IRC log for #cyrannus on 20151019

04:51.53*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d016b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:00.12*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e969ec0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:00.58Wormy_nothing better than dark5 before dawn
06:02.44Liquid_InkIs there a new one?
06:06.51Wormy_Yes, but I don't know how new
06:06.52Wormy_5 Darkest Accidental Photos
06:09.51Wormy_Shit, so a crime syndicate in the Mediterranean has been dumping toxic waste and even radioactive material from container ships for decades.  The fear is that when the containers degrade, the Med will become uninhabitable
06:10.17Wormy_thats from this video
06:10.49Liquid_InkIs it realiably sourced?
06:12.51Wormy_You are right to ask that
06:12.57Liquid_InkWell that Dark5 was rather creepy
06:13.52Liquid_InkAlthough I prefered the Men in Black ne
06:14.55Wormy_It happens sadly
06:15.16Wormy_But they don't know precisely has much is being dumped or where, so it could be serious
06:15.17Liquid_InkBloody Italians
06:18.28Wormy_See you in a short while
07:33.03*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (5284ebe8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:34.02Liquid_InkDo Grimbolsaurians use giant sandworms as mounts?
07:34.15Liquid_InkThis is a silly question, but I'm not in a serious mood.
07:35.43WormydroidI dont see why not!
07:36.17Liquid_Ink...which is interesting considering the whole thing with Spice in Spore
07:36.28Liquid_InkI didn't think of that until just then.
07:38.08WormydroidYes, I'm interested in emphasising the existence of spice
07:38.52Liquid_InkIt needs some sort of introduction somehow
07:39.06WormydroidGhelae has the idea its a biochemical molecule that forms from silicon based life in the crust of planets
07:39.38Liquid_InkRemember all the hoax spices? Black, rainbow, sporty...
07:39.52Liquid_InkI was thinking of using those as an illegal narcotic for my crime fiction
07:40.04WormydroidIt would be nice if it could be distributed on the galactic markets butbthe idea coukd be lsughed off
07:40.27WormydroidI think you've said this before
07:40.44Liquid_InkI have?
07:40.44WormydroidI do remember
07:41.18WormydroidI also remember the Spodist hoax
07:41.35Liquid_InkPlanet Spode?
07:42.01WormydroidThat's right
07:42.18Liquid_InkAh that whole chessnut
07:42.31Liquid_InkI found the same wormhole they took a photo of. Nothing on the other side.
07:42.38Liquid_InkWell, conventional stars and planets...
07:42.54WormydroidI also attempted to visit it
07:43.31WormydroidOne thing I do believe is that the game can spawn humans near Sol
07:43.41WormydroidIt happened to me
07:44.33Liquid_InkIt has happened to you?
08:45.12*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (05970188@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:45.19*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
08:45.45Liquid_InkHey Ghellly ghelly
08:46.22Liquid_InkWhat was the name autocorrect gave you? Shelly?
08:47.15GhelaeI don't know; I've never had to type "Ghelae" into anything with autocorrect before.
08:48.13Liquid_InkIt was "my" autocorrect
08:52.48GhelaeRight. Well in that case, I don't remember. :P
08:53.25Liquid_InkIt's Star Trek night tonight, so we'll find out soon enough
10:47.22*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d016b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:49.47Liquid_InkI'm sure it'll autocorrect Ghelae in a little
10:51.25GhelaeMaybe it'll autocorrect Ghelly instead?
10:51.45Liquid_InkI don't call you Ghelly
10:56.50Ghelae[09:45] <Liquid_Ink> Hey Ghellly ghelly
10:57.13Liquid_InkThe evidence is doctored.
10:58.28GhelaeIf you want to be super-pedantic, neither of those words is actually "Ghelly".
10:58.53Liquid_InkYes. Yes I do.
11:00.30Ghelae...Maybe it'll autocorrect Ghellly or ghelly instead?
11:02.23Liquid_InkI'm not sur autocorret is wokring
11:03.48GhelaeYeah. It's broken.
11:04.34GhelaeThat or it's a super-sophisticed autocorrect that doesn't correct words when it knows you're intentionally misspelling them.
11:07.39Liquid_InkActually, only "sur" was intentional
11:07.59GhelaeTheory disproved, then.
11:08.17Liquid_InkOh, the autocrat is back on now, apparently Ghelae
11:08.43GhelaeSo it still doesn't autocorrect Ghelae.
11:08.55GhelaeWell, you have three other names to try at least.
11:10.45Liquid_InkI'm thinking of a better characterisation of the Krytyczny
11:11.56Liquid_InkI said it was Star Trek night. We're watching a Q episode
11:15.06Liquid_InkI like their mysterious malevolent nature in the Amanda Rogers episode
11:20.25Liquid_InkGhelae went quiet
11:20.42Liquid_InkGhelae has been added to my dictionary
11:24.45GhelaeIt's a very important word. It should be in every dictionary.
11:25.53GhelaeI don't have anything to say on changing the characterisation of the Krytyczny when I'm neither sure of what their current characterisation is nor how you're planning to change it.
11:26.42Liquid_InkHmm. That's true.
11:26.56Liquid_InkAre the Q sort of semi-canon in Sporewikiverse?
11:27.10Liquid_InkThe Xyanxes or something if I recall.
11:30.32Liquid_InkAre you busy?
11:30.36GhelaeI think Wormy gave "Q" as another name for Xyanxes, yes.
11:31.43Liquid_InkWhat are the Xyanxes like?
11:32.32GhelaeA hodgepodge of Tier 0 sci-fi races, essentially.
11:33.02GhelaeThey tend to be more distant than Q.
11:35.43Liquid_InkI see
11:42.32GhelaeThe name "Q" doesn't even appear on the Precursors' page.
11:43.09GhelaeBut it is mentioned on the Ultraterrestrials page.
11:43.19Ghelae'The oldest of the First Ones are the mysterious Xyanxes, also known by other names such as "Nagilum", "Q" or "Xeelee".'
11:50.22Liquid_InkWormy sure does love his science fiction references
12:01.40Liquid_InkHey remember when Anakin asked Padme if she was an angel?
12:01.54Liquid_Ink Well they're a thing
12:26.57*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d016b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:29.35Liquid_InkI'm thinking of what species would supplement the Turr Kyolm Belt beyond the already canonised ones
12:32.16Liquid_InkThe former list of DSB species has some ideas, although a lot of them I'd rather purge.
12:33.16Liquid_InkMany of them are the same general thing anyway
15:22.06*** join/#cyrannus Wormydroid (5284e945@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:05.33*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (~Imperios@
16:39.06*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e90a11a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:15.22*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (05970188@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:15.22*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
17:42.47*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e90a11a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:14.47*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (~chatzilla@2601:441:0:6:812f:97:5d33:cd3a)
19:11.37Wormy_The_Randomness:  I'm actually under the impression Vulcans are stronger than Klingons
19:11.50Wormy_Maybe not as resilient
19:12.16The_RandomnessI personally don't have an opinion on that myself, but I do agree that Vulcans aren't quite as resilient.
19:13.45Wormy_Well I don't know what you think of the new movies but Spock was able to fight Kahn, and Kahn beat up a whole squad of Klingons
19:13.59Wormy_Then in TOS, there is this unbelievable feat of strength
19:15.04Wormy_Or maybe being half human makes Spock stronger, not weaker for some reason
19:19.47The_RandomnessSorry for being slow to respond, I just got a bite to eat, and I'm extremely annoyed with my current state of health right now
19:22.10Wormy_I was going to conclude, I am annoyed by Star Trek being inconsistent with Klingon strength
19:22.18The_Randomness>star trek
19:22.26The_RandomnessChoose one :^)
19:22.36Wormy_in DS9 and ENT they were got chucked about by humans
19:24.02Wormy_I guess the Federation having no money or capitalism in some episodes, and Picard being very materialist on the other also counts on lack of consistency
19:24.29Wormy_and other characters, buying things and so on
19:26.59The_RandomnessI personally don't have an issue with characters buying things and such, they would obviously have some need of trade, they just don't have any need of money within the Federation itself
19:28.00The_RandomnessBut yeah, Vulcans are obviously incredibly strong (e.g. Spock laying the beatdown on Khan in ID), it's just that we normally don't see it unless they lose control of their emotions.
19:31.15The_RandomnessAs for Klingons, I suspect that they may not be too much stronger than most humans, but they're more likely to use their strength more regularly
19:31.27The_RandomnessAnd they probably actively work on it quite a bit
19:34.28Wormy_That's true
19:34.55Wormy_People 100 years ago had denser bones from all the work they did (and perhaps today in the developing world)
19:34.59The_RandomnessAnd/or they know how to use it better
19:36.26Wormy_It would make sense for those fights in which the human won
19:36.33Wormy_Like Sisko
19:36.46Wormy_Being a boxer
19:37.48Wormy_Although in TNG when that Klingon slapped Riker, he sent him flying
19:38.01Wormy_And I doubt that was full strength
19:38.25The_RandomnessIf it was full strength it might've ruffled his glorious beard
19:39.30The_Randomnesslol what
19:40.13Wormy_I find it funny how you spot Riker grinning into the camera sometimes
19:40.20Wormy_Or pulling faces
19:41.39The_RandomnessI never noticed that, or at least I don't remember it
19:42.23Wormy_I didn't until I watched various TNG recuts, which tend to emphasise it
21:16.16Wormy_Ghel:  Do you think the British Spaceport will go anywhere?
21:16.40Wormy_It claims it will launch unammed and manned spaceflight
21:16.43GhelI haven't heard anything about it in a while. Has it been in the news again recently?
21:17.22Wormy_Not too recently, but last I heard, there were some candidate locations
21:18.15Wormy_I think it could be a good opportunity for Virigin Galactic and SKYLON
21:19.07Wormy_Or Reaction Engines, rather
21:22.12GhelBritain isn't the ideal location for a spaceport because of its distance from the equator.
21:22.23GhelI suppose if the Empire still existed it'd be built somewhere in Africa.
21:23.18Wormy_Or some of the Caribbean islands
21:23.23GhelBut the idea isn't terrible; I see no reason to be certain it won't go ahead.
21:25.44GhelFor some reason I imagine southern India as a place for a spaceport.
21:27.52Wormy_Here's the candidates in our timeline
21:28.49GhelNot really any central locations.
21:29.23GhelNot that you'd want a spaceport in particularly close proximity to large populations, I guess.
21:29.51Wormy_One of the listed difficultes was proximity to houses and congested airways
21:30.32GhelWales is the closest to half-way up the island. Also the least likely to be taken away from the UK by an independence referendum.
21:31.13GhelWell, maybe drawn with Newquay on the latter point.
21:32.29Wormy_The Goonhilly radio station makes Cornwall a good candidate as well
21:34.10GhelOh, so it does. It'll also have a longer runway than Llanbedr.
21:34.43GhelAnd it's further south, but I don't know how much difference that'll make at our latitude.
21:35.25Wormy_Probably miniscule
21:41.38Wormy_Also I imagine if pre-WWI politics hadn't changed the powers a great deal through the rest of the century, I imagine spaceflight may have taken longer.  Unless somekind of imperial cold war persisted maybe
21:45.00GhelSpaceflight basically happened because of Nazi rockets.
21:45.31GhelWithout wanting to bomb cities from really far away, I don't think the technology would have been developed so soon.
21:46.05Wormy_There's an alternative universe proposed on alternative histories where Britain aligns with Germany in WWI and the two take France.  US remains isolationist.  Hitler doesn't rise in Germany, but potentially another version of him does in some other land.  A potential world war happens with the Soviets and other communist forces.
21:46.57Wormy_Yes, such tech might be have been stalled by decades
21:47.08Wormy_It probably would have come in the end
21:47.27Wormy_Maybe in that world, there was internet before there was spaceflight
21:48.24Wormy_Hm, the need for satellites probably would have emerged
21:50.21GhelTheir utility would have been recognised eventually.
21:53.36Wormy_Oh well, if Britain gets a move on, we could establish a commercial space empire :D
21:53.40GhelOf course, history is not perfectly predictable. Although slow to start off, perhaps interplanetary colonisation plans are well under way in the early 21st century of this alternate imperialist world.
21:54.11GhelAnd space battleships already exist.
21:54.49Wormy_Yeah, no reason for a nuclear space treaty if there was no immediate threat of obliteration
21:55.02Wormy_And that might mean nuclear powered spaceships
21:55.33GhelAlthough the problems with space radiation would still exist that need research to overcome.
21:55.45GhelAnd how nuclear technology actually progressed... that may be even harder to judge.
21:56.52GhelPerhaps a couple of nukes to get a country to surrender is the best way of ensuring that people recognise how horrible nuclear weapons are and thereby prevent nuclear war.
21:57.48GhelIn any other world there's always a risk that by the time the first nuclear strike is made, the receiving nation is large enough to survive it and ready enough to start a counterstrike... and the rest is (the end of) history.
21:58.44GhelEven being optimistic, blowing stuff up with fission is easier than a controlled reaction. Somebody would have realised that you can make a deadly bomb with nuclear technology.
21:59.28Wormy_I believe the idea of a nuclear bomb had been there for a long time, even before nuclear physics was understood
21:59.56GhelH. G. Wells had a similar idea.
22:00.24GhelAlthough it wasn't until nuclear physics was understood that the idea was at all plausible.
22:01.17GhelStill, if nuclear power was developed in a time of peace, we could still have our nuclear-powered spaceships.
22:03.38GhelAnd I'm sure we could get an end-of-WWII type of situation where the first nuclear attack doesn't lead to MAD and instead makes people realise what a bad idea nuclear warfare is.
22:05.30GhelI'm going to go now. Bye!
23:21.46*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d016b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

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