irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20060818

03:58.44*** join/#debian-bots dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)
06:30.24*** join/#debian-bots TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
06:41.23*** join/#debian-bots bottana (n=blootbot@
08:14.56*** join/#debian-bots Vasistha (n=david@unaffiliated/vasistha)
08:15.00dpkgIt has been said that root is the administrative account - only use it when root power is needed. So no reading mail, compiling programs, or running applications as root. And don't even think about irc'ing as root, it increases the danger from exploits and trojans (such as bliss), or see, for example, the security advisory on BitchX
10:30.14*** join/#debian-bots apt-br (
11:38.35*** join/#debian-bots cydork (
11:38.41cydorkhak3r, stats
11:38.41hak3rSince Tue Aug 15 14:59:45 2006, there have been 1 modification and 3 questions and 1 dunno and 0 morons and 4 commands.  I have been awake for 2d 22h 39m 23s this session, and currently reference 1 factoids.  I'm using about 17852 kB of memory.
11:49.26cydork!lart hak3r
11:50.21cydorklart hak3r
11:51.29cirdan!alicesmite cydork
11:51.40cirdanMelian: ping
11:51.47cirdanMelian: test
11:51.47MelianYes, cirdan, you're still online.
11:56.30*** join/#debian-bots greycat (
12:25.10*** join/#debian-bots Debby (n=bots@
16:25.31*** join/#debian-bots dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)
16:40.26*** join/#debian-bots Debby (n=bots@
17:51.29*** join/#debian-bots ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)
18:04.00*** join/#debian-bots dererk (n=dash@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:04.32*** join/#debian-bots cydork (n=vihang@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:13.19*** join/#debian-bots cirdan ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:17.13*** join/#debian-bots greycat ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:22.07*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
18:26.36*** join/#debian-bots Vasistha (n=ndavid@unaffiliated/vasistha)
18:27.21dpkgsomebody said qotd113 was greycat|home |  TummyAcid: TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB!!!  Tab is your friend!  Use the tab key!
18:34.59*** join/#debian-bots Debby (n=bots@
18:39.16*** join/#debian-bots dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)
18:39.51*** join/#debian-bots ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)
18:40.12*** join/#debian-bots Melian (
19:23.08*** part/#debian-bots cydork (n=vihang@
19:31.21*** join/#debian-bots cirdan (
19:50.39*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
20:14.56*** join/#debian-bots cirdan (
20:23.28*** join/#debian-bots apt-br (n=apt-br@
20:23.44*** join/#debian-bots Vasistha ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:24.09*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn)
21:44.49dpkgLinux kernel versions, stable:, prepatch: 2.6.18-rc4, 2.4: 2.4.33, prepatch: 2.4.34-pre1, 2.2: 2.2.26, prepatch: 2.2.27-rc2, -mm patch: 2.6.18-rc4-mm1
21:44.56Vasistha!compile kernel
21:44.57dpkgTo compile a kernel The Debian Way(tm) "apt-get install kernel-package build-essential libncurses5-dev" and follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz; You should also ask me about 'make-kpkg' and 'kp mantra'
21:45.08Vasistha!kp mantra
21:45.09dpkgThe kernel compilation mantra is make-kpkg clean && make-kpkg --revision=$(date +'%Y%m%d') --append-to-version=-$(hostname) --rootcmd fakeroot clean && make-kpkg --revision=$(date +'%Y%m%d') --append-to-version=-$(hostname) --rootcmd fakeroot kernel_image modules_image . Add --initrd before kernel_image if you need an initrd.
21:55.55*** join/#debian-bots dererk (n=dash@
22:31.26*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
23:03.48dpkgi guess make-kpkg is the Debian Way (tm) to deal with kernel compiling - it makes a package for your Kustom Kernel (tm) which you can install/remove easily (tm) with the dpkg (pat. pend.) mechanisms. 'apt-get install kernel-package' then 'man make-kpkg' =), or see also or ask me about <kp mantra>
23:07.06*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
23:57.54*** join/#debian-bots fernando_ (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.