IRC log for #cyrannus on 20140929

08:57.28*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d016b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:07.17*** join/#cyrannus drom (
15:07.21*** join/#cyrannus drom (~placehold@unaffiliated/drom)
15:17.33*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (4e12406b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:18.00*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
16:20.23*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (05970127@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:20.34*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
16:49.29*** join/#cyrannus Wormy (520d1dc5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:00.06*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (059700f8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:00.06*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
17:04.58Cyranniandrom: - c top of page
17:10.53CyrannianFeel free to add it to your page. I think I'll change "Order through Peace" into "Peace through Order".
18:51.24Cyrannian - Can anyone open this?
18:52.16CyrannianPhew, I can get in. I was getting an error message
18:54.20CyrannianDo you still want to write the Tricarrion against the Bisistar battle?
18:56.49Wormy_I might be able to do, see how my night goes
18:57.31CyrannianSame for you two, Ghel and Drom.
18:59.45dromOh yes, I can open it. But I'm probably under-knowledges about the tricarrion.
19:01.15CyrannianThe Bisistar are probably the most advanced race in the Cyrandia Cluster, so any battle against them would need to be difficult with clever tactics and overwhelming numbers being key
19:02.56dromNaakjians are tacticans, is there more similar empires or races to keep in mind?
19:10.21dromWhat kind of doctrine does Zazane relay on?
19:11.43GhelMy initial idea for what Apalos should do is to surround some (weaker?) allied ships with small vessels (at most starfighter-sized, perhaps drones as small as a human head, depending on what would be most appropriate).
19:13.09GhelThese would join in with any attacks against Bisistar ships, act as point-defence drones (if the Bisistar do anything that could be countered with point-defence, which I have a feeling they don't), and importantly, shield the crews of the ships they surround by taking some of the hits from the Bisistar weapons.
19:14.17GhelDoubtless they wouldn't have much survivability, but each shot taken by Apalos is another opportunity for an allied ship to last a little longer.
19:15.02Wormy_What sort of weapons and shiels do Bisistar have?
19:15.11Wormy_And their strategies
19:18.04CyrannianThat sounds great, the only characters I intended on adding to that section are Mjart and her sexy dreadnought leading the way , Captain Apanoida of the Exclesior and Captain Berr'rach of a Republic Odyssey-class
19:18.11CyrannianThat was to Ghelae
19:19.21dromI would like to know more about Zazane's typical military ideology. They go for firepower, defence or tactics?
19:19.42GhelShouldn't you ask Hachi about that?
19:19.50CyrannianWormy_: The Bisistar are based a bit on the Undine and the Icolians from STO, but only in terms of ships and their shape-shifting abilities so I haven't really thought about it. However, their ships are quite small, though are more advanced than any other in the Cyrandia Cluster
19:20.09GhelWait; on Titanpad, Cyr said he'll be doing the Brood stuff.
19:20.27Wormy_Right, shapeshifting, I could think of something with that
19:20.55CyrannianWormy_: Here's there ship page:
19:21.55CyrannianNotice that the weaponry is copy and pasted from other pages since that isn't really my area of expertise, so take that with a grain of salt.
19:23.48Wormy_Hm, there are tactics in Orion's Arm that use big ships yet tiny probes
19:23.54Wormy_I'll read up on them
19:23.56dromCyrannian: You are going to take care of my question or should I go and ask Hachi instead?
19:24.04Wormy_I like non-standard tactics
19:24.46Cyranniandrom: rite, I imagine the Brood rely on heavy weaponry to suppress foes, though they aren't mindless brutes who rely solely on that instead of clever tactics.
19:31.22dromI see.
19:42.25Wormy_Can't find it sadly
20:30.53dromwot, titanpad froze
20:31.03Wormy_ES music
20:31.08dromawh yiss
20:31.11GhelIt disconnected me too, drom.
20:31.18GhelFortunately, I'd finished for tonight.
20:31.43dromReconnecting... I'll be back to business soon.
20:32.03dromLost connection to the etherpad server.
20:32.55dromit's working now
20:39.01Cyrannianwatchu wan
20:41.57dromtitanpud is berck
20:55.52*** join/#cyrannus Ghel_ (059700f8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:56.12*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
21:15.14*** part/#cyrannus Ghelae (059700f8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:47.05*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d016b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:24.56Liquid_InkHow are you?
23:24.29Wormy_busy working

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