IRC log for #debian-bots on 20071103

00:57.23*** join/#debian-bots troubled_ (n=troubled@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
01:03.45*** join/#debian-bots FactBot (n=factbot@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
01:22.14*** join/#debian-bots streuner_ (
01:36.06*** part/#debian-bots streuner_ (
11:05.25*** join/#debian-bots dpkg (n=dpkg@unaffiliated/dpkg)
11:07.48*** join/#debian-bots CIA-37 (i=cia@
11:34.39*** join/#debian-bots streuner (
11:35.30*** part/#debian-bots streuner (
12:56.07*** join/#debian-bots xk_ (
12:56.19xk_dpkg-br: find sys/asoundlib.h
12:57.04xkapt-br1: find sys/asoundlib
12:57.19xkFactBot: find sys/asoundl
12:58.14xkb0r9: find sys/asoundl
12:58.22b0r9Debian Search of 'sys/asoundl' (1 shown): (/usr/include/sys/asoundlib.h) in libdevel/libasound2-dev.
12:58.48FactBotDebian Search of 'sys/asoundl' (1): (/usr/include/sys/asoundlib.h) in libdevel/libasound2-dev.
13:02.38xkFactBot: find xvid
13:02.40FactBotavifile-xvid-plugin: (XviD video encoding plugin for libavifile), section contrib/libs, is optional. Version: 1: (sid), Packaged size: 0 kB, Installed size: 28 kB
13:03.03xkFactBot: find xvid.h
13:03.12FactBotDebian Search of 'xvid.h' (1): (/usr/share/doc/mplayer-doc/HTML/cs/menc-feat-xvid.html, /usr/share/doc/mplayer-doc/HTML/de/menc-feat-xvid.html, /usr/share/doc/mplayer-doc/HTML/en/menc-feat-xvid.html) in graphics/mplayer-doc.
13:24.37xkapt: mplayer?
13:24.38aptrumour has it, mplayer is read to find the correct sources.list line for your version of Debian, or /msg dpkg marillat
13:24.38apt-br1alguem me disse que mplayer eh um excelente exibidor de vídeos. Veja <> e <>. Manual feito pelo beastieb em: . mplayer para SID: 'deb unstable main'. Pergunte-me também por 'xine'
13:24.42xkapt: xvid?
13:24.43aptxvid is probably an mpeg4 video codec similar to divx.  see also transcode
13:24.48xkapt: transcode?
13:24.49aptrumour has it, transcode is a linux video processing tool that can be used to encode divx movies for the zaurus.  see or talk to Onyx4 for any problems/questions. or or a faster and better alternative for transcode is see mencoder
13:38.39xkapt: find nemesi/rtsp
13:38.48xkFactBot: find nemesi/rtsp
13:44.14xkb0r9: find nemesi/rtsp
13:44.23b0r9Debian Package/File/Desc Search of 'nemesi/rtsp' returned no results.
13:48.34xkb0r9: find NetCommon.h
13:48.37b0r9Debian Search of 'NetCommon.h' (1 shown): (/usr/include/groupsock/NetCommon.h) in libdevel/liblivemedia-dev.
20:46.38*** join/#debian-bots xk (
20:46.46xkb0r: find tremor/ivorbiscodec.h
20:46.48xkb0r9: find tremor/ivorbiscodec.h
20:46.55b0r9Debian Search of 'tremor/ivorbiscodec.h' (1 shown): (/usr/include/tremor/ivorbiscodec.h) in libdevel/libvorbisidec-dev.
21:58.03troubledxk: hey again
21:58.23troubledbtw, we hang in #infobot for the dev stuff
21:58.44troubledwell, least thats where riker drops by now and then

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.