irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20060613

01:50.08dererk!x en es sighs
01:50.09ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at, dererk
03:56.09*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
05:20.41*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn)
06:59.22*** join/#debian-bots bottana (n=blootbot@
11:53.18*** join/#debian-bots greycat (
12:26.21*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
14:38.51*** join/#debian-bots on2see (
17:28.05*** join/#debian-bots Red-Sox (n=Jonny@unaffiliated/red-sox)
17:28.11ubotuRed-Sox: Wish I knew. Try searching at
17:28.22dpkgrumour has it, firefox is the successor to Mozilla Navigator, or the best web browser EVER! apt-get install mozilla-firefox (just "firefox" for 1.5), or stew> greycat: echo "gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs"" >> ~/.gtkrc-2.0  ; fixes the keybindings. see also <firefox support>
17:29.02Red-Sox!bot snack
17:29.02dpkgRed-Sox: :)
17:29.02Melianthanks, Red-Sox
17:29.02ubotuthanks red-sox :)
17:29.10Red-SoxYou are all welcome
17:29.17Red-Sox!bot snacks
17:29.17dpkgRed-Sox: thanks
17:29.18MelianRed-Sox: aw, gee
17:29.30Red-Sox!Aren't you all full yet?
17:29.32ubotuRed-Sox: No idea, try searching at
17:29.52Red-Soxubotu: Only YOU know your emotions
17:29.53ubotuRed-Sox: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at
17:30.18ubotuRed-Sox: Wish I knew. Try searching at
20:10.44*** join/#debian-bots dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)
21:59.25*** join/#debian-bots TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
22:02.27TimRikerso what are bot owners doing about the debian move to oftc?
22:30.25TimRikerdondelelcaro: are there two dpkg bots now? shared db or not?
22:30.40TimRikerdpkg: seen Myon
22:30.40dpkgmyon is currently on #debian. Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 8h 15m 35s, last said: 'dpkg: tell jsz about screen'.
22:31.18TimRikerdpkg: status
22:31.18dpkgSince Sun Jun 11 02:54:37 2006, there have been 10 modifications, 800 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 271 commands.  I have been awake for 2d 19h 36m 41s this session, and currently reference 36734 factoids.  I'm using about 14760 kB of memory. With 1 active fork. Process time user/system 356.4/19.24 child 0.01/0.02
22:53.43dondelelcaroTimRiker: yeah, the database is shared
22:58.39TimRikerinterested in working on multi net support on one bot? ie see would show user foo in currently in freenode/#debian, oftc/#debian, etc. ?
22:59.12TimRikeror too much trouble for what it's worth... ?
23:03.24dondelelcarowell, what I'm more interested in is transitioning to PoCo::IRC
23:03.42dondelelcaroand ditching the shm stuff
23:04.02TimRikerwell the shm stuff needs to go for sure.
23:04.42TimRikerI started work on a tcp listener that forks and other processes could use to talk to the bot. it's not ready for prime time yet.
23:05.09TimRikerthe net::irc stuff supports it, but it'll take some work.
23:05.28dondelelcaroyeah... but the upstream for Net::IRC has pretty much gone away
23:05.29TimRikernot looked into poco yet to see how much work a conversion would be.
23:05.56dondelelcaropoco is nice because you get the whole poe end which takes care of all the scheduling, event passing, etc.
23:06.01TimRikerlast I looked at poco it still was missing a lot of the stuff that net::irc claims to support.
23:06.03dondelelcarowe could pretty much ditch most of IRC/*
23:06.45*** join/#debian-bots dpkg (n=dpkg@unaffiliated/dpkg)
23:06.51TimRikerdcc handling, and many of the event handlers weren't there. this was a couple years ago though, so it may be added now.
23:07.19TimRikercourse much of what net::irc claims to have is buggy anyway.
23:07.31dondelelcarooh, the dcc handling should be there, and it has all of the event handlers for all of the events; since it implements them in a dynamic fashion...
23:07.39TimRikersimple things like "what is my nick" are often broken.
23:10.48TimRikerif there is a poco conversion, it might be nice to do it under the infobot project and see if we can get other perl bots merging in again.
23:11.11dondelelcarowell, there already was a start on the infobot conversion to poco, but I don't know what happened to it
23:11.52dondelelcaroI suppose doing it in infobot would be good, but I'm really being selfish... I'm primarily interested in blootbot, and not so much the other codebases
23:13.25TimRiker is a realy simple start at it. dunno if it runs. really old.
23:13.59TimRikerdondelelcaro: I figure the more folks work on one codebase, the more goodies show up.
23:14.53dondelelcaroTimRiker: but someone has to start moving on it; I'm just not that motivated to work on a codebase that I don't actually use much
23:14.54TimRikerbut I'd stick with simiar setup. sql backend, forking modules. just kill the shm, and try to make the parent process smaller and quicker.
23:15.22dondelelcaroforking modules is cool, I just want to avoid reinventing POE to do the forking modules
23:16.45TimRikerI'm not saying we'd start with the ancient infobot codebase. We'd likely use much of the blootbot code but stuck in as modules to a new core.
23:17.05dondelelcaroyeah, that I agree with
23:17.37TimRikerI've got lenzo's contact info and if we start moving I could likely get pointed to the new project.
23:18.01dondelelcarowell, the quarter here is almost over, so I may have some time... I've really been working on debbugs for most of my free time though
23:19.22dondelelcarowhat I'd be happy with is some sort of really pluggable framework which gets the bot online, makes putting in arbitrary modules easy to do arbitrary things
23:19.49dondelelcaroI figure we get that, then chuck on the factoids, some of the modules, and some permissions, and we're good enough to run the bots and port the other modules
23:20.08TimRikerI'd move most of the botsetup over to sql and have a local interface like the cli interface connect to the bot.
23:20.18dondelelcaroI agree
23:20.38dondelelcaroworst case, we have a flatfile backend for luddites. ;-)
23:20.43TimRikerthen you do all the admin over the channel. set the nick, add the servers, or just choose the network from an existing set, add channels, set channel flags, etc.
23:21.14TimRikerwith poe it should be possible to add AIM or other chat interfaces.
23:21.32TimRikerjust need to find the time... :)
23:22.07dondelelcaroI think if we do the original framework properly, others can make those modules for us.
23:22.24TimRikerwell, I think I'll convert infobot over to svn while we're at it so we have the option. I can't imagine anyone is tracking the cvs HEAD on that as it has not changed for years.
23:23.00TimRikershould be easy enough to get most of the bloot modules over. that much makes a powerful bot with lots of example modules.
23:23.41TimRikerthen, yeah, AIM stuff or pastebot etc are much easier projects than they would be now.
23:24.36dondelelcaroand better, they're more modular, so people don't become afraid of the massive codebase that exists now
23:43.33*** join/#debian-bots dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.