to /dev devices or GRUB (hdn,m) device names.
02:25.01*** join/#debian Joseph (
02:25.07guestish!tell abydos about why debian
02:25.11wolsandi5: correct
02:25.31abydosI'm liking Debian, but Portage takes grandiose amounts of space.
02:25.38*** part/#debian tukso (
02:25.43*** part/#debian wookieNZ (
02:25.47guestishThisGuy: put in the install disk, type rescue, and use fdisk -l /dev/harddrive to get the partition list
02:25.48abydosEspecially distfiles.
02:25.57guestishabydos: you mean you are liking gentoo
02:25.57andi5ThisGuy: so... primary partitions ,0 ,1 ,2 & ,3   logical ,4 and higher
02:26.04abydosDoes apt destroy the downloaded package files after it's done installing them?
02:26.04naythsorry, apt-get remove 'NT 4'&& apt-get install 'windows 2000 server'
02:26.25wolsabydos: apt-get clean dows
02:26.26tcsetattrabydos, if you run apt-get clean it cleans them out.
02:26.41abydosSo one could set up a cronjob to do that.
02:26.47ThisGuyOK, so GRUB naming scheme is similar to Linux... but I don't know Linux's naming scheme.
02:26.47abydosEvery, say, week or so?
02:26.57*** join/#debian rox (
02:26.57guestishThisGuy: hda hdb hdc hdd etc
02:26.57*** join/#debian r4g3 (
02:27.00Justinyou don't need a cron job to do it, things only get put there when you install something
02:27.01wolsabydos: portage is so big since it downloads source. source is usually a lot bigger than binaries when stored uncompressed
02:27.01guestishThisGuy: up to hdz
02:27.09abydosI know.
02:27.20MrKeunerany networks guys? is there good way to test a home network if there are some problems with some cables or some equipment such as the router etc.? is this possible?
02:27.23StrykerUnitjoin #linuxradio if you interested in a linux talk show
02:27.25Justinwols: no, portage is big because even before you ever install anything it has hundreds of megs of crap
02:27.27ThisGuyThose would be different drives, right? I'm loooking at partitions on the same drive
02:27.28abydoswols: Portage stores the souce compressed and decompresses it to compile it.
02:27.28holycow  <-- the future is going to be interesting
02:27.29*** join/#debian blusyit (wvaron@
02:27.31owhIs my atime question beneath notice by any chance?
02:27.32*** join/#debian EruditeHermit (
02:27.35abydoswols: But it doesn't clean up after itself.
02:27.35naythMrKeuner: ping
02:27.36guestishThisGuy: yes, those would be different drives
02:27.42bccwols: Yay, dpkg-reconfigure console-common eventually worked... thanks for the hint.
02:27.45guestishThisGuy: hda1 hda2 hda3 for partitions
02:27.48abydosI removed distfiles once, and freed ~2.5gb of space.
02:27.49wolsJustin: why would anyone do such a thing?
02:27.50MrKeunernayth/ I ping and observe what?
02:28.02guestishThisGuy: got it?
02:28.05Justinwols: poor design?
02:28.12naythMrKeuner: responce times, if any
02:28.34MrKeuner64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=243 time=34.3 ms
02:28.35MrKeuner64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=243 time=475.2 ms
02:28.36dpkgCya, tell
02:28.37abydosSpeaking of which, after merging KDE and GNOME-2.6 I should remove distfiles again.
02:28.43ThisGuyOK, but what determines what partition has what number? Logical Drives are different from primary partitions, etc. I think.
02:28.46naythMrKeuner: nice :o)
02:28.59naythMrKeuner: that's a puplic IP not private
02:29.20owhI'm trying to determine when a file's access time (atime) is set - I'm unable to locate any man or web pages on the subject. Specifically, does it get set when a file is created in addition to when it was read, or is that dependent upon how you create the file - any RTFM pointers gracefully accepted.
02:29.23guestish!partitioning howto
02:29.23dpkgpartitioning howto is probably at
02:29.28guestishThisGuy: read that ^^
02:29.33MrKeunernayth so I should ping my local ips?
02:29.37tcsetattrowh, atime is updated by reading the file. or manually by utime() (the function behind the touch command)
02:29.42andi5ThisGuy: do you know primary, extended and logical partitions?
02:29.43andi5ThisGuy: fdisk should tell you the partition table... come back with the number of the logical partition and we will tell you the names in linux and grub ;-)
02:29.50abydosI mean, noone will convert me from Gentoo on my desktop to Debian on my desktop.  This is solely for my router.
02:29.59naythMrKeuner: you've not said what you are testing, you asked an ambigious question
02:30.08andi5abydos: can you give me the email address of noone?
02:30.12owhtcsetattr: Does creating the file in read/write mode count at reading the file?
02:30.17abydosI've put way too much time and effort into customizing this box just right, and I hate people screwing with my box.
02:30.28owhtcsetattr: s/at/as/
02:30.31abydosandi5: the email address of noone, you say?
02:30.34tcsetattrowh, well, when you create a file, what atime could it possibly have besides the current time?
02:30.35andi5yes ;-)
02:30.45*** join/#debian StoneTable (
02:30.47tcsetattrowh, obviuosly on creation the current time is used for all timestamps
02:30.49abydosandi5: what do you mean?
02:30.56MrKeunernayth/ well I practice late coming messages in all instant messenger, they are coming alltogether at once. I have a 1 Mbit dsl connection and I think ý have a problem with my local network
02:31.02andi5abydos: nothing particular, forget it ;-)
02:31.08owhtcsetattr: That's what I figured, but it appears to be set as NULL.
02:31.11MrKeunerin all instant messengers jabber yahoo msn
02:31.15abydosandi5: Forgotten.
02:31.21StrykerUnitjoin #linuxradio if you interested in a linux talk show
02:31.27maherowh: give us an example of what youdo and what happens
02:31.41tcsetattrowh, what the fuck are you talking about? echo foo > newfilename . ls -lu newfilename . That's the atime.
02:31.49tcsetattrls -lu shows "NULL"? I doubt that.
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02:32.06MrKeunernayth/ would you have an idea?
02:32.12naythMrKeuner: compare ping response times from the closest node to the internet and the furthest away, in terms of hops / routes / cables
02:32.20*** join/#debian kingsley (
02:33.02naythMrKeuner: there should be little to no difference
02:33.05owhmaher: I'm creating a cache file in /tmp and checking to see if it was created x seconds ago. I'm beginning to suspect that the PHP statcache is interfering, but your assistance and that of tcsetattr have pointed me into the way of a solution. Thanks for your assistance.
02:33.09tcsetattr'NULL' usually refers to a pointer variable in C. atime is not even a pointer. It's an integer. you mean 0? time 0 is Jan 1, 1970. If you're seeing that timestamp on newly created files, that's a weird bug.
02:33.19kingsleyWhy would ifconfig report that packets are going out eth0, but the gateway that it's connected to says it isn't receiving them?
02:33.21MrKeunernayth/ there is dsl modem goes into a router and router distributes that to two computers? how can I do what you recommend?
02:33.22*** join/#debian candymanm (
02:33.40owhtcsetattr: Yeah, I'm going off to investigate further. Thanks.
02:33.57naythMrKeuner: does your router have a ping utility in its configuarion program
02:34.04kingsleyMy best guess is that I didn't compile the NIC's driver correctly, but it'd be great to find out how to test it.
02:34.12MrKeunerlinksys nayth let me try to check
02:34.31wolskingsley: cable broken? does ifconfig get anything in return?
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02:34.59StrykerUnitjoin #linuxradio if you interested in a linux talk show
02:35.07tcsetattrkingsley, first check the arp cache... if you can't arp the gateway you aren't going to get anything to go there
02:35.18tcsetattrStrykerUnit appears to be a spambot.
02:35.26candymanmi have little problem in unstable. in gnome nongnome apps fontsize is just too sdmall... how can i fix it?
02:35.32dpkgMeet your friendly #debian operators: asuffield, bdale, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk
02:35.57tcsetattrhe says the same thing every few minutes
02:36.19naythproberbly an mirc /timer lol
02:36.23andi5candymanm: do you mean kde apps in particular? or one special?
02:36.25MrKeunernayth I couldnt manage to find. I do not think it has one. :(
02:37.08candymanmandi5, well example xmms, linneigborhood etc.
02:37.13naythMrKeuner: are the ping times from your computer varied (test with no other traffic present)
02:37.50MrKeunernayth/ ok
02:38.15naythMrKeuner: an idea of a stable network is this.. round-trip min/avg/max = 28.2/33.5/46.3 ms
02:38.22kingsleywols: Your question prompted me to check the cable. Indeed, I found labels at both ends of it which indicate the I pluged the gateway end of it into the wall jack and vice versa. I'm wondering if the cable is directional. It should be easy enough to reverse. You also asked if ifconfig gets anything in return. Not yet.
02:38.27andi5candymanm: i cannot remember about linneigborhood, but xmms is imho a gtk1 app, so it should be customizable (maybe ~/.gtkrc)
02:38.59wolskingsley: it is not directional. at least normal cat5 definitely is not
02:39.00naythMrKeuner: thats mine to
02:39.03JDCentralgah.. how do I mount a multi-mode cd?
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02:39.12JDCentrallike.. one with an audio and data section?
02:39.29kingsleytcsetattr: I'll try reversing the cable first. If that doesn't solve the problem, I may be interested pursuing in your thoughts on ARP.
02:39.41naythJDCentral: i hope thats not for pirating ;o)
02:39.58*** part/#debian ducky (~jirc@
02:40.03juaninwould you use sarge on a production router? no firewall, just NAT through iptables, rp-ppoe, HTB for bandwidth control and squid
02:40.06*** join/#debian pijn (
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02:40.26maherjuanin: no
02:40.27JDCentralit's a Bon Jovi CD.
02:40.37JDCentralI don't want to carry my CDs with me, everywhere.
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02:40.43JDCentralso I rip them as FLACs on my 'puter.
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02:40.53JDCentraland I'm testing out ALSA
02:40.54juaninand a kernel-2.6 backport?
02:41.04JustinJDCentral: if you just try and mount it it should work
02:41.12debianJDCentral: abcde not good enoug?
02:41.16kingsleywols: On second thought, according to the gateway's installation instructions, an "internet" LED on the gateway indicates that the cable is working.
02:41.17wolsjuanin: NAT is a firewall. it's a toss up: HTB is the only thing you need sarge for
02:41.21JDCentralabcde IS good enough :-)
02:41.24Justinunless you have to add session=xx....
02:41.26JDCentralI just.. nm.. :-)
02:41.33debianJDCentral: you don't need to mount it. Just xmms /mnt/cdrom
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02:41.52andi5JDCentral: i am just interested... do these cds have some sort of partitioning scheme? can one fdisk on them?
02:41.57MrKeunernayth/ I stoppped p2p that was running, also the instant messengers... my ping to google looks stable but its around 100ms avg. this is high I guess for a 1.5Mbit dsl connection?
02:41.57debianJDCentral: provided that 1) you've right entry in /etc/fstab 2) you pluggin the audio cable right
02:42.06wolsjuanin: definitely not a 2.6 kernel. you want to use 2.4 if anything
02:42.11kingsleywols: How does one tell if a cable is normal "cat5"?
02:42.32candymanmandi5, do u know any mans bout gtkrc?
02:42.36juaninwols: ok, yesit's a firewall.. but 2.6 is not needed for HTB, it comes since 2.4.20
02:42.38naythMrKeuner: as long as the difference between the min and average isn't crazy its ok
02:42.44wolskingsley: you buy it as cat5. sometimes it is printed on the cable but not always
02:42.51MrKeunerno it goes 102 104 101
02:43.02*** join/#debian sTone_heAd (~rudy@
02:43.03candymanmandi5, or any other useful info
02:43.07JDCentralgah.. can't find  my mixer.
02:43.24naythMrKeuner: seems ok, although you're right it's a bit high, do a traceroute and watch the times, see where the bottle neck is
02:43.39tcsetattrkingsley, it may be cat5 but the wrong pinout. crossover vs. straight
02:43.40debianJDCentral: it plays directly from CD
02:43.56andi5candymanm: i think there was some gtk1 theme switcher... dont know its name :) my fonts are too big ;-) but i dont mind
02:43.59juaninanyone used patch-o-matic?
02:44.10debianI only use nick-o-meter
02:44.17wolsjuanin: but I doubt woody has the requisite versions of tc and the like
02:44.21*** join/#debian Zap-W (
02:44.24naythmy gf's got a vibe-o-meter
02:44.31naythmatic even
02:44.39sussudionayth: that's entirely your fault. should've been a better boyfriend.
02:44.41scoutwhere's the manuals about /etc/fstab format?
02:44.43debiannayth: you should feel bad about it. :)
02:44.52wolsscout: man fstab
02:44.53naythsussudio: she's into the 2 at once thing
02:44.55*** join/#debian Dimiy (~dimiy@
02:45.03kingsleytcsetattr: "Crossover" is the operative word that I was thinking of. However, I'd be surprised if the gateway's "internet" LED would light up with the cable wrong.
02:45.03scoutwols, that' not
02:45.05debianfhffhqvb: right. :)
02:45.09juaninwols: no, but if you download the HTB source it comes with a tc binary  :) I've always compiled 2.4 with HTB support using that tc binary
02:45.15elshiftosIf I wanted to run a deb box as a no frills, console only ftp server, are there any ftpd's that come with some kind of 'front end' that allows easy monitoring of users, stats, etc?
02:45.15andi5candymanm: ... dont know whether this might help
02:45.29tcsetattrkingsley, what kind of device are you dealing with? a DSL modem that plugs into your ethernet card via cat5?
02:45.32scoutwols, it is, thanks
02:45.33candymanmandi5, jea to big u can read but try to read fontsize 6 in 1600x1200 ;)
02:45.52wolsjuanin: then why would you want sarge if woody can do everything you want?
02:45.53kingsleywols & tcsetattr: Its jacks look like modular phone jacks.
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02:46.06andi5candymanm: thats another kind of work ;-) ... my is on 1024x768 :)
02:46.08tcsetattrto determine if a cable is crossover you have to inspect the colors of the wires on the individual pins
02:46.23naythtcsetattr: or plug it in
02:46.33*** part/#debian bhaskie (~bhaskar@
02:46.36juaninwols: h323 support.. in 2.6 it comes bundled, in 2.4 I have to patch it with patch-o-matic, have you ever used it?
02:46.40naythgreen and orange pairs are swapped
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02:46.56tcsetattrthis is spooky... a few years ago when I didn't know cat5 from a hole in the ground, I came on IRC asking for help and described it as a "giant phone connector". They laughed for months. But the giant phone connector is an RJ-45 plug
02:46.58kingsleytcsetattr: Thanks for asking. Yes. That's exactly it. A DSL gateway that connects to a Linksys enthernet card.
02:47.04wolsjuanin: no. I only use patch when patching kernels. nevere nneded this p-o-m
02:47.39elshiftosgiant ;)
02:47.56tcsetattrthe description "cat5" actually refers to the wires inside the cable, not the connectors on the end.
02:48.11naytho shitsherlock!
02:48.16naythno shit sherlock!
02:48.18kingsleytcsetattr: Very good.
02:48.19tcsetattrit may be that you need a crossover cable. or maybe not. depends on the DSL modem manufacturer. Did you get this cable with the modem?
02:48.44kingsleytcsetattr: Yes, the cable came with the gateway.
02:49.24tcsetattrok, then it's possible that they intended the cable to go to a hub, and you plugging it into a NIC won't work. Or vice versa.
02:50.03tcsetattrI'm not sure about the lights coming on with the wrong kind of cable... it's been a while since I made that mistake and I don't remember if the link light comes on or not
02:50.43candymanmandi5, :( didnt help or i did something wronk.. *keep tryink*
02:50.46naythdoes anyone know if the nway standart incorporates mdi /mdix sensing ?
02:51.06*** join/#debian knoppix (
02:51.08naythtcsetattr: no they don't
02:51.18elshiftosa cable that comes with a modem will usually be for connection straight into a NIC
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02:51.24naythif the pairs are swapped the polarity is reversed
02:51.27naythand its DC
02:51.34nayththerefore, doesn't work
02:51.37fishynetHow can I change the output power of a wireless card using hostap?
02:52.01deadcatfishynet: what card?
02:52.16andi5candymanm: incorrect syntax or values in this file (if its spelled correctly) should be logged somewhere. maybe .xsession-errors. so maybe this could help
02:52.25sharthI'm wondering why my scroll wheel on my mouse isin't working. I have the ZAxisMapping in the config, and I'm wondering what else I missed...
02:52.47*** join/#debian codebreaker (
02:53.00kingsleyQwest says the cable isn't directional.
02:53.02tcsetattrkingsley, the lights on the DSL modem might be misleading... the link light on your ethernet card is the one to look for.
02:53.03fishynetdeadcat: senao
02:53.15naythiwpriv wlan0 txpower 20 ?
02:53.24lightnhow do I do manual partitioning in debain-install, like with fdisk - I don't see fdisk or anything like in at the command prompt
02:53.43tcsetattrlightn, alt-F2, type "fdisk /dev/xxx" ?
02:53.45deadcatlightn: f2
02:54.05andi5kingsley: but you cannot use the cable to connect with a hub or with a nic... it can only connect to one. imho. but its not directional :)
02:54.06*** join/#debian pijn (
02:54.17tcsetattrsharth, what mouse protocol are you using?
02:54.18kingsleytcsetattr: Good idea.
02:54.36sharthand sarge.
02:54.40*** join/#debian wizaraaard (
02:54.48tcsetattrwell that sounds right. usb mouse?
02:54.53deadcatya. the debian-install disk partition is cryptic. i like cfdisk with woody installer.
02:55.00naythwizaraaard dont irc as root
02:55.00tcsetattrfor a usb mouse maybe you should try "exps2"
02:55.02lightnyeah, I tried that, '/bin/sh: fdisk: not found'
02:55.11deadcatlightn: cfdisk?
02:55.32sharththe mouse worked previously with imps/2
02:55.41fishynetthank you nayth
02:55.42tcsetattrdon't listen to me though, I don't have a USB mouse and I hate the scroll-wheel so I'm pleased when it does nothing.
02:55.44lightnunless 20040521 is messed up in regards to that...
02:55.58Psykehow can u hate the scroll wheel?
02:56.02naythfishynet: cool
02:56.39tcsetattrit sucks.
02:56.40elshiftosmaybe he is a mac user too ;)
02:56.42naythits the best thing since sliced bread
02:56.44wolsPsyke: he's just misguided
02:56.49naythuni-button mouse man
02:57.10*** part/#debian juanin (
02:57.14abydosAre there any kernels in apt with jfs backported to the 2.4 series?
02:57.16naythcan click using 4 fingers
02:57.20*** part/#debian danor (
02:57.28tcsetattrwe've done this already. But briefly, I like all 3 mouse buttons to be big enough to actually use. The tiny-litt-el-button2-that's-also-a-wheel sucks. You try to press button2 and it does something differnet, something stupid.
02:57.45JDCentralso.. I set up ALSA... how do I tell GNOME to use the right mixer?
02:57.47JDCentraland such...
02:57.55naythim away nite nite
02:58.06abydosI'm either going to use JFS or Reiserfs, but I'm not using JFS if it's not backported.
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02:58.19sharthtcsetattr: didn't work.
02:58.34sharthtcsetattr: whatever you suggested doesn't exist as an available protocal
02:58.46wolsabydos: not in official kernels. maybe on some unofficial ones
02:58.47andi5sharth: stupid question. did you really spelled the zaxiscommand correctly? with all quotes?
02:59.13sharthOption          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"
02:59.14abydoslooks like reiserfs for me.
02:59.26abydosOh well, reiser's kickassically fast enough.
02:59.30andi5sharth: i am sorry :)
02:59.41wolsabydos: reiser is good for a / partition. xfs is great for data/network shares
02:59.44Justintcsetattr: my logitech has a wheel thats also a button, but the wheel is granular enough to be able to click without scrolling
03:00.01abydoswols: I looked at the Filesystem benchmark that made /. a while ago.
03:00.10abydoswols: JFS led most every test.
03:00.11tcsetattrJustin, it's still too small if it's not the same size as button1 and button3.
03:00.17abydosReiserFS came in mostly second.
03:00.19tcsetattrsymmetry is good
03:00.21kingsleytcsetattr: I just had an epiphany, if not a solution. Since I can access the gateway's built in diagnostic web pages at, the cable's OK and http packets are OK.
03:00.26abydosEXT3 sucked severe arse in most tests.
03:00.32tcsetattrkingsley, well that explains a lot :)
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03:00.43kingsleytcsetattr: By the way, I need to go in a few minutes.
03:00.48tcsetattrkingsley, so you can get to but that's not your gateway?
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03:01.01candymanmandi5, no no nom :\
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03:01.29wolsabydos: unless you have a real cornercase you won't notice which fs you have
03:01.53andi5candymanm: each gnome app loads on startup its gtkrc file, so changes should appear just after start :(
03:01.59wolskingsley: check your IPs and hostmasks and such then
03:02.45sbetoreAnyone here tried to install Linux on a Casio PA-2400U?
03:03.06candymanmandi5, i gues its need to be in some place that defines X default fontsize or something
03:03.40kingsleytcsetattr: And packets from ping make it to the gateway. But for some reason, packets addressed to another box, don't make it to my gateway. I wonder if I have a routing problem.
03:03.44*** join/#debian poppa_geek (
03:03.49andi5candymanm: hm... cannot image that :(... but if you find something, let me know :)
03:04.17tcsetattrkingsley, how did you get your IP address? with DHCP?
03:04.19kingsleytcsetattr: is the LAN/ethernet/local side's address of the gateway.
03:04.39tcsetattrso is your default gateway...
03:04.39*** join/#debian jarth (james@
03:05.14*** join/#debian YeTr2 (
03:05.26kingsleywols: I like your suggestion of checking my IPs and hostmasks, and since I'm a newbie at routing, am wondering if there's some diagnostic software that makes it easy and fun.
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03:05.34candymanmandi5, ok
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03:05.54srgohshould lilo work on /dev/hdb?
03:05.56tcsetattrkingsley, is "traceroute -n out.side.ip.addr" fun enough?
03:06.08kingsleytcsetattr: The gateway is shipped with its LAN/local/ethernet IP address fixed to
03:06.13lightnhmm, 20040521 is missing fdisk, I see it in beta4
03:06.18andi5srgoh: imho yes
03:06.23wolskingsley: I don't know of any. just make sure that all clients are in the same subnet and everyone has the same gateway
03:06.27YeTr2i need help removing unneccessary locales, they are keeping my upgrade from compeleting properly
03:06.39srgohandi5: why do i get L 01 01 01 01... then?
03:06.42tcsetattrkingsley, I'm not asking for the configuration on the DSL modem. I'm asking about the configuration of your Linux box! Please...
03:06.43andi5srgoh: but you need some way to boot it
03:06.47YeTr2LC_ADDRESS: `country_ab3' value does not match `country_num' value
03:07.15andi5srgoh: why dont you install it in the mbr of hda?
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03:07.42wolsYeTr2: tried dpkg-reconfigure locales ?
03:07.48srgohandi5: i don't trust it to not fuck up my windows partition and leave me with a non-working computer
03:07.56Justinkingsley: what does route actually say?
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03:08.10kingsleytcsetattr: The IP address of the NIC on my box is
03:08.10tcsetattrsrgoh, it would be much smarter for you to worry about windoze fucking up your linux partition.
03:08.12*** join/#debian Omega11 (
03:08.17tcsetattrthat's how it usually goes.
03:08.22YeTr2sh: line 1: dpkg-reconfigure: command not found
03:08.27Omega11debian linux sucks i use linux from scratch
03:08.32andi5srgoh: simply and the according parameters to boot the windows partitions.. its all in the docs and tested by millions :) thats my ho. or check grub :)
03:08.33*** join/#debian poppa_geek (
03:08.33srgohtcsetattr: considering my linux partion doesn't work, thats not much a concern at the moment
03:08.37YeTr2dpkg-reconfigure locales
03:08.39kingsleyJustin: Thanks for asking. I'll show you in #paste.
03:09.00YeTr2locales is broken or not fully installed < from dpkg-reconfigure
03:09.11srgohandi5: is grub an option in the current debian stable install?
03:09.14tcsetattrkingsley, and the gateway is
03:09.26kingsleytcsetattr: Yes.
03:09.28wolsYeTr2: edit /etc/locale.gen and run locale-gen afterwards
03:09.32andi5srgoh: grub is package in stabe, yes
03:09.44srgohandi5: can it be setup from the installer though?
03:09.46tcsetattrkingsley, how about a traceroute -n
03:09.49wols!comfort Omega11
03:09.49dpkgThere, there, Omega11.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
03:09.50cafuegoOmega11: feel free to be somewhere else
03:10.02andi5srgoh: you can do it afterwards
03:10.06MrKeunernayth/ excuse me querying but it doesn't look odd right?
03:10.06andi5srgoh: before you reboot
03:10.07wolscafuego: he's just a poor attention starved kid
03:10.13srgohandi5: i can't boot to linux sot hat isn't an option
03:10.13Boomerwow, I don't want to be at Omega's place right now
03:10.27sbetoreOmega11: You know the dirty seven. I'm impressed.
03:10.38dan2where is the documentation on linux capabilities?
03:10.42andi5srgoh: just install debian... you will have it running afterwards.. then configure grub and reboot
03:10.51sbetoreOmega11: You even got them in the right order.
03:10.51wolsYeTr2: remove all entries from /etc/locale.gen, then run locale-gen
03:11.09srgohandi5: i got to the end of the install and it had me reboot, no option to do anything else
03:11.15*** join/#debian mame (
03:11.17mamedo I have to do my own compile to avoid the default of cetentered windows? apparently it seems that every app is centereing itself across my two screens - or is there a default i'm forgetting somewhere ?
03:11.27wolssbetore: troll-school is doing their best nowadays to create quality trolls
03:11.34srgohandi5: then i stared at LILO type 01 repeatedly
03:11.36kingsleytcsetattr: traceroute works OK for 14 hops.
03:11.49cafuegomame: depends on your window manager, some you can tell where to pop windows by default
03:11.52sbetorewols: He was quoting Dennis Leary.
03:11.53andi5srgoh: i am sorry... my last cd install was too long ago :) no option to start the system?
03:11.55wolssbetore: boot from cd with rescue root=/dev/hdXX
03:12.10tcsetattrworks OK for 14 hops? that's enough hops to get halfway around the world. What was your complaint again?
03:12.10sbetorewols: The Seven Words You Can't Say On Television
03:12.12mamecafuego: i use kde and gnome
03:12.21srgohandi5: not that i saw... i'd have to run through the install again to check though
03:12.34sbetorewols: But I'm so comfy in my bed - I don't want to get up and get my Knoppix CD...
03:12.34wolswrong nick. I meant srgoh
03:12.45tcsetattr'Denis Leary' only has 1 'n' and George Carlin originated the 7 dirty words!
03:12.55wolssbetore: you sir need another nick so my nick complete doesn't get confused :O
03:13.03*** join/#debian resonant__ (
03:13.12Psykei just got my wireless mouse working... but the scroll isn't working any suggestions?
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03:13.18andi5wols: but is there a way to install and start without reboot?
03:13.24srgohwols: what will that give me?
03:13.33sbetorewols: I'm actually toresbe formerly known as ToreSB. I'm banevading :O
03:13.39YeTr2wols: thanks... now i can finish this damn upgrade
03:13.45BoomerPsyke: have you looked at ZAxisMapping in XF86Config-4?
03:13.52wolssbetore: you will get to be in linux and can configure your linux bootloader
03:13.58*** join/#debian resonant_ (
03:14.01Omega11what is debian
03:14.06andi5srgoh: it will boot the installed linux without the need of reinstall
03:14.07Omega11what is linux
03:14.12wolsof course you might need to edit your boot.ini from windows to boot into lilo
03:14.17sbetorewols: Really? thank you.
03:14.25holycow  <-- oh man, i had no idea linux had such a flair for flaming ... heh
03:14.27wolsall in all a crappy solution imho, but that's what you apparently want
03:14.32mameOmega11: more interesting who is debian
03:14.34holycowlinus even
03:14.35srgohhmm... ill give it a try
03:14.45andi5srgoh: afterwards give grub a try :)
03:14.56wolssrgoh: google for how to start linux from the NT bootloader
03:14.57debianmame: me! :)
03:15.02Boomermame: technically, who are debian?
03:15.04srgohis /dev/hdXX supposed to be the device, /, or /boot partition?
03:15.11wolsandi5: he shouldn't do that afterwards but right now!
03:15.20holycowtechnically, we are debian :0
03:15.21debian!tell Omega11 about debian
03:15.21wolssrgoh: your root filesystem, yes
03:15.24sbetoreholycow: Linus said it was his first and last flame
03:15.24cafuego!tell Omega11 -about what is debian
03:15.25andi5wols: hm. he has no linux running currently
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03:15.43mamedebian: really?
03:15.52sbetore!tell omega11 that he's a huge idiot
03:15.55holycowsbetore, hehe really?  *nod* he seems cool was refreshing to read
03:16.11srgohalright... ill see if i get anywhere with that, thanks all
03:16.12wolsandi5: that's why he should use his debian install CD to boot into it. I do it all the time when I have to reinstall grub since windows install overwrote the MBR again
03:16.17debian!tell sbetore he's a meaner newbie flamer. :)
03:16.33sbetoredebian: He was a troll, not a newb.
03:16.42andi5wols: hm... i installed grub on floppy... i just insert it :)
03:16.53wolsandi5: floppy? wazdat?
03:16.59MarcoPauI have uindoze and debian in my hard drive: will uindoze correctly boot if I remove debian?
03:17.06andi5wols: setup (fd0)
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03:17.13debiansbetore: (/lastlog Omega11) I see! damn troll...
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03:17.24andi5wols: you dont have one? ;-)
03:17.53wolsMarcoPau: depends on your current bootloader. if it doesn't work, you can boot windows from CD,go in the recovery console and run "fixmbr". that will fix it
03:18.17debianCaveman-: you must have a great dream. :) Take your '-' back. :P
03:18.18sbetoreandi5: "Mine is never floppy" :P
03:18.21wolsandi5: since I don't know how many years. probably as soon as I bought my first burner (4x scsi)
03:18.41MarcoPauI have uindoze and debian in my hard drive: will uindoze correctly boot if I remove debian?
03:18.42MarcoPauif you guys read me, I apology for the copies of the lines
03:18.56BoomerMarcoPau: in addition to what wols said, if you're running a non NT windows (95,98,ME), boot the cd and run fdisk /mbr
03:19.09debian!dict uindoze
03:19.11dpkgcould not find definition for uindoze
03:19.21sbetore!dict dictionary
03:19.21andi5wols: i love disks somehow... i am anxious about my cdrom drives to die just about the next minute :)
03:19.23dpkgDictionary 'dictionary' (1 shown; 3 total): Dictionary \Dic"tion*a*ry\, n.; pl. Dictionaries. [Cf. F. dictionnaire. See Diction.] 1. A book containing the words of a language, arranged alphabetically, with explanations of their meanings; a lexicon; a vocabulary; a wordbook..
03:19.23wolsdebian: correct spelling helps :P
03:19.25MarcoPauBoomer: yes, it's non nt
03:19.25*** join/#debian klontj (
03:19.38MarcoPauanyway, Boomer and wols, thanks a lot
03:19.39sbetore!dict dictatorship
03:19.41dpkgDictionary 'dictatorship' a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)
03:19.43*** join/#debian OctalTHOR (
03:19.46wolsandi5: I am much more anxious about floppy drives...
03:19.57andi5wols: i love usb sticks :)
03:20.02*** mode/#debian [+l 725] by debhelper
03:20.05wolsandi5: expensive
03:20.12sbetorewols: Worth it.
03:20.17wolsCD are cheap and you can throw them away if needed
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03:20.28wolsbut not as a main storage medium
03:20.29andi5wols: but if you have one... and dont need to carry 5 tb with you all day :)
03:20.39debianwols: no, they're highly toxic. :)
03:20.44Boomerwols: only problem is some older CDROM drives won't read CDRW disks
03:20.54sbetorewols: No, that's fairly bad for the environment.
03:21.14YeTr2debian, if they are highly toxic, then i guess aol wants the envrioment to go to hell?
03:21.23*** join/#debian Amarande (
03:21.31maherYeTr2: probably
03:21.35dan2debian: isn't solaris rock solid?
03:21.36wolsreally? the organic stuff on CD-R decomposes under sunlight. the polycarbonate could be recycled yes, but that's all, no?
03:21.36andi5wols: exactly... listen to nature...
03:22.03debiandan2: yeah, when it's filled with ceramic. :)
03:22.15*** join/#debian jj00_il (
03:22.18sbetoredan2: It's rock solid as in not going anywhere, very heavy.
03:22.25debianYeTr2: yeah, we should sue AOL for distributing toxic to people. :)
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03:22.27andi5debian: or concrete
03:22.32mameanyone know of a tool to control window location startup behavior for light weight window managers?
03:22.46jj00_ilcan someone help me with X?
03:22.47debianandi5: or molten lead. :)
03:22.48wolsdebian: aol CDs are pressed. only polycarbonate and Aluminimium
03:22.52Justinmame: use a window manger that doesn't suck?
03:22.58wolsnot the toxix organic metallic compound of CD-R
03:23.14mameJustin: windows are subhuman
03:23.25Boomerjj00_il: what's your question?
03:23.27debianwols: so they dont' get sued. :)
03:23.41jj00_ili cant start x, i get error saying no screens found
03:23.54Justin!tell jj00_il about X problem
03:23.56maher!tell jj00_il about set up X
03:24.12andi5mame: man 7 X and look for geometry
03:24.20mameandi5: ok
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03:25.43andi5mame: btw... light window manager :) check kahakai :)
03:26.12OctalTHORLucent = t3h suck. Linksys = t3h suck.
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03:27.14dan2debian: does it have some live download/install utilities?
03:27.33mameandi5: is it really good? i've tried it without any success a while ago
03:27.37Amarandeyah, my linksys router has been junk lately
03:27.48Amarandei cant even use static local IPs anymore, it's stopped letting them route out over the net
03:27.49andi5mame: what do you want to achieve?
03:28.05*** join/#debian chitiri (
03:28.06Amarandemaybe i should get a cisco, but none of the good reasonably priced cisco routers do wireless
03:28.09mameandi5: better computing
03:28.12wolsAmarande: that's why you use an old PC with debian as the router
03:28.19Amarandeso then i'd have to run a wire all the way downstairs for mom's pc
03:28.27Amarandewols: you can set up a PC to be a wireless access point too?
03:28.29andi5mame: lol :) and ... what would be the first step towards your goal?
03:28.33zeenixis there a known problem with xlibs-dev package?
03:28.51mameandi5: beating the Turing test
03:28.57andi5mame: ah
03:29.02wolsAmarande: yes. prism chipsets can act as AP under linux
03:29.05andi5mame: look for #turing ;-)
03:29.16mameandi5: i'm assuming you're a bot
03:29.29debiandan2: Solaris?
03:29.34dan2debian: yes
03:29.41zeenixi just pasted the error i get from 'apt-get install xlibs-dev' on #flood
03:30.05debiandan2: you got better and objective comment on solaris in #solaris. :)
03:30.46wolszeenix: which version of debian?
03:31.25zeenixwols: sid
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03:33.30mameandi5: stay tuned for rms on, i'll be proposing a project within th next weeks ;-)
03:33.50StrykerUnithow do i run taskel after i installed?
03:33.58maherStrykerUnit: type tasksel?
03:34.13andi5mame: looked for kahakai?
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03:35.30mameandi5: is it still a bitch to compile and work?
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03:36.14programmer90Hey im having a funny problem, i cant rememember what would make this happen i cant login to GNOME in any user except root on all the other users it just flashes back to the GDM
03:36.22andi5mame: there is a debian package up and running :)
03:36.31maherprogrammer90: look in the gdm log
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03:37.47StrykerUnitanyone here used tasksel?
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03:38.43wolsStrykerUnit: not if we can avoid it
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03:40.49nitronichow can i create a useraccount with no password, but still have an enabled login?
03:41.19mahernitronic: do you really want to do that? maybe you want auto login
03:41.28nitronicmaher - autologin, sure
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03:41.56mahernitronic: google debian autologin
03:42.01ghlki got debian running and it completed the install
03:42.06nitronicgot it thanks
03:42.12maherghlk: congratulations
03:42.15ghlkso what do i have to do with grub now?  the manpages aren't very helpful
03:42.19carbon60Anyone know which mirror is closes to Rogers Communication's?
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03:42.51maherghlk: install grub-doc
03:42.58wolsghlk: running grub-install
03:43.05ghlkmaher: will
03:43.08wolsand install grub-doc, yes. it gives you a nice html manual
03:43.10ghlkmaher: will do that is
03:43.20ardyweird KDE issue: Does anyone know why find files hangs?
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03:43.59lukewarmcarbon60: apt-cache show netselect-apt
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03:44.24carbon60lukewarm: Bleh, netselect gives bogus results. It only counts latency.
03:44.43carbon60Tells me os fastest, at 50KBps. :-(
03:44.54mahercarbon60: just pick one at random - is usually ok
03:44.55lukewarm::shrug:: it worked nicely for me, could just be coincidence
03:44.56*** part/#debian caoilte (
03:45.10carbon60maher: On Rogers?
03:45.18carbon60lukewarm: What did it tell you?
03:45.22ghlkgrub is probing some bios stuff
03:45.32mahercarbon60: dunno - just try and see
03:45.44carbon60I did.
03:45.47abydoshm, should I run snort on my router?
03:45.50ghlkand grub-doc isn't on my cds, so ill have to grab that off of a http apt source later
03:46.27ghlki also keep getting these annoying "end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector 0" errors
03:46.29abydosI have a rather dinky LAN, and theoretically, blocking all .exe files with an http proxy to a certain machine would prevent lots of spyware from getting through.
03:46.31ghlknany ideas?
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03:46.48maherghlk: probably a dodgy floppy/floppy drive
03:46.50abydosor better yet, all binary executables to that machine.
03:47.05ghlkmaher: well, i don't have a floppy installed
03:47.16abydosehh, that seems like it'd be tough.
03:47.34maherghlk: ignore the errors then...
03:47.36Justinghlk: grub has an option just for you then.
03:47.52ghlkmaher: they keep poping up on teh screen and messing with everything
03:47.55PrimeYour system does not have the sprintf/vsprintf libraries. <- what package do these libs come in ?
03:48.05ghlkmaher: makes bitchx look very strange
03:48.09ardyDoes anyone know why kde's find files hangs?
03:48.27wolsPrime: libc6-dev
03:49.00ghlkis there something i syslog i can set to throw them to a file or /dev/null?
03:49.04maherghlk: umm - there's some way of getting the logs sent to a different console - but running the irc client on a different console will probably work too
03:49.34ghlkmaher: i have 2 consoles running, i think they are just being sent to the active console somehow
03:49.43Justinabydos: blocking just .exe files won't do much
03:49.47Prime(Justin) ghlk: grub has an option just for you then.
03:49.48Prime(05:52:45) (ghlk) maher: they keep poping up on teh screen and messing with everything
03:49.50Prime(05:52:48) (Prime) Your system does not have the sprintf/vsprintf libraries. <- what package do these libs come in ?
03:49.51Prime(05:52:59) (ghlk) maher: makes bitchx look very strange
03:49.52*** part/#debian Prime (~prajm@
03:49.57abydosJustin: Why not?
03:49.59*** mode/#debian [+l 716] by debhelper
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03:50.10Primedamn spam :(
03:50.19Justinbecause most spyware comes in via activeX crap
03:50.23Primewols i already have that package installed ?
03:50.24abydosJustin: All I want to do is protect my parent's stupid arse from spyware when she insists on using IE.
03:50.32abydosAh, so it would be simpler to get her using Linux.
03:50.40Justinabydos: make the IE icon open mozilla with the IE skin
03:50.42wolssprintf is ansi C so every libc should have it
03:50.46Justinproblem solved
03:50.52abydosHer computer won't run Mozilla.
03:50.56holycowheh justin
03:50.59abydosIt will run Firefox, and that's about it.
03:51.02wolsabydos: use ffox then
03:51.11holycowi have actually done that on about half dozen public machines at hotels and such
03:51.14abydosShe's been doing that lately.
03:51.24Primewols boy , what do i do then ? :S
03:51.24abydosholycow: you 3vil 0ne, you.
03:51.30holycowyou sit back and watch the user not even notice the dif :)
03:51.33KarlosIIerr tyhat dang router bug in ff and mozilla
03:51.43holycowthanksa abydos
03:51.44ghlkhmm.. maybe it was just something grub was messing around with
03:51.45wolsabydos: just don't install stuff like the google toolbar on IE: make it hard for them to use IE. they will switch :)
03:51.47holycowthankya even :)
03:51.48KarlosIIheya holycow
03:51.54holycowhola :)
03:52.03abydosShe managed to install the google toolbar anyway.
03:52.05ghlkim going to see if this damn thing boots now... brb
03:52.15KarlosIIabydos, seriously wow
03:52.18wolsabydos: unset the popup blocking then
03:52.22abydosI want her to use Linux, but her P200-64mb RAM won't run Knoppix.
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03:52.29abydoswols: That would be evil of me.
03:52.34abydosI won't sink that low.
03:52.35holycowif you install firefox you can tell them google toolbar is the thingy in the top right
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03:52.38holycowthe usually fall for that :)
03:52.40abydosShe's using Firefox, and I'm happy her.
03:52.48sbetoreI'm happy her too.
03:52.50KarlosIIabydos, uh I run linux on my amd K6-300 unfortuantely that's a little more powerful
03:52.54abydosholycow: Or you can install the google toolbar for Firefox, which is more useful.
03:53.04holycowlol abydos :)
03:53.04abydosKarlosII: And probably has a smidgen-bit more RAM.
03:53.07wolsKarlosII: the CPU is not the problem there. the RAM is
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03:53.13KarlosII192 :)
03:53.20abydos64mb of RAM and insists on running Windows 2000.
03:53.44abydosIt's not that bad, if you avoid the flash-containing sites.
03:53.53wolsabydos: no 128MB ram stick to be found?
03:53.58KarlosIIactually Windows 2003 runs nicely on a pentium 200 512KB cache pro server :)
03:54.12deadcatabydos: with 64ram on my laptop. i can run fluxbox, but currently sticking on console cus just got bootsplash working hehe (=
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03:54.37KarlosIIabydos: ever here of menuetto
03:54.41dippoanyone here use ndiswrapper?
03:54.53abydosKarlosII: Yeah, I've heard of MenuetOS.
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03:54.54KarlosIIa whole linux os on a floppy :)
03:54.56abydosShe won't use it.
03:55.07KarlosIIit was just a joking thought
03:55.08dippoI've just got it working with an intel 2200, but i can't set anything with iwconfig, and i've tried the suggestions in the FAQ
03:55.19holycowanyone here run gnome 2.6 on sarge? just curious... i dont feel like running experimental again
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03:55.49abydosGnome2.6 is utter dog droppings.
03:55.57abydosTake it from a Gentoo user, it blows.
03:56.05KarlosIIholycow, heh I'm waiting for this political nightmare to end and for sarge to go to I'm not about to try until the dust settles
03:56.21abydosWhy isn't sarge stable by now?
03:56.25holycowi used it for a while on experimental, i liked it.  watcha not likin abydos?
03:56.27abydosHasn't it been around a couple years?
03:56.34KarlosIIabydos, debian politics
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03:56.51KarlosIIwhcih btw has delayed it's release quite possibly to next year
03:56.54holycowKarlosII, *nod* well i dont mind reinstalling :)
03:57.05KarlosIIholy I just finsihed
03:57.06abydosholycow: Its login manager is crappy, about the only good thing is the newer fileselector.
03:57.07holycowits dead simple with d-i, just tape your enter key down :)
03:57.07wolscause debian always takes 2 years or more from one stable version to the next. woody came out june 2002 or so
03:57.27dot__vprI have some very weird stuff happening. When I try to start like any application in KDE they trie to start up for a few seconds and then are killed off. This started happening after I installed 2.6.5 (was 2.4.5 before)
03:57.32holycowabydos, i'm not flaming, just curious in what way? perhaps i missed something during the brief installfest?
03:57.50KarlosIIwols, sarge was gonna be release this summer but because of the social contract it's being delayed possibly
03:57.52abydosholycow: I just find it to be more of a bloated memory hog.
03:58.00holycowah *nod*
03:58.05*** part/#debian Sebulba02 (
03:58.09abydosGod, hasn't sarge been delayed over a year and a half already>
03:58.24abydosWhat takes you people so long with release cycles?
03:58.31KarlosIIabydos, yes we need to get more active in the debian community and put an end to this
03:58.35KarlosIII wouldn't have a problem with the social contract, if they would employ it _after_ releasing sarge - because woody is really ancient by now (it won't boot on lot of new machines...)it's just too late in the release schedule to do these, purely politically motivated, changes right now. if I remember correctly, the original plan was to release sarge in 01/2004.
03:58.35maherabydos: the developers are just lazy
03:58.38holycowabydos, well yes, but its still available, its not like ms holding back longhorn or anything :)
03:58.39wolsKarlosII: after woody was I released, there was talk to have a releasable distro always, so to not have such excessive freezes like with woody...
03:58.59ardywols: hi...
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03:59.09FieldySnuts!wang asg
03:59.11maherKarlosII: it looks like they will delay the changes till after sarge - they will have another gr
03:59.25abydosWhat is this social contract that's going on?
03:59.26FieldySnuts!blaireau asg
03:59.28dpkgasg: blaireau blaireau blaireau blaireau champignon champignon blaireau blaireau blaireau blaireau blaireau oooh un serpeeeent!
03:59.31KarlosIImaher, do you got a reliable source for that info?
03:59.46maherKarlosII: Manoj is organizing a vote
03:59.55KarlosIImaher where can I vote?
04:00.00KarlosIIhow can i vote?
04:00.03maherKarlosII: are you a dd?
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04:00.07wols!tell abydos about social contract
04:00.20KarlosIIdd ?umm proly not cause i don't know what that is
04:00.27sbetore!dict stump
04:00.30dpkgDictionary 'stump' (2 shown; 27 total): the part of a limb or tooth that remains after the rest is removed ;; To go on the stump, or To take the stump, to engage in making public addresses for electioneering purposes; -- a phrase derived from the practice of using a stump for a speaker's platform in newly-settled districts. Hence also the phrases stump orator, stump speaker, stump speech, stump oratory, etc. [Colloq. U.S.].
04:00.38wolsKarlosII: debian developer
04:00.45kingsleywols: I figured out my networking problem. I needed to use a rather arcane incarnation of the route command to make the default path through a gateway.
04:00.47maherwols: believe it or not things are in much better shape than for woody...
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04:00.55KarlosIInope....I just write documentation for Kanotix which is based on debian sid
04:01.30wolsmaher: I believe it since I run sarge for quite a while now. but this "more frequent releases" thing just hasn't materialized, no matter what eveybody said
04:01.33abydosSo what does this have to do with the release of Sarge?
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04:01.45KarlosIIer umm
04:02.11abydosI rather fail to see.
04:02.12wolsKarlosII: rather arcane? for setting a default gateway? why?
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04:02.27KarlosIIwols huh?
04:02.32maherwols: things always take longer than people expect...
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04:02.37ghlkno luck
04:02.45wolsKarlosII: wrong nick complete as usual. meant kingsley
04:02.51KarlosIIwols okie :)
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04:02.59pumpitupok i get this error at boot : kernel panic unable to mount root fs on hda5.........what should i do
04:03.01mameanyone knows what can cause this? i killed an X session with su over ssh after my keyboard and mouse froze. Now my screen #2 can only be seen with ctrl+alt+f1.. and my left screen on ctrl-alt-f7, weird!
04:03.03wolsghlk: what did grub-instal /dev/hda say?
04:03.09ghlkand booting from the rescue cd now results in a bunch of "modprobe: can't find shit" errors
04:03.21ghlkwols: i installed it to hdb
04:03.30KarlosIIpumpitup that's rather a generic question
04:03.34ghlkwols: it installed fine, but didn't boot
04:03.34mamefunny that i can see windows on screen2 but my pointer can't get there ..
04:03.36tcsetattrkingsley, debian will install the default route if you specify the gateway in /etc/network/interfaces. did you do that?
04:03.52wolsand you configured your menu.lst?
04:04.08ghlkwols: just went with whatever it gave me by default
04:04.20abydosKarlosII: That's fscking horrible.
04:04.23pumpitupKarlosII : well what could it be
04:04.32wolsghlk: run update-grub
04:04.45ghlkwols: what will that od
04:04.47kingsleywols: Perhaps arcanity, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Here it is: route add default gw
04:04.51KarlosIIpumpitup lotsa things
04:05.09kingsleytcsetattr: No.
04:05.13KarlosIIabydos now you know what this social contract has to with everything?
04:05.17abydosKarlosII: That's one of the most evil things that they could've done short of selling out to Chairman Bill.
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04:05.27wolsghlk: it will look for your installed kernels and add them all to menu.lst
04:05.29abydosThat flat-out sucks.
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04:05.30kingsleytcsetattr: Which part of "debian" installs the default route?
04:05.40abydosWhy'd they ratify it if it sucked that badly?
04:05.42KarlosIIabydos I know it was a big error that was meant for to be good
04:05.45ghlkwols: and then?
04:05.48wolstho it more sounds like grub couldn't find stage2 in /boot/grub/stage2
04:05.50ramanujanhm, this is oftopic, but does anyone here know the function of a memory stick adapter?
04:05.55tcsetattrkingsley, ifup
04:06.01KarlosIIabydos I like the idea
04:06.07KarlosIIbut the implementation sucks
04:06.16Amaranderamanujan: i believe it's used so you can read memory sticks from things like digital cameras and such
04:06.24Amarandewithout having to have drivers for the camera itself
04:06.30Amarandesince the sticks are more standardized than the cams
04:06.42maherabydos: its not a big deal - some stuff will get pushed to non-free is all
04:06.44abydosKarlosII: The idea is great, but the execution and implementation could have been better accomplished by a herd of pen-wielding orangutans.
04:06.49wolskingsley: put it in /etc/network/interfaces and it will be done automaticaly
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04:06.57KarlosIIabydos heh
04:07.13sussudioabydos: baboons.
04:07.45abydossussudio: erm.
04:07.53abydossussudio: Do you argue for the sake of arguing?
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04:08.07abydossussudio: Orangutans works quite fine there, no modification needed.
04:08.12ghlkwell, guess ill try again
04:08.27KarlosIIsussudio heh
04:08.43kingsleytcsetattr & wols: Thanks for trying to save me some time. I may start using /etc/network/interfaces at some point. I haven't switched from /etc/init.d/network yet, so I may just put the route command in there.
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04:09.04wolskingsley: how can you use debian without /etc/network/interfaces?
04:09.29tcsetattrevery debian box has /etc/network/interfaces. it's not an optional extra package. It's mandatory!
04:09.31sussudiowols: maybe he's running slink.
04:09.52kingsleywols: My understanding is that /etc/init.d/network works like it.
04:09.54wolstcsetattr: that's why I was asking
04:09.56abydossussudio: Maybe he's your mom.
04:10.00iTripI am new to debian... I just installed it... whenever I boot, it runs 'dosfsck' which obviously takes a long time... I looked in rc*.d but didn't find anything that could be running it... where else should I look?
04:10.00mahertcsetattr: boxes that had slink will still have the older one afaik
04:10.06abydossussudio: Jest intended.
04:10.17wolskingsley: there is not /etc/init.d/network in current debian. period
04:10.23kingsleysussudio: I'm running old code, new code, red code, blue code.
04:10.30wolsthere is /etc/init.d/networking which gets its settings from /etc/network/interfaces
04:10.49wolskingsley: just a tip then: apt-get dist-upgrade
04:11.10abydosOn Gentoo, network links are stored as /etc/init.d/net.ethX
04:11.36abydosnot that there's any perfect way to do it.
04:11.43abydosBut that's just the gentoo way.
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04:12.15kingsleywols: What's the hurry? I was using a 26K modem until 15 minutes ago. I'll bet you're one of those people who thinks buggy whips are passe too.
04:12.37iTripcan anyone please help me?
04:12.46Amarandeis debian 3.0 'woody', or 'sarge'? cheapbytes only refers to the versions by number
04:12.48Primeask your question :)
04:12.51kingsleyiTrip: What's the problem?
04:12.57maherAmarande: woody
04:13.07Amarandeoh, sarge is testing, then
04:13.20iTripkingsley, Prime: scroll above a few lines...
04:13.20abydos3.0 is woody, testing is sarge, and unstable is sid.
04:13.21wolskingsley: no. when I was little I used whips each day in summer. still would if I lived on a farm
04:13.23kingsleyiTrip: I thought you were going to ask a hard question, like how to acheive world peace.
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04:13.36iTripkingsley: :)
04:13.48wolskingsley: but since the current stable distro is almost two years old, you should have upgraded to it LONG ago
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04:14.11abydosAre there Sarge NetInst ISOs?
04:14.20abydosIs Sarge being subject to a security audit?
04:14.31iTripkingsley: so whats any ideas?
04:14.39tcsetattriTrip, /etc/init.d/checkfs tries to check all filesystems.
04:14.40oppi hate apt-get update doesnt work
04:14.51maherabydos: lol! someone's going to read all the code...
04:14.53iTripkingsley: lol, that didn't come out right, I meant "so any ideas"
04:15.13kingsleywols: I'm using plenty of code from unstable. I only upgrade individual packages over the net when I need to and leave wekll enough alone. This system started running debian in '96.
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04:15.53tcsetattryou've been using Linux for at least 8 years and you thought "route add default gw A.B.C.D" was a difficult command? Wow.
04:15.57iTriptcsetattr: do you know if I need to change anything in there so it doesn't do it everytime?
04:16.15abydosAre there any good freebie virus scanners?
04:16.16Shorty_tcsetattr: hahahaahha :D
04:16.39Shorty_apt-cache show sweep
04:16.41Dossysweep is free?
04:16.43mentecohi, I am hosting my site at from my computer running Debian. I am having trouble sending mail from a form using cgi-email. I know my Debian uses exim to send emails. What should I type as primary mail server in my DNS MX settings?
04:16.49kingsleywols: As an aside, I first installed SCO on it, but soon realized that even then, linux was better. Although I paid about $1,000 for SCO, I wiped it off the drive in '96 and never looked back.
04:16.51maheriTrip: does it show up in grep dosfsck /etc/init.d/*
04:17.22abydos"sweep is an audio editor"
04:17.31iTripmaher: "grep -iIr dosfsck /etc/" doesn't show anything
04:17.32maherabydos: clamav
04:17.34Dossysophos sweep is a virus scanner, but I don't think it's free
04:17.44abydosmaher: ic.
04:17.47abydosSweep is an audio editor and live playback tool
04:17.48FieldySnutsit's not, also closed source
04:17.58wolsiTrip: did you unmount your dos partition cleanly when you last used it?
04:18.06kingsleytcsetattr: I'm glad I entertained you. Perhaps it has something to do with living in a rural area that just go broadband a few months ago.
04:18.09Shorty_I'm using?
04:18.18AmarandeSCO: System Crashes Often
04:18.22candymanmdoes nayone know how to fix default fontsize in gnome?
04:18.23abydosdoes clamav get updated often?
04:18.28Shorty_I believe you will find that sweep is free for personal use
04:18.30iTripwols: not sure... but it does it everytime...
04:18.36maheriTrip: is the dos partition listed in fstab
04:18.43abydosMacintosh: Most Applications Crash; If Not, the Operating System Hangs
04:18.45wolsiTrip: paste the fsdtab line for that partition
04:18.51iTripwols: I just use 'shutdown -h now' to shutdown the system, I am assuming this does a clean unmount?
04:18.53kingsleymaher: I'd have been worried if I made you blink.
04:19.00wolsiTrip: it does
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04:19.19iTrip/dev/hda5 /data     vfat      defaults,user,umask=1000                          0         2
04:19.20candymanm*font:  -*-*-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 in ~/Xdefault fixes xterm but xmms and some orhers still have too small fonts
04:20.48maheriTrip: dunno - try making it noauto and see if that makes any difference
04:20.57Shorty_-fh now
04:21.01abydosI don't care if it's closed-source, it just has to have free updates, like Norton doesn't.
04:21.12Shorty_norton does?
04:21.13maheriTrip: if you mount/umount not at boot does it fsck it
04:21.34maherabydos: you could find out about clamav by looking at their website
04:21.36iTripmaher: never tried, I thought it was something that was setup to run everytime
04:21.38abydosI did.
04:21.41abydosIt wants Cygwin.
04:21.44iTripmaher: I guess I should try it, eh?
04:21.50maheriTrip: try umount /data then mount /data
04:21.53Shorty_it _what_ ?
04:21.57abydosI refuse to install cygwin on something with that thing's specs.
04:22.14abydosShorty_: clamAV for windows wants Cygwin.
04:22.22iTripmaher: I got my KDE desktop on there... :(
04:22.32iTripmaher: so can't unmount without logging out of kde
04:22.34abydosShorty_: the point of this exercise is to find a Windows virus scanner.
04:22.34maherabydos: oh - i don't use windows so I wouldn't know
04:22.44abydosI don't either.
04:22.47iTripmaher: I guess I could try -f
04:22.51abydosThis is for my mom.
04:23.07Shorty_very good
04:23.14Shorty_recommended by my girlfriend apparently
04:23.23maheriTrip: umm... just log out then stop kdm and see if you can unmount then
04:23.39iTripmaher: alright, I'll probably be back in a few
04:23.42iTripmaher: thanks
04:23.46iTripwols: thanks :)
04:24.05abydosThe other point of the exercise is to get this for free.
04:24.17abydosomg, there's a freebie edition.
04:24.22Shorty_I told you that
04:24.23wolsiTrip: ?
04:24.30iTriptcsetattr: thanks :)
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04:24.39Shorty_abydos, beggars mustn't be choosers
04:24.42abydosShorty_: Sorry, must have missed it.
04:24.46abydosShorty_: I know.
04:24.48iTripwols: just making sure that everyone gets credit =D
04:24.56abydosShorty_: That's why I use Gentoo, and she insists on windows.
04:25.09Shorty_I dislike gentoo
04:25.15Shorty_but we'll save that for another day :D
04:25.25peterSShorty_: better yet, save it for another channel (:
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04:25.35peterSno need for a "debian rules, and here's why" love fest in here (:
04:25.48Shorty_no no
04:25.54Shorty_its not that I think debians superiour
04:25.58Shorty_even though I do
04:26.06Shorty_I just don't like gentoo
04:26.12abydosI like Gentoo, and debian.
04:26.15abydosThey all have their place.
04:26.16invsblduckgentoo is sweet dood.
04:26.20peterSwell, start talking about how bad gentoo is, and the next thing you know, you'll get a dozen yes-men cheering about debian
04:26.20Shorty_if I wanted to compile everything from source, I'd use ports in freebsd
04:26.25peterSit's the nature of the audience here
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04:26.36Shorty_I don't like wasting my time compiling
04:26.41Shorty_thats all :D
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04:26.44abydosAll except Fedora, but I refuse to get into a "why x distro is better than z distro" love-fest.
04:26.47iTripmaher: umount'ing and mount'ing works just fine
04:26.55omerthow many cds are required in debian
04:27.03omertlike there are 7 binary download isos
04:27.06peterSomert: probably just the first one or two
04:27.09abydosomert: 1, the netinst cd.
04:27.12omertdo i have to download all ?
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04:27.24peterSomert: each CD has packages on it, but it's usually just as easy to download stuff off the net, once you've got a base system up
04:27.27Shorty_the last 6 are just suplimental packages
04:27.27omertokay thanks...
04:27.33omertwhat about KD e
04:27.36omertis it in the first one ?
04:27.41peterSnot sure
04:27.55abydosI'm going with a netinst on my router box, because I'm not a fan of getting all the unnecessary baggage.
04:27.55sciboyHi guys, what do i need to get alsa working with my Sound Blaster Pro in the kernel 2.6.5?
04:28.07peterSomert: but for most people, downloading a netinstall CD, which is a lot smaller than a regular CD image, is the way to go
04:28.07omertokay thanks everyone
04:28.14kingsleyBye for now.
04:28.18peterSomert: then, to install packages, you get *everything* else off the net, when you need it
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04:28.49omertyeah but the problem is i have a cable net
04:28.57omertand my server is based on winnt
04:29.08omertit requires me to login to a domain
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04:29.29omertand then i have to use a firewall client to use internet (ISA)
04:29.40peterSomert: you have to use a proxy with authentication?  that's annoying
04:29.47omertso i dont know if it is possible for me to connect to the internet with debian
04:29.53omertyeah it is
04:30.07lknyshovIt is always possible.
04:30.10peterSomert: ah, might or might not be.  the installer won't support that, I'm pretty sure, but possibly other software once you're running might
04:30.12omertfirst i have to authenticate my machine with domain and then with ISA server
04:30.43omertbut is there any option of domain in debian ?
04:30.57peterSomert: this is referring to web proxying, or what?
04:31.06omertor does anyone know from where i can find out about logging into domain in debian ?
04:31.20peterSomert: "Logging into a domain" is a matter of using NTLM, which a lot of clients support
04:31.21lknyshovomert: you are asking about Samba :)
04:31.34peterSomert: but whether any of these do what you want, for the purpose you want, I do not know
04:31.38kremlynDoes Debian have boot disketts, ie: for a netinstall?
04:31.45kremlynlocal network install
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04:32.04sciboyHmmm... If i just updated my kernel to 2.6.5 do i need to dist-upgrade to get my sound working again?
04:32.05peterSkremlyn: yeah.  on your CD image, or from a mirror site, see 'dists/stable/main/disks-i386/current/images-1.44/bf2.4/'
04:32.07lknyshovkremlyn: that's one option... why not simply use PXE?
04:32.08omertlet me try anyway
04:32.11sbetoreWhat's the root dns server?
04:32.15omerti will download the first 3 cds
04:32.18peterSkremlyn: that's relative to your CD, or relative to
04:32.21mentecowhat should type as primary mail server in my DNS MX records?
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04:32.45peterSmenteco: only you can answer that.  why do you think we know where your mail server is?
04:32.55omertanyway thanks alot everyone
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04:33.31kremlynpeterS: Can I then specify the location of the install sets, and install over ftp etc?
04:33.40peterSkremlyn: yeah
04:33.44peterSkremlyn: what sort of network connection do you have?
04:33.44sciboy... ALSA isn't finding my sound card 0_o
04:33.48mentecopeterS: I host my site at my computer, which uses exim to send mail, may knowing that you can help me.
04:33.52peterSkremlyn: dialup?  DSL?  regular LAN?
04:33.58ghlkif /boot is on /dev/hdb1 and / is on /dev/hdb2 what should the root=??? and (hd?,?) be for the grub menu.lst file?
04:34.02kremlynpeterS: regular LAN.
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04:34.10peterSmenteco: if your computer is prepared to receive mail, and has a static IP address, you can set the MX record to there
04:34.20peterSmenteco: but if you didn't already know this, I question your ability to run a mail server in the first place
04:34.30peterSkremlyn: do you happen to know what network card?
04:34.46kremlynpeterS: Tulip
04:35.01tcsetattrthe content of an MX record is supposed to be a hostname, not an IP address (not that that stops people from doing it that way)
04:35.02peterSkremlyn: ok, the tulip driver isn't built into the kernels.  so you'll need to make 6 floppies
04:35.04dpkgi heard poon is hive's alter ego while playing Counter-Strike...if you see him turn around and prepare for death..., or one of the reasons people are trying to make a 'mm1' filter for counterstrike.
04:35.17peterSkremlyn: get the images from
04:35.44ghlkwols? anyone?
04:35.44peterSkremlyn: they are called rescue.bin (that's what you boot from), root.bin (it will later prompt you to put that one in), and drivers-1.bin through drivers-4.bin (you need those during the install)
04:36.13peterSkremlyn: the drivers-*.bin are the floppies that have the tulip driver on them - unfortunately you can't just use *one* of them, you have to load them all up in a set
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04:36.21kremlyn*nod*. Excellent.
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04:36.28peterSkremlyn: are you on a windows machine now, or what?
04:36.36mentecopeterS: I don't need exim to be able to receive external mail. I know I is able to send mail to external addresses, but don't know which address to type in the DNS MX record, just my domain name ( may be?
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04:36.58ThisGuyFinally got it installed. Now I'm confused by packages.
04:37.07kremlynI am now yes. On a network with a FreeBSD machine and 4 OpenBSD boxes.. and a box here to play with Debian.
04:37.22kremlynDesktop is still Win32 for compatability with Uni stuff
04:37.24Primeif libc6 was removed is there anyway to reinstall it from ssh ?
04:37.26peterSkremlyn: if you're stuck on Windows for writing the floppies, see for something called 'rawrtwin.exe' which is a Windows executable for writing floppy images to floppies
04:37.43ghlkif /boot is on /dev/hdb1 and / is on /dev/hdb2 what should the root=??? and (hd?,?) be for the grub menu.lst file?
04:37.46peterSkremlyn: from Unix, though, you can just use 'cp rescue.bin /dev/fd0' or whatever your floppy device is (that's what it is on Linux and AIX)
04:37.55kremlynpeterS: used it before. or I can make them using dd on one of the other *NIX boxen.
04:38.09peterSkremlyn: everyone loves dd for these things.  I don't know why.  'cp rescue.bin /dev/fd0' is so much easier (:
04:38.14kremlyncp? Won't I need to dd it? if it's an image..
04:38.31kremlynlol.. ok then :-)
04:38.33wolsghlk: root should be (1,1) then IIRC. read the grub docs at
04:38.36peterSkremlyn: dd and cp do the same thing in this case.  they copy data from a file to a device
04:38.36tcsetattrdd is nothing but cp with fancier options
04:38.42sambatronhello, when I try to apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.6-1-386 I get this error message on mkinitrd: /usr/sbin/mkinitrd: add_modules_dep_2_5: modprobe failed
04:38.42sambatronfatal_: Module rtl8139 not found.
04:38.42sambatronFailed to create initrd image.
04:38.47peterStcsetattr: yeah, and nobody uses those options in these cases (:
04:38.49sambatronhelp ?
04:38.50thoreauputicpeterS: cat works, too
04:38.57peterSthoreauputic: yeah, but cp is more straightforward
04:38.57ThisGuyCan anyone direct me to a good "first steps" kind of thing? I've got Sarge installed, but aptitude confused me and I'm not sure what I installed, and it says some things are broken.
04:39.10ghlkwols: how about root=???
04:39.17tcsetattrfirst step: don't break things
04:39.20wolsghlk: root=/dev/hdb2
04:39.22thoreauputicpeterS: hehe... one less letter ;)
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04:39.44ghlki don't really feel like going through a bunch of docus with lynx at the moment
04:39.54ThisGuyI tried not to break things, but I couldn't convince it to (f)orget the stuff I had selected.
04:39.55cseAny ideas on a libcupsys2-gnutls10 problem when trying to install samba?
04:39.56sambatronhelp... please
04:39.58ghlkX isn't running so console is the only option availibe right now
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04:40.25ThisGuyIt seemed to forget, but the next time I ran it, they were all selected (or so it seemed) and it wouldn't forget them.
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04:40.44tcsetattrwell first you could run apt-get -f install
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04:40.51ghlkalright... yet another try.. be back
04:41.19mentecotcsetattr: have missed your last text about MX. So in my case typing as MX record "" would do it I guess.
04:41.20ThisGuyWhat does apt-get -f install do?
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04:41.39sbetoreThisGuy: Install all packages that haven't been installed yet or something.
04:42.09sbetoreThisGuy: It doesn't screw up your system or anything, if that was what you were afraid of :)
04:42.17tcsetattrmenteco, it's obvious to me that you are not qualified to administer a mail server. I can only hope you fail and give up, because if you succeed in setting one up it will be badly run, and a menace to the rest of the net.
04:42.30ThisGuyI'm not really afraid, just want to understand and learn.
04:42.44tcsetattryou don't even know what an MX is. Take a few months and do some reading! any RFC on DNS, for example.
04:42.59mentecotcsetattr: thnk u!
04:43.00tcsetattrdon't rush into running servers you don't understand.
04:43.16tcsetattrapt-get -f install tries to fix broken packages
04:43.21sbkitrip: taking a cursory look anyway, not sure that fsck.vfat behaves like fsck.ext2, which skips an elaborate check if the file system was unmounted cleanly
04:43.55sbetoreThisGuy: I've got a personal uptime nearing 24 hours, so I'm not the one to ask,.
04:43.56sbkitrip: I guess :-) you could just skip it altogether by (I think) setting the last number to 0 in your fstab line
04:44.00*** join/#debian ghlk (
04:44.22ghlkthis shouldn't be that complicated
04:44.35*** join/#debian Whistleboy (
04:45.00CompWizrd!badgerstrike ghlk
04:45.05CompWizrdah well
04:45.06WhistleboyHow does one mount a USB Compact Flash reader
04:45.16ghlkdon't fuck with wisconsin
04:45.25sbkghlk: where are you getting stuck? trying to get grub on the MBR?
04:45.27Whistleboythe power of cheese!
04:45.28ghlkanyways.. any ideas?
04:45.34itripsbk: hmm...
04:45.53ghlksbk: GRUB will repeatedly say "GRUB" when i boot, nothing more
04:46.03ghlksbk: so it should at least be on teh MBR
04:46.17sbkghlk: interesting.. so it fills up the screen in some sort of loop?
04:46.17*** join/#debian rsb (~chatzilla@
04:46.23ghlksbk: yep
04:46.43sbkghlk: what version of grub are you using?
04:46.57ghlksbk: .91 apparently
04:47.16ghlkwhatever stable has by default
04:47.25rsbanyone used an intel SR1300 box?
04:47.36rsbjust installed debian testing on mine.
04:47.44*** join/#debian dan2 (dan@beta3.registered)
04:47.49sbkghlk: ah, ok. that's 0.91, right -- doesn't have a different issue that'd cause that particular symptom; so that's good :-)
04:48.03wolsghlk: as I said, grub can't find its stage two files since they are on a different partition than the root partition
04:48.07*** join/#debian xbaez (~xavier@
04:48.22ghlkwols: what should the root partiton be set to then?
04:48.31sbkghlk: hm, weird. so usually that symptom comes when it's trying to load the stage 1.5, and instead ends up reloading a sector that's identical to the mbr
04:49.04wolsghlk: the root partition is set correctyl, you can't set it otherwise
04:49.12ghlkdoes /boot still have to be on a small drive, or can i just throw that on a 20GB / partition and leave it at that
04:49.16*** join/#debian opp (
04:49.24ghlkthere used to be some limitaiton with that, not sure if it still exists though
04:50.01*** join/#debian duncf (~duncf@
04:50.25itripsbk: the man page says that "The root filesystem should be specified with a fs_passno of 1, and other filesystems should have a fs_passno of 2."
04:50.29wolsghlk: you don't need a separate partition for anything
04:50.40wolsall you _need_ is a / partition, nothing else
04:50.50itripsbk: but later it says "If the sixth field is not present or zero, a value of zero is returned and fsck will  assume
04:51.10*** join/#debian denix (
04:51.17ghlkwols: there used to be an issue with whatever /boot was on not being over somethingl ike 500MB, they might have fixed that though
04:51.22itripsbk: so I guess I should try 0, eh?
04:51.24*** join/#debian libv (
04:51.24sbkitrip: right. i'm assuming that vfat partition is not the root partition? so that's what I was thinking, if you're willing to just not fsck it at all
04:51.26Primedpkg (subprocess): unable to execute new pre-installation script: No such file
04:51.26Primer directory
04:51.26dpkgYou are moron #21, Prime
04:51.33Primeanyway to fix dpkg ?
04:51.41*** part/#debian xai (
04:51.48ghlkwols: ill try copying boot to / and then removing the /boot mounting point
04:51.52wolsghlk: that's a BIOS limitation, nothing to do with linux
04:51.54itripsbk: yeah, don't really care about it at boot time
04:52.02itripsbk: alright, I am going to try this (gotta reboot)
04:52.07itripsbk: thanks!
04:52.07wolsand it applies to /, not necessarily /boot
04:52.15ghlkwols: i think it was linux specific actually
04:52.28ghlkwols: this was maybe 98 or 99
04:52.42wolsno, windows had the same problem on old BIOSes, unless lilo had this limitation built in as well
04:52.45wolswhich is possible
04:52.50*** join/#debian Doc_Spiff (~spiff@
04:52.52wolsbut not anymore in the day of LBA
04:53.23ghlkwols: windows booted fine on a > 500MB drive, but linux wouldn't unless /boot was on a small partition, not sure what the problem was though
04:53.34*** join/#debian coolnewbie (manu@
04:53.46wolsI know that grub doesn't have it on reasonably new hardware. since my linux partition here is > 20GB or so, maybe even higher
04:53.51*** join/#debian EruditeH1rmit (
04:54.01wolsthen lilo had a limitation
04:54.03*** join/#debian h8red (
04:54.06h8redhey guys
04:54.07ghlkwols: ill try moving boot and see if that works
04:54.13Doc_SpiffTo install kde using apt-get witch package should i select?
04:54.28wolsghlk: put all files in your root partition
04:54.48ghlkbe back
04:54.58*** join/#debian Sopranos (
04:55.02h8redwhats +q
04:55.05ele|webdesignmute :P
04:55.32pwHmm. Why is it not OK to include the Firefox icon in the Debian package, but it *is* OK to have the Firefox artwork in the About box?
04:55.48*** join/#debian nathan_ (
04:56.17wolspw: cause that artwork might not be trademarked
04:56.30wolsintellectual property law is weird and fucked up
04:56.44kremlynwols: amen.
04:56.58nathan_is there a 'debian standard' directory to install fonts into?
04:57.15peterSnot only intellectual property law
04:57.18*** join/#debian Charlie (
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04:57.34wolspeterS: but there it's pretty obvious
04:57.52*** join/#debian h8red (
04:57.52peterSwols: there's also the fact that open source type people tend to be willing to enforce trademarks in cases where they don't want to restrict what they have copyright on
04:58.02h8redWAREZ WAREZ WAREZ WAREZ!!!!
04:58.11peterSh8red: NO WAREZ FOR YOU!  ONE YEAR!
04:58.22peterSh8red: seriously, you're wasting our time
04:58.23*** join/#debian knoppix (
04:58.31h8redis debian the best unix
04:58.33thoreauputich8red: go away
04:58.44peterSh8red: depends on whom you ask.  we don't really feel like having a flame war here, though
04:58.52wolsh8red: shut up or we will send you kernel images all day. more "warez" than you ever need
04:58.54*** join/#debian vrkhans (
04:59.00h8redkernel what?
04:59.06knoppixcan anyone help me to get my apm to see my battorie
04:59.06thoreauputic!fix h8red
04:59.11peterSh8red: images.  they look kind of like natalie portman
04:59.22h8redlike an iso image?
04:59.28h8redsomeone send me an iso image of a pirated software
04:59.33knoppix*oops bad spelling
04:59.38FieldySnuts!lart h8red
04:59.43*** join/#debian irvken (
04:59.48peterSh8red: seriously.  shut up about warez.  this isn't the place
04:59.49wolspeterS: you shouldn't said that. now I will try to load my kernels all day in xv to check for pictures
04:59.53*** mode/#debian [+l 723] by debhelper
04:59.54peterSwols: heh
04:59.56Supaplexh8red: #Warez2,000 has it, iirc
05:00.13h8redyou guys are nutless!
05:00.17*** join/#debian jarth (james@
05:00.22peterSbuh-buy now
05:00.32FieldySnutsalmost as nutless as somebody who insults and immediately quits
05:00.35thoreauputicgee, what a pity
05:00.57wolswhy do people want to troll channels? alone even. channel invasions only get funny if you have several people
05:01.07wolssheesh, kids nowadays
05:01.11peterSwols: not even then, if you're over the age of about 15
05:01.16*** join/#debian EBr_VENOM_ (~knoppix@
05:01.21*** join/#debian Dodge (
05:02.02wolspeterS: I ready some really funny logs. but those weren't technical places like this.more general chat channels
05:02.13*** join/#debian ghlk (
05:02.18wolspeople there are more gullible
05:02.34Dodge"/msg dpkg guidelines
05:02.46ghlkand now the damn thing kernel panics when booting from the cd
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05:02.54h8redi love you too peterS
05:02.59*** part/#debian h8red (
05:03.00*** join/#debian dad (
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05:03.03Jyadis recode the best bet for converting between dos and unix test formats?
05:03.30*** join/#debian Kurt__ (
05:03.37SupaplexJyad: apt-cache fromdos (or todos). best is relative, be more specific.
05:03.38*** join/#debian itrip (~ahmad@
05:03.49*** join/#debian BILLYTHEKID (
05:03.51BILLYTHEKIDhi guys
05:03.53KarlosII<h8red> i love you too peterS
05:03.53KarlosII* h8red kiss
05:03.54*** join/#debian bignose (
05:04.03peterSKarlosII: yeah really
05:04.10JyadSpaplex - best is subjective - really looking for recommendations.
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05:05.09DodgeCan I get some help to configure knoppix please
05:05.13sbkghlk: wols or others might know of a smart way to deal with it -- I can try to help with some more crude ways from the grub console as a last resort
05:05.20SupaplexDodge: if you join #knoppix
05:05.44DodgeOk.....thanks....then can you tell me how to do that...
05:06.06Supaplextry /part #debian   then /join #knoppix
05:06.18Dodgethanks..I shall
05:06.22wolsghlk: do you have the root=/dev/hdb2 part in there?
05:06.29ghlksbk: well, i probably can't even get back into linux without a reinstall now
05:06.49ghlkwols: nope
05:07.07*** part/#debian Sopranos (
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05:07.39wolsghlk: you will need it. or does grub still not boot?
05:07.53ghlkfuck this.. im just going to switch the drives around so windows is hdb and throw linux on hda, because it obviously doesn't like to boot from the second drive
05:08.38KarlosIIghlk, windows doens't like a alot of things including secondary drives and fat32 partitions as primary partitions
05:08.38holycowi dont think windows will like that tho.  doesnt it want c as root?
05:08.56*** join/#debian gravity (
05:09.01*** part/#debian dad (
05:09.07ghlkholycow: ive done it before, just switch the bios to boot of hdb and it starts up just fine
05:09.44wolsghlk: where did you install grub again?
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05:09.50ghlkwols: apt-get
05:10.02wolsno. apt-get doesn't install grub
05:10.06ghlkwols: where ever it wants to put it
05:10.08wolsgrub-install installs grub
05:10.13ghlkwols: hdb then
05:10.31wolstry hda. make grub the main bootloader
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05:10.42ghlkwols: i don't trust it not to fuck up my windows partition
05:10.45wolsand use chainloader +1 for grub
05:11.16wolswell, I can guarantee you one thing: if you change hdb and hda, windows will crash on startup with a bluescreen
05:11.23*** join/#debian kingsley (
05:11.25wolsthat I know as a fact. so if you change, you have to reinstall windows
05:12.05ghlkwell, it'll be easier to get windows to boot from somewhere else than it will be to get linux to do it apparently
05:12.21*** join/#debian gamma (
05:12.23gammais it possible to get vesafb to run 1600x1200?
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05:13.06wolsghlk: how do you start grub anyways when installing it to /dev/hdb?
05:13.13ardyDoes anyone know who kde's find files app crahses?
05:13.17*** join/#debian kreg (
05:13.32wolsI mean, by default only the first disk is used for booting and on that one there is the NT bootloader, right?
05:13.41wolsdoes boot.ini know about your linux partition?
05:13.42ghlkwols: right
05:13.42*** join/#debian noseman (noseman@
05:13.55ghlkwols: i just change the bios to boot to the second drive
05:14.11wolsthat's really dumb
05:14.30ghlkwols: its good enought for the moment
05:14.41wolsusually this means what was drive 0x81 (aka hdb) is now 0x80 (aka hda)
05:14.45ghlkbetter than fucking up both drives and having to reinstall everything from scratch
05:14.52wolsthat is what confuses grub which will then of course crash
05:15.06ghlkit shouldn't change how the drives are mapped
05:15.16wolshow do you know that?
05:15.38ghlkbecause all the partions map correctly pointed to /dev/hdb#
05:15.54ghlkif the bios changed it they wouldn't mount
05:16.27Psykei saw an advertisment for some program on the net... that allows you to boot linux... then run windows on top of it but it wasn't free, are there any like this that are?
05:16.44wolsyou don't know how BIOSes, grub and the linux I/O subsystem work, do you?
05:16.51ardydoes anyone know if there is a FreeBSD forum?
05:16.57*** join/#debian DeniX- (
05:17.37ghlkno, but its makes sense that if you point to /dev/hdb and it looks at the second drive, it means the bios hasn't changed the mappings
05:17.53deejoeardy: how about #freebsd
05:18.03wolsghlk: the BIOS and grub both run in realmode (basically like DOS). grub needs the BIOS for accessing drives. linux then changes into protected mode and accesses the hardware directly, no more BIOS needed (or wanted
05:18.06ghlkif grub gets confused that easily, then it needs more work
05:18.11wolsthat's why linux sees hdb and grub does not
05:18.34*** join/#debian mame (
05:18.35ghlkive done this exact same thing with lilo for years
05:18.58wolsno it doesn't. any bootloader will get confused when a disk is 0x81 when it installes and 0x80 when it is run
05:18.59ardydeejoe I'm kinda new to xchat, how do I change to that channel?
05:19.09wolsardy: /join #channel
05:19.22ardythanks wols
05:19.24ghlklilo saw throught it well enough apparently
05:19.39wolsthen why don't you go back to lilo and be happy?
05:19.59*** join/#debian vipe_ (
05:20.04ghlkbecause lilo wasn't working and every said "install grub, its the bomb!"
05:20.09*** join/#debian Manoj_ (
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05:20.38ghlkand stupidly i believed them
05:20.59Manoj_helix: you around?
05:21.04sbkghlk: without debating all this pointless stuff, by default, grub-0.91 embeds the drive byte _at the time of install_ into the mbr rather than trust the bios to pass it in. you can fiddle with it with some more options if you want, or just install it without changing the bios
05:21.08helixManoj_: yeah, what's up?
05:21.10deejoeghlk: that sounds like the reason why you tried it, not the reason why you don't go back to it.
05:21.19ardydoes anyone know if there is a shockwave player for linux
05:21.22helixManoj_: hmm, unless you're going to harass me about color theory some more ;)
05:21.23mameghlk: try it to diskette with syslinux
05:21.30ghlkno floopy drive
05:21.36Manoj_helix: remember a long time ago I said I was working on a color calculator?
05:21.40helixManoj_: yes
05:21.47Manoj_one designed to help folks like me pick colors?
05:21.56Manoj_I finally got it into beta
05:22.09helixare you looking for a tester?
05:22.13ghlkanyways... im just going to go with my original plan and just do a reinstall... thanks for the help everyoen
05:22.14mameghlk: you have to read, and take a 'dd' snapshot
05:22.42mameghlk: you have a boot cd?
05:22.50Manoj_thats a sample output for a color I think is going to be my primary color for my blog
05:22.53ghlkmame: im not making a boot cdrom for booting this when it should work off the hd
05:23.08mameghlk: well off you go then
05:23.11ghlkim going to try my method.
05:23.17helixManoj_: this is pretty cool
05:23.36sbkah well... ghlk is in the mode of irritated blame than figuring out what's going on. ;-)
05:23.52Manoj_helix: feedback welcome
05:24.01helixi like the tetrade
05:24.06mamesbk: there's a rescue cd that can prevent him doing any reinstall, he's pretty thinheaded
05:24.08Manoj_you would
05:24.29Manoj_kinda gets up and bludgeons one, doesn't it?
05:24.45scouthow can i cancel an /list?
05:24.47asuffieldManoj_: like being beaten to death with a fruit salad
05:24.52scouthow can i cancel an /list in irc client?
05:24.57helixManoj_: well, the pastels appeal to my feminine sensibilities
05:25.10*** join/#debian dewey (
05:25.37Manoj_I thought you would like the analogic scheme, then
05:25.47helixManoj_: (current ss)
05:25.51gravityhelix: You have no sensibilities, feminine or otherwise ;-P
05:25.51helixmore colorful than the last..
05:25.53Manoj_The links section needs to be expanded with more detail
05:25.56sbkmame: *nod* no doubt there were several reasonable ways to move forward; but I think he lost it about ten minutes ago, and the rest of it was just fuming and ranting ;-) annoying all 'round, oh well
05:26.00MookieI'm looking for a decent review of what ICMP types should be allowed past my firewall.  (For obvious reasons, I'll set a DROP policy by default)
05:26.07helixgravity: ha. i can hurt you, systema or not.
05:26.15*** join/#debian Invisible_Optiks (
05:26.32gravityhelix: Just try it! I'm taller than you and I have the picture to prove it!
05:26.49holycowyou wear pumps?"
05:26.50peterSgravity: you funny little man, said Strickland
05:27.11*** part/#debian nitronic (
05:27.11asuffield"evenly separated, perceptually", bah! stupid myopic view of the world
05:27.21gravityhelix: Besides, it's tough to hurt me. I'm all bendy and squishy like noodles or marshmallows.
05:27.24Manoj_so, doesn't anyone want the perl code?
05:27.31gravityhelix: Bony, skinny marshmallows
05:27.37Invisible_OptiksI think I might have lost this battle, Windows is going to win over Linux with this wireless card :(
05:27.50*** join/#debian frumious (
05:28.10asuffieldManoj_: being colour blind, I need your perl code about as much as I need a hysterectomy
05:28.13helixManoj_: why don't you just post it on the website? or is it there? on the same dir
05:29.09*** join/#debian faxo (
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05:34.13simonrvn@tell buu__ -about root
05:34.26buu__simonrvn: I'm not freaking using root
05:34.38ardyANYONE: what is everyone fav. development env for developing C/c++ linux apps
05:34.41simonrvnyou were, sorry
05:34.52simonrvnbuu__: didn't see you quit :/
05:34.53streuner_buu_ ( has joined #debian
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05:35.00simonrvn(05:36) *** Parts: buu_ []
05:35.04buu__streuner_: yes, I already got the root spam
05:35.09buu__Repeating it not needful
05:35.25*** join/#debian g4lt-away (galt@
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05:35.57streuner_buu__: dont tell me that crap, you joined as root and said you weren't
05:36.00buu__Anyways. I'm trying to install a new kernel on debian (unstable). I tried the apt-get install kernel-image bit, but that install screen told me I need to modify lilo.conf, add an initrd
05:36.08buu__streuner_: I'M NOT USING ROOT AS OF THIS MOMENT
05:36.10*** join/#debian ghlk (
05:36.18WhistleboyI've found lots of descriptions of how to share printers with cups and Windows.  Any definitite source of information?
05:36.35joe_blow_moe_soWhistleboy: cups is very good shit.
05:36.39gravityWhistleboy: Probably the documentation on
05:36.40buu__I tried to modify my lilo.conf to add the initrd, but when I ran lilo, it complained about not findng an initrd.img
05:36.40ghlkstep 1 successful, moved the windows drive to hdb and it booted without a single problem
05:36.41joe_blow_moe_soWhistleboy: it kicks ass
05:36.46*** join/#debian fromZ (
05:36.46buu__do I need to create one or something?
05:36.47ghlkon to step 2....
05:36.49gravityWhistleboy: Followed by any sort of HOWTO's on the linux documentaion project
05:36.54*** join/#debian cskaterun (
05:36.59joe_blow_moe_soWhistleboy: I think there is a cups HOWTO
05:37.00streuner_buu__: man lilo.conf
05:37.13*** join/#debian ger49436 (
05:37.17streuner_buu__: no, just edit lilo.conf
05:37.21fromZhey, i'm downloading a woody net install image, how do you use it once it's burnt to cd?
05:37.26fromZis it a menu install?
05:37.28Whistleboythe cups documents seem to be pushing IPP.  I am looking for raw from the Windows machine.
05:37.37streuner_buu__: the system create it for you
05:37.46buu__streuner_: I edited it, but wehen I run "lilo" it complains
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05:37.54cskaterunbut I can't get it to boot
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05:37.58joe_blow_moe_soWhistleboy: IPP kicks ass, I've used it before, with linux as the server and the windows machine as a client, the printouts come out exactly the same as raw.
05:38.05cskaterunthere is always a kernel panic
05:38.07buu__Can I just ignore this complaint, or what? I was told I needed to run "lilo" after modifying lilo.conf
05:38.08jhs_is the proper place to ask questions about the debian-installer beta cds?
05:38.10joe_blow_moe_soWhistleboy: I don't think you can do raw over a network.
05:38.24streuner_buu__: you could ignore warning, NOT errors...
05:38.26Whistleboyjoe_blow_moe_so: why not?  Isn't that what raw is?
05:38.39buu__streuner_: It's prefixed by "Fatal", so I assume it's an error?
05:38.45joe_blow_moe_soWhistleboy: you mean like a bunch of parallel cables?
05:38.46deejoedhs_: #debian-boot probably is the place
05:38.58deejoeer, jhs
05:39.03Whistleboyjoe_blow_moe_so: my reason for raw is that I have tried endlessly to get IPP working on my Win2K machine to no avail, and I want to be able to use the Windows driver for this printer as it often does a better job on photos.
05:39.10jhs_deejoe: thanks
05:39.20cskaterunCan somebody explain to me how I should go about appending the right "ROOT" partition in the boot sequence
05:39.29cskaterunmy kernel keeps panicing
05:39.33Whistleboyjoe_blow_moe_so: no, over ethernet.
05:39.35joe_blow_moe_soWhistleboy: setup the printer under Windows, and then use Samba to print from Linux?
05:39.43cskaterunI have BOOT set to /dev/hda2 in the lilo.conf
05:39.48joe_blow_moe_soWhistleboy: your printer has ethernet support?
05:40.19Whistleboyjoe_blow_moe_so: no, I have my printer on a parallel port on my Debian machine, and a Win2K machine I want to print via ethernet
05:40.41streuner_buu__: show us the first error, dont flood here.
05:40.51*** part/#debian ardy (
05:40.52buu__streuner_: The error is "Fatal: Can't find file /initrd.img"
05:40.59Whistleboyjoe_blow_moe_so: samba and cups is the combination I should be chasing
05:41.01joe_blow_moe_soWhistleboy: I suppose you could do it with Samba.
05:41.04buu__(paraphrased slightly)
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05:42.00streuner_buu__: ok, just ls -l /boot/*.img and point in /etc/lilo.conf it to /boot/blablah-initrd.img
05:42.23streuner_buu__: NOT only initrd.img
05:42.40buu__streuner_: I don't have any .img files in /boot ?
05:42.48buu__I haven't installed the new kernel yet though?
05:43.03deejoebuu__: generally, initrd.img is a symlink to initrd.img-some.kernel.version
05:43.13gdogWhistleboy: maybe post something on the samba or cups mailing list?
05:43.39HotDogis that wrong if I use fetchmail to fetch my email and pass them thru mailscanner, deliver it to my MTA that will deliver it to my local pop3 ... and changes the return-path to something else?!  I can't find anyways of preventing the change of the return-path except by using procmail... but i wanna use mail scanner... not anything else... unless you have any hints!!!
05:43.39buu__deejoe: no img files here
05:43.43Whistleboyok, thanks.
05:43.49streuner_buu__: i thought you did apt-get install kernel-image-2.x.x ?
05:44.04buu__streuner_: I ran that command, but I canceled at the screen that told me to modify lilo
05:44.15buu__streuner_: sorry, should I install *then* modify?
05:44.34deejoemodify, but don't run it--the install will run it
05:44.38streuner_buu__ : after you installed the kernel-image modify lilo.conf
05:44.42wasabiHow does one restore a missing conf file?
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05:45.22deejoethe install may also prompt you to edit /etc/kernel-img.conf
05:45.28streuner_wasabi: depends, what pkg?
05:45.39wasabistreuner, sasl2-bin
05:45.40mamebuu__: sometimes they're in /usr/share/doc
05:45.42deejoeIf I have not yet done that, I switch to another terminal window and do that mid-install
05:45.51Whistleboyany idea why cups web page doens't work on port 631?
05:45.53wasabistreuner, i just want apt to reinstall the package, including conf files
05:45.56WhistleboyIt used to
05:45.59WhistleboyI thought
05:46.34mamewasabi: um it has dpkg -L listed as well as in /usr/share/doc
05:46.40mamesometimes ...
05:47.34cskaterunI installed 2.6.6 via apt, I appended the lilo.conf, ran lilo, and restarted but it says I need to append the "ROOT" variable correctly and then panics?
05:47.48cskaterunI have it set to /dev/hda2 in the lilo.conf
05:47.53cskaterunis there anything else?
05:48.15mamecskaterun: or you can man rdev for using it on the kernel
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05:48.35cskaterunmame: what do you mean?
05:48.36streuner_cskaterun: make sure you edit /etc/lilo.conf with initrd.img line and install lilo in MBR
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05:49.26mamestreuner: can rdev not solve that?
05:49.26cskaterunwhere do I put the initrd.img line?
05:49.35bob2stop it
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05:49.46streuner_man lilo.conf
05:49.48cskaterunit starts booting, but then panics
05:49.53deejoecskaterun: you said you have /dev/hda2 for boot.  but where is your root partition?
05:50.04mamebob2: well i thought it might help, i've used it without problem ;_)
05:50.11bob2cskaterun: you didn't add the initrd line to lilo.conf and/or forgot to rerun liloe
05:51.05sbetoreWhat to apt-get to run a thin-client server?
05:51.13mamecskaterun: listen to bob2 he knows what he's saying
05:51.36bob2sbetore: can you be more vague?
05:51.53sbetorebob2: Easily.
05:51.58sbetorebob2: DWIM!
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05:52.03sbetorebob2: ;)
05:52.08*** join/#debian faxo (
05:52.09cskaterunokay, lemme restart and try this
05:52.13cskaterunbe right back
05:52.20bob2install X servers on the clients, X clients on the server.
05:52.21bob2all done.
05:52.43sbetorebob2: There's this apt package that sets up a thin client server for tftp and all that (plus the oblig bag of chips)
05:52.44mamebob2: squash rom fs is that related to cd boots?
05:53.10*** join/#debian Rohan|Linux (
05:53.19bob2mame: do you mean cramfs?  no, it's only related to using initrd's, which some cds (including sarge's install ones) use.
05:53.37Rohan|Linuxhey are you guys having a problem connecting to one of hte apt-get servers?
05:53.41sbetorebob2: You know - - LTSP-like stuff, with the DHCP and the TFTP and the Mmm--haiai
05:53.59bob2Rohan|Linux: there are hundreds of debian mirrors, you'd need to be a LOT more specific.
05:54.32bob2sbetore: oh, haven't heard of that.
05:54.55bob2Rohan|Linux: try another one.
05:55.02bob2sbetore: pxesconfig?
05:55.12markybobRohan|Linux, apt-setup
05:55.31sbetore!dpkg show pxesconfig
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05:56.23bob2a triple handshake is stupid here
05:56.33sbksbetore: closest i've seen is diskless; but it's rather crude, and just sets up exportable file systems for thin clients, but not the services per se
05:56.39bob2when someone mentions a program or package you haven't heard of, run "apt-cache search WHATEVER" first.
05:56.56bob299.9999999999% of the time you have your answer there, no need to bother people here
05:57.03*** part/#debian kernel-panic (
05:57.12sbksbetore: where thin client == root over nfs and private /etc and /var essentially
05:58.22mamesbk: i've read diskless can also mean that you can create a bootdisk to get the thinclient up working- buzz words
05:58.36mamesbk: 'cuse i'm stuck working on a freeze..:(
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05:59.19sbetorebob2: I'm doing debootstrap
05:59.34sbetorebob2: But you're still right, I should open another SSH window :)
05:59.51Rohan|Linuxjust curious about another thing.... besides the joyous feeling of being an elitist... why dont you consider knoppix debian
06:01.03bob2Rohan|Linux: because it's broken in many non-debian ways
06:01.19Rohan|Linuxwhat do you mean?
06:01.27bob216:06:17           bob2 | Rohan|Linux: because it's broken in many non-debian ways
06:01.30bob2it's broken
06:01.35bob2in lots of ways that Debian *isn't*
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06:01.43bob2ie knoppix-specific problems
06:01.45Rohan|Linuxhow is it broken then
06:01.48bob2ie Not Our Problem
06:01.52bob2broken packages
06:01.59Rohan|Linuxbut that's different than it not being debian
06:02.03bob2"foo won't install!" "foo does install on Debian"
06:02.07bob2um, no it's not
06:02.10bob2it's Not Debian
06:02.19bob2the name should be a hint, it's called "Knoppix".
06:02.29bob2Debian is called "Debian"
06:02.35gravityI count two letters shared between them
06:02.46gravityThat means they're teh s4m3!
06:03.06streuner_Pizza is Canneloni, true or NOT?
06:03.32streuner_well, but it have the same integridits?
06:03.38mamebob2: there's a cool program not in the depositories that deserves a peek, its called nvu, it looks excellent for making wysiwyg for websites
06:03.42streuner_!spell integrids
06:03.43dpkgI can't find alternate spellings for 'integrids'
06:03.58bob2mame: yeah, heard of that, it's from it Free?
06:04.05mauroI dont speak English. I am Brazilian. What I do?
06:04.28bob2mauro: /j #debian-br
06:04.49markybobbob2, it is gpl
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06:05.03bob2ah, cool
06:05.12bob2"somone" should package it ;)
06:05.16markybobnot me :)
06:05.26gravitybob2: That is so out of my realm of expertise :-)
06:05.27peterSbob2: see /topic in another channel
06:05.31bob2gravity: RFP in sector 12!
06:05.34gravitybob2: You're the one who needs a package in the archive!
06:05.34maurobob2 I need more details.
06:05.35mamebob2: yep its open source and free and looks cool
06:06.03bob2mauro: huh?  go to the #debian-br channel
06:06.03gravityI'm busy letting mine go in favor of doc/q&a
06:06.03kernel-panichi guys, does anybody have any strange problems with some packages from gnome 2.6 (nautilus, gthumb, gnome-panel...)?
06:06.03markybobmame, so package it.  and maintain it
06:06.03bob2peterS: hahaha, true
06:06.06bob2kernel-panic: if anyone did, it would be in the BTS
06:06.16mamemarkybob: bob2 is better at it :-)
06:06.19bob2gravity: give me a week, i'm a-working on it!
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06:06.26gravitybob2: Really? On what?
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06:06.33deejoe"Now  anyone can create web pages and manage a website with no technical expertise or knowledge of HTML."  I thought they called those "blogs"
06:06.37markybobmame, aint hard.  read the docs on
06:06.38mamemarkybob: yep, if you did see it ?
06:06.40bob2gravity: hrm, nm-stall-o-matic, tbh ;)
06:06.43zezomhow does one force a cdrom to eject even if it is in use?
06:06.50bob2deejoe: haha
06:06.55bob2zezom: kill what's using it
06:06.59gravitybob2: Can't say I blame you, at current rates :-)
06:07.05zezombob2, I can't find what killing it
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06:07.08markybobmame, if i did see what?  the docs?  yes, i've packaged many programs before.  or if i've seen nvu?  yes, i've toyed with it
06:07.09zezomusing it
06:07.12mamemarkybob: well i haven't had experience but i'll try
06:07.20gravitybob2: Besides, elmo has already packaged that. He's been maintaining it quite well for years.
06:07.30kernel-panicbob2: the programs are crashing with no apparent reason... I'll need to check everything I have done to know if it's related to my things...
06:07.58zezombob2, is there a way to list what's using it?
06:08.15bob2zezom: "fuser -v /mnt/cdrom" (or whatever)
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06:08.29bob2gravity: ssssssh, They might be listening!
06:08.39bob2kernel-panic: run debsums. does it show corruption?
06:08.44gravityOh no! Tehy!
06:09.04bob2kernel-panic: if not, make a new user and see if it crashes for them.  if so, file a bug.
06:09.04zezombob2, thanks it was mplayer... didn't even know I had it open :p
06:09.24kernel-panicbob2: second option, I have already done
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06:09.34kernel-panicbob2: first I'll try now
06:09.55sciboyHi, can someone help me install alsa? I am running kernel-2.6.5-1-k7 :(
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06:10.02bob2oh god, nvu needs a full mozilla CVS checkout to build
06:10.05mamemarkybob: where can i go to join posting packages?
06:10.42streuner_sciboy: edit /etc/modules and comment the line with OSS and run alsaconf
06:10.47markybobmame, by join posting packages you mean getting your packages included in debian or what?
06:10.49mamebob2: true, it's a lazy piggyback just like firefox
06:10.50sbetoresciboy: apt-get alsa-utils alsamixer
06:10.55sbetoresciboy: Should work for you :)
06:11.09bob2mame: yeah, firefox has it's own tree, tho, nvu is mozilla + files dropped on top of it
06:11.10mamemarkybob: well i have no clue
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06:11.18bob2a project for another day
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06:12.06mamebob2: what browser should come out is one facing the tidiness of the opera team, they just came out with 7,5 on linux, i'm sure a few mozilla piggybacks should team up and make one decent one
06:12.25sbetoreI've got a problem. I'm doing a debootstrap from a custom knoppix-based live-cd, and when I configure stuff, and chroot to the new directory, I get /dev/null: Permission Denied, which screws up everything, needless to say
06:12.39sbetoreWhy can't i cat to /dev/null in a chroot?
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06:13.21sbetoreI just wiped my old root partition and I'm hanging by the edge of a livecd here
06:13.38mamesbetore: i thought #knoppix has instructions for upgrades
06:13.40sbetoreHmm, I'll try woody.
06:14.10*** join/#debian Rohan|Linux (
06:14.12mamesbestore: its' possible to try the crude debootstrap with a chroot.
06:14.12sbetoreOh dear God... I just realized I just asked a Knoppix question in #debian
06:14.26mamesbetore: but its really ugly..i did it on an old crap system for the hell of it
06:14.50sbetorePlease don't hit me...
06:14.51sciboystruener_, sbetore, Both didn't help :(
06:15.02sciboystruener_, sbetore, It says it still cant find the device :(
06:15.06gravitysbetore: It's a good thing you apologized. We've canceled the death squad that was sent to your home.
06:15.08*** join/#debian ardy (
06:15.37sbetoregravity: Hmm, you're right, I can see them outside my window, they're retreating now, thanks.
06:15.38ardydoes anyone know how to change file associations so when you click on a file it loads it with a spacific program
06:15.47sbetoresciboy: Oh! Then you need to insert the driver :)
06:16.10sciboysbetore, how? I am using a Sound blaster Live 5.1 :P
06:16.16Rohan|Linuxso... when i try to run apt-get update it cant find one of the servers...
06:16.17sbetoresciboy: Most likely you should apt-get install hw-detect or whatever it was called - it loads all the modules you'll need.
06:16.32mameardy: i don't believe there's any association daemon i heard of other than near-to kde and gnome on their file-managers
06:17.05Darvids0nmy debian won't even install! it hangs loading the rescue disk
06:17.09mameardy: if you're like me, i use xfe which i can use without problems in any window manager
06:17.20ardymame: whats xfe?
06:17.33mamemame: its a dual pane file explorer
06:17.38deejoesbetore: have you seen the chroot install write-ups at ?
06:17.44ardymame: all I want to do is associate pdf files with the adobe acrobat
06:17.44mameardy: its easy to put associations
06:18.16mameardy: yes, but what goddam file explorer, i'm assuming you're thinking there's one, which there isn't
06:18.22sciboysbetore, Kudzu? Discover?
06:18.24sbetoredeejoe: No, and I won't, either. I'll just install woody, bootloader, then dist-upgrade.
06:18.37sbetoresciboy: discover, thanks.
06:18.50sciboysbetore, discover isn't working properly...?
06:19.12sbetoreHey, waitaminute, aren't the Live cards the ones with the binary-only evil evil drivers?
06:19.25sciboysbetore, Status message: Failed loading configuration file file:////etc/discover.conf
06:19.33ardymame: file explorer, you mean like konqueror
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06:19.45mamesbetore: you know there's 3.4 that's out came out about few weeks ago, more packs and crap
06:20.30mameardy: um, konqueror is not just a plain x app, you're more suitably to check out kde stuff
06:20.31sbetoremame: I think (AKA hope and pretend) this will work.
06:20.59mamesbetore: are you ignorant? i already said i did it on an old system
06:21.08*** join/#debian kernel-panic (
06:21.21kernel-panicbob2: hey, sorry for logging out
06:21.27kernel-panicbob2: tnx for the help
06:21.40mamesbetore: but for the plain dumminess of it to see if i can do it..since nothing else was working on a crap compaq deskpro..
06:21.41kernel-panicbob2: libgnomeui was missing one file
06:21.47kernel-panicbob2: god knows why
06:21.57deejoesbetore: your /dev/null problem is because the filesystem is mounted nodev
06:22.46sbetoredeejoe: How, Oh, How, may I mount it otherwise?
06:22.58sciboyhmmm... I need a replacement discover.conf file... Can anybody lend me one?
06:23.00deejoemount -odev,remount /mnt/whatever
06:23.02ardymame: well, I using knoqueror, I was able to assciate pdfs with adobe acrobat..
06:23.13deejoethis is outside of the chroot
06:23.29ardymame: but for the future, for example, If I made my own file type, how would I associate it?
06:23.29mameardy: its actually slower than it should, try like um, xpdf or another..
06:23.41ardymame: ok
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06:24.20mameardy: make use of the 'file' command to know the file-type, don't go visual
06:24.38faxoquelqu'un ici a deja utiliser un sagem fast 908 sur du free dégroupé ?
06:24.57mameardy: visual as thinking because there's a cute dot .xxx that its an xxx type file, but the 'file' command in the shell gives better hinting
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06:25.25ardymame: the file command??
06:26.02faxodoes anybody here ever used a sagem fast 908 ?
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06:26.59mameardy: because you can always rename your extension, eg file 'abc.cpp' would make file read the contents and look up its database for a match of data type being contained, but not all file formats are in its database...just letting you know, associates has nothing to do with filetype
06:27.30mameardy: konqueror is just dumb, it assumes the file is of that format
06:27.38sciboyCan anyone please send me their discover.conf file? Mine is corrupt :(
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06:28.37ardymame: oh... ok.. well I was wondering because If I were to develop my won file format for a pice of software that I developed, I should use file to associate that file type?
06:28.47deejoefaxo: have you tried to search google?
06:29.07sciboymohadib, ThanX ^^
06:29.26faxodeejoe, tried it, just want to get someone personnal advice on what could be difficult in the config of this hardware
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06:30.45ardymame: this is an unrelated question, but the kde find file app hangs for some reason, any ideas?
06:31.01mameardy: well you can leave file out of the question, but it's used say you're working with dos text files and unix text files, you can try it and see that the results would be different since these two text files are different in a certain way..
06:31.23*** part/#debian elexentrico (
06:31.36ardymame: oh..
06:31.39mameardy: even though you can have non .txt files for linux text files, extensions are meaningless
06:32.02ardymame: oh... so what attributes the icons to the files?
06:32.06mameardy: its probably a stupid ms invention again
06:32.14ardymame : haha
06:33.40mameardy: that's up to the type of file manager you're using, icons are useless
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06:35.09ardymame: oh.. ok.. I didn't know that.. I thought It was similer to windoz ;)
06:35.09sciboysbetore, Still isn't working :(
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06:35.18sciboysbetore, Do i need to restart or something?
06:35.37ardymame: anyway.. kde find file crashes on me all the time, what could be wring?
06:36.07mameardy: windows does the same thing though, though it's more dumb since it makes you think that they are registered universal types in computers, which is essentially not true, its just a convenience to a front end explorer
06:36.23mameardy: #kde
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06:36.45kremlynWhat is the best way to hose a HDD from a shell?
06:36.48sciboyI can't seem to get my sound working... No such Device :( but the drivers is loaded and everything...
06:37.10kregcan tcpdump or tetheral (or something) be used to watch the in and out traffic of an ip address on the network instead of an etire device like eth1 ?
06:37.22ardymame: how do I switch to #kde? (I'm using X chat)
06:37.31kregardy type /join #kde
06:37.35mameardy: /join #channel
06:38.03streunersciboy: did you run 'alsaconf'?
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06:38.27mamekreg: i think you have to be root
06:38.30ardyKreg, mame:thanks
06:38.49kregi have root for this network
06:39.15kregi tried tcpdump -i <ipaddy> but the man page seems to refer to devices only
06:39.28kreggot a questionable user and i am no true admin
06:39.33sbkkremlyn: I suppose running shred on /dev/hdx ought to be good for some laughs :-)
06:39.37mamekreg: are you on a bridge?
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06:39.42sciboystreuner_, Yep...
06:39.42kregi'm a newguy on thejob.
06:39.46kregmame firewall box
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06:40.05mamekreg: ask your boss, he must surely know
06:40.16kregi am him.
06:40.16ghlkany .deb for ati drivers?/
06:40.17*** part/#debian mame (
06:40.19Peakerhmm.. Why is it that popen()'ing to mpg321 and pumping data into it is different from piping it into it via the shell?
06:40.32kregit's a college housing apartment, gimme a break
06:40.32streunersciboy: so ALSA worked, means did you hear something?
06:40.54ghlkati 9200 that is
06:40.57ardykreg: what college?
06:41.02sbetoredeejoe: Thanks, it worked
06:41.12sciboystreuner, no... Maybe i got OSS installed?
06:41.15deejoesbetore: good to hear
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06:41.20sbetoresciboy: I'm really sorry, but I'm too busy, and halfway uncouncious to help you
06:41.33csesamba is borked on unstable?
06:41.44streunercse: check out BTS
06:42.02ghlkany .deb for ati drivers? (ati 9200)
06:42.20ardykreg: oh.. do youg go there? I go to OSU (Oregon State Universtity)
06:42.22streunersciboy: so you commented the OSS module out (/etc/modules)?
06:42.50kregmy roomates girlfriend is from oregon
06:42.54streunersciboy: s/out/ /
06:42.56kregyes, a 3d real life girl
06:43.00sciboystreuner, there isn't a OSS thing in there 0_o
06:43.21ardydoes anyone know if there are any adware/spyware removal programs for linux?
06:43.38streunersciboy: do you use discover or kudzu?
06:43.46Peakerardy: there are no adware/spyware programs for Linux, so why removal programs?
06:43.58kregis it just me, or is tcpdump and tethereal the same man page
06:44.00sciboystreuner, discover is all i could get working :P
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06:44.19ardyPeaker: oh.. i did not know.. thats good
06:44.33deejoekreg: tcpdump host
06:44.34streunersciboy: so how the hell did you get any sound at all working in the past?
06:44.35ardyI figured someone would hav emade some by now
06:44.38deejoewill watch just one host
06:45.12sciboystreuner, i didn't... it was working from the beginning...
06:45.15kregdeejoe can be an ip instead?
06:45.23deejoeman tcpdump
06:45.46streunersciboy: out of the box in debian, no.
06:46.11csestreuner, i don't see anything < 110 days old
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06:46.25sciboystreuner, well it was working second i kicked in KDE :P
06:46.42streunercse: hm, sounds good to me then...
06:47.27cseeven on samba's package page on debian, one of the packages is unavailable
06:47.55streunersciboy: when you run 'alsaconf' is there an 'working' dialog which showed you the module for your soundcard?
06:48.39sciboystreuner, yep...
06:48.40csespecifically: samba: Depends: libcupsys2-gnutls10 (>= 1.1.20final-1) but it is not installable
06:49.19sciboystreuner, actually there was a few of them ^^
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06:49.52streunercse: so what stops you to write a bugreport?
06:50.27csei will if need be.. just wanted to make sure i'm not missing anything.
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06:52.12merlin0I like a webchat but when I use firefox under windows, webchat scroll down and is good, when under linux it scrolls up and is not good, how can I change this?
06:52.18merlin0sorry for my english
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06:52.57sciboystreuner, any ideas?
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06:53.22streunersciboy: purge the config-files of ALSA, run 'alsaconf' again.
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06:53.52sciboystreuner, and what should i do different?
06:54.19Desiaccan anyone suggest a good server side spam filtering package
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06:54.22streunersciboy: no idea, just try it.
06:54.31mohadibDesiac: spam assasin
06:54.36sciboystreuner, where are the alsa config-files?
06:55.07streunersciboy: usually in /etc/* might be /etc/alsa or such
06:55.14Desiacmohadib: thanx mate :) just readin up on en now, seems to be the goods
06:55.21*** join/#debian anthill (
06:55.26mohadibDesiac: its good stuff
06:55.30ardyhey.. I probably know the answer but I'm hope'n... is there a outlook web thing for linux, because some of my classes for school use an embeded outlook thing in the webbrowser at the class web page..
06:55.38*** join/#debian hps (
06:56.06mgki installed ATI drivers for my radeon 9200SE using the instructions on the website given by dpkg - it all installed fine, as far as i can see, but it won't work - do i need to remcompile kernel or something?
06:56.13mohadibardy outlook can export to the ... iCalander format ... evolution can import that format
06:56.31merlin0mgk: there is kernel driver for ati drm?
06:56.49ardymohadib:is there a web plugin for it so that it will be vbiewd in mozilla
06:57.13mohadibardy: i dont know ... sorry
06:57.28merlin0mgk: is that module loaded?
06:57.36mgki'm pretty sure
06:57.41mohadibardy: maybe use vmware :(
06:58.07mgkthis is new territory for me, so i'm not too sure about it all
06:58.49*** join/#debian siimo (
06:58.51merlin0mgk: x module for radeon must talk with kernel module for radeon
06:59.24sciboystreuner, there is no files in /etc/alsa... Only a directory :(
06:59.25merlin0mgk: read documentation about drm
06:59.30deejoemgk: recent ati cards don't have drm yet.  I don't remember which ones, though.
06:59.37sciboystreuner, and that directory is empty too...
06:59.56mgkthank you
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07:01.29smokeyre all
07:01.37hjldanyone have a link to the ati linux drivers?
07:01.43smokeyi really need help
07:01.45sciboyoops... wrong application :p
07:01.59sbetoreI'm installing a deb base system
07:02.20smokeyi get permission denied errors on /usr/lib/<some stuff here>
07:02.22smokeyas root
07:02.24sbetoreAnd I want the locales to be nb_NO, but NOT the language of the strings! Is this doable?
07:02.33smokeyfsck.reisergfs said the fs is ok
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07:02.41hjldim stuck in console so i can't only wget stuff
07:02.49smokeycan anybody help?
07:03.17smokeyreborn: ewas that for me?
07:03.20coolnewbiei cant load the printer admin interface on localhost:631 after installing cups how do i fix it
07:03.57buu__I installed kernel-source-2.4.26, but when I compiled a module, it says my current kernel version is 2.4.26-1-686, can I get this source code or what?
07:03.57smokeyso, anybody?
07:04.12deejoehjld: might help
07:04.28deejoetry it with lynx or w3m
07:04.33buu__Hrm. I'll try kernel-headers
07:04.49rebornw3mimg good
07:05.14*** join/#debian ardy (
07:05.37sciboystreuner, do i need to create a link between /dev/dsp and something maybe?
07:05.40ardyweird: My computer just randomly shut off
07:05.53ardyfor no reason at all
07:05.54buu__ardy: windows?
07:05.59ardyna linux
07:06.20*** join/#debian root (
07:07.22sciboyNo ideas why i can't get alsa working? Theres no alsa config files in /etc/alsa and most applications keep telling me no such device, but i have already loaded emu10k successfully...
07:07.26hjlddeejoe: a direct link would really help if possible, no web browser availible
07:07.38*** join/#debian zimm (
07:08.04wobblersciboy alsa uses snd_emu10k1
07:08.05deejoehjld: if you have a network connection, you should be able to apt-get install lynx or apt-get install w3m, which are web browsers that work in a console.
07:08.19sciboywoddler... and???
07:08.21hjldwill do
07:08.22*** join/#debian Benton (
07:08.37wobbleremu10k1 is for oss
07:08.59sciboysnd_emu10k1 is working...
07:09.20wobblerok you should have sound working then
07:09.34dawgsciboy, run alsaconf?
07:09.41*** mode/#debian [+l 713] by debhelper
07:09.45sciboydawg, done to no avail....
07:09.59buu__sciboy: have you set the mixer?
07:10.05sciboydawg, does the lack of files in the /etc/alsa folder have anything to do with it..
07:10.10*** join/#debian zomtec (
07:10.13sciboybuu__, just alsamixergui ^^
07:10.21deejoeit isn't something as simple as adding your account to the audio group is it, sciboy (just a stab in the dark)
07:10.40sbetoreWish me luck, I'm rebooting into my new Debian sys
07:10.41*** join/#debian kld (
07:10.43sciboydeejoe, nope... my account is already in the 'sound' group ^^
07:11.18sciboydeejoe, s/sound/audio
07:11.32buu__How do I "unload" a module?
07:11.36Supaplexsciboy: and it's there when you type id? (w/no user)
07:11.38deejoemodprobe -r modulename
07:12.13sciboySupaplex, id???
07:12.27sciboySupaplex, i just type adduser sciboy audio and it tells me its there...
07:12.31Supaplexsciboy: run id on cli
07:12.53lknyshovid -a preferrably.
07:13.18Supaplexcat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp do anything? (as the user, not root) should provide white noise.
07:13.42sciboySupaplex, 29(audio)
07:14.31sciboySupaplex, nope :(
07:15.23deejoe< Supaplex> cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp
07:15.26deejoethat's kind of cool
07:15.38teh!tell teh mbr
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07:16.28sciboyI am so confuzzled...
07:16.36Supaplexdeejoe: tcpdump -w - > /dev/dsp
07:16.43Supaplexthat's fun to :) network noise hehe
07:16.51sciboySo whats the procedure for installing ALSA? Maybe theres something i missed...
07:17.02*** join/#debian Hawkspirit (
07:17.05Supaplexor use -Xw - >
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07:17.12Hawkspirithi all
07:17.27*** part/#debian Morrtin (
07:17.35deejoenot sure I'm up for trying that, since that would require elevated perms to put my nic in promiscuous mode
07:17.39*** join/#debian kreg (
07:17.55kregi got a hardware raid controller.  will i need any special options in menuconfig?
07:18.08buu__sciboy: you said something about emu101k or something?
07:18.31sciboybuu__, snd_emu10k1 ^^
07:18.37Hawkspiriti'm using debian woody and installed oidentd via apt-get , oidentd runs as nobody
07:18.45buu__sciboy: I had decent luck getting my sound car working by just selecting it when I installed debian
07:18.51Hawkspiritbut oidentd doesn't work
07:18.53lknyshovI am curious if that sound card driver is loaded to begin with...
07:18.54buu__I did bf24, and looked in the kernel options
07:18.59*** join/#debian lizard (~asterix@
07:19.07buu__it had a driver for my sound card, I selected it there and everything was happy
07:19.09Hawkspiritif I run oidentd as root it works
07:19.17Hawkspiritbut that's not a solution
07:19.19sbetoreIt worked :)
07:19.24Hawkspiritwhat can I do?
07:19.29lknyshovsciboy: does it work as root?
07:19.34lizardHi, is there a command for counting line in a file?
07:19.34sbetoreInstalling X as we speak :)
07:19.39buu__lizard: wc-l
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07:19.48lknyshovlizard: wc -l file
07:19.48sbetorelizard: wc -l
07:20.00sciboylknyshov, How would i know? ^^
07:20.02sbetorebuu__: Erm, no - lknyshov did.
07:20.15buu__sbetore: Bah, mine is still an answer
07:20.19sbetorebuu__: He supplied the best one.
07:20.27buu__You're just jealous
07:20.42lknyshovsciboy: Well, you see, you are trying to setup audio, but you are also trying it with lower priveleges. Why make it more complicated?
07:21.14sciboylknyshov, huh? I am doing all this with root?
07:21.20lknyshovGet it working as root, then it's just a quick matter of adjusting permissions.
07:21.32dliany good text editor for Chinese?
07:21.35lknyshovsciboy: yet you mentioned non-root users.
07:21.37*** join/#debian eeyore- (
07:21.53buu__Anyways. I'm trying to install a module that I need to compile against my current kernel source. I'm running kernel "kernel-image-2.4.26-1-686", and I did install kernel-source.2.4.26, what do I do to "upgrade" my source so it matches my kernel?
07:22.07buu__I see theres a kernel-build package and a kernel headers, but what do I do after I apt-get them?
07:22.17sciboylknyshov, so? I run XMMS under a normal account ^^
07:22.37lknyshovsciboy: does XMMS work under root?
07:22.38dlibuu__: apt-get install kernel-package
07:22.51dlilknyshov: why not?
07:22.54buu__dli: I'm doing that right now, will that make everything automagically work?
07:22.59sbetoreDAMNIT, is X borked in unstable?
07:23.15lknyshovIf you can get it to work under root account, making it work under non-root accounts is a walk in the park :)
07:23.30dlibuu__: no, you have to get kernel-source, and configure it before compiling
07:23.56*** join/#debian Bhaal (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
07:23.56buu__dli: I already have the kernel-source, what do I do once I have both packages installed?
07:24.12sciboylknyshov, I'll find out now ^^
07:24.13dlibuu__: go to /usr/src, untar it
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07:24.55dlibuu__: kernel-source-2.#.##.tar.bz2
07:25.03buu__dli: k, done,
07:25.22lknyshovsciboy: good, let's see if we can make it work. I still remembr the default IRQ/DMA settings for most cards ;-)
07:25.27buu__Well, it will be done.
07:25.40dlibuu__: go to the kernel-source folder, make menuconfig then.
07:25.58sciboylknyshov, the program runs and plays the file, but i am still not getting any audio coming through...
07:26.07buu__dli: K, one sec, stuff is processing
07:26.32lknyshovsciboy: that's normal. And I presume your volume is not muted, right? :)
07:27.20buu__dli: k, making menu config.
07:27.42lknyshovIsn't there an X interface to kernel config? Should be nicer.
07:27.58buu__dli: k, I did make menuconfig and accepted all the defaults, now what?
07:28.02*** join/#debian coywolf (
07:28.46Peakeris popen() the same as the pipe opened by the shell's pipe?
07:28.48sbetorelknyshov: There are three X interfaces, one X, one k, one g.
07:28.48buu__make dep?
07:28.49*** join/#debian Etan (
07:28.52Peakeror is it limited to 4K chunk sending?
07:28.53sbetorelknyshov: But they all suck :)
07:29.12dlibuu__: you have to make your choices :(
07:29.14*** part/#debian reborn (
07:29.19buu__dli: er, what sort of choices?
07:29.29lknyshovsbetore: lol things haven't changed much then :-D
07:29.35dlibuu__: at lest your hardwares :(
07:29.44buu__dli: I'm using the old config as the default
07:29.54Etananyone here able to tell me whether the information shown for packages for things like apt-cache show is the information from a packages .dsc file?
07:29.57dlibuu__: make oldconfig
07:30.28*** part/#debian zimm (
07:30.30sbetoreDAMNIT - am I the only one that is experiencing a case of "NOTHING WORKS!" on unstable?
07:30.41coolnewbiei cant load the printer admin interface on localhost:631 after installing cups how do i fix it
07:30.47dlibuu__: make-kpkg --revision=c.1.0 kernel-image
07:30.56sbetorePretty much every single package won't install
07:31.14buu__dli: k
07:31.14sbetoreperl, X, nothing..!
07:31.31*** join/#debian Day-nux (
07:31.35buu__sbetore: Everything works for me..
07:31.37Hawkspiritreally no hints??
07:31.39faxosbetore, me 2
07:31.41faxoim ok
07:31.46snailsbetore: why won't they install? what's the error message?
07:31.48faxosbetore, dependencieS ?
07:31.50dlianyone recommend a good txt editor for Chinese? kwrite got confused with encoding.
07:31.54faxowhat doesnt work for u sbetore ?
07:32.03faxoapt-get girlfriendinstring
07:32.15faxoapt-get install bigboobsonmylaps
07:32.26faxoWoppps wrong command :)
07:32.50sbetoreWeirdness beyond belief...?
07:33.09buu__dli: What is up after this thing-a-majig finishes?
07:33.11faxototally possible
07:33.34mudog__Is there a tool to configure apts sources.list?
07:33.34lizardEtan: For installed packages you can use dpkg -s packagename
07:33.34faxosbetore, what does the computer ask u ?
07:33.36*** join/#debian mame (
07:33.42dlibuu__: dpkg -i the .deb generated in /usr/src
07:33.44buu__mudog__: vi?
07:33.48mameanybody ever make use of (**) NVIDIA(0): Option "BackingStore"
07:33.48mame(**) NVIDIA(0): Backing store enabled
07:33.52mamebackingstore ?
07:33.57buu__dli: Um. Ok. That installs the kernel, right?
07:33.57dlimudog__: apt-config
07:34.01*** join/#debian synth (
07:34.14mudog__thats the one thanks both of you
07:34.16mameapparently this caught up in a dialog box when i ran gnoise, saying it can improve my display
07:34.35Etanlizard: I don't want to find the information, I want to know what it's source is
07:34.47dlibuu__: yeah, just pay a little attention to your linux loader, be LILO or GRUB, make sure they got the new kernel
07:34.51sciboylknyshov, Sorry, went for dinner...
07:35.06buu__dli: Um. Ok. What about the kernel-headers and stuff?
07:35.11sciboylknyshov, How can i tell if its muted if i can get the mixer to work...?
07:35.20*** join/#debian dmesg (
07:35.32dlibuu__: I don't use kernel-headers, I use vanilla kernel from
07:35.47buu__dli: I see..
07:35.53buu__Well. Hope it works.
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07:38.19lknyshovsciboy: and I got distracted, so we are even
07:39.06lknyshovsciboy: Honestly, I haven't setup modern audio yet. I could probably read alsa docs, but I think they have their own channel somewhere as well.
07:40.11*** join/#debian kuru (~elzubeir@
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07:40.43sciboy"alsactl: load_state:1134: No soundcards found..."
07:40.47kuruwhat video driver do I use for the intel 8265G video device? (optiplex gx270) for X?
07:41.10lknyshovsciboy: OK, and what sound card do you have? ac97?
07:41.35lknyshovUntil you get alsa to work, obviously nothing will unless you bypass alsa
07:41.41sciboylknyshov, "Sound Blaster Live 5.1" emu10k1
07:41.56lknyshovemu can be ignored for now, that's midi
07:42.13lknyshovSB live is fairly mainstream. :)
07:42.26lknyshovOK, and what release of a system are we working with?
07:43.00peterSkuru: check
07:43.32peterSkuru: you'll see that the 865G (if that's what you meant by "8265G") is supported in XFree86 4.3.0
07:43.41peterSkuru: that's in Debian unstable and testing, but not in Debian 3.0
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07:43.50lknyshovsciboy: does superprobe detect your soundcard?
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07:44.07peterSkuru: you'll also see that the driver is called "i810"
07:44.13sciboylknyshov, Whats that? ^^
07:44.15kurugot it.. thanks.
07:44.49*** join/#debian shiftchanger (
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07:46.24deconstructHi, I'm running Debian Unstable, I installed the new perl package (and new apache-perl packages, etc.) and now apache-perl won't start!
07:46.37*** part/#debian Etan (
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07:47.10deconstructit's coming up with 'dynamic loading not available' when I reference the DBI module in the httpd.conf
07:47.11rodeois apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.3... ok for newbies?
07:47.33deconstructhas anyone else been getting the same problems?
07:47.33lknyshovdeconstruct: umm easy enough.. DSO is not enabled in httpd.conf?
07:48.00deconstructit's saying 'dynamic loading not available in this perl'
07:48.05*** join/#debian Active2 (
07:48.32deconstruct'(You may need to build a new perl executable which either supports dynamic loading or has the DBI module statically linked')
07:48.35lknyshovok wrong perl
07:49.00deconstructhmmmm i have perl_5.8.4-2
07:49.01lknyshovwell, recompile perl or find the appropriate package.
07:49.20sciboyHow do i find the irq/dma of a device that discover detects?
07:49.21deconstructi just ran a apt-get upgrade and it broke it
07:49.42deconstructthe system before the apt-get upgrade was working fine...
07:49.54lknyshovdeconstruct it's not broken, it's simply not configured right for your new needs.
07:50.01lknyshovDid you have dynamic perl working?
07:50.12deconstructdynamic perl... as in mod_perl?
07:51.13lknyshovdeconstruct Well, you are loading an actual perl executable and not mod_perl, it seems.
07:51.33kerneldperl -MMYMOD -e 'eval &generate_program' ?
07:51.41deconstructmod_perl is, however, statically linked in apache
07:51.47deconstructi'll make sure it's enabled...
07:52.28*** join/#debian \amethyst (
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07:52.57lknyshovThe error message tells you that perl is not compiled to support what you need. So you could in theory recompile it, get it to work, and then troubleshoot pre-compiled packages
07:53.18sbetoreMy system is smoking crack...
07:53.21deconstructyes, i can load modules from, say, perl scripts I run in the server
07:53.50lknyshoveven though both are modules, they are very different in construction
07:54.19deconstructso as I understand it, it is a problem with mod_perl and not with the perl executable itself
07:56.29k00giezwhats the latest stable version of debian?
07:56.41gravityk00giez: woody
07:57.22k00giezgravity, can you telll me where to get it woody? all i see in the ftp is r_3.0
07:57.22deconstructhmmm maybe i'll go bug the mod_perl people for a bit
07:57.33gravityk00giez: That would be it
07:58.04*** join/#debian wobbler (wayne@
07:58.07lknyshovdeconstruct do you even use mod_perl? There are other ways to run perl in apache
07:58.41k00giezgravity, where ok so woody is r3?
07:58.48*** join/#debian kuruWork (~elzubeir@
07:58.55gravityk00giez: Yes
07:58.59kuruWorkI'm getting some horrible colors..
07:59.07k00giezwhat release number is the latest and stable?
07:59.13*** join/#debian _benj_`taff (
07:59.20gravityk00giez: Check It's there.
07:59.21kuruWorkis there some kernel module for the i810 or something?
07:59.24k00giezis 3.0r3 latest?
07:59.28gravityk00giez: Yes
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07:59.52gravityk00giez: Don't /msg me please. Talk in the channel
08:00.06bignosehe chortled in his joy.
08:00.06chimaerakuruWork: you mean for the sound?
08:00.15k00giezso which one is better 3r3 or woody?
08:00.36gravityk00giez: They're the same thing, but 3r3
08:01.10*** join/#debian eeyore- (
08:01.16k00giezbut 3r3 is different
08:01.28peterSk00giez: no, woody means 3.0
08:01.33peterSk00giez: 3.0r3 is the latest release of woody
08:01.43k00giezthats stable right
08:01.48kuruWorkchimaera: no, for the video card in xfree 4.3
08:02.02kuruWorkI'm getting 256 colors
08:02.10bignosek00giez: '/msg apt stable'
08:02.21bignosek00giez: or, '/msg apt woody'
08:02.25Peakerdamnit zsh's sourcecode is unreadable
08:03.30k00giezwhat is does r3 mean after the version number?
08:03.37bignosek00giez: third revision
08:03.41*** join/#debian Weeble (
08:03.56k00gieztechnically what does the 3rd version mean
08:04.06kuruWorkit tells me "no video bios modes for chosen depth"
08:04.09k00giezwhat did they added or removed? changed or upgrade
08:04.16kuruWorkwhen I try to put DefaultDepth 24 in the xfree conf file
08:04.23bignosek00giez: technically, it means three revisions to the set of packages called "woody"
08:04.46k00giezwhat did they revised?
08:05.05bignosek00giez: once a set is released as "stable", the only changes will be for security fixes or serious bugs
08:05.15bignosek00giez: no additions
08:05.18*** join/#debian AdrianLP (
08:05.18kuruWorkman.. I can't work like this
08:06.12AdrianLPI don't suppose anyone off hand would know which Kernel module a D-LINK DFE-530TX+ Rev-A1 would use?  I google'd for it.  No luck.  I thought I recall it being 8139s, but those don't seem to work.
08:06.13k00giezhmm bignose does debian have updates and fixes as packages or its a whole new set of cds?
08:06.17*** join/#debian asterix_ (~asterix@
08:06.33bignosek00giez: debian deals in sets of packages; the CDs are built from that.
08:06.38\amethystAdrianLP:  via-rhine
08:07.06AdrianLP\amethyst:  Cool, thanks.
08:07.07bignosek00giez: the official release is simply a tagging of the packages available from the online archive
08:07.20k00giezso that means fixes and upgrades are also in packages as well
08:07.23*** join/#debian zxj (~zxj@
08:07.36bignosek00giez: I'm not sure what you're asking
08:07.50bignosek00giez: all things that get installed on your system are from packages
08:07.58\amethystAdrianLP:  I've got the same card myself (probably a different revision)
08:08.06*** join/#debian kreg (
08:08.08k00gieznm i gotcha
08:08.23bignosek00giez: if the package needs to be upgraded, you install a new version of the package
08:08.29*** join/#debian bytesyze (~bytesyze@
08:08.50chimaerakuruWork: there is, check the config..
08:08.52k00giezits only 3.0 r2
08:09.11k00giezdebian is so many cds
08:09.21k00giezis in so many cds
08:09.22bignosek00giez: debian is many thousands of packages
08:09.29kuruWorkchimaera: no, it's apparently a problem with the bios in the motherboard..
08:09.33*** mode/#debian [+l 719] by debhelper
08:09.37bignosek00giez: you won't need that many on your particular system, of course
08:09.40k00giezok is the website in one of does cds too?
08:10.05bignosek00giez: thus: buy a CD set from someone who has already downloaded it all, or: install over the network, thus only installing the packages you request
08:10.07chimaerakuruWork: with a f**cked up bios, probably nothing would help? maybe try a extensive google session..
08:10.25lknyshovthere are easier ways for working with debian. I am creating a custom morphix-based pxe image, for example, which is fully debian-based.
08:10.34*** join/#debian Arch_ (
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08:11.05bignosek00giez: read the install manual to see the different methods of installing
08:11.05lknyshovYou can always install only the stuff that you require... that's the beauty of it.
08:11.14Arch_Hi, Anyone know how to disable (the right way) in Apache for a specific directory?
08:11.18bignosek00giez: <>
08:11.27Arch_err php
08:11.27AdrianLPTo use memory sticks (the little USB memory devices), does one need anything more than USB support?  I don't see much else.  The manufacturer of mine lists some settings to play with, but that's about it.
08:11.28bignoseArch_: disable what?
08:11.44bignoseArch_: sounds like a question to be asked on #php
08:11.44peterSAdrianLP: the 'usb-storage' driver, and the 'sd_mod' module
08:12.02peterSAdrianLP: usb-storage makes such a device look like a scsi disk, which is why you need sd_mod (scsi disk support)
08:12.17kuruWorkchimaera: yeah.. a google search says the bios version I have is bad for x and only a downgrade can help.. not always, if this is a newer motherboard, not even a downgrade and only an upgrade 'might' fix if/when it's out.
08:12.21bignoseAdrianLP: plus a driver for USB storage for that device
08:12.22kuruWorkheh.. excellent.
08:12.43bignoseAdrianLP: (as peterS is describing)
08:12.44asterix_peterS: i think sd_mod should be sd (since i use it)
08:13.16peterSasterix_: it's certainly called sd_mod in my kernels
08:13.52asterix_asterix_: 2.4.18-bf2.4 (is mine)
08:14.05k00giezhey guys thanks
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08:14.12peterSasterix_: 2.4.18-bf2.4 has scsi disk support built in - no module
08:14.15k00giezdl trying debian for the first time
08:14.16peterSasterix_: so that doesn't count
08:14.36k00giezi hope all my stuff works on it
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08:15.34asterix_peterS: Ooo, sory, it's sg
08:15.39AdrianLPsd_mod is a kernel module?  Is it synonymous with SCSI Disk Support under SCSI Support?
08:15.48peterSAdrianLP: yes and yes
08:16.34peterSasterix_: btw, the reason it's 'sd_mod' not 'sd' is because of a limitation in the kernel build system.  since there is a 'sd.c', but sd.c is not the only source file in sd_mod, the module name can't be just sd.
08:16.40AdrianLPSCSI Generic Support is not needed?
08:16.53peterSAdrianLP: for usb disks?  not needed
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08:17.16peterSAdrianLP: scsi generic is needed for CD writers, SCSI / parallel port scanners, stuff like that
08:17.30asterix_peterS: Thanks for explanation
08:17.30rodeowhat does this mean when i run lilo../dev/mapper/control: open failed:
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08:18.48peterSrodeo: it's complaining about Device Mapper.  why it should complain, I do not know - I don't have enough context
08:18.57sbetoreIs there support for HyperThreading in Linux?
08:19.06peterSsbetore: yes.  kernel 2.4.22 or newer, for best results
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08:19.17sbetorepeterS: I'm on 2.6.5! ^_^
08:19.32sbetorepeterS: So I guess I'd need the SMP kernel?
08:19.32peterSsbetore: that would count as "2.4.22 or newer" then (:
08:19.44peterSsbetore: yes.  you need SMP and ACPI support, is the basic idea
08:19.54peterSsbetore: the Debian -686smp images have that
08:19.57sbetorepeterS: Brilliant!! Thanks a bunch :)
08:20.17sbetorepeterS: (Note how gitty I am at the idea of SMP on my desktop? :)
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08:20.35AdrianLPWhat name would usb-storage be listed under when Viewing in menuconfig?  Simply "Support for USB"?
08:21.17rodeopeterS: is it likley that I reboot my PC, it wont work?
08:21.18peterSAdrianLP: several lines down from that.  "USB Mass Storage support"
08:21.39peterSrodeo: was that just a warning message, or an error?  you only pasted part of it, so I couldn't tell
08:21.53TheCoolSnailHello..I have some problems with 3c2000 NIC...can anyone help me?
08:22.16peterSAdrianLP: you probably want to enable most of the sub-options under that one, too.  but do NOT enable the first sub-option, "verbose debug".  it spews *tons* of debug messages if you do
08:22.20peterSTheCoolSnail: what problems?
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08:22.33rodeopeterS, look in #flood ?
08:22.39peterSrodeo: hold on a sec
08:22.46peterSTheCoolSnail: yesterday I got two mixed reports on that chip.  one guy said the 2.6.6 kernel sk98lin driver worked, another guy said it didn't
08:23.05TheCoolSnailI use the 3c2000 module
08:23.43AdrianLPpeterS:  I suppose I can ignore the device specific suboptions like, "SanDisk SDDR-55 SmartMedia support" and "Lexar Jumpshot Compact Flash Reader"?
08:24.00peterSTheCoolSnail: well, the 3c2000 is a slightly modified version of the sk98lin driver already in the kernel.  which is why the 2.6.6 version of sk98lin worked for this one guy.
08:24.21peterSAdrianLP: unless you have, or plan to buy, such devices.  they don't add much to the kernel, so I generally enable all of them, just in case.
08:24.56peterSAdrianLP: but do note what I said about the "verbose debug" option (:
08:25.05TheCoolSnailwell, I have kernel 2.4.18-386 and I use the 3c2000 from my mobo cd..
08:25.14bignoseAdrianLP: if SCSI support isn't enabled, the USB Storage option probably won't appear
08:25.35TheCoolSnaillook in #flood for a sec
08:25.37peterSbignose: yeah, he enabled scsi earlier
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08:28.37Darvids0ndebian 3.0r2-woody-i386 cd 4 hangs after pci_ide: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later and after it says ide0 and ide1. What boot arguments should i use?
08:29.19peterSyou know what, 3Com needs to get their act together and make sure the 3c2000 works with the in-kernel sk98lin driver.
08:29.27peterSreportedly it does in kernel 2.6.6 but not in kernel 2.4
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08:29.53nadimanyone familiar enough with GNU httptunnel to debug something ?
08:30.02lknyshov3com needs to die a silent death :)
08:30.21nadimlknyshov: hasn't it already ? ;-)
08:30.23peterSlknyshov: come now.  3com makes very nice network cards / chips, and has always been quite forthcoming with docs for drivers
08:30.38peterSlknyshov: its only real problem is Bob Metcalfe (:
08:31.29peterSit *is* funny that after all these years of making good 10/100 cards, when they entered gigabit space they started using someone else's chips
08:31.54rodeowhere does apt extract the kernel-source?  I've just done apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.5
08:32.09peterSnot that they didn't use someone else's 8390 chip for their 3c507, but that was way back in the day
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08:33.21AdrianLPAnyone here happen to use a Radeon vid card?
08:33.24asterix_rodeo: what about /usr/src
08:33.30peterSAdrianLP: lots of people do.  why?
08:33.37lknyshovpeterS Agreed, it's just that I once had to be essentially a production beta site for 3com... the pain of those years is permanent.
08:33.38sbetoreI keep getting problems when installing demons
08:33.40peterSAdrianLP: also, radeon is not very specific, it's a pretty broad product line
08:33.50peterSlknyshov: ah
08:34.00sbetore"Warning: Fake start-stop-daemon called, doing nothing"
08:34.03lknyshovI literally had 3com techs on-site debugging their Novell drivers for server ATM cards.
08:34.09sbetoreplease to be helpink?
08:34.21AdrianLPpeterS:  Once I buy my KVM, I'm going to fight with installing the drivers.  I have a 2.4 kernel, so I'll likely just use ATI's drivers.  I'm just wondering if they install smoothly without trouble.
08:34.22peterSsbetore: that just means you're still in debian-installer
08:34.40sbetorepeterS: I want to get the hell out of it - - how?
08:34.49nadimbtw - how do I apt-get an older (ie. not latest) version of a package ?  apt-get install pkgname=version-x.y.z doesn't seem to work as advertised
08:34.54peterSsbetore: those are just warnings.  they don't actually stop the system
08:35.07peterSnadim: older versions are not stored on debian mirrors
08:35.14peterSnadim: you can look at
08:35.21sbetorepeterS: Well, no, but it doesn't start any of my daemons, either!"
08:35.26sbetoreI can't start GDM!
08:35.33peterSsbetore: that's because you're still in debian-installer
08:35.45sbetorepeterS: How do I get out of that?
08:35.50peterSsbetore: if you get that message and you're *not* still in debian-installer, that's a bug, I think
08:36.07sbetorepeterS: I did debootstrap; base-config
08:36.15peterSAdrianLP: most radeon chips are supported by XFree86 4.3.0 at least to some extent, without any special drivers
08:36.37peterSAdrianLP: if you want screaming 3D performance I suppose you need to mess with that crap, but if not, it's easier not to
08:36.45peterSAdrianLP: XFree86 4.3.0 is in unstable and testing, but not in stable
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08:37.11sbetorepeterS: Please? I have a deadline and a 24 hour brain uptime
08:37.13AdrianLPI'm in the testing tree.
08:37.23peterSsbetore: well, after debootstrap has installed everything, and you've rebooted so that your root dir is actually where it should be, then you should no longer get that
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08:37.31sbetoreAdrianLP: Be careful! You could fall down!
08:37.31nadimpeterS: thanks
08:37.39tarzeauwho is the bouncybouncy man again?
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08:37.47peterStarzeau: Justin?
08:37.53tarzeauJust1n: for you
08:37.57tarzeaupeterS: exactly
08:37.59sbetorepeterS: I KNOW I shouldn't get that. How do I stop it?
08:38.27nadimtarzeau: how are ya ? long time no talk
08:38.39peterSsbetore: well, the real start-stop-daemon is part of the 'dpkg' package, which certainly should have been installed early on
08:38.59wolssbetore: have you rebooted after installing?
08:39.00Zarbuckvery odd and i'm sure very stupid question... is there anyway that i can get a ftp client and dos fs support running from the debian install floppies
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08:39.25sbetorewols: Yes, I have
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08:39.44peterSsbetore: try the command 'dpkg-divert --list' and see if start-stop-daemon is diverted
08:39.44tarzeaunadim: salam, guess i'm fine
08:40.10sbetorepeterS: Nope
08:40.32wolsZarbuck: dos fs support shouldn't be a problem
08:40.35peterSsbetore: what about "file /sbin/start-stop-daemon" ?
08:40.44peterSsbetore: it should be an ELF executable, but if it's the fake one, it'll probably be a shell script
08:40.47wolsas for ftp: what kind of install are you doing?
08:40.55sbetoreIt's a bash script
08:40.58nadimtarzeau: I'm glad to hear it - we'll chat later - gotta go to bed :-)
08:41.08sbetorewhich just echoes the message and quite
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08:41.13peterSsbetore: weird.  try "apt-get install --reinstall dpkg", I guess
08:41.34peterSsbetore: I don't know how you got into that situation, but by reinstalling dpkg, it should overwrite it
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08:41.39sbetorepeterS: I've had amazing weirdness here.
08:41.52peterSTheCoolSnail: how's your 3c2000?
08:42.14Zarbuckwols, well i'm not really installing its just that i have set here all night and tried about every bootable linux floppy distro i can find and out of the 15 or so i found none of them support my nic
08:42.24sbetorepeterS: It's been a long string of inexplicable events - but I think it may work now - dpkg could have been causing all of that.
08:42.26Zarbuckbut it works just fine when i installed debian
08:42.35peterSsbetore: hope so
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08:42.38wolsZarbuck: which nic do you have?
08:42.51wolsZarbuck: nvidia?
08:42.53Zarbuckwols, smc ez pc card 10
08:42.59sbetorepeterS: IT WORKS! You're a genious. Someone should pay you for what you're doing here so you could be here full-time
08:43.04peterSsbetore: hehe
08:43.07peterSsbetore: glad to hear it
08:43.20peterSsbetore: check
08:43.24sbetorepeterS: I'm serious - You've helped me millions of times now
08:43.26peterSsbetore: it will tell you how much I *am* here
08:43.39Darvids0nwhen i try to install debian, it hangs after the pci_ide line (after ide0 and ide1). What boot arguments should i use to get around this?
08:43.42peterSsbetore: ahhh - didn't recognise your nick there (:
08:43.56Zarbuckwols, i have also poked around on google and didn't find what driver it is useing for that nic
08:44.10peterSsbetore: when did you reverse it?  I saw it as toresbe earlier today, I thought
08:44.22wolsZarbuck: can you take out the card and read what's written on the biggest chip on it?
08:44.26TheCoolSnailWell, it seems to be up, but it isn't!
08:44.39Zarbuckwols, pcmcia
08:44.48wolsZarbuck: damn
08:44.53wolsthat makes it harder :(
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08:45.01TheCoolSnailWhen I try to install an ADSL dialer i get: mru: Host name lookup failure | ifconfig: '--help' gives usage info
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08:45.05fromzwhat's 32 meg in kB?
08:45.09AdrianLPDo 2.6 kernels give much advantage over 2.4, if there are no new modules you'd use from it?
08:45.16peterSfromz: 32 * 1024 = 32768
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08:45.37TheCoolSnailpeterS: #flood
08:45.39peterSAdrianLP: some people report that they're faster and more responsive to interactive stuff, but not everyone sees this
08:45.45fromzthanks peters
08:45.53dliany good text editor for Chinese?
08:45.53wolsZarbuck: have you seen anything on google that linux can use that card?
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08:46.26wolsAdrianLP: are you using alsa or oss?
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08:46.51wolsfor the nice and easy alsa integration alone I'd use 2.6 (and lm sensors and xfs and...)
08:46.56ramasunhi, I want to set up an imap server and have no idea which one to use :-) is there some "standard" like apache for webservers?
08:46.57AdrianLPwols:  Neither, why?
08:46.58Zarbuckwols, well it works just fine with the debian install floppies... just doesn't seem to work with anything else
08:47.07AdrianLPwols:  I have no soundcard for my linux box.
08:47.30wolsZarbuck: then why don't you use those floppies?
08:47.44wolse.g. why do you need dos fs support and a ftp client?
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08:48.42Gujinhey, I installed libgtk2.0-0 from experimental, is that gtk2.4 ?
08:48.48Zarbuckwols, i'm trying to pull something off of a ftp and put them on a dos fs... but the laptop has no os and the pcmcia nic doesn't work with anything but the debian boot disk
08:49.24wolsno harddisk on the lappy?
08:49.34Zarbuckyes it has a harddisk
08:49.44Zarbuckbut just no os on it
08:49.49wolsthen why don't you install a minimal debian system on it?
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08:50.00wolsthe base system will have /usr/bin/ftp
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08:50.33Zarbuckwell i hate to say it but... the things i'm trying to pull off the ftp server on the disc is my windows 98 cds cab files
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08:50.57wolsand you need all the space for win98?
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08:51.12AdrianLPWhy is 'make mrproper' used when installing new kernels.  It seems to delete files in the kernel source.  Why would I want to do that before I've even used that same source?
08:51.20Zarbuckhow small can you make a debian install?
08:51.39wols30-40MB should be fairly easy I think
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08:52.02Zarbuckthere is only 4gb of hdd space on this laptop and i will need most of it for what i'm haveing to do with win 98... gah that sounds so bad
08:52.14Zarbuck30-40mb? really?
08:52.24wolssince you won't have X or such frills. I ran debian woody on a 230MB disk as a router/server. worked fine for a long time (and I had around 100MB free I think
08:52.45wolsreally. it would mean no frills, but certainly doable
08:52.47sloopyZarbuck: i have done installs in 200megs with X on m68k
08:53.21sloopyand that is will space left over to actually use it...
08:53.40Zarbucki guess i will go ahead and try it that way
08:54.08lknyshovJust follow the directions at after following
08:54.11wolsZarbuck: you know that there are floppy routers with linux which include sshd and a printer spooler? all on 1.44 MB?
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08:54.25Zarbuckwols, ya
08:54.37Gujinhmm where can I find instructions for installing gtk2.4 ?
08:54.43wolsZarbuck: well, essentially you don't need more than that either
08:54.56Zarbuckbut most floppy distros are very striped down... wich has been the whole probblem all night
08:55.14Zarbucki can't find a single one that does everything i need
08:55.26wolsZarbuck: not true. your problem is the kernel driver for your NIC
08:55.30peterSGujin: /msg dpkg experimental
08:55.36wolsand that is pretty small, so it wouldn't add bloat
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08:56.18peterSwols: well, therein does lie the problem.  because floppy-based distros don't have room for 2.6 kernels, and before 2.6, pcmcia was not very well supported in the official kernel
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08:56.27Zarbuckwols, yes but then most of them doesn't even have pcmcia support ;)
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08:56.53Zarbuckit doesn't seem to be a big thing on the todo list for most floppy distros
08:56.58wolspeterS: but his card is probably so old, no one writes drivers for it anymore
08:57.22peterSwols: but the existing drivers should be mature.  however, integrated into the official kernel they might not be, until kernel 2.6
08:57.27wolspeterS: and a 2.6 kernel is maybe 2MB while a 2.4 one is 1.5 or so
08:57.28lknyshovpcmcia cards use relatively few chipsets... there is no need to rewrite drivers for them either.
08:57.41GujinpeterS: Im trying to install libgtk2.0-0 from experimental but it says it will remove many packages, most of which are important for me...
08:57.49Zarbuckyou know i saw a distro tonight that had a 2.6 kernal
08:57.55peterSGujin: then you have a problem.  it's called 'experimental' for a reason
08:58.00Zarbuckhmm... it was called blue something
08:58.16wolsZarbuck: 2.6 is half a year old. I certainly hope some distros use it by now...
08:58.21peterSZarbuck: the embedded distribution BlueCat Linux has 2.6 kernels
08:58.32GujinpeterS: can't I install both an old gtk version and 2.4 ?
08:58.34peterSwols: like fedora core 2 (:
08:58.38Zarbuckahh its called blueflops i just found the link again
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08:59.00Zarbuckwols, i mean floppy distros that are useing 2.6
08:59.03peterSGujin: no, GTK 2.x are all backward compatible with each other, so the packagers don't bother to let you install more than one version
08:59.05asterix_What is the xfce version in experimental, how can i install it?
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08:59.34peterSGujin: that's why the 2.4 packages are still called libgtk2.0-0 - because it's still compatible with GTK 2.0
08:59.51GujinpeterS: if they are compatible why does it requires me to remove some packages?
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09:00.08peterSGujin: that's a very good question.  I've never tried to install GTK 2.4, so I can't answer it
09:00.17GujinpeterS: alright, thanks
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09:00.32peterSGujin: but "apt-cache show libgtk2.0-0", and pay attention to the Depends: and Conflicts: lines, and maybe you can figure it out
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09:01.01AdrianLPDuring kernel compile I get errors like  "use of cast expressions as lvalues is deprecated."  Why would someone use a cast expression as an lvalue anyway?
09:01.16peterSGujin: ideally it *should* be a smooth upgrade, with no application changes required.  however, that's why it's in experimental right now rather than unstable - to make sure this will be true
09:01.21AdrianLPI woudln't have thought it possible.
09:01.33peterSAdrianLP: many weird constructs are possible when you are using macros
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09:01.46GujinpeterS: ok thanks again
09:02.28peterSAdrianLP: you are right, cast expressions as lvalues is a pretty weird thing to do.  I'm having trouble coming up with an example macro that would cause this
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09:03.20senistrasay *((int*) void_pointer) = 10
09:03.24peterSxiaojun: hope you enjoyed your stay here in #debian
09:03.48peterSsenistra: but that's not a cast expression - that's a dereference
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09:04.28BiggoggsHi guys- What sort of program would you recommend for creating GIF animations?
09:04.29peterSsenistra: I mean, it has a cast in it, but it's the dereference which is the lvalue
09:04.54AdrianLPpeterS:  Scarier is that it didn't return an error, it just said it's deprecated.  So this once was common practice?  I guess maybe if   someInt = (int) someDouble = someExpression, maybe.  Don't know why you'd do that though.
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09:05.02naimwhat file do i modify so i have the option to start E from gdm ??
09:05.29\amethystThe cast-as-lvalue thing is a gcc extension that is gone in 3.4 and deprecated in recent 3.3
09:05.54peterSAdrianLP: well, I think it's 'deprecated' in that gcc accepts it as legal syntax, which the C standard doesn't, but the gcc folks don't see it as a useful extension, so they're warning that it will eventually become illegal - in gcc 3.4 or 3.5
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09:06.00wols\amethyst: if it's gone in 3.4 what will happen to kernel compiles then?
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09:06.16peterSwols: they will be fixed.  lots of fixes for gcc 3.4 and 3.5 have gone into recent kernels
09:06.23AdrianLPpeterS:  Why wasn't it illegal all along is my line of thought.
09:06.35wolspeterS: fine, but what about, say a 2.4 kernel?
09:06.37peterSwols: as for existing stable kernels like 2.4.26, nobody has recommended using anything but gcc 2.95.x for those anyway (:
09:06.38C`Hi I have a question for system developers : can we update the access rights for a virtual memory area of the curren process ?
09:07.06lknyshov.set hold_mode off
09:07.07peterSwols: you don't use bleeding-edge compilers on stable kernel series.  that's an old rule.  if you do decide to take that risk, it's your responsibility to fix the compile errors
09:07.12wolspeterS: good thing I didn't tell anyone I use 3.2.x regularly for it. and for quite some time too now...
09:07.24peterSwols: lots of people do.  but 2.95 is still the recommended compiler for 2.4
09:07.24\amethystOne use of cast-as-lvalue:
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09:07.45peterSwols: this was a much more important point back in kernel 2.0, which could *not* be compiled with anything newer than gcc 2.7.3, or it would seriously break
09:07.56fromzokay, I just installed Debian and got X/KDE up. Why is it they give me KDE 2.2 by default? Using debian's package management how would I upgrade this to 3.2?
09:07.58bignosenaim: gdm looks in /etc/gdm/Sessions/ for its available sessions.
09:07.59peterSwols: people tried to use newer compilers, and tried to fix up the kernel bugs that were triggered, but it was a losing battle
09:08.04\amethystchar *x = something;  ++(int *)x;
09:08.16bignosenaim: read the GDM docs, then create a new session for the stuff you want.
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09:08.26wolspeterS: so the current 2.0.36 or such still needs gcc 2.7.3?
09:08.26peterSwols: the bad thing about *that* was that the breakages were subtle things, not actual compile errors - just bugs exercised in the code itself
09:08.30peterSwols: yes
09:08.34\amethystTo increment the pointer x by the size of an integer.
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09:08.50wolsfromz: use testing or unstable.
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09:09.09peterSwols: the feeling is - if you insist that your kernel be *that* stable that you want to still use 2.0, then you need to also not take risks with the compilers that it was tested with
09:09.16fromzwols, okay, I'm new to debian (slackware convert)... apt-cache search KDE ?
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09:09.25senistraa friend of mine has interesting problem: he has promise fasttrack133 raid card attached to two ide disks (raid0) under windows. now one of disks failed (if you attach it as usual ide device, then bios said that smart failure detection proposes to make backup immideately)
09:09.42bignosefromz: first, understand that only the stable release receives security updates
09:09.57fromzI'm not particularly concerned with security updates.
09:10.03bignosefromz: anything newer is unreleased and considered a candidate for testing for the upcoming release
09:10.06wolsfromz: no. that would only give you the same kde you just installed. either get a woody backport of kde3.2 (which comes from non debian sources) or change from woody to sarge or sid (testing and unstable)
09:10.14peterSsenistra: that's a problem indeed.  raid0 has no redundancy, so you need to get the data off that disk as soon as possible
09:10.21senistrai had proposed to load knoppix and try to use software raid to recover is it works?
09:10.32peterSsenistra: and the Windows NT RAID superblock formats, AFAIK, have not been implemented in Linux, so you'll need to do this under Windows
09:10.46fromzwols, what's a good source to get KDE 3.2.2 from?
09:10.47bignosefromz: if you're cool with the fact that things can break unexpectedly, read up on the (simple) process for upgrading to a non-released debian branch.
09:10.48peterSsenistra: I don't *think* you can do this with a Linux kernel.  it would be nice to know if I'm wrong, though.
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09:11.04wolssenistra: google for barts PEBuilder. it lets you run XP from a CD (like knoppix)
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09:11.30senistraI thouht that all raid things were done in hardware card
09:11.34wolsdunno if raid would work tho
09:11.37peterSsenistra: in particular, it might be possible to write an EVMS module for Windows NT RAID partitions.  but I have no idea if it's been done
09:11.58peterSsenistra: ah yes, you did say it was a "RAID card"
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09:12.13senistramy understanding is that it is promise card make stripping
09:12.20peterSsenistra: well, the same point applies.  those raid cards do most of their work in software (the Windows driver)
09:12.27naimbignose, i already have a small startup script for E in that folder says ::  #!/bin/sh
09:12.28naimexec enlightenment
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09:12.43bignosenaim: you're talking stuff I don't know
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09:12.51bignosenaim: read the gdm docs for how to set up its sessions
09:12.58peterSsenistra: so even so, I don't think booting Linux will let you use the same raid format.  it's a proprietary format, and AFAIK not supported by Linux drivers, even given your hardware interface
09:13.06senistramy understanding is that there is not so many way to make stripping
09:13.10bignosenaim: or you could try cloning an existing session
09:13.12wolsfromz: testing has kde 3.1.2 it seems
09:13.26naimbignose, right on u r ... tnx
09:13.40peterSsenistra: you might be lucky and figure out how the striping works.  but it does depend on the stripe width, at the very least, and possibly an offset into the disk
09:13.41lknyshovIf your RAID is done in hardware by BIOS, then Linux sees it as one logical device, is that not correct?
09:13.41fromzso there's no 3.2 available yet? rude. lol.
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09:13.51peterSlknyshov: yes, but he's talking about a cheap IDE raid card
09:13.55peterSlknyshov: so that's a poor assumption (:
09:13.56senistrawhat could be "format differencies"
09:14.04wolslknyshov: linux doesn't use the bios
09:14.20peterSwols: that's a blanket statement which is therefore incorrect
09:14.21wolspeterS: even then. linux doesn't use the bios
09:14.29peterSwols: Linux uses a PC BIOS for many things.  just not for all things
09:14.29lknyshovpeterS: Not necessarily, does that card not essentially emulate a single device to the OS?
09:14.31senistraI guess it is easy to find out what is chunk-size and offset, since we know how logical disk starts
09:14.49lknyshovwols bios was a poor example, agreed.
09:14.50peterSlknyshov: depends on the card.  the really cheap ones don't
09:14.51wolspeterS: it uses the bios for booting, but not in actual work
09:15.01peterSlknyshov: it's done mostly by the drivers that ship with the card - in software
09:15.04bignoseand the BIOS doesn't present RAID.  it can present "SCSI device", and then it's totally up to the SCSI card to present a storage interface
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09:15.14senistrathe problem is that bios no longer work with the array
09:15.15peterSwols: you'd be surprised at how many things the BIOS can be used for in Linux
09:15.22lknyshovpeterS The cheap ones should not be used then :)
09:15.38wolspeterS: like what? with realmode code?
09:15.40peterSlknyshov: sure they should.  but you shouldn't really call them "raid cards", just "IDE interface cards" (:
09:16.18lknyshovpeterS if they support some form of RAID (mirror, stripe..) in hardware, they are by definition RAID-aware controllers
09:16.23peterSwols: APM.  ACPI.  VESA screen modes.  EDD.  other interrupt routing.  USB legacy keyboard/mouse support.
09:16.56senistraso what a point was to use that card?
09:17.08senistraif it actually done nothing?
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09:17.27wolssenistra: it does something. just not enough for real hardware raid probably
09:17.55lknyshovsenistra not necessarily. There are hacks in hardware that actually enable it to be a hardware raid controller. Search slashdot for details.
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09:18.10lknyshovSome promise cards were like that before.
09:18.13peterSwols: MPS.  Plug-n-play.  those are the ones I can think of.
09:18.36wolspeterS: all no performance critical things
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09:19.03kuruwell.. this is crap. I can only get up to 1024x768 on this supposedly badass machine?
09:19.13senistrahe just got another harddrive -- it is also 80GB, but slightly different (81.2 instead of 82.3, something like this)
09:19.15peterSwols: indeed.  Linux has a strong history of trying to use the BIOS as little as possible, because everyone has learned by now not to trust the BIOS vendors to ever get anything right unless you're doing something exactly like Windows does
09:19.22AdrianLP\amethyst - Ack, apparently the DFE530TX+ is *not* via rhine.
09:19.31peterSwols: but even so, there's quite a few places where it does use the BIOS, for one thing or another
09:19.38\amethystAdrianLP:  Hm.  It's different from the DFE-530-TX, then :)
09:19.43senistrais it possible to copy buggy disk to new and plug it into promise card?
09:19.45peterSAdrianLP: I thought that one was a Realtek clone...?
09:19.52peterSAdrianLP: (i.e. '8139too')
09:20.04\amethystAdrianLP:  lspci  | grep Ethernet
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09:20.16peterSsenistra: probably possible.
09:20.22wolspeterS: you can never be sure with dlink. sometimes it's the same name for the card but a new chip...
09:20.25AdrianLPpeterS:  So did I, the 8139s don't seem to work, neither does Via rhine.  I've got it work on my 2.4.21 kernel fine, but won't work on 2.4.6
09:20.26senistrathat is would not it destroj the information
09:20.40peterSAdrianLP: surely you didn't mean 2.4.6 there
09:20.47\amethystAdrianLP:  What does lspci say about the card?
09:21.05AdrianLP2.4.26 sorry.
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09:21.26peterSAdrianLP: I can tell you exactly which driver or drivers think they know about your card, for any given kernel, if you can tell me this:   lspci -n | awk '/ 0200/{print $4}'
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09:21.47TheCoolSnailStill having the same interrupt:5
09:21.48AdrianLP\amethyst:  It says 8139/8139c/8139c+ (rev 10), but it doesn't seem to work with those.
09:22.19\amethystAdrianLP:  What error do you get when you try to load the 8139too module?
09:22.29peterSAdrianLP: yeah, rev 10 should be the 8139too module all right
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09:22.55AdrianLP\amethyst:  It's built into the kernel.  Dmesg simply does not see the card.
09:22.56TheCoolSnailpererS: #flood
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09:23.55AdrianLPOk, so I just made this kernel with make-kpkg.  I need to change the modules used, and recompile.  Is there a quick and easy way to do this?
09:24.37wolsjust run make-kpkg again
09:25.21peterSAdrianLP: could you run the command I gave you, to make sure this chip is what we think it is?    lspci -n | awk '/ 0200/{print $4}'
09:25.36AdrianLPpeterS - k
09:25.39\amethystHm.  I've got an nVidia card here I want to upgrade.  I need 2048x1536x24bpp, good 3D, and I don't want any more proprietary drivers.  Suggestions?
09:25.43peterSAdrianLP: it should say 10ec:8139 but who knows
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09:26.12wols\amethyst: ask the toothfairy for 3d in the nv driver. it's your best bet
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09:27.13AdrianLPpeters: 10Ec: 8139
09:27.38peterSAdrianLP: yeah, standard realtek 8139, rev 10.  should be supported by 8139too, as we thought
09:27.46\amethystwols:  Toothfairy already owes me one of those 23" Apple Cinema LCDs.  I don't think I should be bugging her anymore
09:27.49AdrianLPand pcilib complained that it could not open sys/bus/pci/devices
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09:27.55wolsAdrianLP: I have a card with the exact same PCI id here. which runs fine with 8139too
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09:28.14wols\amethyst: there is always santa claus and the easterbunny
09:28.15peterS\amethyst: dude, you must have lost a *lot* of teeth
09:28.15sciboyguys, what do you think? ReiserFS or EXT3? I am just a windows user n e way ^^
09:28.16AdrianLPpeters:  Which 8139 should I use?  The C+ experimental one, or just the 8139 one?
09:28.29zeb1Hi all. What software do people recommend for firewall/connection sharing on Debian?
09:28.31wolssciboy: depends what you want/need
09:28.33peterSAdrianLP: no, the C+ one is for other revisions.  that's why I kept mentioning "rev 10" (:
09:28.42sciboywols, eg?
09:28.44wolszeb1: apt-get install ipmasq
09:28.46AdrianLPSo I do not use C+ one.
09:28.53peterSAdrianLP: right
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09:29.15wolssciboy: e.g. if you want to access the partition from windows you need ext3, if you want it a bit fast, reiser. etc
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09:29.24peterSAdrianLP: basically, if you had revision 32 or higher, that would be the C+ driver.
09:29.24zeb1wols: thanks. I've been plugging away with Shorewall, but have had a few problems
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09:29.44peterSardy: heya
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09:29.53ardyhi peterS
09:30.01kuruwhere do I get a list of all the possible apt sources?
09:30.05peterSardy: we've got another 3c2000 user on our hands, having problems (:
09:30.14kuruie. non-US, non-free, etc.
09:30.16ardypeterS: you know how we replaced the sk98lin drivers with the 3com drivers
09:30.19wolskuru: apt-setup for the official ones
09:30.21sciboywols, I don't have windows...
09:30.23peterSardy: yeah...
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09:30.43ardypeterS: and then the makefile didn't work so you sent me a new make file
09:30.48kuruwols: it doesn't offer much.
09:30.48peterSardy: right
09:30.57kuruwols: it used to ask if i wanted non-us, non-free, etc.
09:31.04peterSardy: that was just a small edit of the sk98lin makefile, btw.
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09:31.25ardypeterS: well, it turned out that that makefile, although compiled, caused many other programs to malfunction, such as ssh and smb
09:31.44peterSardy: hmm, weird
09:32.15*** part/#debian tomZ (~tomruk@
09:32.18peterSardy: do you mean, when you compiled the 3c2000 driver as a module, independently of the kernel, it worked ok with 2.4.26?
09:32.33ardypeterS: but oddly enough, I replaced the 3c2000 code with the sk98lin drivers
09:32.49ardyand the sk98lin drivers worked...
09:32.54peterSardy: hey, cool!
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09:33.16ardypeterS: yeah.. seriously, don't ask why though,... I have no idea ;)
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09:33.54peterSardy: well, I was puzzled when you said before that it *didn't* work.  because from my reading of the source, it looked like it *should* be supported by the sk98lin in 2.4.23 and higher.
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09:34.02peterSardy: so now, I guess I'm less puzzled than before (:
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09:34.10kuruthis is no good.
09:34.21ardypeterS: haha. yeah... I don't know...
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09:34.31ardypeterS: how muc do you know about setting up cvs?
09:34.43peterSardy: I've done it like once or twice
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09:35.05RolandUhi all! gtk1-fonts are ugly - gtk-theme-switch has no effect. Don't know what to do. Plz hlp.
09:35.11kurucan someone /msg me the list of .. what do you evenc all these things?
09:35.27AdrianLPDoes a kernel have to be built with module support for a given module, you can just download one out of the blue and start using it?  If so why doesn't the kernel rely on some daemon to insert modules into the running kernel, so that you never need to reboot to start using new modules?
09:35.29ardypeterS: well, I have cvs setup on a remote server and I wanna set iy up on my debian box so that it updates to to the remote server
09:35.42kuruapt components.
09:35.43aptkuru: I wish you would RTFM.
09:35.55peterSardy: cvs isn't sophisticated enough to do that directly.  you mean, maintain a read-only mirror of the remote server?
09:36.00kuruthe list of debian components or where I can find them (ie., url)
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09:36.09peterSardy: so that read-only commands are local, but read-write commands go to the server?
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09:36.12FraDehi all
09:36.20AdrianLPAck.  Kernel has caused user panick.  When I try to recompile I get an error saying that dummy.o cannot be stat'd.
09:36.20peterSardy: that I have done, but it's a hack
09:36.38lknyshovyou should let it finish already :)
09:36.42ardypeterS: no... It uses ssh and the repository is on the remote server
09:36.52lknyshovdisregard that.
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09:36.59AdrianLPcp:  Cannot stat dummy.o:  No such file or dir.  And it dies.
09:37.11wuhuuI have a problem installing Debian sarge on my box: it returns no dhclient found
09:37.12peterSardy: I'm confused.  you said you wanted to set it up locally.  but you also said you wanted it to update to the remote server
09:37.17AdrianLPGives up the ghpst as it were.
09:37.20peterSardy: do you just mean you want to use a cvs *client* locally?
09:37.21AdrianLPghost too.
09:37.24ardypeterS: yeah
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09:37.30ardypeterS: exactly
09:37.30wolsardy: how about setting up rsync which gets triggered by cvs watch
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09:37.56peterSardy: ok that's easy.  just run 'cvs -d username@servername:/cvs/dir/on/server co modulename'
09:38.02ardywols: well I have it setup using ssh.. so that I can also cvs projects when using windows ans putty
09:38.08nkuttlerwuhuu: when does it say that?
09:38.09peterSardy: that will create a local directory "modulename"
09:38.18fromzin debian, how do you tell what 'version' (sorry for the terminology.. i'm new to debian) you're running? I found that i'm using version 3.0, but how do I know if i'm using say... woody, or sid?
09:38.25peterSardy: then when you cd into 'modulename', you can just run ordinary cvs commands
09:38.40wolsfromz: /etc/debian_version
09:38.45peterSardy: here's the other thing you'll maybe want to do: install 'fsh' on both client and server, and set the environment variable "CVS_RSH=fsh"
09:38.47fromzwols, yes, all it says is 3.0
09:38.48wolsfromz: 3.0 is woody
09:38.53wuhuuon configureing network at installation
09:39.04peterSardy: fsh is a wrapper around ssh which caches the connection so you don't have to make a whole new ssh connection each time you issue a cvs command
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09:39.23peterSardy: the CVS_RSH variable only needs to be set on your local box
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09:39.24AdrianLPWhy does dummy.o go missing after you compile once?  How do you recompile a kernel when this file goes missing on every compile?
09:39.29ardypeterS: well, I want it to use ssh because I have a ssh client for windows that I want to beable to use when I'm booted into windows
09:39.32kuruwols: thanks..
09:39.33nkuttlerwuhuu: change to a different terminal and run dhclient
09:40.01fromzSomeoen answered this before, and my buffer's been wiped by the chat in here - how do I get KDE 3.x on Woody? The defaults have given me 2.2
09:40.13peterSardy: that's fine.  fsh is just a wrapper around ssh, which caches the connection and reuses it.  you have to have it installed at both ends of the pipe.  but it's optional - just because you have it installed on the server does not mean you need to use it
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09:40.18kuruhrmm.. says non-us/main doesn't exist.
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09:40.51MadkissHi all
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09:41.01ardyoh.. ok.. well, anyway.. how should I setup cvs on the linux machine to use the remote repository
09:41.03FraDeMadkiss: hi
09:41.03MadkissSomebody has experience with Linux on XFS? Is it stable, can one use it for desktops?
09:41.21wolskuru: are you using a US server for this nonus line?
09:41.22wuhuunkuttler: i tried this already and it said dhclient: command not found
09:41.28wolsMadkiss: very stable
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09:41.38wuhuuor pump: command not found
09:41.43AMIGrAveis cdrecord broken or something for plextor cd writers ?
09:41.54nkuttlerwuhuu: no /sbin/dhclient ?
09:42.10nkuttlerwuhuu: or /sbin/pump ?
09:42.27nkuttlerwuhuu: your installer is broken. where did you get it from?
09:42.53wuhuuit was the sarge current cd build
09:42.57wuhuufrom yesterday
09:43.16nkuttlerwuhuu: you can ask at #debian-boot
09:43.47muntyanHello everybody. What's the good way to get gtk-2.4 on Debian-testing?
09:44.15peterSmuntyan: /msg dpkg experimental
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09:44.30AdrianLPAny thoughts on missing dummy.o?  I just uncompressed a brand new linux source.  make menuconfig, and then ran make-kpkg ...  But cp complains that it can't stat dummy.o, that it's non existant.
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09:44.53wolsAdrianLP: which part of the kernel is supposed to have dummy.o?
09:45.24AdrianLPwols ... /kernel/drivers/net by the looks of it.
09:45.27fromzSomeoen answered this before, and my buffer's been wiped by the chat in here - how do I get KDE 3.x on Woody? The defaults have given me 2.2
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09:45.40kuruwols: thanks a million
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09:45.54thuany idea what package contains the LuxiMono font?
09:45.57muntyanpeterS: what's that? is it like stable or testing?
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09:46.20wolsAdrianLP: try to comment out the option which enables dummy.o. I think it's some sort of dummy network device. I doubt you'd need that
09:46.21peterSmuntyan: 'experimental' is where packages live that are considered not yet ready to go in unstable, but the maintainer *does* want wider testing of
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09:46.43muntyanpeterS: how do I get them?
09:46.44FraDeAdrianLP: try to kill dummy.o and restart make
09:46.54peterSmuntyan: /msg dpkg experimental
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09:47.53AdrianLPIgnoring compiling/configuring and installing the new kernel, does one need to do anything special to run a 2.6 kernel?
09:48.00mattias```Hello. Yesterday I got a problem, without doing anything I couldn't connect to irc with my debian computer anymore. I can connect to irc with all my other computers, what can be wrong?
09:48.07AdrianLPCan you use 2.6 with Testing?
09:48.11jaxxanhey ya'll
09:48.14wolsAdrianLP: you will need module-init-tools
09:48.23devoteI've just checked out WineX fresh from cvs, but it gives me a big bunch of compile errors :( about undefined variables.
09:48.24wolsbut they are apt-gettable in testing and unstable
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09:48.37ardypeterS: if I want to set the CVS_ROOT whats the command I put before it when placing it in .bash_profile file
09:48.47wolsardy: export
09:48.53peterSardy: normally you don't worry about CVSROOT
09:48.56ardywols: thanks
09:49.00muntyanpeterS: ?? I'm sorry, I don't understand
09:49.04peterSardy: normally you just use 'cvs -d {some cvs root} checkout ..."
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09:49.17peterSardy: and then after running that one command you don't have to worry about setting the cvs root manually any more
09:49.17FraDemattias```: what youre irc cleint wrote?
09:49.20wolspeterS: and normally people are lazy typists :)
09:49.23*** mode/#debian [+l 752] by debhelper
09:49.41peterSwols: typing it once in 'cvs checkout' is easier, IMO, than calling up an editor for .bashrc and typing it there
09:49.58AdrianLPwols:  module-init-tools says it manages kernel modules.  This is needed for 2.6?  Why?
09:50.12mattias```frade, connection refused. I saw now that I couldn't connect anywhere with the computer. I tried to update the system but I can't reach the debian-sites
09:50.17wolsAdrianLP: cause the kernel modules part changed
09:50.20peterSAdrianLP: because kernel modules changed a great deal between kernel 2.4 and 2.6
09:50.42peterSAdrianLP: thus, 'modprobe' and friends were rewritten from scratch.  and that's what module-init-tools provides.
09:50.48FraDemattias```: may be dns?
09:50.54AdrianLPpeterS:  I see.
09:50.59ardypeterS: whats the difference between using -d option and just setting the CVS_ROOT?
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09:51.14peterSardy: no difference
09:51.50peterSardy: my point is, the only cvs command you normally need that for is the initial checkout, which you only do once.  so setting a variable for it seems like overkill
09:51.50mattias```FraDe, hm, what should I try to do? :o I'm in a network, the debian server is the gateway but all the other computers can reach www
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09:52.13wolsmattias```: defaultroute or dns most likely
09:52.22mattias```wols, k
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09:52.32wolsmattias```: can you ping other PCs in your LAN?
09:52.59FraDetry to connect by IP address
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09:53.05FraDemattias``` try to connect by IP address
09:53.12peterSardy: also, if you hack on multiple repositories from multiple CVS servers, setting a variable is annoying because you'd have to change it for each one you check out
09:53.14mattias```wols, no I get 100% packetloss.
09:53.20mattias```FraDe, I've already tried :/
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09:53.27wolsmattias```: check defaultroute and your current IP
09:53.36FraDeand mask
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09:54.22mattias```wols, sorry but I don't know where defaultroute is? :o
09:54.22Slotmanis thier a installation manual for woody about?
09:54.37peterSSlotman: yeah.  go to, follow a couple of links
09:54.41wolsmattias```: /sbin/route
09:55.13Mafteahsomone have manual on installing gtk2.4 on debian?
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09:55.37wolstell Mafteah about experimental
09:55.38mattias```wols, can I paste to you what's written there?
09:55.43wols!tell Mafteah about experimental
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09:55.49wolsmattias```: paste in #flood
09:55.49devotedoes anyone here have experience with compiling WineX from cvs ?
09:55.52lknyshovmattias```: /usr/sbin/ifconfig -a should tell you just about everything.
09:55.57muntyanI added experimental to apt sources.list; libgtkmm-2.4 is there but libgtk-2.4 is not. how can I get it?
09:55.59RolandU_my gtk1-fonts are ugly - gtk-theme-switch has no effect. Don't know what to do. Plz hlp.
09:56.06mattias```wols, k
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09:56.24lknyshovOK... time to sleep. Good night everyone
09:56.31mattias```lknyshov, k
09:57.13ardypeterS: ok well, I'm  using kdevelop as my IDE...
09:57.20tobiasHhi, i set up a fresh sid with kernel 2.6 and installed the nvidia drivers via apt-get, but now i can only load them with "insmod /lib/modules/2.6.6/nvidia/nvidia.ko" instead of "modprobe nvidia"
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09:57.38peterSardy: I've never used kdevelop, so I can't tell you anything about its integration with cvs, if any
09:57.39wolstobiasH: get module-init-tools
09:57.42Mafteahwols: when i do 'apt-get -t experimental source gtk+2.0' its downloading unstable 2.2.4 :(
09:57.49ardypeterS: oh ok
09:58.07tobiasHwols, i have it already
09:58.26wolstobiasH: then something went wrong on install
09:58.35wolsrun depmod -a again
09:59.24tobiasHdid that already, too ;)
09:59.26jaxxani'm having trouble getting my screen  blanking to work on my laptop
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10:00.01jaxxananyone have experience with acpi and acpid in linux 2.6.*?
10:00.13jaxxannvidia also
10:00.50jaxxani gotta 4200 GO 64mb
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10:01.16Mafteahwols: when i do 'apt-get -t experimental source gtk+2.0' its downloading unstable 2.2.4 :(
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10:02.02jaxxanexperimental --- unstable
10:02.07jaxxanmakes a match to me
10:02.22Mafteahhumm what i need to do?
10:02.42nevynexperimental !- unstable
10:03.00RolandUjaxxan: windows is not experimental but still unstable
10:03.01thuI'm trying out 2.6 from experimental and gconf2 is acting up.. it will refuse to start together with X but it will eventually come up
10:03.09Mafteahhow i cange to experimental?
10:03.23thuany idea how I can get some debugging output from gnome?
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10:04.53Mafteaheal: Couldn't find package gtk+2.0
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10:05.59ardypeterS: do you know of any good references on how to program kde apps that use the kde framework but also use openGL?
10:06.22peterSardy: no idea.  I don't use Qt or KDE, and I only have limited OpenGL experience
10:06.33ardypeterS: oh..
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10:07.33Mafteahhow to use experimental/
10:07.36sandosdoes installing module-init-tools on testing mean I should be able to boot 2.6?
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10:07.57jaxxanwhat's a utitlity that i can use to scan an IP range for Open Ports and active IP addresses ?
10:07.58wolssandos: yes. you can boot 2.6 without them, just not load any modules
10:07.59PenixMafteah: if you have to ask, you shouldn't be using it
10:08.05wolsjaxxan: nmap
10:08.12sandoswols: yeah, youre rught
10:08.19muntyanMafteah: I got it. apt-get -t experimental install libgtk2.0-dev
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10:08.33sandosI could. something about "setting up console" though blocked the startup, Im running a headless machine
10:08.52muntyanMafteah: at least it's downloading it
10:08.55wolssandos: I run it on a headless machine just fine
10:09.14sandosbut that was without modules. oh, yeah, I just mean Im too lazy to switch over the screen/keyboars so I hope this will work =)
10:10.09PenixMafteah: no. libgtk is kde
10:10.09Penix!cluebat Mafteah
10:10.09jaxxanlooks like the perfect tool
10:10.09muntyangtk is libgtk
10:10.28muntyangtk 2 is libgtk2.0
10:10.50dpkg[gtk] GTK+ (Gimp Tool Kit), a graphical toolkit.  You probably want to "apt-get install libgtk1.2-dev", or now at version 2, which may be installed with "apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev". libgtk1.2 is GTK+, libgtk2.0 is GTK2.  They are NOT compatible.  They are totally separate..
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10:12.04Mafteahii  libgtk2.0-0    2.4.1-2        The GTK+ graphical user interface library
10:12.20Mafteahnow i can compile xchat with gtk2.4?
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10:12.46ardypeterS: yeah it worked fine with the -d... thanks
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10:12.55peterSardy: cool
10:12.56PenixMafteah: does xchat use any of 2.4's features?
10:13.02streunerMafteah: why do you want compile xchat?
10:13.12ardypeterS: how much do you know about bsd?
10:13.13Mafteahbetter hebrew support
10:13.21ardypeterS: FreeBSD
10:13.30peterSardy: very little
10:13.35muntyandon't know about xchat but I can compile my program
10:14.11Mafteahok im trying
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10:14.31muntyangood night everybody
10:15.01ardyoh.. well, you probably wont know but there is a linux driver for the ami megaraid express 000 (762) but there is not one for FRee BSD.. how hard would it to take the code for the linux one and compil it to woek with FreeBSD?
10:16.17sp00installed mod_python, but it don't work. i have uncommented the Loadmodule, am i missing anything?
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10:17.25AdrianLPHmmm, if I go from 2.4.21 kernel, to 2.4.26, and my ethernet card is still detected fine, is there any reason why my PPPoE connection will no longer connect?
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10:18.14wolsrun pppoe -A on it
10:18.19wolssee if you can get to your ISP
10:18.47AdrianLPwols:  That returns three lines, it seems to have foudn the provider fine.
10:19.14wolsthen you should be able to connect
10:19.44wolsenable debug with pppd and look into syslog
10:19.53AdrianLPwols:  It's when using adsl-start that it never connects.  Then even when I hit ^c, and try adsl-start again, it complains that there is already a connection up (which there does not seem to be)
10:20.22wolsif pppd is running, there is a connection (sort of)
10:20.30wolscheck your syslog for errors
10:20.39wolsmost probably PAD0 timeout or such
10:21.12ardypeterS, wols: night
10:21.18sandosok, that went mostly fine. it still halts at "setting up general console font"
10:21.29Mafteah/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl
10:21.30Mafteahcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
10:22.09AdrianLPwols:  "Couldn't set tty to PPP discipline: Invalid argument", "read (asyncReadFromPPP): Session 4147: Input/output error"
10:22.13AdrianLPIs what I get.
10:22.36wolsI'd say you haven't put ppp support in your new kernel
10:23.00wolsAdrianLP: custom kernel?
10:23.03AdrianLPwols:  PPPoE and PPP are on in the kernel, but what was a module to use TTY, which is not on.
10:23.09AdrianLPwols:  Custom, yes.
10:23.41wolsare you using kernel level pppoe or rp-pppoe?
10:24.29AdrianLPwols:  I have the kernel module installed, but I'm using rp-pppoe... I think.  I set it up a year'ish ago.
10:24.48AdrianLPwols:  I don't have "PPP support for sync tty ports" installed.  That's required?
10:25.01RolandUwhat do I do if gtk-theme-switch does not work?
10:25.13wolsactually I dunno. I have set it to Y, just like ASYNC support
10:25.34wolsbasically everything except kernel level PPPoE which is a module (but I use rp-pppoe too)
10:25.40AdrianLPwols:  I don't have async on either.  It says it's for COM ports,.
10:26.01wolsenable them
10:26.01MafteahWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!? what does it mean?
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10:26.15wolssince you either need async or sync. one of them is needed afaik
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10:29.26saphow do you determine what file system (ext2 etc) a disk is using?
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10:29.43sapit's actually a software raided disk, if that makes a difference
10:29.49wolssap: run "mount"
10:29.54wolsit will tell you
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10:30.51sapwols: i'm trying to setup my fstab and put the fs in there for this disk, won't mount use those settings?
10:30.57Zarbuckwhen i get to installing the base system i get a debootstrap error... failed getting release file... also i can't change my mirror now... i get a bad archive mirror error every time i try... any one seen this before?
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10:31.13jaxxannmap is kewl. thanks alot.
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10:31.38wolssap: mount the disk with various settings for -t (ext3,ext2,reiser,xfs,...) and see what finally works
10:31.47wolsif you found it, use that in /etc/fstab
10:32.05sapwols: hmm, ok thanks
10:32.22AdrianLPWhen compiling my kernel I get this again:  cp dummy.o /usr/src/linux/debian/tmp-image/lib/modules/2.4.26-ati/kernel/drivers/net/
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10:32.40AdrianLPThere seems to be no process identified with it, and lsmod does not list any loaded module.
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10:33.00AdrianLP...someone suggested earlier to stop it.  It doesn't seem to exist though.
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10:34.43Mafteahok i got xchat with gtk 2.4 :D
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10:36.03Mafteahhow can i keep my version and not update xchat on apt-get upgrade?
10:36.42linuxfreckapt: tell Mafteah about hold
10:36.56Mafteahthnks all :D
10:37.05jaxxanwhere would i go to find out what application/service typically runs on a specific port?
10:37.30jaxxan32772/tcp open  sometimes-rpc7
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10:39.10Mafteahecho xchat install | dpkg --set-selections
10:39.15Mafteahsould it help?
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10:39.24wolsjaxxan: /etc/services lists the known ports
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10:39.52jaxxanthat's awesome
10:39.53Mafteahits not working
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10:40.12Mafteahhold not working
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10:40.18wolsjaxxan: but this doesn't mean squat since any app can open any port if it wishes, especially non priviledged ones
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10:40.59jaxxani think i need to run my own firewall on here
10:41.07knoppixHow would I tell my computer to suspend?
10:41.11knoppixi'm running knoppix
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10:41.20wolsknoppix: #knoppix
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10:41.22aZ[a]ZeLknoppix: #knoppix
10:41.24sciboyHi guys...
10:41.29knoppixty anyway.
10:41.42*** part/#debian knoppix (
10:41.45wolsjaxxan: why? just don't run unecessary crap
10:41.45jaxxanwhat is a good firewall that i can monitor logs and stuff that's console based
10:42.09jaxxanto help me detect unwanted stuff on my network
10:42.09sciboyI just did a Hd Install of morphix and upon booting, the fonts/text on my screen were so big i could see 6/7ths of my screen...? Whats going on?
10:42.10AdrianLPWhen is it important to do 'make mrproper' when dealing with kernels?  It seems to deleted required files.
10:42.19dliI'm going to install alsa-source rather than alsa in kernel, what should be enabled in kernel for sound support?
10:42.20sciboyIts most probably a NVIDIA thing....
10:42.53jaxxanfor instance, if a windows box on my network gets a worm that's flooding my network, if i was running a firewall on my laptop i would know about it when it tries to scan me on some weird port.
10:43.05sciboyCause the same thing happened with my proper Debian isntallation when i inserted the NVIDIA drivers..
10:43.08wolsAdrianLP: if you want to remove old, stale files from a previous compile
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10:43.18jaxxanwhen it tries to replicate itself
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10:43.49wolsjaxxan: that's wrong. a firewall is not for detecting such things. snort and portsentry are
10:43.54AdrianLPwols:  So between compiles.
10:43.54Mafteahhow do i hold xchat?
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10:44.11jaxxani ran signal9 on my windows box and i always knew when someone was scanning my irc channel on efnet for whatever trojans and crap.
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10:44.31AdrianLPwols:  Do you only need it if you're recompiling the same (exact same) source, and you on longer wanted modules you installed previous?
10:44.31wolsand pretty much everything malware related uses port 80,135,139,445 now. how do you want to stop that?
10:44.41jaxxancause it would hit my firewall and i'd see the not-normal request.
10:44.42nkuttlerMafteah: /msg dpkg hold ?
10:44.53Mafteahops my mistake
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10:45.05wolsjaxxan: chances are the ports I mentioned are already open...
10:45.11wolsfor samba,apache,etc
10:45.41jaxxansnort runs all the time ?
10:45.41wolsand if they aren't, you don't need a firewall, since the ports aren't open anyways
10:45.47wolsI told you you want portsentry
10:45.52jaxxanand alerts you to strange network activity ?
10:46.16wolsyes. but you will need some time to configure it. this is not some fire and forget thing
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10:48.01jaxxanur right
10:48.10DaveHopewhen trying to compile stuff on my debian server (my desktops are debian too, don't worry) I get the error "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables", I know I need the extra C includes, but which package is it? :P
10:48.18jaxxanreading about those packages finished now. portsentry looks great.
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10:49.10liqidDebian is wonderful is it not?
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10:49.33dmndliqid: what do you expect for an answer in a channel called #debian liqid ?
10:49.49liqiddmnd: ^
10:50.04defcon8do i have to do apt-get check after apt-get update or does it update the cache automatically?
10:50.23liqiddefcon8, How do you mean?
10:50.31wolsdefcon8: you don't
10:50.43wolsapt-get update, then just install or upgrade whatever you want
10:50.45AdrianLPdmnd:  I thought he was being rhetorical.
10:50.49sciboyAnyone ever had any problems with the NVIDIA drivers? Eg. Huge Fonts?
10:51.08sciboyRidicously Huge Fonts?
10:51.16defcon8wols, thanks
10:51.26AdrianLPMaybe it's to balance Mozilla's ridiculously small fonts.
10:52.00jaxxansciboy: yes, you need to change something in your kdm file... hold on a sec and i'll tell you
10:52.24sciboyjaxxan, this is the second time this had happened :(
10:52.25jaxxansciboy: if you were to quit kdm and 'startx' from the console your fonts should be normal
10:52.36jaxxansciboy: sec while i find the file to fix it.
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10:53.21jaxxanedit your /etc/kde3/kdm/xservers file
10:53.51sciboyjaxxan, i am running on a live distro atm...
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10:54.03jaxxanadd '-dpi 80' to your :0 local@tty1 line
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10:54.21jaxxanmine looks like :0 local@tty1 /usr/X11R6/bin/X -dpi 80 -nolisten tcp vt7
10:54.23sciboyliqid is wrong :(
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10:55.19jaxxanwell anyways, when you get rid of that and install debian, that's how to fix your fonts when they are overly large in X when using KDM
10:55.41liqidwell said jaxxan
10:56.09sciboyjaxxan, i did and the same thing happened on debian...
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10:56.29jaxxanit's a bug in kde3.2.
10:57.11jaxxan3.1 didn't have that, for some reason, kde decided to specify dpi or not specify or something.
10:57.39jaxxanactually, not a bug, just that they decided not to control that i guess?
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10:57.55DaveHopewhen trying to compile stuff on my debian server (my desktops are debian too, don't worry) I get the error "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables", I know I need the extra C includes, but which package is it? :P
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10:58.12sciboyjaxxan, one prob...
10:58.19wolsdefcon8: libc6-dev?
10:58.20sciboyjaxxan, I don't think i have KDM or KDE?
10:58.27defcon8wols, what?
10:58.35defcon8no im not
10:58.40liqidOh yes Debian... you are beautiful.
10:58.44wolsDaveHope: libc6-dev
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10:58.53sciboyjaxxan, kinda makes your solution hard to use ^^
10:59.09wolsDaveHope: but usually, if the compiler lacks a header file, the error should tell you that
10:59.11jaxxan*shrug* if your fonts are overly big for some weird reason ( like using large fonts in windows ) it's cause of DPI
10:59.12*** part/#debian RolandU (
10:59.31nkuttlerDaveHope: install libc6-dev
10:59.34DaveHopewols: Thanks..Already got that tho, still getting that error..
10:59.42haakonhmms, I just installed debian sid, and I can't seem to ssh in from the outside, even though I installed it and enabled it.. any special things I'd have to do to enable it?
10:59.56wolsI'd think it's more like a missing linker or such
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11:00.15DaveHopewols: Probably :/
11:00.25DaveHopewols: Any idea how I can find out what I'm missing?
11:00.51DaveHopewols: Thanks, will read that now.
11:00.55ramasunshort question: how do I overwrite my mysql-root-password? purging/reinstalling did not help :)
11:00.59wolsDaveHope: do you have gcc installed?
11:01.08DaveHopewols: Yup
11:01.11nkuttlerramasun: install mysql-doc
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11:01.49nkuttlerDaveHope /msg dpkg ./configure
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11:02.23DaveHopenkuttler: thanks.
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11:05.43AdrianLPI have a wheel mouse for X.  How do I get X and GPM to play nicely together?
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11:07.41Mannyhi :)
11:07.52MannyI'd like to volunteer for mono debian packaging
11:07.59Mannyhow can I get involved?
11:08.08Mannyno progress for months :(
11:08.14peterSAdrianLP: depends on your kernel version and your mouse type
11:08.27peterSAdrianLP: if it's a USB mouse, or if you're using kernel 2.6, it's very easy
11:08.33peterSAdrianLP: otherwise, it's only somewhat easy
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11:09.13peterSManny: Debian unstable has the mono libs in it - have you looked at that?  are there problems?
11:09.36AdrianLPpeterS:  2.4.26, and generic wheel mouse.  I think if I tell GPM it's an ms mouse, then point X to gpmdata it may work?
11:09.38TomaHawKhow do I let exim deliver mail to maildir format mailboxes ?
11:09.38Zap-Wdoes anyone know the difference between pdns and bind
11:09.57peterSAdrianLP: sorry.  I meant, is it plugged into a USB port or a PS/2 port?
11:09.59The_VultureTomaHawK: I use procmail for that..
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11:10.15The_Vulturedon't recall what I did specifically, but it all works..
11:10.23Mannythey've got 0.31
11:10.24AdrianLPpeterS:  Hmmm, I answered the wrong question.  It's PS/2, and it's plugged into PS/2
11:10.37peterSAdrianLP: ok.  tell gpm to use device "/dev/psaux" and protocol "exps2"
11:10.45peterSAdrianLP: tell it your repeat_type is "ms3"
11:10.55peterSAdrianLP: then tell XFree86 to use /dev/gpmdata with protocol "IntelliMouse"
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11:11.15peterSAdrianLP: also, make sure in the XFree86 mouse config, you have a line:  Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
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11:11.39peterSAdrianLP: if gpm does not work with protocol "exps2", btw, use protocol "imps2" instead
11:11.46peterSAdrianLP: the rest of my instructions don't change
11:11.47Mannythere are test packages available. Sorry for bugging you.
11:11.53AdrianLPpeterS:  Thanks.
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11:12.18TheCoolSnailstill doesn't work..nothing helps!!
11:12.21edrini have a new installation of debian testing. accidently i installed alsa stuff. now i noticed that i do not need them and removed the packages with aptitude. whatever on boot and on kdestartup there are error messages about alsa. how do i cmpletly remove the alsa (config) stuff???
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11:13.10e2eedrin: dpkg -P packagename
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11:13.34simonrvnedrin: man dpkg, man aptitude
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11:14.00edrinhow can this help?
11:14.26TheCoolSnailifconfig still shows interrupt:5
11:14.30edrini already removed it with aptitude. but there are still settings somewhere
11:14.32simonrvn"give a man a fish, feed him for a day, give a man a fishing pole, feed him for life"
11:14.34anthony_salut a tous
11:14.44TheCoolSnailHelp me!
11:14.46simonrvnedrin: _ to purge in aptitude
11:14.49The_Vultureedrin: right, and if you read the man page (and/or listen to e2e) you'll find out how to remove them..
11:15.03peterSanthony_: et a toi-meme
11:15.06AdrianLPpeterS:  gpmconfig gives a Repeat Protocol, not just "protocol" or "repeat_type"
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11:15.10The_Vulturebut I really doubt having a few configs lying around would cause any otehr package to emit errors..
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11:15.21simonrvnThe_Vulture: yeh
11:15.22edrini tried _ to remove the p already
11:15.22peterSAdrianLP: repeat protocol is "ms3"
11:15.28edrinbut it doesnt do anything
11:15.35peterSAdrianLP: it will write it as "repeat_type=ms3" in /etc/gpm.conf
11:15.37helixhmm, peterS helping someone with mouse problems.. surprise
11:15.47peterShelix: heh
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11:16.02The_Vultureedrin: exactly what errors are you getting from where?
11:16.10peterShelix: I wasn't even watching #debian, I was off scanning stuff ... but somehow the mouse problem drew me in (:
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11:17.13The_VulturepeterS: "abandon all hope, ye who enter here" :)
11:17.13Mannytrying to overwrite `/usr/share/gtksourceview-1.0/language-specs/csharp.lang', which is also in package libgtksourceview-common <-- can I force the thingie to overwrite existing files?
11:17.24TheCoolSnailQui, Vous parlez francais tous?! LOL
11:17.42peterSTheCoolSnail: no, most of us speak mostly English
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11:19.05ToastieAnyone here uses an ACL patch for ReiserfsV3?
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11:21.07edrinThe_Vulture: in .xsession-errors: kmixctrl: ERROR: Can not find alsa mixer
11:21.26edrinand on boot a similar thing (where can i see the boot log?)
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11:22.49haakonanyone know of a good GUI frontend to configure iptables and ipchains?
11:22.49nkuttleredrin: dmesg
11:23.34tarzeauhaakon: i like shorewall much (for iptables)
11:23.34tarzeauhaakon: not really gui, but far easier than iptables directly
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11:23.39edrinThe_Vulture: in .xsession-errors: kmixctrl: ERROR: Can not find alsa mixer
11:23.39edrinand on boot a similar thing (where can i see the boot log?)
11:23.39tarzeauhas someone got a pbuilder to try something for me?
11:23.42e2ehaakon: I used firestarter it's a gui ant very useful
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11:24.16liqidfirestarter is good.
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11:25.27nkuttlerhelix: sounds like a hoax