irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20040824

00:10.35*** join/#debian-bots apt-pr (~titere@
00:15.07*** join/#debian-bots beezle (
01:32.30*** join/#debian-bots Administrador (
01:35.54Administradoris anyone here?
01:52.11dpkgTo configure sound in Debian: first, use modconf to load your driver.  Then add yourself to the audio group (adduser username audio) and logout and back in.  If you use ISA PnP and 2.2.x, ask me about "isapnp sound". If you don't know what driver to use, start with "lspci -v" and "pnpdump".  Install a mixer (e.g. aumix) and make sure the volume is not set to zero in software.  If you have no modules, ask me about "idepci".
01:52.51g4ltBTW, attempting to masquerade as a bot will get you kicked
01:54.34g4ltmsg chanserv op #debian-bots
01:54.40*** mode/#debian-bots [+o g4lt] by ChanServ
01:55.13Dpkg_-yo g4lt  can u help me out
01:55.17*** kick/#debian-bots [Dpkg_-!galt@g4lt.base.supporter.pdpc] by g4lt (shell-spam somewhere else)
01:55.25*** join/#debian-bots Dpkg_- (
01:55.27*** mode/#debian-bots [-o g4lt] by g4lt
01:55.28Dpkg_-sorry then
01:55.37Dpkg_-i need some help
01:56.08Dpkg_-when i download the tar? from blootbot how can configured it automaticly or add a user blootbot so it can start
01:56.10Dpkg_-im a newbie
01:58.13Dpkg_-stephan_,  im gonna run it on my bsd shell
01:58.37g4ltis there a port for blootbot?
01:58.50Dpkg_-not really
02:01.19Dpkg_-but the thing is says this when i want to run it
02:01.23g4ltpity, I'd just say use the port
02:01.31Dpkg_-something about a bad error on the permission with mysdql
02:03.28g4ltI thought the database premissions were set via chellscript
02:04.44Dpkg_-yeah they we're but it has a mysql
02:04.46Dpkg_-as a normal user
02:08.23jetscreameri never got the cmd stuff working on my bloot
02:09.24Dpkg_-can bloot work on win?
02:12.22g4ltjetscreamer that makes two of us... :/
02:17.27jetscreamernot that i know of, but it is perl so maybe
02:17.43jetscreameryou might like the #supybot , it's win or lin
02:18.38g4ltdpkg no, sneakernet is "never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes", attributed to various people, including Andy Tanenbaum, Dennis Ritchie, and Warren Jackson
02:18.38dpkgg4lt: okay
02:22.25dpkgsneakernet is, like, "never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes", attributed to various people, including Andy Tanenbaum, Dennis Ritchie, and Warren Jackson
02:27.36g4ltdpkg no, sneakernet is "never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes", attributed to various people, including Andy Tanenbaum, Dennis Ritchie, and Warren Jackson
02:27.36dpkgg4lt: i already had it that way
02:27.48g4ltapt no, sneakernet is "never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes", attributed to various people, including Andy Tanenbaum, Dennis Ritchie, and Warren Jackson
02:27.49aptokay, g4lt
02:28.03g4lt% no, sneakernet is "never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes", attributed to various people, including Andy Tanenbaum, Dennis Ritchie, and Warren Jackson
02:28.03pumbaaI think you lost me on that one, g4lt
02:28.17g4ltpumbaa no, sneakernet is "never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes", attributed to various people, including Andy Tanenbaum, Dennis Ritchie, and Warren Jackson
02:28.18pumbaaokay, g4lt
02:28.29g4lt%lart short-addressing limitations
02:28.54g4ltmotherfuck!  I KNOW I s/cat/cat5/ FFS
02:30.59jetscreamerI think you lost me on that one, g4lt
02:32.31g4ltjetscreamer I edited /usr/share/blootbot/data/blootbot.lart strictly to change cat-o-nine-tails to cat5-o-nine-tails, and hte edit disappeared :/
02:34.25jetscreameryou have to shut down the bot first iirc or your changes are overwritten, for .conffiles, but you must be talking in the db, so...
02:34.56jetscreameror was that supybot... damn i forget
02:34.59jetscreameror both
02:40.52dpkgYou have recieved this message because you have shown yourself to be ignorant of some of the fundamentals of *nix and/or Debian. Read the "Unix and Internet Fundamentals" howto at Then, read the Debian Reference at This may help you to attain what others sometimes refer to as "a Clue".
03:31.14dpkgIf you have problems adding unofficial sites to sources.list, try "deb URL ./" or 'man 5 sources.list' or woody: 'deb woody main contrib non-free' or woody non-us: 'deb woody/non-US main contrib non-free', or use apt-setup in package base-config to configure your sources.list, or examples: /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list