IRC log for #debian-bots on 20210529

04:24.14*** join/#debian-bots apt (
04:24.14*** mode/#debian-bots [+ns] by
04:24.14*** mode/#debian-bots [-o apt] by services.
04:24.14*** mode/#debian-bots [+t-s] by services.
04:24.14*** join/#debian-bots ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
04:24.14*** mode/#debian-bots [+o ChanServ] by services.
14:17.21*** join/#debian-bots apt (
14:17.21*** mode/#debian-bots [+ns] by
14:17.21*** mode/#debian-bots [-o apt] by services.
14:17.21*** mode/#debian-bots [+t-s] by services.
14:17.21*** join/#debian-bots ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
14:17.21*** mode/#debian-bots [+o ChanServ] by services.

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.