irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20070319

00:43.04*** join/#debian-bots Cholito (n=alejandr@
01:06.17*** join/#debian-bots CIA-26 (
01:24.09*** join/#debian-bots Cholito (n=alejandr@
01:43.50*** join/#debian-bots Cholito (n=alejandr@
02:40.04*** join/#debian-bots Katai (n=xxx@unaffiliated/katai)
02:40.08dererk! seen R-Ratones
02:40.08bydloxWish i knew, dererk
02:40.08b0r9dererk: Are you smoking crack?
02:40.09dpkgr-ratones <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 278d 5h 50m 5s ago, saying: 'oops'.
02:40.09mel8otdererk: parse error
02:40.09dpkg-esdererk: i haven't seen 'r-ratones'
04:37.19*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer)
04:48.27*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer)
04:50.02*** join/#debian-bots bottu (n=bottu@
05:45.41*** join/#debian-bots Cholito (n=alejandr@
08:26.50*** join/#debian-bots Cholito (n=alejandr@
08:29.38*** join/#debian-bots b0r9 (
08:36.14*** join/#debian-bots b0r9 (
08:38.55*** join/#debian-bots b0r9 (
09:21.01*** join/#debian-bots OrangeBoss (
11:05.25*** join/#debian-bots dpkg (n=dpkg@unaffiliated/dpkg)
12:42.02*** join/#debian-bots greycat (
16:24.44*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer)
19:14.11dpkgSarge installs the Hotplug and Discover packages to help with hardware module loading - which can often load undesirable modules. Add 'skip foo' to /etc/discover.conf and 'foo' to /etc/hotplug/blacklist to prevent them from loading. Don't forget to remove it from /etc/modules (if present).  in etch and sid, do it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist using "install module_name /bin/true".  IMPORTANT: ask about blacklist-initramfs
19:14.12b0r9methinks blacklist is Sarge installs the Hotplug and Discover packages to help with hardware module loading - which can often load undesirable modules. Add 'skip foo' to /etc/discover.conf and 'foo' to /etc/hotplug/blacklist to prevent them from loading. Don't forget to remove it from /etc/modules (if present).  in etch and sid, modules should be blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.  IMPORTANT: ask about blacklist-initramfs
19:14.12bydloxdererk[work]: I give up, what is it?
21:22.30*** join/#debian-bots bydlox (i=blootbot@
21:46.45*** join/#debian-bots dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)
23:15.35*** join/#debian-bots Cholito (n=alejandr@
23:55.12*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.