irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20050909

02:38.09*** join/#debian-bots blootbot (
03:29.29dpkgTo get write access to a vfat partition when mounting it with fstab, use the line "/dev/partition /mount/point vfat defaults,uid=USERID,gid=GROUPID,umask=002 0 0" in /etc/fstab. umask=002 will make the partition rwxrwxr-x, while umask=022 will make it rwxr-xr-x. Get your user/group ids with the command "id".  This also applies to NTFS.
03:29.29ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, jetscreamer
05:00.50*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
05:01.16dondelelcarodebbugs: dbugs 30000
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05:02.19dondelelcarodebbugs: dbugs 30000
05:02.21debbugs#:N[] ;
05:02.44*** mode/#debian-bots [+o dondelelcaro] by ChanServ
05:02.45*** part/#debian-bots Chatterbot (
05:02.45*** mode/#debian-bots [-o dondelelcaro] by dondelelcaro
05:02.47*** mode/#debian-bots [+o dondelelcaro] by ChanServ
05:02.48*** part/#debian-bots Joanbot (
05:02.50*** mode/#debian-bots [-o dondelelcaro] by dondelelcaro
05:02.57dondelelcarothose two bots are fucking annoying
05:03.05dondelelcarodebbugs: dbugs 300000
05:03.06debbugsDONE:#300000:M[libcrypt-ssleay-perl] libcrypt-ssleay-perl: package description typo(s) and the like; Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:07:20 UTC
05:03.46*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
05:03.48dondelelcarodebbugs: dbugs 300000
05:03.51dondelelcarodebbugs: 300000
05:03.53debbugsDONE:#300000:M[libcrypt-ssleay-perl] libcrypt-ssleay-perl: package description typo(s) and the like; Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:07:20 UTC
05:04.22*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
05:04.29dondelelcarodebbugs: 300000
05:04.30debbugsDONE:#300000:M[libcrypt-ssleay-perl] libcrypt-ssleay-perl: package description typo(s) and the like; Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:07:20 UTC
05:13.03*** join/#debian-bots don_inlab (
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05:16.32dondelelcarodebbugs: 300000
05:16.33debbugsDONE:#300000:M[libcrypt-ssleay-perl] libcrypt-ssleay-perl: package description typo(s) and the like; Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:07:20 UTC
05:16.34dondelelcarodebbugs: 30000
05:16.36debbugs#:N[] ;
05:17.13*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
05:17.17dondelelcarodebbugs: 30000
05:17.18debbugsSorry dondelelcaro, 30000 malformed or unable to be parsed properly.
05:19.22*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
05:19.24dondelelcarodebbugs: 30000
05:19.25debbugsSorry dondelelcaro, bug 30000 was malformed or didn't exist
05:20.19*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
05:20.24dondelelcarodebbugs: 30000
05:20.26debbugsNo report for bug 30000
05:20.53*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
05:20.56dondelelcarodebbugs: 30000
05:20.58debbugsThere is no record of Bug #30000
05:22.33jetscreamerhow about 'there is no bug 30000 you dumbass!
05:23.48*** join/#debian-bots TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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06:42.38dondelelcarodebbugs: 30000
06:42.40dondelelcarodebbugs: 300000
06:42.42debbugsThere is no record of Bug #30000
06:42.46debbugsDONE:#300000:M[libcrypt-ssleay-perl] libcrypt-ssleay-perl: package description typo(s) and the like; Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:07:20 UTC
06:44.59*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
06:45.06dondelelcarodebbugs: random
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06:46.06dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:46.07*** join/#debian-bots Melian (
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06:47.01dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:47.22dondelelcarodebbugs: random
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06:47.57dondelelcarodebbugs: random
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06:48.49dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:48.49debbugsThere either are no RC bugs (HURRAY) or I can't parse them (more likely).
06:48.54debbugs#324271:S[ace] ace: FTBFS: undefined reference to `std::basic_ofstream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::basic_ofstream(char const*, std::_Ios_Openmode)@@GLIBCXX_3.4'; Sun, 21 Aug 2005 11:48:03 UTC
06:49.44*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
06:49.47dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:49.52debbugs#323160:S[aca] FTBFS: TLS definition in /lib/ section .tbss mismatches; Mon, 15 Aug 2005 06:03:06 UTC
06:50.30dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:50.34debbugs#266407:S[alcovebook-sgml-doc] [NONFREE-DOC:GFDL] reference manual is licensed under GFDL; Tue, 17 Aug 2004 20:33:11 UTC
06:51.24*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
06:51.27dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:51.31debbugs#285086:S[allegro4] allegro4: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): invalid lvalue in increment; Fri, 10 Dec 2004 15:34:21 UTC
06:51.33dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:51.38debbugs#188448:G[abuse-sdl] abuse-sdl: Nothing happens; Thu, 10 Apr 2003 12:33:03 UTC
06:52.31*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
06:52.34dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:52.38debbugs#323160:S[aca] FTBFS: TLS definition in /lib/ section .tbss mismatches; Mon, 15 Aug 2005 06:03:06 UTC
06:52.44dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:52.49debbugs#317855:G[anon-proxy] the default ip/port in /etc/init.d/anon-proxy do not work; Tue, 12 Jul 2005 03:18:02 UTC
06:53.12*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
06:53.16dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:53.22debbugs#325490:G[ale] ale: unable to open image `[mangled file name]': No such file or directory.; Mon, 29 Aug 2005 01:18:01 UTC
06:53.25dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:53.30debbugs#203598:G[amavis-ng] amavis-ng: Problem messages remain in queue in addition to being saved; Thu, 31 Jul 2003 08:33:05 UTC
06:53.33dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:53.37debbugs#327269:G[apache2] apache2 security update breaks ssl+svn; Thu, 8 Sep 2005 21:18:01 UTC
06:53.40dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:53.43debbugs#285090:S[amap] amap: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): invalid lvalue in assignment; Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:03:01 UTC
06:55.18*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
06:55.21dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:55.26debbugs#320899:S[im-sdk] FTBFS: Conflicting static and non-static declarations; Tue, 2 Aug 2005 03:18:09 UTC
06:55.29dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:55.32debbugs#324056:S[steghide] FTBFS: Incompatible with GCC 4.0; Sat, 20 Aug 2005 01:18:15 UTC
06:55.36dondelelcarodebbugs: random
06:55.40debbugs#321833:S[bayonne] bayonne: FTBFS: cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'ost::CallXMLTrunk'; Sun, 7 Aug 2005 19:03:30 UTC
06:56.35*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
06:57.21*** join/#debian-bots debbugs (
09:30.15*** join/#debian-bots Joanbot (
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23:39.56*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.