IRC log for #dbgc on 20101109

22:54.19*** join/#dbgc purl (
22:54.23purlsaved user and chan files
22:54.29TimRiker~lart cralor
22:54.29purlplops cralor into a giant vat of herring
22:54.31purlAll conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged. logs are updated daily, or the log URL is
22:54.46TimRikertaken care of. :)
22:55.09TimRikersuggest you voice the bot in the channel access list so it's more visible, but that's up to you.
22:55.45cralorthank you!
22:55.49*** mode/#dbgc [+v purl] by cralor
22:56.33TimRikerI meant in the chanserv channel access list so that it happens automatically on rejoin.
22:56.38*** topic/#dbgc by cralor -> Welcome to the DelibarGaming Channel! || || TF2 / WoW / LoL / SC2 / Minecraft / & More || Currently working on new dedicated server!
22:56.43cralorohh so that's how that works
22:56.48cralorhow do i access that?
22:57.06TimRiker/msg chanserv help
22:57.46TimRikeryou want to use the "access" command. so /msg chanserv help access might be a good place to start.
22:58.01TimRikeryou should be in there automatically as founder.
22:58.03cralorya but then i have to make a template first
22:58.43TimRikerjust adding the flags to the bot accout will work.
22:59.10TimRikernote: apt is the "parent" account for purl.
23:01.25TimRikerso: /msg chanserv access #dbgc add apt +votsriRfA   should add apt/purl as op.(don't need the F) but you don't really need op, just voice. "+v" might be enough? I don't recall.
23:02.31TimRikerTry this: /msg ChanServ FLAGS #dbgc apt +vV
23:02.46cralor+v worked
23:03.01TimRiker~part #dbgc
23:03.02*** part/#dbgc purl (
23:03.11*** join/#dbgc purl (
23:03.11*** topic/#dbgc is Welcome to the DelibarGaming Channel! || || TF2 / WoW / LoL / SC2 / Minecraft / & More || Currently working on new dedicated server!
23:03.21TimRikerneed +V too I think
23:03.34TimRikertry again?
23:04.37TimRikerdid you add +V ?
23:06.08TimRikerTry this: /msg ChanServ FLAGS #dbgc apt +vV
23:07.25TimRikerwell, I gotta run. adding +V should work. feel free to add me too if you like. :) cya
23:18.36*** mode/#dbgc [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
23:18.57*** mode/#dbgc [+v purl] by ChanServ
23:20.41cralorTimRiker: done. thanks!!

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