IRC log for #cyrannus on 20170223

00:02.23Wormy__Well the Tories want to bring back fox hunting
00:02.58Wormy__Where it was/is common practise to plant foxes and cut off their escape before it is torn apart by hounds
00:03.18Wormy__They often trespassed on land as well
00:11.57Liquid_InkHey Wormy
00:12.27Liquid_InkSupernovas happen when a star tries to fuse carbon in the core
00:12.34Liquid_InkSorry, iron
00:13.17Liquid_InkSupernovas happen when a star tries to fuse iron in the core
00:13.27Liquid_InkBut it needs to be heavy enough to do this
00:14.14Liquid_InkOur sun not being heavy enough will become a planetary nebula when it tries to fuse carbon
00:14.34Liquid_InkSo is it possible for a star to become heavy enough to successfully fuse iron?
00:17.20Wormy__Iron can't be fused, because the energy released is less than the energy required to fuse it
00:18.08Liquid_InkWhat is this file you're asking me to download
00:19.18Wormy__Its a chart showing the number of nucleons  in one axis compared to the binding energy
00:19.46Liquid_InkI see
00:21.09Wormy__The height difference shows the amount of energy you need
00:22.38Wormy__Anyway, the iron "ash" accumulates in a star's core, creating an imbalance in the star's ability to prevent gravitational collapse with the radiation pressure of heat
00:27.18Wormy__What fuses heavier elements is when the star's outer core collapses inwards at over 20% the speed of light, giving the additional energy needed to capture additional neutrons in the nuclei
00:29.18Wormy__*not really "fuses", the correct term  is neutron capture
00:30.29Wormy__So to answer your question, no, stars need to undergo supernova to supply the excess energy required.  And there is a cutoff to how massive stars can become.
00:33.59Wormy__The additional neutrons are created by the capture of electrons by protons, possible in the temperatures raised by compression
05:17.55*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:46.09*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (56875d63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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09:56.52Liquid_InkHow are you?
09:58.39*** join/#cyrannus Ghel (56875d63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:58.39*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghel] by ChanServ
09:58.41GhelI'm okay; how about you?
09:58.46Liquid_InkPretty good
09:58.51Liquid_InkDid you die?
10:01.29GhelSometimes my computer spontaneously freezes for a few seconds and disconnects from the wi-fi.
10:02.03Liquid_InkI see
10:02.24GhelThe usual pattern is: notice pages aren't loading -> computer freezes -> computer freezes and wi-fi disconnects -> unplug and replug wi-fi thing -> reconnect to IRC.
10:02.33Ghelunfreezes and*
10:03.03Liquid_InkI see
10:03.24Liquid_InkI watched The Phantom Menace again today. I haven't watched it in years
10:06.26GhelI last watched it about a year and two months ago. I remember because I decided to watch all six Star Wars movies before going to see the seventh at night. It's not something I'm planning to repeat.
10:07.40Liquid_InkNow that I'm an adult, the sheer frustration of having to watch Jar Jar has finally set in in full effect
10:12.19Liquid_InkI do enjoy the politics now that I understand it though
11:12.22*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (5284f7f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:13.03Liquid_InkHow are you?
11:13.21*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid2 (
11:13.25WormydroidI felt you beckon me across le ether
11:13.48WormydroidGood thanks, you?
11:15.29Liquid_InkI'm alright
11:15.43Liquid_InkI watched The Phantom Menace again for the first time in ages
11:17.04WormydroidYes, Phantom Menace isn't all that bad and needs to be watched now and again
11:19.17*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid_ (5284f7f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:21.57Liquid_InkNow that I'm an adult, the sheer frustration of having to watch Jar Jar has finally set in in full effect
11:22.01Liquid_InkI do enjoy the politics now that I understand it though
11:23.06Wormydroid_I just learned a massive winter storm is coming my way, bringing 100 mph winds and snow
11:24.11Wormydroid_I like Jar Jar, but there's that conspiracy he's the true dark lord
11:24.52Wormydroid_Then again I haven't watched Phantom Menace lately
11:25.41Wormydroid_Imagine if Snoke was Jar Jar in 7
11:25.51Wormydroid_Woukd be the ultimate troll
11:26.35Liquid_InkThat would be terrifying
11:28.04Wormydroid_People would storm Disney studios and throw chairs in the cinemas
11:28.29Liquid_InkThe quality of the CGI really stands out now. Though I still think the battledroid deployment sequence is amazing.
11:29.16Wormydroid_They combined cgi and models / sets I think
11:30.49Liquid_InkI meant the CGI being bad
11:30.53Liquid_InkWith Jar Jar especially
11:30.59Liquid_InkAnd Yoda in the last scene
11:31.11Liquid_InkThey really dropped the ball with Yoda
11:31.11Wormydroid_Good for its time
11:31.20Liquid_InkYeah, I appreciate that
11:34.23Wormydroid_Yoda was a puppet or animatron I think
11:34.33Wormydroid_But yeah he looked gnaff
11:34.49Wormydroid_And not much like Yoda in the older films
11:35.14Wormydroid_Maybe they tried to make him look younger
11:35.20Wormydroid_Which was unnecessary
11:35.41Wormydroid_Damn gales are starting to pick up
11:35.49Wormydroid_My phone is getying wet bbs
11:37.30Wormydroid_Bus came
11:41.23GhelIt's recycling collection day here today. In order to stop our recycling bin from blowing over and spilling everywhere, I had to lie the bin down (so it couldn't be blown over), facing upwind (so the wind didn't blow the lid open) and uphill with the hinge on top (so gravity pulled the lid down), with some waste carboard likewise orientated (it was a big box with other cardboard inside), pressed up against the lid with a brick to weigh
11:42.21GhelHere in the East Midlands, a hurricane on the west coast usually peters out inland into nothing more than a stiff breeze. Today is something special.
11:43.52GhelAlas, if I had something to tie the bin with, I'd have just tied the lid down.
11:43.53Wormydroid_I read that as that for some reason
11:44.46Wormydroid_In Nottingham, people just let their bins blow all over the road
11:46.14Wormydroid_Also where I live in the Derbyshire, anything come from tye North has dumped most of the rain and snow on the peaks
11:46.39Wormydroid_By the time it reaches me
11:54.17Wormydroid_A lot of miserable inappropriately dressed people today
11:54.41Wormydroid_People tricked by the mild weather this week
11:55.40Wormydroid_Not me, I have a coat designed for ski slope conditions, and I tolerate cold
11:58.58Wormydroid_Its not summer yet fools
11:59.27Wormydroid_Winter can bite with avengeance in her last breath
12:02.47Liquid_InkVery poetic
12:32.42Liquid_InkI just noticed something
12:33.02Liquid_InkBy coincidence, three of my villainous powers have a red-black-green colour scheme
12:37.26Liquid_InkGhel: How would a gas or ice giant become green?
12:41.00GhelLiquid_Ink: Deep green? Chlorine, maybe. You're unlikely to get such high concentrations of chlorine in a planet, let alone an entire gas giant, but it shouldn't be impossible.
12:41.43Ghel(I'm assuming you don't mean bluey-green, which is just a slight variation on Uranus.)
12:42.07Liquid_InkI was looking at Cyrannian's page on the twelve worlds, and one of his gas giants is green
12:42.14Liquid_InkAnother is bluey-green
12:48.04GhelYou could always search to see if you can find any other green gases.
12:48.20Liquid_InkBut not now, because I'm going to bed
13:31.49*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (~anders@
14:11.13*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (80f30290@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:55.40*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (569c47c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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18:08.52*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (5284e5fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:06.22*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (516c282b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:37.43*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (516c282b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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21:35.37Wormy_~seen Ghelae
21:35.42infobotghelae <569c47c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 6h 39m 48s ago, saying: 'Hello.'.
21:35.42Wormy_~seen Ghel
21:35.42infobotghel <56875d63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #cyrannus, 8h 47m 38s ago, saying: 'You could always search to see if you can find any other green gases.'.
22:36.05*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (~chatzilla@2601:441:1:5b80:8ddf:e40f:b3ce:36d3)
23:06.13*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:12.21Liquid_InkHey WOrmy you got promoted
23:12.35Wormy_The_Randomness, Liquid_Ink:
23:12.47Wormy_I was promoted years ago.  Irarely use it.
23:19.28The_RandomnessI feel like I've seen this before
23:19.59The_Randomnessyeah, I have
23:20.06The_Randomness"Did you see the gorilla?" lol

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