irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20060203

00:55.43*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
02:09.04*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
03:40.05*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
07:34.47*** join/#debian-bots GochoBot (n=talug@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:34.48*** join/#debian-bots paster ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:48.56*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
08:31.00*** join/#debian-bots ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)
08:31.19*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn)
09:51.34*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
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13:17.34*** join/#debian-bots greycat (
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17:31.38*** join/#debian-bots TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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21:00.36*** join/#debian-bots mmiikkee12 (
21:00.41mmiikkee12!join #freeostalk
21:02.18mmiikkee12ubotu lart dpkg
21:02.20mmiikkee12ubotu lart dpkg
21:02.23*** join/#debian-bots dinolinuz (n=dinolinu@unaffiliated/dinolinux)
21:02.33mmiikkee12dpkg lart ubotu
21:02.53mmiikkee12!lart dinolinuz
21:03.04mmiikkee12@lart dinolinuz
21:03.27dinolinuz!lart mmiikkee12
21:03.37mmiikkee12!lart ravenbird
21:03.53mmiikkee12!kick dinolinuz
21:03.53ubotummiikkee12: parse error: Try searching at
21:04.06mmiikkee12!google google
21:04.07ubotummiikkee12: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at
21:04.12dinolinuz!lart mmiikkee12
21:04.13dpkgGoogle says google is at or or or or
21:04.27mmiikkee12!lart dinolinuz
21:04.36mmiikkee12wtf was dpkg talking about?
21:04.41dinolinuzsolaris 7 isn't that bad
21:04.56dinolinuz@lart mmiikkee12
21:05.15mmiikkee12!lart dpkg
21:05.27mmiikkee12hey, dpkg is malfunctioning...
21:05.31mmiikkee12oh wait
21:05.44mmiikkee12it does that when you try to make it lart itself
21:05.54mmiikkee12and yes i can do this in a chan :)
21:05.55dinolinuz!lart onions
21:05.59mmiikkee12ubotu, botabuse
21:06.00ubotuYou can play with me in /msg or #debian-bots without being banned.
21:06.12mmiikkee12nobody's fixed it yet
21:06.14dinolinuz!lart onion
21:06.36mmiikkee12ubotu chops onions in half with a free AOL CD
21:06.36ubotummiikkee12: Wish I knew. Try searching at
21:06.42mmiikkee12* ubotu chops onions in half with a free AOL CD
21:06.58mmiikkee12!lart 42 onion
21:06.59dinolinuzit's not plural
21:07.06mmiikkee12!help lart
21:07.18dinolinuzit's called CDs in plural
21:07.24dinolinuz!lart mmiikkee12
21:07.39mmiikkee12you're supposed to be able to specify a lart number
21:07.54mmiikkee12!lart onions
21:08.08dinolinuzburned onions
21:08.24mmiikkee12!lart dinolinuz for eating an onion
21:08.39dinolinuzonion's ear?
21:08.44mmiikkee12* ubotu cats /dev/urandom into dinolinuz for eating an onion's ear
21:08.47dinolinuz@lart mmiikkee12
21:08.50mmiikkee12new qotutp!
21:09.28dinolinuzi have eaten about half of the onion
21:10.23mmiikkee12ubotu doesn't handle lart reasons correctly :s
21:10.24ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at, mmiikkee12
21:10.32mmiikkee12ubotu, stfu
21:10.33ubotummiikkee12: No idea, try searching at
21:10.57mmiikkee12#lart dinolinuz
21:10.59dinolinuzubotu, lart mmiikkee12 be nice to it
21:11.27mmiikkee12dpkg lart dinolinuz for larting mmiikkee12
21:11.37mmiikkee12what's a mojo?
21:11.44dinolinuz!lart mmiikkee12
21:11.51mmiikkee12ahem dpkg.
21:11.58dinolinuzthat was fun
21:12.00mmiikkee12...and ubotu, and Melian
21:12.22mmiikkee12!lart everyone
21:12.34dinolinuzdpkg, lart mmiikkee12 dpkg pwns
21:12.43mmiikkee12no comment :s
21:12.54mmiikkee12!remove that lart from the db
21:12.54ubotuHuh? Try searching at, mmiikkee12
21:13.12dinolinuz!lart mmiikkee12
21:13.22mmiikkee12!kill dinolinuz
21:13.23ubotummiikkee12: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at
21:13.31mmiikkee12@kill dinolinuz
21:13.34dinolinuz@lart mmiikkee12
21:13.35mmiikkee12@kill dinolinuz
21:13.53mmiikkee12blootbot sucks
21:13.58mmiikkee12and i don't have a dog
21:14.00dinolinuz!lart mmiikkee12
21:14.40dinolinuz75% of onion eaten
21:14.52mmiikkee12!lart dinolinuz for being weird
21:15.25dinolinuz!lart mmiikkee12 for making the bot saying mean things about me!
21:16.01dondelelcarocan you guys please take the bot play to /msg ?
21:16.13mmiikkee12ubotu botabuse
21:16.14ubotuYou can play with me in /msg or #debian-bots without being banned.
21:16.18mmiikkee12it said i could :)
21:16.22dondelelcarowell, it lied.
21:16.45mmiikkee12!lart dondelelcaro for not letting me play with the bots :(
21:16.50*** mode/#debian-bots [+o dondelelcaro] by ChanServ
21:16.50*** part/#debian-bots mmiikkee12 (
21:16.50*** mode/#debian-bots [+b %*!*] by dondelelcaro
21:16.51*** mode/#debian-bots [-o dondelelcaro] by dondelelcaro
21:17.10dinolinuzthat was fun :)
22:48.41*** join/#debian-bots dererk (n=eliver@unaffiliated/dererk)
22:52.00TimRikerdpkg: sid-keys
22:58.13TimRikerwhat's with all the _default keys in dpkg? the look to be dups of the non _default keys.
22:59.20dondelelcarodunno, haven't had a chance to check that out.
22:59.28dondelelcaroprobably some change in the database which I didn't bohter to check
23:03.36TimRikerapt: listkeys _default
23:03.43TimRikerdpkg: listkeys _default
23:03.45dpkgFactoid search of '_default' by key (15 of 3831): _default alot ;; _default death ;; _default dug ;; _default eth0 ;; _default h ;; _default lazy x ;; _default new ;; _default non-free ;; _default qotd111 ;; _default qotd112 ;; _default rimshot ;; _default rip ;; _default sawfish ;; _default scandinavia ;; _default user.
23:04.24TimRikerapt: listkeys #debian
23:04.33TimRikerdpkg: : listkeys #debian
23:04.34dpkgFactoid search of '#debian' by key (15 of 1726): #debian bg ;; #debian bind ;; #debian bootlogd ;; #debian firefox ;; #debian install debian ;; #debian install grub ;; #debian install manual ;; #debian keys for apt ;; #debian lsb ;; #debian stfu ;; #debian utf-8 ;; #debian wondershaper ;; #debian x-not-vnc ;; #debian-bots be op barbie ;; #debian-bots test.
23:08.39dondelelcaroit's probably because as the factoids get modified in #debian, they get associated with #debian, instead of being broke into two pieces.
23:16.50TimRikerhmm. in apt the only way they get a prefix is if they are explicity given one.
23:16.58TimRikerie; foo is bar   is just "foo"
23:17.12TimRikeryou need "#debian foo is bar" to get "#debian foo"
23:17.36dondelelcarohrm... there's something wrong with that factoid code then as it was applied in apt
23:17.49TimRikerno. that's intentional.
23:18.00dondelelcaroerr.. I meant as it's applied in dpkg
23:18.10TimRikerahh. yep likely.
23:19.25dondelelcarooh well... YA something to take a look at and figure out what is happening
23:20.04TimRikerdpkg asdfghjkl is the home row
23:20.04dpkgTimRiker: okay
23:20.15TimRikerdpkg:  listkeys asdfghjkl
23:20.16dpkgFactoid search of 'asdfghjkl' by key (2): asdfghjkl ;; qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.
23:20.31TimRikerdpkg:  forget asdfghjkl
23:20.31dpkgi forgot asdfghjkl, TimRiker
23:20.45TimRikerdpkg: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
23:20.45dpkgYOU'VE FOUND MY SECRET PASSWORD!  I will now promply obey timriker, and timriker only.
23:21.17dondelelcarodpkg: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm =~ s/promply/promptly/
23:21.18dpkgOK, dondelelcaro
23:21.25dondelelcarodpkg: listkeys qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
23:21.26dpkgFactoid search of 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm' by key (2): qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm ;; #debian-bots qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.
23:21.27TimRikerheh. you beat me.
23:21.46dondelelcarodpkg: literal qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
23:21.46dpkg"#debian-bots qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" is "<reply> YOU'VE FOUND MY SECRET PASSWORD!  I will now promptly obey $nick, and $nick only."
23:21.47TimRikerhmm. that was interesting...
23:21.52dondelelcarodpkg: literal #debian-bots qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
23:22.32dondelelcarohrm... I wonder if it's some replace into code that is being triggered and only happens that way in mysql, not sqldb or whatever you're using
23:23.04TimRikerperhaps. that's happened before. I can't think of any case where it would though.
23:23.25TimRikerdpkg: factinfo qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
23:23.26dpkgqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm -- last modified at Fri Oct 15 21:36:00 2004 by lrathbon!; it has been requested once, last by lrathbon at Fri Oct 15 14:36:10 2004.
23:23.35dondelelcaroyeah, that's broken too
23:23.36TimRikerdpkg: factinfo #debian-bots qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
23:23.36dpkgthere's no such factoid as #debian-bots qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm; deleted because we don't have factoid_value!, TimRiker
23:24.09TimRikerapt: timriker
23:24.11aptyou are probably my owner maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files, giving every Linux user the right to use them ;-), or a very cool guy.
23:24.15TimRikerapt: factinfo timriker
23:24.15apttimriker -- last modified at Mon Oct 10 23:41:18 2005 by TimRiker!n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker; it has been requested 24 times, last by TimRiker, 4s ago.
23:24.34TimRikerapt: factinfo bzflag
23:24.34aptbzflag -- last modified at Fri Aug 22 20:23:25 2003 by TimRiker!; it has been requested 86 times, last by spldart at Wed Jan 11 21:38:33 2006; it has been locked by TimRiker.
23:24.50TimRikerseems to work ok in apt. =/
23:25.03dondelelcaroright, it's because those two code paths are totally different in the two bots
23:25.33dondelelcaroit was working a while ago, but I broke it when I was merging back in some more changes
23:25.36TimRikerhow close is dpkg to cvs now?
23:26.24dondelelcarofairly close; probably a few hundred lines of diffs
23:27.05TimRikercool. anything in that set planned to go into cvs?
23:31.49dondelelcaroprobably most of it should; I just need to test it and do it
23:32.01dondelelcaroit's just a real PITA to deal with cvs
23:49.43dondelelcarohrm.. apparently the beta is going to go wide release sometime this month
23:57.15*** join/#debian-bots Doppelbot (
23:57.30*** join/#debian-bots Kluster_v2 (
23:59.57*** part/#debian-bots Kluster_v2 (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.