IRC log for #debian-bots on 20080318

08:26.39*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn_ (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn)
08:28.48*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn1 (
08:45.56*** join/#debian-bots ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)
11:04.52*** join/#debian-bots dpkg (n=dpkg@unaffiliated/dpkg)
11:10.53*** join/#debian-bots streuner (
11:14.27*** join/#debian-bots _z_ (n=chatzill@
11:16.00_z_folks, anybody tried blootbot with sqlite?
11:19.56*** part/#debian-bots _z_ (n=chatzill@
12:35.14*** join/#debian-bots greycat (
17:33.17troubleddondelelcaro: for your viewing pleasure:  :)
19:47.54CIA-4503timriker * r1642 10/trunk/src/ revert partial messagecount patch
19:56.15*** join/#debian-bots ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)
20:30.37CIA-4503djmcgrath * r1643 10/trunk/setup/ (mysql/seen.sql pgsql/seen.sql sqlite/seen.sql):
20:30.37CIA-45* Synced schema for seen table in other engines to match sqlite2 schema (PKEY only nick now)
20:30.37CIA-45* Removed extra pgsql fields in schema for stats
21:09.31*** part/#debian-bots streuner (
21:25.09dondelelcarotroubled: heh
21:29.28troubledbtw, I checked a "select max(length(created_by)) from factoids;" (and modified/requested/locked_by) for tim's db, and the biggest he has is a 93. But ill set everything to 100 just for people carrying legacy db's should they decide to convert. I think the caclulated max for freenode should be like 79 or 80 (16!8@63). just thought you should know
21:30.47troubledalso, im about to commit a patch for allowing nulls in most of the fields, and make it the default. should also help import a db with mixed nulls.
21:30.55dondelelcaroyeah, mine is 79
21:33.24troubledya, tim seems to have a db with entries from so many diff code revs it kinda needs to take him into consideration too. 100's safe anyways. its only a varchar, not a char so its not like its wasting space
21:36.46troubleddondelelcaro: could you do a max(length) check on your factoid_key field? tim seems to have a 78 there and the schema is 64. Might bump to 100 as well if you see no problems with that
21:45.14dondelelcaroyeah, I've got 64
21:50.10CIA-4503djmcgrath * r1644 10/trunk/setup/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
21:50.10CIA-45* Moved all VARCHAR fields to 100 size for easier legacy db upgrades (should handle max freenode sizes and then some)
21:50.10CIA-45* Removed pgsql specific REVOKE from PUBLIC sql (users should make that decision)
21:50.10CIA-45* Removed NOT NULL constraint from all but requested_count in factoids table
21:50.10CIA-45* Most fields now default to NULL to allow for easier finding of problems, DB cleanup and importing of inconsisting
23:24.44CIA-4503djmcgrath * r1645 10/branches/don/proposed/ (33 files in 10 dirs): * Merged r1634:1644 from trunk

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.