irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20050306

00:39.43*** join/#debian-bots ^c (~blootbot@
01:13.13*** join/#debian-bots travisat (~travisat@travisat.user)
01:14.22*** part/#debian-bots travisat (~travisat@travisat.user)
04:52.28*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
05:15.13*** join/#debian-bots travisat (~travisat@travisat.user)
05:34.38*** join/#debian-bots bartk (
05:38.34*** part/#debian-bots bartk (
06:20.37*** join/#debian-bots ashridah (
06:31.06*** part/#debian-bots ashridah (
06:56.41*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn_ (simon@simonrvn.user)
08:31.00*** join/#debian-bots imorgado (
08:31.11*** part/#debian-bots imorgado (
10:33.01simonrvn!listvals dev/console
10:33.03dpkgFactoid search of 'dev/console' by value returned no results.
10:33.07simonrvn!listvals console
10:33.09dpkgFactoid search of 'console' by value (15 of 77): acid ;; apt-get cron ;; arachne ;; bwm ;; framebuffer ;; key binding ;; klogd ;; playstation ;; prae ;; silence speaker ;; synth ;; x4rootonly ;; xdm ;; zgv ;; zicq.
11:36.40*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (simon@simonrvn.user)
13:35.06*** join/#debian-bots Gnurdux (
13:46.03*** join/#debian-bots Yoghurt (
13:46.08*** part/#debian-bots Gnurdux (
13:46.19*** part/#debian-bots Yoghurt (
19:00.48*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
19:42.52stewdpkg: kanotix =~ s#, optimal for HD install (you get a working Debian/sid install in about 10 minutes!)##
19:42.52dpkgOK, stew
21:01.14*** join/#debian-bots naoliv (
21:02.20*** part/#debian-bots naoliv (
21:26.22*** join/#debian-bots debconf (~debconf@
23:25.46*** join/#debian-bots stew ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:25.47*** join/#debian-bots dondelelcaro ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:33.42*** join/#debian-bots dpkg-br (
23:34.05*** join/#debian-bots don_inlab ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.