irclog2html for #debian on 20040202

14:42.54*** join/#debian apt (
14:42.54*** topic/#debian is (security, non-us) is down (captured by martians, the end is nigh) | Unborked: tar (fixed in -2) || 2.6 won't boot? /msg apt 2.6 ramdisk || '/msg dpkg kp' before asking questions about kernel compilation || Knoppix questions -> #knoppix || nvidia kernel module help? -> #nvidia || /msg the bots, NOT the people || flood in #flood, not here ||
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14:43.06AdrianLPWould it be too slow to access 600 individual profiles from a single machine?
14:43.14deegois the apt bot down?
14:43.20asg~bugger deego
14:43.25jm_Adrian: it's as fast as your server/LAN
14:43.25vii think so.
14:43.25silentrobdepends on how many people are accessing at the same time ;)
14:43.28jm_deego: /msg dpkg instead
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14:43.32nevynAdrianLP: samba proviles?
14:43.47deegojm_: thanks, was looking for news on, dpkg has none
14:43.48Supaplexlol samba...
14:43.51silentrobnevyn: for an all Debain network???
14:44.02jm_deego: no news yet
14:44.03bob2asg: would you mount each home dir invidividual, or just export /home from the file server in it's entireyu?
14:44.17asgbob2: the latter
14:44.27waltherreally strange: user can't see his files via ftp, rights just the same as woring ones.. what is happening?
14:44.27AdrianLPjm_:  So throw enough money at it, and it'll be ok?  Cool.  Would a dedicated machine be in order?  I plan on putting a transaction machine at the same place, one that records trouble tickets for consumers that log in.  Maybe one machine dedicated to hosting profiles?
14:44.32araukoim getting an error on xine
14:44.36AdrianLPnevyn:  Proviles?
14:44.38deegothanks asg
14:44.45nevynsilentrob: hrm. there's something to be said for some kind of logon script that mounts the particular users home from the samba server directly
14:44.47asgbob2: that link has some info on klecker, don't know if you've seen it yet
14:44.48araukoX Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
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14:44.54iapxxome sux
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14:45.01iapxxine sux
14:45.02alexanderi'm getting "INIT: error reading initrequest" errors constantly
14:45.14nevynsilentrob: in particular from a security and authentication pov.
14:45.16asgiapx: and the point of that outburst was?
14:45.20jm_AdrianLP: just test it within existing environemnt, see how it works - it's hard to predict such answers, it depends on users a lot
14:45.26silentrobnevyn: But with samba, you lose things like permissions... which you get with NFS
14:45.32iapxasg what outburst
14:45.40SupaplexAdrianLP there is a way to split home directories into /home/a/apt/ and /home/d/dpkg and /home/s/supaplex.  then, if neccessary, you could use multiple machines for hosting home directories
14:45.44nevynNFS trusts the media toomuch methings.
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14:45.48nevynsilentrob: bollocks.
14:45.49asgiapx: xome sux\nxine\nxine sux
14:45.55waltherwhich user and rights are needed for ftp? (please help)
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14:46.01iapxasg ramping dislexia
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14:46.16alexanderalso, proftpd is segfaulting, ping is coredumping, and X is restarting at random
14:46.21AdrianLPjm_:  Trouble is, it's a hypothetical environment.
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14:46.28nevynLDAP is the correct distributed directory/user auth service I think... but NFS I'm less sure of.
14:46.31asgAdrianLP: oh, then' I'd use magic
14:46.33jm_alexskan: using unstable ?
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14:46.39AdrianLPasg:  Magic?
14:46.42asgAdrianLP: j/k
14:46.45iapxasg the real meaning was xine sux. The Thought behind it was: use mplayer
14:46.48AdrianLPasg:  :)
14:46.49bob2asg: ah, thank you
14:46.50asgAdrianLP: much more secure than nfs
14:47.02AdrianLPasg:  Indeed, and causes no network traffic.
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14:47.11asgbob2: np
14:47.11alexanderjm_: yes
14:47.15asgAdrianLP: :)
14:47.17Lorvijaasg: there isnt iptables howto in tldp...
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14:47.27jm_alexander: tried downgrading the packages that got upgraded lately ?
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14:47.38nevynasg: NFS has a problem where if you allow someone root access on any client they can access all files on the nfs server...
14:47.44nevynnot good.
14:47.47alexanderjm_: tried a few, that i thought might be init-related
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14:48.18iapxklecker was comproised?
14:48.20asgnevyn: I know, I've never been thrilled about nfs. It does make a good network fs though
14:48.23alexanderjm_: note than i'm on amd64, but nobody ever replies in #debian-amd64
14:48.38Supaplexnfs can be configured to not trust users below a certian uid/gid (say, 1000 for instance)
14:49.03jm_alexander: not many users I guess - anyway, if it worked before, it either means upgrade broke it, or hardware broke
14:49.06AdrianLPnevyn:  Is there a fix for this NFS problem?
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14:49.25nevynasg: in any sort of modern network with laptops it's a nightmare.
14:49.29alexanderjm_: upgrade broke it, i'm pretty sure, but what packages should i try downgrading?
14:49.38jm_alexander: all that got upgraded ?
14:49.38asgnevyn: sure
14:49.41iapxI got serious problem with Samba. but it's not debian related. it's me that-i'm-dumb-related. But a good doc to understand the mechanics of it?
14:49.49nevynAdrianLP: that's why I say samba with logon scripts that auth and then mount that users homedirectory.
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14:50.01asgiapx: O'Reilly's online Using Samba book. Google for it
14:50.05alexanderjm_: i dont even know everything that got upgraded, it was 400 packages or something
14:50.06SupaplexAdrianLP just configure it to remap/ignore log uid/gid users.  You'll have to readup on it, because I haven't used nfs for .. uhm... ages yea..
14:50.11jm_alexander: tough luck
14:50.11bob2iapx: /topic
14:50.11bob2and odn't spread FUD
14:50.14iapxasg I go for it :)
14:50.20turricanesorry, newb question ;) how to save changes on a file with vi?
14:50.26asgturricane: :x
14:50.35asgturricane: or :w (if you don't want to quite vi)
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14:50.46nevynSupaplex: doesn't fix the inherant problem..
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14:50.51pooh2k3When it asks  for a driver, does the kernel that created the driver have to match the booting kernel?
14:50.53turricaneok thanks
14:50.53AdrianLPSupaplex:  I may do that for my own sake, the project does not require me to go into anywhere near that much detail though.
14:51.01asgturricane: and try /usr/bin/vimtutor
14:51.11asgturricane: it'll help you get the basics down
14:51.14alexanderjm_: any guesses on what packages in particular would bork things so badly?
14:51.17Supaplexnevyn granted.
14:51.25jm_alexander: libc6 is always a good choice
14:51.35Supaplexanyway, i'm oph tew WERK!
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14:52.10nevynAdrianLP: I've been meaning to investigate intermezzo.
14:52.16nevynbut havn't yet gotten to it.
14:52.22nevynhas anyone played with it?
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14:53.02AdrianLPnevyn:  I don't think it provides an identification system.
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14:53.15iapxasg now I seeee
14:53.33nevynAdrianLP: identifcation or authentication?
14:53.49AdrianLPnevyn:  identification.
14:54.06AdrianLPnevyn:  Of course the freshmeat descript might be old.
14:54.15nevynAdrianLP: what filesystem does?
14:54.18erox@all hi
14:54.30AdrianLPnevyn:  Sounds cool though, from the writeup on their homepage.
14:54.31eroxdam i?ve got a problem with the cron
14:54.58asgerox: man 5 crontab
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14:55.25eroxi have entered a simply cmd in /etc/crontab with 00 0 * * * doesnt start at 00:00. deamon is running??????
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14:56.44OUTsiderok, I just made a kernel image using make-kpkg kernel_image and the alsa drivers using make-kpgk modules_image
14:56.55jm_erox: /etc/crontab also has username field ...
14:57.02waltherguys, this is driving me up the wall: why does on user see his files via ftp while the other one doesn't, rights are just the same
14:57.09RawplayerOUTsider :p
14:57.13*** part/#debian bath66 (
14:57.13OUTsiderkernel_image (2.6.1) installed fine, but when trying to do the alsa-kernel image it biatches about:
14:57.18OUTsiderwat mot jij hier ? :)
14:57.20scarynetworkguytonight we murder
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14:57.31Rawplayervervelen ;p
14:57.36OUTsiderik merk het :)
14:57.56OUTsiderUnpacking alsa-modules......deb (--install):
14:58.02alexanderjm_: but i cant downgrade libc6, because that will remove everything that depends on it
14:58.03eroxyes i filled in root
14:58.13jm_alexander: of course it will
14:58.14OUTsiderdkpg: error processing alsa-modules*....
14:58.19eroxbut it doesnt want to work? any ideas???
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14:58.49eroxis this not correct "00 0 * * * root command" ???
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14:58.57OUTsidertrying to overwrite '/DEBIAN/postinst', which is also in package kernel-image-2.6.1
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14:59.02eroxfor everyday at 00:00 ???
14:59.15OUTsiderRawplayer : snap ik, maar dan gaan andere dingen mis :)
14:59.23Rawplayerzoals ?
14:59.29Rawplayers-ata ?
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14:59.35jm_OUTsider: this is english speaking channel
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14:59.45AdrianLPSo we're working on this Client/Server project, developing a rough sketch of an "N-Tier" network.  I wish the distinction between "Business Services" and "Data Services" wasn't so fuzzy.
14:59.47iapxOUTsider tar fucked up?
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14:59.52AdrianLPin my mind anyway.
14:59.55OUTsideriapx : not anymore
15:00.13OUTsideriapx: that was before, now another, self created package screwed up
15:00.25iapxOUTsider I see
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15:00.31OUTsideriapx: somehow it smells like dpkg fuxored up
15:00.34dragonkhhello - I just apt-got samba
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15:00.44dragonkhbut my /etc/samba dir is empty
15:00.56OUTsideriapx: kernel-image-2.6.1 got installed from fresh kernel sources
15:01.05dragonkhwhere can I get a sample smb.conf from ?
15:01.12iapxOUTsider that's pretty bad
15:01.15OUTsideriapx: now I tried make-kpkg modules_image, worked
15:01.17harsha123hey i need to create a Packages.gz , my debs are stored in a directory /foo/bar/packages/ and my Packages.gz should have path names like /packages/package.deb
15:01.48OUTsideriapx: but when I dpkg -i alsa-modules...., then I get this error about /DEBIAN/postinst which is also in the kernel-image deb
15:02.07eroxi dont check it.when i use kcron, its working. but a manuall entry in /etc/crontab isnt working. why????
15:02.10nevynAdrianLP: on a second reading of their site it sounds like it's still got big performance issues (intermezzo)
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15:02.18jm_harsha123: dpkg-scanpackages
15:02.23cygarHas anyone made Load Balancing using LVS ?
15:02.30iapxdragonkh do your own I guess it's bettea look at
15:02.34cygarI have a few of doubts about a proyect I got to dol.
15:02.36asgerox: paste your single /etc/crontab line
15:02.38harsha123jm_: yep.. hmmm.. am kinda stuck with the command
15:02.44Maulkinerox: Erm, try adding to your crontab by using the crontab command.
15:02.46OUTsidererox: /etc/crontab is the global cron, if it doesn't work, then cron is probably not running, or the entry is wrong
15:02.47snokeanyone, how i can convert UTF8 to gsm charset ?
15:02.52iapxdragonkh do your own I guess it's bettea look at\catalog\samba2\book
15:02.56jm_harsha123: there are howtos for creating your own apt repositories
15:03.08jm_snoke: and what would GSM charset be ?
15:03.10harsha123jm_: ok
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15:03.36erox00 0 * * * root rundig
15:03.44prowhere do I start reading on howto setup a wireless card?
15:03.47snokejm_: sory i mean gsm sms charset, dunno what it is
15:04.01OUTsidererox: I suggest to use the full path to rundig
15:04.01iapxpro hostap?
15:04.03jm_snoke: well how will you convert to it if you don't know how it looks like ?
15:04.10proi have orinoco cards, one in a laptop and one in a PC
15:04.18eroxive started crondeamon manually its still in the procces.
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15:04.25iapxpro no ap?
15:04.27asgerox: does /var/log/syslog show cron running at midnight?
15:04.35jm_snoke: either way, UTF8 -> GSM charset is probably an impossible conversion, unless you're talking about very limited UTF8 subset
15:04.38fflushis lspci supposed to list mini pci cards? like my wifi card that commes with my toshiba satellite?
15:04.41prowhat is ap?
15:04.48OUTsidererox: /exec -o which rundig
15:04.49iapxaccess point?
15:05.12sussudioasg: i think kawfee ended up with russian mail badgers
15:05.13prooh, no I dont have access point, its just 2 cards
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15:05.25asgsussudio: hehe
15:05.28promy PC and my GF's notebook
15:05.36snokejm_: yes. like that what convert chars what are supported in gsm
15:05.37sussudioasg: dyslexia's a bitch
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15:05.43OUTsidererox: when you type that in your xchat it will paste the location where rundig is located into this channel
15:05.57prothey both pcmcia cards and the one in the PC has an isa2pcmcia bridge
15:05.59iapxpro if one of them supporst hostap, and I think they do, search google for hostap
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15:06.05asgsussudio: don't know any girls named dyslexia but I'll take your word for it
15:06.07sxpertasg: uh, ahem. how do I do that ?
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15:06.08jcohina_, anyone using smsc-ircc2 driver with kernel >= 2.6.1?
15:06.08domwhen I try to install debian and boot from the mini-cd (10 mb iso) it constantly hangs with the langchooser, as if my keyboard just doesnt'work, i've got a laptop (compaq evo n150v) and I already tried with another keyboard, can anyone help me out?
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15:06.11OUTsidererox: what you do is change the line in /etc/crontab to specify rundig with the full path, not just the command itself
15:06.24OUTsidererox: it could be that rundig is not in the default path which cron uses
15:06.32jcohi, anyone using smsc-ircc2 driver with kernel >= 2.6.1?
15:06.41proi know the cards work on 2 machines on windows, the guy that gave them to was doing that
15:06.43jm_snoke: well I don't know, I have never seen it, google arround and find out if it's a known character set
15:06.44iapxpro and so on
15:06.48atkidom: can you switch to second TTY, by pressing f2 button?
15:06.48eroxbut its in path?
15:06.52asgsxpert: the information in /msg dpkg experimental should guide the way
15:07.01jm_dom: tried /msg dpkg install loop ?
15:07.07OUTsidererox: maybe not, hence why I advise you to specify the full path
15:07.09*** part/#debian Mike2804 (
15:07.23domjm_ i will try
15:07.24iapxpro apt-get search hostap
15:07.29OUTsidererox: e.g. : 00 0 * * * root /path/to/rundig
15:07.29jm_dom: actually /msg dpkg woody install loop       -- not sure if this is the same as yours
15:07.30iapxpro apt-cache I mean
15:07.47domatki what is tty ?
15:07.53asgerox: try using '0' instead of '00'
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15:08.13eroxi try it
15:08.13asgerox: according to crontab(5), the values are 0-59
15:08.14sxpertasg: ah, ok, thanks
15:08.14OUTsiderasg: shouldn't make any diff :)
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15:08.21asgOUTsider: shouldn't but ...
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15:08.34OUTsiderasg: referring to murphy's law ? :)
15:08.45asgOUTsider: hehe
15:08.57OUTsideranyways, how about this dpkg issue ? :)
15:09.11asgOUTsider: actually, Murphy's Irish Stout Law. If in doubt, drink on it and try all possibilities
15:09.11RawplayerOUTsider: arent you on undernet anymore ?
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15:09.24Lorvijaany ideas when klecker will be up again?
15:09.31OUTsiderRawplayer : not at the moment, will be in a few
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15:09.36sussudio!topicfuck Lorvija
15:09.38asgLorvija: sometime today unless something went horribly wrong
15:09.38PerfDaveIf I have a self-signed CA certificate which I trust, how do I get SSL-aware applications (like Mozilla and Psi) to recognise it?
15:09.41OUTsiderRawplayer : btw, are you at work ?
15:09.44Lorvijaok, thx asg
15:10.09jpsPerfDave: you import it into mozilla's certificate manager
15:10.16PerfDaveI tried popping it in /etc/ssl/certs/ but that didn't seem to work
15:10.21OUTsiderRawplayer : tell the boss that I've sent the papers and that they need to be at there destination before the 6th
15:10.28PerfDavejps: How about for other SSL-aware applications?
15:10.36OUTsiderRawplayer : including a copy of the last loan
15:10.51jpsPerfDave: it depends on the application, java has a keystore manager, etc
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