IRC log for on 20110503

02:48.33*** join/ stavrosg (~blah@unaffiliated/stavrosg)
06:22.54*** join/ ChIossif (
08:16.59*** join/ gnugr (
08:16.59*** mode/ [+o gnugr] by ChanServ
12:32.49*** join/ mikeX (~mike@
12:39.57*** join/ BlackFate (
12:39.57*** join/ BlackFate (~asd@unaffiliated/blackfate)
12:46.55*** join/ BlackFate (
12:46.55*** join/ BlackFate (~asd@unaffiliated/blackfate)
12:49.18*** join/ mikeX (~mike@
13:46.03*** join/ ChIossif (
14:17.01*** join/ simosx (
14:17.01*** join/ simosx (~simosx@ubuntu/member/simosx)
16:56.45*** join/ stavrosg (~blah@unaffiliated/stavrosg)
17:01.45*** join/ stavrosg (
17:01.46*** join/ stavrosg (~blah@unaffiliated/stavrosg)
17:15.13*** join/ lewnidas_ (
17:24.30*** join/ stavrosg (
17:24.32*** join/ stavrosg (~blah@unaffiliated/stavrosg)
19:56.43*** join/ judd (
19:56.43*** join/ judd (~judd@unaffiliated/themill/bot/judd)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.