IRC log for #debian-bots on 20070926

07:32.43*** join/#debian-bots popt (n=popt@
09:40.01*** join/#debian-bots streuner (
10:32.46troubleddon, mind unignoring me on dpkg when you get a chance? accidently got nailed for forget flooding while doing some cleanup. thanks ;)
11:05.16*** join/#debian-bots dpkg (n=dpkg@unaffiliated/dpkg)
12:24.25*** join/#debian-bots greycat (
17:16.04*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer)
17:31.59troubledon a side note, i should mention that bloot needs a way to listauth all keys beyond the first list while in a pm
17:33.04troubledthere reaches a point where everything listed is approved, but you cant see past that list in anyway. seems like a pagin system is needed to be improved. the help menu would be a good example of the limitation
20:32.02greycatHe's choking!  Someone give him the heimlich maneuver!
20:32.12greycatOh wait...  he's just German.
20:33.28troubledthats one hell of an ignore time he's got going there
23:27.25*** join/#debian-bots CIA-17 (n=CIA@

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