IRC log for on 20120519

00:12.09*** join/ tinypoodle (basil@
00:16.54*** join/ cmpahar (
02:09.06*** join/ stavrosg (
02:09.07*** join/ stavrosg (~blah@unaffiliated/stavrosg)
06:19.33*** join/ tanagno (
07:06.35*** join/ markos_ (
07:50.18*** join/ cmpahar (
08:13.48*** join/ tinypoodle (basil@
08:25.56*** part/ tinypoodle (basil@
08:25.56*** join/ tinypoodle (basil@
08:42.50*** join/ tanagno (
08:58.27*** join/ diamond_gr (
09:12.57*** join/ thanouris (
09:17.03*** join/ simosx (
09:17.04*** join/ simosx (~simosx@ubuntu/member/simosx)
10:19.09*** join/ tanagno (
10:29.14*** join/ tanagno (
10:39.37*** join/ tanagno (
10:52.04*** join/ tanagno (
12:52.20*** join/ tanagno (
13:41.35*** join/ tanagno (
13:51.27*** join/ stavrosg_ (~blah@unaffiliated/stavrosg)
14:00.20*** join/ vangelis_ (
14:34.39*** join/ vangelis_ (
14:42.13*** join/ tanagno (
14:45.16*** join/ _stefanos_ (~stefanos@
14:45.38_stefanos_stroumfopaides, sas stroumfoxairetw!
14:46.08_stefanos_gnugr, molis ekana restart to PC meta apo freeze enw eimoun etoimos na peksw video sto youtube
14:46.16_stefanos_mou mangwse olo to OS
15:03.38*** join/ tanagno (
15:12.04Bloodhoundden lei pio browser omos...
15:17.31*** join/ pitelpan (~quassel@unaffiliated/pitelpan)
15:24.31*** join/ stavrosg (~blah@unaffiliated/stavrosg)
15:41.11*** join/ stavrosg_ (~blah@unaffiliated/stavrosg)
16:08.55*** join/ vangelis_ (
18:00.01*** join/ tanagno (
18:13.55*** join/ cmpahar (
18:59.47*** join/ gentian (~melodos@unaffiliated/gentian)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.