IRC log for on 20110603

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08:53.44gnugrΟσοι θέλετε με squeeze να βάλετε 2.6.38 kernel μπορείτε αφου προσθέσετε στις sources.list backports οι οποίες ετοιμάστηκαν απο τους devs εδω:
08:55.01gnugrΚαι μετά να δσετε την εντολή: " aptitude -t squeeze-backports install linux-image-2.6.38-bpo.2-686 "
08:58.07*** join/ Pitel-pan (~panagioti@cust-30-162.on6.ontelecoms.GR)
08:58.35gnugrjohnp: ?
09:15.56johnpgnugr: ?
09:16.41gnugrοκ το έκανα post sto site
09:17.08gnugrbackports gia squeeze
09:17.10johnptsto tutorial?
09:17.31johnp;) ok
09:17.44gnugrgia ton neo kernel sto squeeze
09:18.07johnpbasika, ti nohma exei na mpei aytos o kernel?
09:18.41gnugrσε πολλά
09:19.27johnpto mono pou exo thema ego einai to mISN kai to easycaps
09:37.42*** join/ mikeX (
09:40.51gnugrλέω να βάλω κι ενα πόστ για Gnome3 για όσους θέλουν να πειραματιστούν με sid και experimental debs
09:43.47*** join/ Brut3r1 (
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13:36.44*** join/ markos__ (~markos@
13:50.14johnpapt ls
13:50.15aptbash: ls: permission denied
13:50.53johnpapt get install win98
13:50.53aptACTION fetches install win98
13:51.21markos__kalimera apo San Antonio :)
13:51.37johnpaxa!!! meta leme gia krish ee??!!
13:51.46markos__krisn stnv ellada
13:51.58markos__opoudnpote allou dev uparxei auto to pragma
13:52.11markos__kai malista n krisn stnv ellada eivai evtelws ftiaxtn
13:52.35johnpasta, kalhtera na mhn ta shzhtame
13:54.01markos__tespa, 8a eimai edw gia kava mnva
13:55.46markos__8a exoume ta vea movtela se liges meres, mx53-based kai exoume er8ei edw apo pavtou, aigupto, italia, germavia, finlandia, klp
13:56.07johnpkana tabled?
13:57.11markos__va deis android running fullscreen va paizei 1080p videos edw :)
13:57.59johnpem! pos na do?!
13:58.41johnpsthn erxomenh infosystem kati prepei na kano...
13:59.02johnp(an exoume kana fraggo dld)
13:59.48johnpThe i.MX53 family of processors represents Freescale's next generation of advanced multimedia and power-efficient implementation of the ARM Cortex™-A8 core with core processing speeds up to 1.2 GHz
14:00.00johnpGAMATO !!
14:00.05markos__to mege8os tou board eivai mikrotero apo eva iphone
14:00.29markos__to idio board 8a mpei se tablets, smarttops, smartbooks, kai dev 3erw ti allo
14:01.06johnpfantasou e ? smartphone > 7h power
14:01.20johnpe re ti allo tha doume!
14:01.44markos__xamos apo gadgets edw, egw eimai sav albanos me to kivnto pou exw
14:01.55markos__oloi exouv to ligotero iphone
14:02.12johnpgreek greek
14:11.47gnugrSan Antonio?
14:12.57markos__sta hq tns Genesi
14:14.10markos__e dev eivai tuxn, gia douleia nr8a
14:14.22markos__dev kavw diakopes, oln mera mprosta se computers eimaste
14:15.06gnugrkanonise na fereis CD/DVDs kai stickies
14:15.19markos__τι είναι αυτά;
14:15.31gnugrme debian staff
14:15.33markos__δεν υπάρχει ούτε ένα μηχάνημα με dvd reader edw
14:15.47markos__η λάθος 1-2 pc laptops έχουν
14:16.07gnugrnomisa me debian devs eisai
14:18.54markos__oxi eimai sto Genesi Scrum (developer meeting/sprint) gia 25 meres
14:20.59gnugrepomenws mporeis na kanoniseis na exoume official cds kai stickies kai oti allo mporeis na vreis
14:27.16markos__dev uparxouv official cds :)
14:27.25markos__dev xrnsimopoioume cds ka8olou,
14:27.28markos__movo sd cards
14:27.42markos__giati ta proiovta mas dev exouv cd readers movo sd card readers
14:32.02*** join/ simosx (~simosx@ubuntu/member/simosx)
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.