irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20051119

00:37.07*** join/#debian-bots Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
00:37.13Thanatermesisapt x en es kind of odd.
00:46.44*** join/#debian-bots TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
00:53.19Thanatermesis~x en es I didn't know it did that.
00:54.56Thanatermesis~x en es ust thought it was odd to have 10+ SSH connections for a website.
02:04.41jack-~x en ru just trying
02:04.55jack-~x en jp hello
02:05.12jack-~x en fr nice
02:05.48jack-~x es pt pens que era impar tener conexiones del ssh
02:06.11jack-~x es pt pens que era impar
02:06.24jack-~x es pt madre
02:06.36jack-~x en pt hi
02:06.46jack-~x en pt good
02:06.54jack-~x en pt bad
02:07.03jack-~x ps es mau
02:07.08jack-~x pt es mau
02:07.24jack-~x pt en mau
02:07.40jack-~x en pt yawn
02:07.50jack-~x en cn yawn
02:08.15jack-~x de fr scheisse
06:03.05*** join/#debian-bots TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
12:55.00*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
13:07.01*** join/#debian-bots ddddd (n=dudu@
13:08.20*** part/#debian-bots ddddd (n=dudu@
13:25.44Thanatermesis~x en es i had no idea there vevn was an elive forum there too
13:30.52dererkapt_, x es en recuperando
13:30.56dererkapt, x es en recuperando
13:31.29dererkapt x en es intervention
14:04.37*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
15:07.11Thanatermesisapt x en es founder
15:20.09Thanatermesisapt x en es you say you suck at gimp, and ask me to do things... but you are pretty fucking good at it yourself dude!
15:20.44Thanatermesis~x en es i appreciate you having me "onboard" and involved though :)
15:30.36jack-~x es pt implicado sin embargo
15:30.57jack-~x es cz implicado sin embargo
15:31.12jack-~x es hu implicado sin embargo
15:31.18jack-~x es sk implicado sin embargo
15:31.23jack-~x es ua implicado sin embargo
15:31.41jack-~x es fr implicado sin embargo
15:31.51jack-at least
15:32.16jack-but i wish i knew why portuguese gives that error
18:15.15Thanatermesis~x en es with that info can be found anywhere
18:15.21Thanatermesisjack- because directly don't works
18:15.29Thanatermesisyou need to translate FROM english
18:15.37Thanatermesis~x en pt hello
18:15.58Thanatermesismmmh, posible PT not is supported
18:41.39Thanatermesisapt x en es so look it over again... is there anything you should add?
19:30.34jack-i see
19:31.26jack-~x es fr implicado sin embargo
19:31.32jack-that one seems to work
19:31.45jack-~x es se implicado sin embargo
19:31.53jack-~x es no implicado sin embargo
19:31.59jack-~x en no implicado sin embargo
19:35.01*** join/#debian-bots Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
19:58.33Thanatermesisapt x en es you need to "click around" a little around the icon to find the right spot
20:10.51Thanatermesisapt x en es you open the glass lid and move the hands with your fingers
20:17.06*** join/#debian-bots abrotman (n=abrotman@pdpc/supporter/active/abrotman)
20:39.12Thanatermesisapt x es en seguir
21:05.27Thanatermesisapt x es en era
22:52.15Thanatermesisapt x en es  got 1 arguments, but expected 2
22:58.03*** join/#debian-bots dpkg (n=dpkg@unaffiliated/dpkg)
23:39.29*** join/#debian-bots Debby- (i=blootbot@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.