IRC log for #cyrannus on 20150822

00:40.21*** join/#cyrannus infobot (
00:40.21*** topic/#Cyrannus is 🐊Please note that this channel is invitation only, not a community channel. Cyrannian is its admin. || || All conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
00:40.21*** mode/#Cyrannus [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:44.37Wormy_Like GXS?
00:45.18Wormy_If you want my opinion, neither is better imo, its taking me a long time to get used to GXS style
00:47.42Liquid_InkYeah, I guess.
00:48.02Liquid_InkThe way wikipedia writes its war articles
00:56.45Liquid_InkPictures are going to be an issue though
00:57.03Liquid_InkMaybe I can bribe Cyrannian to illustrate?
01:01.12Wormy_He has great skill at screenshots
04:13.36*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d016b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:25.36*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d016b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:40.26*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (0597003d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:40.35*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
08:04.46Liquid_InkHey there
08:05.39GhelaeDid you notice the thread about reviving the Civverse again?
08:05.49Liquid_InkI notice very little
08:06.11Liquid_InkAnd honestly, I want to just make a big motion to finish and redo all of my fiction before I start anything new.
08:07.32GhelaeFair enough.
08:08.25Liquid_InkAlso, could you clear up an issue with the DCP workforce that Wormy doesn't seem to get?
08:10.28Liquid_InkAt that level of technology, they'd obvious have great deals of their production and distribution handled by automation. So what jobs do the DCP workers do?
08:21.09*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (~Imperios@
08:26.23GhelaeI'm not entirely sure myself.
08:26.46GhelaePerhaps some tasks are deliberately not automated to give workers something to do?
08:31.24GhelaeWith a post-scarcity society, by definition you'd expect there to be no reason for people to work in industry.
08:33.25Liquid_InkPeople work for precisely two reasons: to gain a reward, or to avoid punishment. It's pretty obvious which category the DCP falls under, but what exact work they get up to is beyond me
08:34.09Liquid_InkWhen I asked Wormy, he linked me to his page which says: " A worker way wake up in a completely different place, and they will be given any relevant work in that area. Thus workers in the DCP must be flexible, although citizens in the DCP can take more specialised roles should they wish to rise the ranks in science, medicine, media, engineering, military and so on outside the colony."
08:36.30GhelaeMost of that sounds like creative work.
08:36.48GhelaeSo that kind of thing may not be automated.
08:36.58Liquid_InkI understand creative work
08:37.31GhelaeMilitary work is the main exception on that list, which I assume means being a low-ranking soldier than a commander of an army of AI weapons.
08:38.33GhelaeMedicine and engineering, where they will involve creativity, are generally where those areas overlap with science.
08:39.08GhelaeThat is, developing new stuff.
09:12.32Liquid_InkHey Ghelae I don't suppose you could get rid of the War of the Nine page and have all the sub-pages made into individual pages?
09:13.12Ghelae ?
09:14.07Ghelae is the only subpage I can find on Special:Allpages.
09:15.04Liquid_InkCould you move it to Fiction:War of the Blocs
09:15.14Liquid_InkAlthough I may change that war's name altogether
09:15.34GhelaeYou could do it yourself. :P But sure; moved.
09:16.33Liquid_InkI tried but it wouldn't let me
09:18.18GhelaeAh. That might have been because of the redirect that already existed.
09:20.41GhelaeA double redirect, leading to the War of the Blocs page.
10:30.43Liquid_InkNom nom
10:34.09GhelHello again.
10:35.19Liquid_InkDo you know of any method of training horses to kill meth addicts?
10:37.15GhelNo. Training horses isn't my specialty, sorry.
10:37.57GhelIf there's some easy way to distinguish meth addicts from other people, you could perhaps condition the horses to associate that with a threat which they can fight against.
12:19.31*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e96ab6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:20.05Liquid_InkHey Wormy
12:20.14Liquid_InkI saw you talking about a Civverse
12:20.28Liquid_InkYour UFO idea, interestingly enough, was present in the original
12:21.53Wormy_I think I tried to introduce it before.
12:38.31Liquid_InkAll the weird shit in Dark5 should be used as a base
13:45.11*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (059701d0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:45.13*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
16:38.27*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562d6746@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:38.27*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
17:24.27*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e96ab6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:32.27*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e96ab6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:02.42*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e96ab6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:13.13CyrannianGhel: Wormy_: Free to discuss fiction or will we wait for Random?
19:14.37GhelI can discuss it now if you want. If we do have anything to tell Random then it will be ready for him when he shows up.
19:15.40Wormy_I can discuss now, I might be going out later
19:20.41Wormy_So, what are we discussing?
19:22.05GhelWe're trying to get an idea of the finale.
19:31.35GhelIf you do have any thoughts on how The Halcyon Scheme should go, add them to the pad.
19:38.03GhelCyrannian: Some of the earlier chapters are very short, and so is the most recent one. Should we put what we've written today into the most recent chapter, or do you think we might as well make it a new section?
19:38.29Wormy_Can someone give me a quick summary so I can catch up?
19:38.42CyrannianI'll add it to the page as a new section
19:38.51GhelOf the whole story?
19:57.36Cyrannian - Updated
19:58.51GhelHmm... I think the introduction of QT makes it sound like he was responsible for the bombing. :P
19:59.29GhelAnd I misspelt "malfunction".
19:59.45Wormy_Right okay, thanks
20:00.06Wormy_I may have to go soon so I may not have much to contribute tonight
20:00.28CyrannianPoor QT, who is incidentally my first droid character IIRC
20:06.27CyrannianI'm fine with continuing tomorrow, I'll try and mull over some new ideas for the finale overnight
20:08.40GhelAll right. I've also just made a couple of minor edits to the section.
22:49.37*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (4e96ab6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

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