IRC log for #cyrannus on 20140318

00:01.01CyrannianDrom seems like a nice guy
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01:13.31quark8_:( bye.
02:28.41*** join/#cyrannus quark8 (48d0b806@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:35.23*** join/#cyrannus infobot (
08:35.23*** topic/#Cyrannus is Official GigaConflict Channel || || All conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged. Logs are updated daily.
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13:55.01*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (5f2c5c07@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:28.33*** join/#cyrannus Wormy (569bbbe5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:07.05*** join/#cyrannus Sporeraptor (54391b5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:56.55*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (5f2c5c07@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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18:40.28*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (6daf8917@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:42.25WormyGhelae:  I have some more research into the processes driving emergence, involving thermodynamics on large scales.
18:43.23WormyShould I say self-organised complexity?  Emergence is a very general term..
18:43.51GhelaeUse whatever term you like. :P
18:44.30GhelaeBut self-organisation is more precice, as opposed to simple emergent phenomena such as basic chemistry and materials science.
18:48.39WormyI think the total measured entropy of a system is emergent.  As long as the molecules in say, a kettle of boiling water.  On the reductionist scope, we know where each molecule is and how it is moving.  But analysing the macrostate, its as if information is inverse to entropy, since we can know the pressure, temperature and so on
18:49.23WormyIt would seem any configuration of the miscostates could lead to the same properties in the macrostate as well, provided the density and thus temperature is the same
18:50.45WormyThen I found a potentially sticky topic, since its hard to find under the same name:  anti-thermodynamic systems.
18:51.01GhelaeIf you mean that which particles fill which microstates doesn't matter to the overall macrostate, that's correct.
18:51.26GhelaeOf course, on a quantum scale, you're going to be dealing with fundamentally indistinguishable particles anyway.
18:51.53WormyYay, I guessed that part
18:52.06WormyAs in, didn't read it
18:53.09WormyRight. in an anti-thermodynamic system, the second law still operates, but energy injected into the system can cool it down, and energy taken away heat it up.  This is common for gravitational systems.
18:53.57GhelaeAn equivalent way of saying that would be that it has a negative heat capacity.
18:54.17WormyAh so it is the definition of negative temperature?  Okay
18:54.22GhelaeNo, not quite.
18:54.52GhelaeNegative temperature - which can exist in non-equilibrium systems - means that the an increas in entropy will decrease the energy.
18:55.46GhelaeNegative heat capacity means that an increase in temperature will decrease the entropy.
18:56.44GhelaeOr, literally, that increasing energy (dE = T dS) corresponds to decreasing temperature; for negative temperature, increasing energy corresponds to decreasing entropy.
18:57.24GhelaeIn equations, temperature T = dE/dS; heat capacity C = T dS/dT.
18:58.31WormyNegative heat capacity seems to be driving systems to heterogeneous states instead of boring equilibriums
18:59.23GhelaeYes, they're both non-equilibrium phenomena. has a section on it.
19:00.16WormyIf you take energy away from gravitational bound planetary orbits, the planets will of course move closer to the star, causing them to fall at a faster rate.  And the dissipation of star clusters can be attributed to the shrinkage of orbits and release of energy.
19:01.00WormyBut they are also unstable
19:02.34WormyNow for the more speculative evolution of systems
19:03.44WormyUniverses are naturally Boltzmannian, at least in the classical description, tending to equilibrium.  But there is a battle between this and the self-organised states, which as we've seen seem to have no conservation of complexity.
19:04.23WormyThese states seem to be more Leibinzian
19:04.48WormyEventually, it seems, the equilibrium wins
19:06.14WormyBut in cosmologies with chaotic inflation, or black hole cosmologies (or Penrose's Cyclic Cosmology) the evolution of new universes could lead to further evolution of heterogeneous states, orthogonal to the evolution of just one universe.
19:06.58WormyAnd with no conservation of complexity, there is no reason why the equilibrium is a law that will always prevent new self-organisation.
19:07.39WormyA Tiplerian scenario might be unnecessary.
19:08.49WormySuch universes may also allow the existence of time, of evolution of laws, and expplain initial states and determinism in a new way, but that isn't necessary either perhaps.
19:10.05WormyI also thought of a role for quantum statistical thermodynamics, but I've forgotten it.
19:10.28WormyAny problems with this other than it is pure speculation?
19:11.35GhelaeThe main problem I have with it is that I'm not sure what your point is. So there are non-equilibrium systems, and some theories allow for the universe to keep on generating complexity eternally.
19:12.45WormyThat is basically it, it also requires no unknowable futures of complexity that might make predicting the future of this toy model impossible
19:13.50WormyI was seeking an escape hatch in the first place
19:14.19WormyThough it hasn't provided much of anything new other than that.
19:20.36WormyAh, it shows that emergent properties can be real.  It seems plenty of people object to them almost completely
21:26.12*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (65a556ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:29.40Liquid_InkHow are you?
21:43.46GhelaeI'm okay; how about you?
21:48.42*** join/#cyrannus Wormy_ (569bbbe5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:51.03Liquid_InkI woke up late
21:51.11Liquid_Ink~seen Cyrannian
21:51.19infobotcyrannian <5f2c5c07@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 4h 44m 22s ago, saying: 'Hi'.
22:11.06Liquid_Ink Why is the infobox so skinny
23:00.41*** part/#cyrannus Ghelae (6daf8917@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

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