IRC log for #cyrannus on 20161107

08:00.17*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (1f32d0f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:00.17*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
08:26.33*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:38.35Liquid_InkHow are you?
08:38.53GhelaeI'm okay; how about you?
08:40.36Liquid_InkPretty alright thank you
08:41.38Liquid_InkI'm excited that the team behind Black Mesa has announced roughly when they hope to release the Xen levels.
08:41.46Liquid_InkAnd have released two preview maps
08:43.28Liquid_InkI'm worried for how well they'll get the original feel of Xen. I am a bundle of pessimism.
08:45.24Liquid_InkThis probably means nothing to you, but I have nobody else to talk to.
08:47.29Liquid_InkNobody I *want* to talk to.
08:49.21GhelaeIt doesn't mean absolutely nothing to me, but I don't have anything to say about it.
08:50.35Liquid_InkFair enough
08:51.19GhelaeI know what Xen is, but never having played any of that series of games, when I think about it I imagine the place with green floating islands from the end of Tomb Raider II.
08:51.48GhelaeWhich, if you've never played it, it's a black void with green floating islands.
08:53.05Liquid_InkDoesn't sound as impressive as Xen
08:53.35Liquid_InkOkay that sounds condescensing, I'm sorry
08:54.58Liquid_InkXen wasn't well done in the original Half-Life, but the aesthetic was good. It was improved in Blue Shift. When I play Blue Shift it takes my breath away and I just stare out into the horizon.
08:57.11Liquid_InkBlue Shift has one single giant island instead of lots of little ones you need to jump between
08:57.55Liquid_InkBlack Mesa seems to be going for the larger islands feel, yet also having the hopping between them thing
08:58.39Liquid_InkI only just noticed a presumably artificial structure in the corner. I can't wait to see what it is.
09:00.30Liquid_InkBlack Mesa is seriously putting a great deal of effort into improving Xen from the original, so I imagine we'd get to see more of the Nihilanth's empire.
09:02.05Liquid_InkI have a lot of opinions on Xen, and I should structure them better. I shouldn't have gone back into Black Mesa until I was done with Blue Shift.
09:04.05Liquid_InkBlue Shift managed to do Xen better, but had some flaws. A lot of the interiors of the islands in the original had an appearance as if they were absolutely covered in living fungus stuff, but Blue Shift didn't explore this.
09:04.30Liquid_InkIt was better structured physically, but it the aesthetics could have been better. Parts of it just felt sterile.
09:09.03Liquid_InkThe river was awesome though. Black Mesa definitely needs to throw in a river.
09:09.12Liquid_InkMake the Xen ecosystem more plausible.
09:12.01Liquid_InkThough I don't think Black Mesa should totally take Blue Shift's ideas, because the remake of Blue Shift needs to be left with something.
09:13.40Liquid_InkI think I've exhausted all I have to say.
09:14.01Liquid_InkOr I could say infinitely more, but that wouldn't be good.
09:14.20Liquid_InkSo Ghel, are there any topics you would like to give long lectures about?
09:15.49Liquid_InkYou a good listener, and I feel we should return the favour.
09:16.06GhelaeI don't currently have anything, no.
09:16.24GhelaeIf I do think of something, I'll have to remember to tell you.
10:40.52*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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16:56.27*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (~Imperios@
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19:39.46*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (516c282b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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22:03.42Wormy_Oh dear
22:04.32Wormy_lol Imperios, looks like the internet came knocking
22:09.43*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (~chatzilla@2601:441:1:5b80:90d5:5717:1066:5427)
22:33.15*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (~Anders@
22:48.17*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:04.30Liquid_InkOkay I just thought of something involving energy shields
23:05.15Liquid_InkIn most sci-fi they seem to be used in conjunction with heavy armour, such as in Halo or Half-Life or such.
23:05.36Liquid_InkBut that would mean that the energy shields would waste energy on small arms fire that the armour should deflect anyway
23:15.28Wormy_This is all very soft sci-fi, often the idea of "phases" comes into play in shows like Star Trek that deflect beans or projectiles in the same phase whatever that is
23:17.15Wormy_However, I've been studying radio transmission, jamming and spread spectrum techniques in a report lately, and it seems to come from the same idea even though it doesn't really apply to directed energy weapons but the effects of noise on a signal at a particular frequency from electromagnetic interference
23:18.32Wormy_I suspect that since shields were conceived of in many cold war science fiction stories, where television and radio was subject to daily interference, it has something to do with that
23:19.38Wormy_In electronic warfare, Star Trek-type battles almost taste like the same soup
23:22.03Wormy_As a solution to your problem, perhaps shields can be reactive in that they can sense incoming sublight projectiles
23:23.59Wormy_But really, "energy shields" have numerous other problems associated with them, but things might useful in creating some of the effects of shields
23:30.54GhelaeAlthough probably not the case in most sci-fi, you could imagine that shields don't deflect low-velocity projectiles. But then it would be easy to sneak high explosive past in a slow-moving shell.
23:33.40Liquid_InkYeah, that way you just get snuffed by a mortar shell
23:37.52Wormy_Sometimes its better just to wear your helmet, even if its heavy.  You cannot know what is going to hit you in time
23:38.30GhelaeYeah. Unless you could contrive a way for it to deflect explosives but not unexplosive (yet otherwise outwardly identical) projectiles, the extra drain on energy is worth it. The heavy armour is there as a last resort.
23:40.32Wormy_Electric armour, which I'm not sure has left the testing fields, will work on any kind of round
23:41.30Wormy_Here it is in action

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