IRC log for #cyrannus on 20161008

00:23.04Liquid_InkUh oh
00:23.19Liquid_InkSurely peeps will remember he didn't improve Britain at all
00:27.02Liquid_InkHey Wormy_ has the physics in Space Engineers been change recently?
00:27.30Wormy_Just been playing it - not that I noticed
00:27.50Wormy_But the controls might have changed a bit, moving objects in 3D space is now more fluid
00:28.05Wormy_How come?
00:28.08Liquid_InkI was playing in the premade Earth-type planet. I copy and pasted some ships, but the copies were all upside down
00:28.29Liquid_InkThen I tried knocking down the supports on the pirate bases, but they kept floating on their own accord
00:43.42Wormy_Well, I've had no gravity problems on my save
00:44.33Wormy_The former sounds like a bug rather than physics
00:45.46Liquid_InkI should really properly play a survival game sometime
00:48.55Wormy_Heard of Astroneers?
00:49.29Wormy_New Space Enginey-NMSy type game coming out that focused on survival in the reveal trailer
00:52.58Liquid_InkI've got far too many games on my wish list already
00:53.08Liquid_InkLike, up to $400 of games
00:53.13Liquid_InkI need to wait for a steam sale
00:53.25Wormy_Christmas is coming up
00:53.51Liquid_InkThough I hear there will be a Halloween sale
00:56.49Wormy_Oh good
00:57.33Liquid_InkI have heard that only horror games go on sale on halloween, but depending on that definition that make knock about four games off my list
00:58.46Liquid_InkSeven, optimistically
01:09.02Wormy_My list:  Games bought not played (Wolfenstein New Order, Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Deus X, Portal, Firewatch) Games to buy (GTA 5, Battlefront III), Games interested (Astroneers, Kerbal Space Program, Dual Universe, Infinity if it ever comes out, Star Citizen, Battlefield 1)
03:25.15*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (~chatzilla@2601:441:1:5b80:9434:d438:1da8:870a)
06:37.19*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (
08:55.02*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:13.29*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid2 (
09:16.11*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (56ba434e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:16.11*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
09:18.55Liquid_InkHey Ghel
09:35.03*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (
09:57.45Liquid_InkI recently started readingKim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy
10:18.18GhelaeHow is it?
10:19.28Liquid_InkI'm only on the third chapter, but I'm enjoying it
12:15.15*** join/#cyrannus drom (~drom@unaffiliated/drom)
12:29.01*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (5f937199@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:27.37*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid2 (
16:59.40*** join/#cyrannus drom_ (
17:09.18*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (
17:34.50*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (
17:56.55*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid2 (~Anders@
18:28.22*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (~Imperios@
20:07.59*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (~chatzilla@2601:441:1:5b80:9434:d438:1da8:870a)
22:05.26*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (~Anders@
22:58.51*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0cd9d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:03.09Wormy_awayHi Liquid, did you get my message on Steam?
23:34.00Wormy_awayLiquid_Ink:  Mythological creatures dump
23:37.16Liquid_InkSome of those don't seem to belong.
23:37.33Liquid_InkI'd hardly call the Minotaur "less known"
23:51.23Wormy_awayan amusing minio film on the the Tokoloshe

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