irclog2html for #debian-bots on 20031130

00:55.47dpkgNo, dondelelcaro, you're not online any more.
02:23.57*** join/#debian-bots longHair (
02:42.29longHair~dpkg status
02:42.31dpkgSince Mon Nov 24 20:34:06 2003, there have been 48 modifications, 1555 questions, 576 dunnos, 10 morons and 1021 commands.  I have been awake for 5d 6h 8m 23s this session, and currently reference 22710 factoids.  I'm using about 17432 kB of memory.
02:42.31blootbotI don't know, longHair
05:15.52*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (simon@simonrvn.usercloak.freenode)
05:20.53*** join/#debian-bots ravenbird (
06:16.31*** join/#debian-bots blootbot- (~blootbot@
06:52.14*** join/#debian-bots simonrvn (simon@simonrvn.usercloak.freenode)
06:56.10*** join/#debian-bots ravenbird (
07:18.10longHair~dpkg tell me about ask
07:18.11blootbotlongHair: Bugger all, I dunno
10:42.41*** join/#debian-bots chucker (
14:32.25*** join/#debian-bots wikibot (
20:27.42*** join/#debian-bots divvy (
21:28.46*** join/#debian-bots strerror_work (~strerror@
22:55.37*** join/#debian-bots wikibot (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.