irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20050114

00:09.53*** join/#debian-bots Rolandnator (
01:35.25*** join/#debian-bots Rolandnator (
02:38.16*** join/#debian-bots Rolandnator (
02:38.29ravenbirdMeet your friendly #debian operators: asuffield, bdale, bignose, bob2`, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, Hydroxide, lilo, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk. EXPLAIN THE PROBLEM PLEASE. :)
02:49.53*** join/#debian-bots cat (
03:02.17*** join/#debian-bots blootbot (
04:10.47*** join/#debian-bots blootbot (
04:46.45*** join/#debian-bots Hurdinator (
05:10.34*** join/#debian-bots blootbot (
07:19.21*** join/#debian-bots x0563511 (
07:19.32x0563511ravenbird, hi
07:19.32ravenbirdsalut, x0563511
07:19.42*** join/#debian-bots john (
07:19.51x0563511bottu, hi
07:20.01x0563511!irritate ravenbird
07:20.03dpkgravenbird: wenas how can I make my knoppix werkz lol
07:20.14*** part/#debian-bots x0563511 (
07:20.22john!irritate ravenbird
07:20.23dpkgravenbird: HELP ME!!! who uses sound plz msg me, dpkg-br
07:20.28john!irritate jesus
07:20.29dpkgjesus: hi every1 who uses gnome plz msg me, john
07:20.39john!irritate h4x0r
07:20.40dpkgh4x0r: HELP ME!!! who uses gnome !!!1
07:20.47*** part/#debian-bots john (
08:46.07*** join/#debian-bots blootbot (
09:46.09*** join/#debian-bots blootbot- (
11:16.22*** join/#debian-bots blootbot (
11:20.11*** join/#debian-bots ravenbird ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:20.11*** join/#debian-bots dpkg-br ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:16.24*** join/#debian-bots blootbot (
13:16.42*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
17:24.56*** join/#debian-bots [warlock] (
17:28.26*** part/#debian-bots [warlock] (
19:27.28*** join/#debian-bots blootbot (
20:01.18*** join/#debian-bots TimRiker (
20:38.13*** join/#debian-bots blootbot (
21:07.24*** join/#debian-bots jetscreamer (
21:38.06*** join/#debian-bots blootbot (
23:39.31*** join/#debian-bots Rolandnator (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.