IRC log for #cyrannus on 20161216

01:39.20*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (~chatzilla@2601:441:1:5b80:31d2:5499:736f:e3bd)
02:53.55*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (516c282b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:05.19*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid_ (516c282b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:05.46Wormydroid_Would be amazing either way
03:05.51The_Randomnessreading it now
03:07.20Wormydroid_Amazing that if its not a fluke, we could be looking at new physics, or if not amazing that GR has stood up to such tests
03:09.37The_Randomness^ I got confused for a moment by that timeout
05:39.07*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:28.46*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (
08:30.49*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (56875c28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:30.49*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
09:12.42*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid2 (~Anders@
09:18.18*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (~Anders@
09:21.09*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (
09:23.49*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (~Anders@
09:27.00*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (~Anders@
09:30.30*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid2 (
11:43.08*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:48.39Liquid_InkHow are you?
11:49.54GhelaeI'm okay; how about you?
11:51.41Liquid_InkPretty good
11:58.57Liquid_InkNebulae are confusing me
11:59.13Liquid_InkAre all the images you see on the wikipedia pages and such false colour?
12:04.01GhelaeA lot of the time, yes.
12:05.16GhelaeEven when you have photos taken in visible light rather than IR or UV etc., it's a lot more useful for astronomers to see how different elements are distributed throughout the nebula, rather than just "ooh there's some gas there and some dust there", so it gets colourised according to what the spectroscopy tells you.
12:05.43GhelaeI don't think all nebula pictures are false-colour, though.
12:05.54Liquid_InkI see
12:06.15Liquid_InkBut in general they're not as visible as the pictures make them out to be?
12:07.33GhelaeIn general, no.
12:45.59*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (516c282b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:03.48*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (~Imperios@
16:36.26*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (5f97d5f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:13.51*** join/#cyrannus DanzaDelMondo (~Imperios@
19:53.08*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (uid97882@gateway/web/
19:53.08*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
20:58.01*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (~Anders@
21:52.30*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (~chatzilla@2601:441:1:5b80:9dcc:c9cc:b384:cbc4)
22:40.59*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:42.40Liquid_InkHello everybody
22:44.35Liquid_InkHow are you?
22:45.13CyrannianPretty good, though I have to work tomorrow morning unfortunately
22:45.59Liquid_InkMy sister has several shifts that go past midnight into the early morning
22:47.29CyrannianMine starts at ten and ends at five, so it's not that bad
22:48.34Liquid_InkSo hows the Cyrannus galaxy going these days?
22:49.52CyrannianThe Cold War is coming to an end
22:50.29Liquid_InkEverybody's going to kiss and make up?
22:51.48Liquid_InkI love that gif
22:53.45Liquid_InkI'll read the Cold War page today
23:08.16*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (5f97d5f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

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