IRC log for on 20110628

02:48.43*** join/ stavrosg_ (~blah@unaffiliated/stavrosg)
04:27.35*** join/ stavrosg (
04:27.36*** join/ stavrosg (~blah@unaffiliated/stavrosg)
06:10.50*** join/ mikes_lenovo (
06:39.15*** join/ ChIossif (
08:42.18*** join/ michail (
08:42.19*** join/ michail (~michalis@unaffiliated/michail)
09:16.43*** join/ mikes_lenovo (
09:22.30*** join/ mikes_lenovo (
10:40.05*** join/ ChIossif (
12:38.21*** join/ markos_ (
14:17.13*** join/ oMiC (
14:17.14*** join/ oMiC (~oMiC@gentoo/contributor/omic)
14:59.08*** part/ ChIossif (
15:09.24*** join/ LjL (~ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl)
17:30.12*** join/ ChIossif (
18:11.07*** join/ gnugr (
18:11.07*** mode/ [+o gnugr] by ChanServ
18:11.16*** mode/ [-o gnugr] by gnugr
20:44.59*** join/ LjL (~ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl)
20:57.29*** join/ LjL (~ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl)
21:06.53*** join/ rwmanos (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.