IRC log for #cyrannus on 20160315

00:05.49*** join/#cyrannus Vincent20100 (46506626@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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08:50.45*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (
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09:21.18*** join/#cyrannus DanzaDelMondo (~yaaic@
09:25.09*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (
10:04.17*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (5284e162@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:46.57*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0a1bb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:11.24*** join/#cyrannus AndroImp (
11:14.50*** join/#cyrannus Vincent20100 (46506626@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:14.42*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (
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15:27.34*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (5284e162@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:43.24GhelaeThere's always UFOs around the ISS. I mean, based on the impression you'd get from all the sightings people claim to get from the live feeds.
15:45.39WormydroidThat one is slightly better than most, but looks like a reflection of the ISS in the camera to me
15:47.55GhelaeMost likely.
15:49.30GhelaeThat's the first thing I'd think upon seeing something perfectly tracking the camera like that.
15:54.58*** join/#cyrannus AndroImp (~yaaic@
16:36.56*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (~Imperios@
16:46.46*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (02184654@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:27.06*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (~chatzilla@2601:441:0:6:19de:a6b5:5c7b:1616)
17:31.27*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (uid97882@gateway/web/
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18:23.10The_RandomnessWormy_: While I agree with many of your points, I don't really see the media milking this nonsense for what it's (not) worth like you say it does
18:23.25The_RandomnessBut perhaps that may be because I only pay attention to the more reasonable outlets
18:23.55Wormy_I should show you
18:25.38Wormy_Firstly, what really is the value of this opinion article?  Look at how many comments it has.  The value is that it brings viewers, it is not valuable to feminism or it's destractors however, because all they do is argue
18:26.09Wormy_They become viral and make money
18:27.09The_RandomnessOh, so opinion sections
18:27.55Wormy_It's not just that.  The Verge, TIME magazine, and many more give overwhelming support to Anita Sarkeesian.  Through them she has probably got a voice to even more people
18:28.38Wormy_Celebrities also use such magazines to endorse her, like Whil Wheaton, and that is good for them.
18:29.33Wormy_All I'm saying is, they are leftist media sites that write and post for the radically left
18:29.52Wormy_The Guardian is in itself, leftist-aligned
18:31.35Wormy_It's like when Rockstar made a lot of fame and notoriety by selling their game on controversey.
18:32.05The_RandomnessRight, I get what you're saying now
18:32.55Wormy_I don't think it's as grand conspiracy or anything like that.  It is just that controversey sells.  I doubt much of these media companies really care about her views.
18:33.12The_RandomnessBut I think that warrants the condemnation of the outlets that give voice to such things instead of blanket condemnation of "media giants"
18:34.35Wormy_Whatever it is, it is quite a sad state of affairs.  It means Anita is only really talking to an uncritical fanbase or volatile detractors who make their online presence criticising her.
18:36.50Wormy_If there is truth in that games cause sexism, whether or not her theories are right (though they are certainly not without criticism) won't matter.  People will never listen to her, while media companies and the game industry makes a profit from the controversial they gain.  Thus nothing will improve
18:37.29Wormy_Worse, as discussed on #sporewiki, people start condemning all liberal and progreessive ideas as "SJW"
18:43.29Wormy_I think social media blows the whole thing out of proportion anyway
18:44.42Wormy_people rush to blame one political ideology or another
18:45.47Wormy_I was one of them.  I started thinking that liberalism and enlightenment thinking in the left was dying
18:46.26Wormy_Now I realise that's simply because I was looking at a particular narrative of media, and watching particular people shouting
18:46.36Wormy_All these ideologies make errors
18:47.10Wormy_Also I have been talking with some journalist experts about the issue
18:48.32Wormy_And there have always been activist subcultures too, and society is dedstroyed yet
18:49.04Wormy_I.e. Objectivists, hippies, punks, and so on
19:51.40*** join/#cyrannus ImpyDroid (~yaaic@
20:34.16The_Randomnessok, that wasn't quite brb
21:13.05Wormy_I wonder what would happen if Thatcher and Ayn Rand were put in the same room
21:13.32The_Randomnessech, ayn rand
21:35.30CyrannianThatcher would unhinge her jaw and swallow Ayn Rand whole of course
22:55.35*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (02184654@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:25.30*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (~chatzilla@2601:441:0:6:8ddf:e40f:b3ce:36d3)
23:26.50The_RandomnessSo, I've been watching Crash Course's series on philosophy, and their most recent episode covered empiricism and the disagreement between George Berkeley and John Locke
23:27.54The_RandomnessAnd Berkeley came to the conclusion that nothing really exists unless it is perceived
23:35.38The_RandomnessWhile this is interesting to think about, I have some problems about it that are difficult to explain
23:39.18Wormy_I'm interested
23:40.39The_RandomnessLet me link you the video
23:45.24Wormy_I've read about Berkeley and Locke.  One way to argue against Berkeley is that his universe ends up looking automatic and independent anyway.
23:46.14The_RandomnessIt also supposes the existence of an "ultimate observer"
23:46.47The_RandomnessWhich I, of course, do not agree with since I am an enlightened, euphoric human being
23:48.08The_RandomnessMore seriously, could you expand a bit on what you just said?|
23:48.13Wormy_Because why one outcome, and not another?  One would have to conclude it is the imagination, acting in an autonomous way.  Same script that one lead one to rationalism and objective reality!
23:49.11Wormy_It is not logically possible to refute it.  But explanation of how and why we understand the world can dismiss it.
23:49.24The_Randomnessoh yeah, I'm not saying that you can refute it
23:49.47The_RandomnessBut I am trying to form my own dismissal of it
23:49.54The_RandomnessJust for fun :p
23:53.10Wormy_Empiricism has it's own problems, but the argument against the radical form of it is more subtle.  Scientists today, contrary to popular belief, are neither empiricists or rationalists
23:54.16Wormy_Karl Popper argued that science is conjectural, tested by observation and experiment (i.e empirical), but places the human element of rational thought, in producing explanations, at the centre.
23:54.48Wormy_Critical rationalism, a sort of intertwining of the two
23:54.54The_RandomnessI have a feeling that we'll end up covering what will be in the next video of the series lol
23:55.26Wormy_Heh, we are probably ahead
23:56.28Wormy_That's where "Science can't prove, only disprove" comes from
23:56.40The_RandomnessI see
23:58.07Wormy_You've got me on a tangent, hit on probably one of my favourite subjects
23:58.23The_RandomnessOh, feel free to ramble a bit, this is all very interesting

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