IRC log for #cyrannus on 20170321

00:21.03*** join/#cyrannus infobot (
00:21.03*** topic/#Cyrannus is 🐊Please note that this channel is invitation only, not a community channel. Cyrannian is its admin. || || All conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
00:21.03*** mode/#Cyrannus [+v infobot] by ChanServ
04:36.28*** join/#cyrannus Guest12038 (~binwieder@
05:16.24*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:30.47*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (569c47c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:30.47*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
07:34.51Liquid_InkHow are you?
07:38.38GhelaeI'm okay; how about you?
07:41.59Liquid_InkPretty good
07:42.11Liquid_InkI've gotten Dark Injection installed, finally
07:56.02Liquid_InkGhel, remember how you supposed how many species would logically live in the Turr Kyolm Belt with its size?
07:58.32GhelaeI can't find it in the logs, though.
07:58.45Liquid_InkCould you just do it again?
07:58.57Liquid_InkAnd I'll write it down this time
08:00.48GhelaeI'm not even sure how I started it out, so I'll assume I did it based on realism.
08:01.41GhelaeCurrent estimates are, if we exclude red dwarfs, about 10% of star systems will be suitable, about 10% of systems will have planets/moons of suitable mass and composition, and about 10% will have their planets orbiting with a moderate eccentricity.
08:02.01Ghelae10% 20% 20%*
08:02.36GhelaeCombining those, that's about 0.4% of systems with potentially habitable planets.
08:04.18GhelaeBased on a star count of 21 million, that's 84,000 planets. It's difficult to figure out how many of those planets would bear life, and then technological species.
08:04.47GhelaeThe alternative calculation I might have done is based on the stated values for Cyrannus.
08:06.26Ghelae30 million species across "several trillion" stars - let's assume 2.1 trillion for nice numbers - gives 300 species for Turr Kyolm.
08:07.59GhelaeTaking an intermediate method, with 0.1% of habitable planets becoming life-bearing - as the figure on the Cyrannus page is - means 0.1% of 84,000 which is 84 planets.
08:08.29Liquid_InkI thought it was smaller than that
08:08.43Liquid_InkLike the Turr Kyolm Belt would only realisitically have about ten more species
08:10.34Liquid_InkKeeping in mind it has 34 different naturally life producing worlds
08:10.41GhelaeYou currently have 61 species listed, although I've not taken into account common origins which will decrease the number of planetary origins. And that is lower than 10 less than 84, so clearly I've done a different calculation.
08:10.56GhelaeI suspect I went for the Cyrannus-based route, but only estimated the star count at 1 million.
08:11.09GhelaeThat would then give my final estimate as 84/2.1
08:11.35GhelaeThat's also a nice round number, and I seem to remember that being a property of the final result.
08:12.01Liquid_InkSo how large would a region of about ten species be?
08:16.40Ghelae21 million stars divided by 4.
08:16.50GhelaeAssuming 40 was my guess.
08:17.28GhelaeMore generally, if N million star systems gives 10n species, then 10 species exist in a region of N/n million stars.
08:17.50Liquid_InkSo about five million stars?
08:18.32GhelaeSounds about right.
08:19.44GhelaeNo, I think I just confused my two methods when describing them earlier.
08:20.37GhelaeIf I assumed 1 trillion instead of 2.1 trillion stars for Cyrannus, I would have done 30 million * 21 million / 1 trillion = 30*21 = 630 species.
08:21.07GhelaeSo if I did the pure-Cyrannus route, I would have to assumed a high star count.
08:21.29GhelaeI'd need 6.3 trillion stars to get the Turr Kyolm species count down to 100.
08:22.50GhelaeUnless I made the same mistake beforehand, that can't be how I got to original result.
08:24.19GhelaeI might have had lower estimates for habitability. If I thought only 10% of stars had moderate-eccentricity planets, that would half my final number from 84 to 42.
08:27.18Liquid_InkSo what's the basic equation?
08:28.38GhelaeNumber of stars * fraction of systems with suitable stars * fraction of systems with suitable planets * fraction of systems with suitable eccentricities * fraction that go on to develop sapient species
08:28.56GhelaeThere's one thing I've never considered:
08:29.48Ghelaeif the given star count is the total number of stars - e.g. each binary system contributes 2 to the count - and multiple-star systems are common, that'll affect the final result.
08:30.03GhelaeThe first term should be the total number of *systems*, not the number of stars.
08:34.37Liquid_InkDo you ever think about the birthrate of massive galactic empires?
08:35.05GhelaeI've considered it has to be small because of the Fermi paradox.
08:35.51Liquid_InkAn ecumeneopolis with the population of Orbspira would, assuming a similar birthrate to the human species, produce enough children to fully populate a new world.
08:37.02Liquid_InkPresumably, this is what faciliates the Cyrannian Empire's expansion.
08:37.55Liquid_InkOf course, birthrates do fluctuate between regions. I hear it's connected to education rate.
08:39.14GhelaeYes, amongst other sociological factors. We probably shouldn't take into account the birthrate of, say, rural sub-Saharan Africa to estimate the birthrate of Orbispira.
08:39.45Liquid_InkDefinitely not.
08:40.20Liquid_InkOrbspirans are presumably more capable of access to contraceptives and government incentives to keep the birthrate down to the replacement rate
08:40.29Liquid_InkI nearly said "contracentives"
08:42.40GhelaeAnd Orbispirans won't feel the need to have children to work on the farm, or to replace the ones they lose to preventable diseases.
08:43.31GhelaeOn a related note to our previous topic, I've used the figures on the Cyrannus page - a little over 23% of systems have habitable planets, 0.1% of those are inhabited, and that gives 30 million species total - to work out that Cyrannus should only have 130 billion stars.
08:43.42GhelaeCyr needs to add in a factor of 10% (stars suitable for life-bearing planets, probably) to get a star count of "several trillion".
08:45.49GhelaeIf you're reading this in the logs, Cyrannian, take note. :P
08:46.41GhelaeThen if we do that to Turr Kyolm we get about 480 planets.
08:49.58Liquid_InkHabitale planets?
08:50.16Liquid_InkBut not necessarily intelligent-life bearing?
08:50.37GhelaeNo, with indigenous sapient life.
08:50.46Liquid_InkHmm. That's a lot
08:51.08GhelaeThen it's an additional factor of 0.2 - for suitable orbital eccentricity - that brought my estimate down to 84.
08:52.19Ghelae(It would be 97 if I'd used 23% instead of 20% for suitable planets.)
10:31.14Liquid_InkBantha's being a desert species seem unlikely to me.
10:39.21GhelaeToo much insulating fur?
10:41.51GhelaeDo you think they'd be suitable in cold desert regions, like the Gobi?
10:42.23Liquid_InkHmm. I hadn't though of that.
10:43.09Liquid_InkBut Tatooine is hot.
11:00.34GhelaeCertainly in some places where banthas have been seen, yes.
11:02.11GhelaeStill, I imagine they're the Star Wars equivalent of bactrian camels.
11:02.50Liquid_InkI see
11:02.53GhelaeAlthough even they tend to be less hairy.
11:11.31*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (5284e859@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:23.23*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (1f706a63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:20.58Liquid_InkNearly got this new region done. Just need a history section and a ton of pictures.
12:25.02GhelaeAre you still planning to wait until it's all finished before uploading it to the wiki?
12:25.53Liquid_InkYeah, more or less.
12:25.59Liquid_InkI might skimp on fully doing images.
12:26.11*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (~yaaic@
12:31.16Liquid_InkOh, one of the species in near-human
12:31.21Liquid_InkI'm not good at near humans
12:35.44GhelaeThe only two deliberately (i.e. not retconned) near-human races that I've ever made were a) one where I covered up the face and b) one where I used one of dino's models with minimal non-clothing changes.
12:36.16GhelaeOne of the retconned ones doesn't even have a face, besides a mouth.
12:36.28GhelaeBut images can always come later, yes.
12:38.05Liquid_InkThey're also partially feline
12:39.38Liquid_Ink Based on the females here.
12:39.50Liquid_InkThe males are more cat than human and that's not what I'm aiming for
12:43.46Liquid_InkOh, I do have the symbols for all the civilisations.
12:44.04Liquid_InkI've developed them quite a bit despite the fact they've all been assimilated by the DSB.
12:44.31Liquid_InkI'm concerned I've made the DSB too imperialistic in the descriptions here.
12:45.07Liquid_InkIt downright conquers a nation for being too capitalist.
12:47.57GhelaeWhen is this supposed to have happened?
12:48.39Liquid_InkI guess. After the Iron Bloc conflict but before the Vermulan War.
12:48.55GhelaeRight. Yes, you might want another motivation than just capitalism.
12:50.40GhelaeI don't know the full situation to give ideas, though.
12:50.57GhelaeAn attack, or threat of attack, on DSB citizens could provide motivation to retaliate.
12:51.38GhelaeAnd I'm sure you could come up with capitalist motivations to make such a thing plausible.
12:52.48Liquid_InkOh, I did have another motivation. I forgot. They liberated the Empire by request of the rebels, and the Republic descided the freed ppopulations were their own and tried to muscle their way in, so the DSB decided that the Republic need liberation itself, after the liberated peoples asked that they not become part of the Republic again.
12:55.12Liquid_InkI'm heading off to bed now.
12:55.16GhelaeThere you go.
12:55.19GhelaeOkay, good night.
13:18.15*** join/#cyrannus AndroImp (
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18:10.14*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (1f7ba68b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:16.00*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (uid97882@gateway/web/
18:16.00*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
18:31.23CyrannianHello Ghelae, how did the interviews go?
18:33.39Ghelae~give Cyrannian a cookie
18:33.39infobotACTION gives Cyrannian a home-baked lemon cookie to cheer him up.
18:33.48GhelaeI was given a formal offer from Nottingham, Particle Theory, and I have accepted.
18:34.01CyrannianOoh excellent, congratulations!
18:35.00GhelaeI've since applied for accomodation, and now have nothing else I need to do until they give me an accomodation contract to deal with.
18:44.11*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (1f72aa0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:44.17CyrannianDo you start in September?
18:44.33CyrannianHai Wormy
18:46.55WormydroidThere's been some near collisions in this bus tonight
18:47.58WormydroidI've counted 5 horns by other drivers in the past 15 minutes
18:51.44CyrannianI'd say 80% of my tweets involve bus complaints
19:29.50*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (516c282b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:34.36CyrannianGhelae: Wormydroid: Are either of you in the mood to write a SGCW battle tonight?
19:58.25*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (~Imperios@
20:22.25GhelaeCyrannian: I can do that.
20:22.43GhelaeI would have responded earlier but I was AFK playing Lego Star Wars.
20:23.08GhelaeAnd the course start date is October 1, but that means I'll be moving in late September.
20:37.33*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (516c282b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:05.25CyrannianWormy_: How about you, would you like to help write a SGCW battle?
21:07.16Wormy_hm I want to, but I've got some report writing to do, by the time I've packed it in it might be late
21:40.21*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:15.28CyrannianGhelae: What colour of laser do you prefer for the Apalos?
23:16.37GhelaeHow about violet?
23:18.32CyrannianLovely choice, only the finest laser bolts are violet, I hear.
23:39.22*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (~yaaic@

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