IRC log for #cyrannus on 20140705

00:18.43*** join/#cyrannus Quark8 (32a6c0c4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:28.37CyrannianYes. Friendship.
01:29.24Liquid_InkBecause friendship isn't really friendship without BDSM
01:37.02CyrannianAny fiction plans?
01:37.59Liquid_InkNext week I'll do lots of writing to reduce the amount of unfinished pages.
01:38.07Liquid_InkAnd also continue the DCP-Vermulan War
01:38.55Liquid_InkAnd also figure out my own part of the Seismomachy; Zarni defeat, Iron Bloc ressurection, et cetera
01:43.14CyrannianCool. Currently, I'm rewriting human history.
01:43.56Cyrannian - Oh, and check this out
01:45.12Liquid_InkHow Orwellian of you.
01:48.12Liquid_InkAnd that story is good
01:50.12Liquid_InkSo what part of human history are you writing?
01:50.35CyrannianAll of it technically. I'm working on the Humanity page.
01:51.16Liquid_InkI see. I should probably discuss with all the fiction holders of humans in the Mirrorverse and write down an official history for them.
01:52.51*** join/#cyrannus QUark8 (32a6c0c4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:59.01Liquid_InkI can't be on the computer all day* so I'll be off now.
02:05.11Cyrannian~seen GB12
02:05.12infoboti haven't seen 'gb12', Cyrannian
02:05.20Cyrannian~seen GD12
02:05.20infobotgd12 <43b4106f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 6d 9h 2m 25s ago, saying: 'Agenda for next week would be that and the DCP stuff + AB stuff since hes off from school now methinks'.
08:00.19*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (56a7222f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:00.19*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
08:11.41*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (65a533e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:25.39*** join/#cyrannus Wormy (520d1dc5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:29.05*** join/#cyrannus Spacer176 (57721ec9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:30.54*** join/#cyrannus Wormy (520d1dc5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:32.30WormyWatching le Tour
11:32.40Wormygo through Yorkshire yay
11:41.21WormyJust past Ilkley Moor
11:55.23Spacer176~seen CountImperios
11:55.26infobotcountimperios <~yaaic@> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 22h 36m 59s ago, saying: 'I could leave her serious but at times put her into embarassing/comical situations'.
14:33.05Spacer176~seen CountImperios
14:33.06infobotcountimperios <~yaaic@> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 1d 1h 14m 39s ago, saying: 'I could leave her serious but at times put her into embarassing/comical situations'.
16:37.27*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (5f2c5c07@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:37.27*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
16:46.04*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (1f351e3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:46.05*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Ghelae] by ChanServ
16:48.35CyrannianHi there.
16:50.18CyrannianI'm currently cleaning up the humanity page. Rewriting human history is super fun.
16:52.30GhelaeAll right. I'll prepare myself for providing some constructive criticism when you're done.
16:53.22CyrannianFirst of all I need to create a satisfactory spore-ified human female.
16:56.32*** join/#cyrannus Wormy (520d1dc5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:03.17CyrannianHi there
17:05.11CyrannianI'm writing up some updates to the human page. It might be best to create a seperate subpage for more extensive information regarding all the separate subspecies while the main page just deals with brief information.
17:36.04WormyI'll check it out when I'm done
17:36.10Wormy*when you are done
17:39.14Wormy~seen Monet
17:39.18infobotmonet <57721ec9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 2d 21h 45m 17s ago, saying: 'The Iraqi Desolator might be another sensetive one'.
17:39.54Wormy~seen Spacer176
17:39.54infobotspacer176 <57721ec9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #cyrannus, 3h 6m 49s ago, saying: '~seen CountImperios'.
17:40.06Wormy~seen CountImpoerios
17:40.06infobotWormy: i haven't seen 'countimpoerios'
17:40.16Wormy~seen CountImperios
17:40.16infobotcountimperios <~yaaic@> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 1d 4h 21m 49s ago, saying: 'I could leave her serious but at times put her into embarassing/comical situations'.
17:40.32Wormy~seen Monet_
17:40.32infobotmonet_ <57721ec9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #cyrannus, 1d 21h 20m 46s ago, saying: ' How'd it go?'.
19:13.36*** join/#cyrannus drom (
20:19.01*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (5f2c5c07@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:19.01*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
21:11.38*** join/#cyrannus infobot (
21:11.38*** topic/#Cyrannus is Official GigaConflict Channel || || All conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged. Logs are updated daily.
21:11.38*** mode/#Cyrannus [+v infobot] by ChanServ
21:40.53*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (
21:44.35The_RandomnessGhelaway: How does it feel to be away?
21:50.17*** join/#cyrannus Wormy (520d1dc5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:50.32CyrannianHi there
21:50.38CyrannianNearly finished the page.
21:51.33WormyCyrannian:  Jedward were nearly Dedward
21:52.46CyrannianPoseidon was foiled again.
22:00.30The_RandomnessWormy: Have some time to talk about Terran Republic thingies?
22:03.31Wormyall night my friend
22:05.01The_RandomnessI forget, did we ever establish anything in terms of SR/TR relations?
22:07.01WormyNo, but I remember discussing that in this new redited timeline, that since everything IHR was preserved, terms or opinions didn't have to change with the IHR
22:07.16WormyWhich is now ATR
22:08.00WormyBut you was undecided because the old Earth factions still exist as seperate entities
22:08.13CyrannianI am sickened when I hear humans boast about how their species is special and more diverse than that of non-humans. Races such as mine, have been space-faring for millennia before humans ever journeyed into space. We colonised a million worlds while they argued over lines on a map. They know nothing of diversity. - Potentate Aeresius
22:09.18WormyOld Earth nations only stay seperated by nationalism
22:09.19The_RandomnessAll I remember is that this was a long time ago
22:09.58WormyI shall refer to the non ATR humans as Old Earth
22:10.32Cyrannian"Regardless of your view of unification, humanity cannot allow interspecies conflicts to continue, as they have since the dawn of our species. We must learn that different ideas, different cultures and different attitudes are things to celebrate, not fear." ATR Diplomat Aidan Collins
22:15.52Cyrannian - Take a look.
22:16.09WormyAidan Collins captures the essence of tolerance abd openness to other cultures yet with criticism too
22:18.14The_RandomnessRight, give me a moment to read up on this stuff
22:21.26WormyCyrannian:  I really like you what you did.  Do you mind if I add the Scutum-Crux and Orion Spur near-humans sometime?  I'll downplay the sci-fi crossovers elements
22:22.12CyrannianNot at all, it's a shared page after all! Glad you like it!
22:28.27WormyRight, I'm thinking about adding  section on how other races view humanity
22:28.53The_RandomnessI can help :>
22:29.27WormyI'll add what my fiction thinks towards humans anyway
22:29.49The_RandomnessWhere should this go?
22:30.08CyrannianCool, most Libertus view the Terran Republic in a very favourable light, but the Old Earth nations in a fairly negative light.
22:32.04The_RandomnessI think you can guess at what my fiction thinks
22:32.14The_RandomnessThe second biggest snobs in the SWverse
22:32.26WormyThe DCP also takes a more friendly view on the ATR, maybe Fjord League, but on the Old Earth nations
22:32.37Wormy*but not of
22:33.02WormyI might edit some of the text that I originally wrote, to bring it up to standards I might write now
22:33.20WormyDid I really need to add Camelot?
22:33.28WormyArthurian legend, and so on
22:33.32The_RandomnessWait what?
22:34.04WormyI added:  "Within several thousand years however, civilization returned with the Sumarians, Indus Valley and ancient Egyptians, along with Greece, Rome and the rise of the One God, of whose culture greatly influenced a now extinct race of a different galaxy. In the green islands of Britain, Camelot restored peace to the lands for a while."
22:34.43WormyI was probably obsessing oiver the movie Excalibur as I was writing that
22:35.01WormyWhich I highly recommend all to watch of course
22:35.24The_RandomnessI just remembered that I need to watch Firefly
22:35.47The_RandomnessRight, I'll add a quote now.
22:46.53*** join/#cyrannus Monet_ (57721ec9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:47.28CyrannianHi there.
22:50.04*** part/#cyrannus Ghelaway (1f351e3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:52.27dromCyrannian: I heard of a well-done page. What was it?
22:54.26dromThe formatting looks really better than it was before.
22:56.55WormyHi Monet
23:03.55bedboyG'night everyone.
23:30.12Cyrannian~seen Ghel
23:30.14infobotghel <56a7222f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 1d 1h 34m 55s ago, saying: 'I'm going to go now. Bye!'.
23:31.30*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (65a533e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:49.19Wormy_fictionMaking some edits
23:53.41Liquid_InkWhat kind of edits/
23:53.50Wormy_fictionTo Humanity page
23:53.54Wormy_fictionWe are redoing it
23:54.15Liquid_InkI see
23:55.39Spacer176Wormy_fiction: I saw Attack the Block earlier
23:55.53Wormy_fictionOh yeah, finny that
23:56.21Spacer176I found it funny how the youths kept describingthe police as "the feds"
23:57.12Spacer176And also talk of how if thet made the alien female's body public, the FBI would go after them rather than MI:5

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