irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20041106

00:00.05Alejandro_how can I let only a few people to teach factoids?
00:00.45simonrvnthat's not implemented yet. ask dondelelcaro about that, i think he has dpkg set that way
00:01.04Alejandro_dude, thanks very much :)
00:15.40Alejandro_dondelelcaro, are you there? :-\
00:16.02Alejandro_!seen dondelelcaro
00:16.02dpkg-esAlejandro_: i haven't seen 'dondelelcaro'
00:16.03dpkgdondelelcaro is currently on #debian #debian-women #debian-ops #hurd-bunny #debian-bots.  Has said a total of 31502 messages.  Is idling for 27m 10s