IRC log for #cyrannus on 20150904

00:09.48*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e90a64a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:11.17Cyrannian|AwayOoh I'll be sure to log on during the weekend
00:11.40Wormy_I played the Butterfly Effect last night
00:12.22Cyrannian|AwayIs that the one with the Borg?
00:12.52Wormy_yeah, it was
00:13.26Wormy_I waited this long because I tried to grind to level 60 so I could play the episode before it, but oh well
00:13.34Cyrannian|AwayThat was an exciting one alright
00:14.01Cyrannian|AwayMy poor romie was sadfaic
00:14.07Wormy_STOYou know, I guessed the Borg would take Romulus
00:14.22Wormy_STOBut their fancy simulation didn't
00:15.33Cyrannian|AwayI knew Romulus wouldn't come back, but pleasantly surprised when the Borg appeared
00:18.53Wormy_STOhm, big patch
00:20.41Cyrannian|AwayLooking forward to the new season of STO
00:23.08Wormy_STOLooks like its exploration-themed
00:27.53Wormy_STOThe crew on my ship are getting better at hiding their contraband from my security officers.
00:31.55Wormy_STOThe Ambassador was unimpressed with my ship on the tour.
11:22.33*** join/#cyrannus infobot (
11:22.33*** topic/#Cyrannus is 🐊Please note that this channel is invitation only, not a community channel. Cyrannian is its admin. || || All conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
11:22.33*** mode/#Cyrannus [+v infobot] by ChanServ
11:25.03Wormy_though calling artists sheep is not agreeable, the arts are terribly under-valued with a lack of jobs.  Some science and engineering universities in the US are teaching design elements because of the thought process and also many going into product development
13:41.32*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (uid109476@gateway/web/
13:48.09CyrannianWormy_: Thanks for using my picture on the DCP relations page!
13:49.16Wormy_Yeah, I've been meaning to use it somehow
13:49.39Wormy_I'm revamping my oforeign relation pages tonight
13:52.24CyrannianIf you need any info about the latest Republic/Imperial advancements and politics let me know
13:53.01Wormy_I will
14:00.27CyrannianWormy_: - oh dere
14:02.55Wormy_There was a lot of speculation it was to be like the Sun Crusher
14:05.17CyrannianSeems to be true
14:17.32Wormy_Hamsters is such a fucked up song
15:07.38*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
18:19.31*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (~Imperios@
18:27.27dromCyrannian: Ya free soon?
18:27.57CyrannianI was hoping to finish the Vasuband story before working on other fiction
19:15.46dromSo someone told me that I could make use of the NS-GEC, drag them to GXS and then backstab them with their back turned
19:15.59dromSuicidal mission I say
19:18.34*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e90a64a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:31.58*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e90a64a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:16.11*** join/#cyrannus TheImperios (~Imperios@
21:10.07*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (~chatzilla@2601:441:0:6:2103:5175:10f0:a6d2)
21:42.48dromCyrannian: I really liked the updates to the NCW!
23:15.05Wormy_pagesCyrannian:  Is the Neraida invasion still canon?
23:19.40Wormy_pagesI don't know whether to keep the Neraida under "possible threats" or "enemies".  Same for the CIS
23:20.39Wormy_pagesI suppose- though we haven't written anything yet, that the DCP has engagements with the Neraida, both could go under enemies
23:24.08*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d016b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:24.44Liquid_InkHey babes
23:27.35CyrannianI suppose so
23:27.37CyrannianHai Liquid
23:28.19Wormy_pagesPut them under "Observing", if you are not happy with anything just say, though I'm still updating all the sections.
23:29.44CyrannianNope, it looks great! I should point out however that the DCP are the only ones who refer to a 12 Tribes of the Libertus, by which I assume they mean the Twelve Worlds:
23:32.07Wormy_pagesYes, I meant the cousins of the Libertus, as the DCP singling out one would seem a bit strange
23:32.37Wormy_pagesShall I just call them Capriconians?
23:34.04Wormy_pagesI'm also removing any reference to degrading relations.  That is a reference to the Gigaconflicts which has changed
23:34.38CyrannianTo be more up-to-date, I would suggest splitting it into simply the New Republic and the Empire and writing about what the DCP thinks of both, with information about how the Emperor prefers the NR and how the Undying COuncil prefers the Empire, etc
23:35.18CyrannianAs the Libertus are split between all these factions and so it is difficult to categorise them as a single group
23:36.04Cyrannian - I also made this page a while back if you think it could help
23:37.22Wormy_pagesThanks, yes.  I was thinking of splitting them up as now they have evolved in very different directions.
23:39.39Cyrannian - These guys could be allies of the DCP too if you want
23:40.49Liquid_InkHey Cyrannian, by which wormhole do the Cognatus attack from in the intergalactic war?
23:43.03CyrannianThey probably enter the Saxheel Wormhole in Cyrannus and came out at where the New Republic colonies currently are:
23:46.00Liquid_InkWhat is it with IRC making pictures really small?
23:47.57CyrannianHaven't noticed
23:50.31Wormy_pagesyeah, don't see why they can't be alliues
23:55.13Wormy_pagesI have, sometimes when users or even myself post images they are really small or really big, and zooming doesn't help
23:55.40Wormy_pagesSo I post file links now

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