IRC log for #debian-bots on 20101214

04:15.23*** join/#debian-bots streuner__ (
04:53.35*** join/#debian-bots streuner__ (
04:54.32*** join/#debian-bots bottu (~bottu@
04:54.49*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (
04:55.42*** join/#debian-bots reask (
04:59.29*** join/#debian-bots reask (
04:59.30*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (
04:59.30*** join/#debian-bots bottu (~bottu@
04:59.30*** join/#debian-bots streuner__ (
06:10.55*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (
08:52.07*** join/#debian-bots streuner (
12:05.36*** join/#debian-bots dpkg (~dpkg@unaffiliated/dpkg)
16:21.58*** join/#debian-bots greycat (
16:52.15*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (
18:25.43*** join/#debian-bots regenbogenfuesse (~rahsputin@
18:25.54dpkg[radeon] A brand of graphic processing units by ATI (  The radeon open source display driver is packaged for Debian as xserver-xorg-video-radeon, optionally install libgl1-mesa-dri for 3D acceleration.  Squeeze users: ask me about <radeon firmware>.  #radeon on  See also <radeonhd>, <fglrx>.
20:15.44*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.