IRC log for #cyrannus on 20140220

04:38.07*** join/#cyrannus infobot (
04:38.07*** topic/#Cyrannus is Official GigaConflict Channel || || All conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged. Logs are updated daily.
04:38.07*** mode/#Cyrannus [+v infobot] by ChanServ
11:41.13*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (4e127797@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:41.14*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
11:47.47*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (65a556ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:51.41Liquid_InkI am concerned that I may not be able to participate in the gigaquadrantic conflicts as much as I would like to. My schedule has become very busy since school returned and I'm already somewhat stressed as to where to find time for both the DCP-Vermulan War and the East Africa Civil War
11:54.00CyrannianThat's a pity, but since the Gigaquadrant Conflicts will likely last quite a long time, it's likely that it will be ongoing during the summer
11:55.00Liquid_InkThe scale of the thing suggests that it would go on for several in-universe years, and maybe a single IRL year. So I'll probs be able to do stuff over the few holidays I get
11:56.44CyrannianGood to hear
11:58.55Liquid_InkAs for the two wars I'm already in, I'll have to get up earlier and do work on them in the mornings.
11:59.16Liquid_InkAnd I should really continue Distorted Reflection and Epidemics Politcs and Despair
12:00.48CyrannianYou may be interested, I've been playing around with the idea that during the Conflicts, Hegemony fleets enter the Gigaquadrant in an invasion attempt
12:01.06Liquid_InkThat'd be cool
12:02.11Liquid_InkEspecially if we get mirrored counterparts to meet each other.
12:03.52Liquid_InkAnd seeing that the Vermulan Autonomy have a least one servitor race in there, it would add to the DCP-Vermulan War. And Wormy has been wanted more non-Human facets in that war. And seeing as I'm trying to influence him to include India, the more non-humans to balance it out the better.
12:11.03CyrannianWhat do you think of my idea for humanity's organisation? Secretly I can imagine that certain higher powers could easily influence such a system, though I'm curious to see what the Ottomans would think, given their isolationist and generally disagreeable attitudes.
12:11.28Liquid_InkI haven't seen your idea, do you have a link?
12:13.03Cyrannian -
12:20.50Liquid_InkI think it is good that we're trying to get a new unified human nation type thing. The Ottomans themselves would probably view it as better means of communicating with the other human nations although I'd think they'd try to retain as much autonomy as possibly while still being technically part of this organisation.
12:22.32CyrannianExcellent, and yes nations retain as much autonomy as possible. Possibly due to the machinations of the Draconians (and possibly the Vermulans?) that want to keep humanity as divided as possible
12:24.30CyrannianI just think copy and pasting things about the UN from wikipedia (in a manner of speaking) instead of giving it a more SporeWiki-y spin is a bit silly
12:28.44Liquid_InkThe Vermulans only really meddle with the Ottomans. My original thought on the matter was that the Ottomans somehow became aware of the Draconians manipulations, and signed a deal with the Vermulans to remove Draconian influence (although I'm not sure if the Vermulans can actually hold up their end of this bargain. They're probably as stumped as everybody else.) Of couse if that idea is incompatible with other people's fiction
12:28.54Liquid_Ink...for the Ottoman-Vermulan association
12:29.33CyrannianI don't think it conflicts with anything, it sounds like a cool ide
12:32.08Liquid_InkI also need to think of a new fiction to replace the whateverIcalledthems that serve on the "Chaotic Good" area of my nine main guys. I think I'll fade those guys into a background thing and make something more usable.
12:32.51CyrannianAny ideas so far?
12:38.46Liquid_InkI know.
12:46.45CyrannianCould you pretty please voice your approval on the blog? It would make me happyfaic
17:16.46*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (
17:51.25*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (5f2c5d19@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:51.28*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
18:50.26*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (6daf891f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:14.25*** join/#cyrannus Ghel (6daf891f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:19.33*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (
20:21.21CyrannianHey there.
20:21.25The_RandomnessRight, this time I won't have to worry about my battery running out in the next five minutes.
20:22.30Cyrannian#sporecreate - I found out today that Wormy uses this channel to formulate his sinister plan to infect everyone's brain.
20:22.58GhelSo I see.
20:24.43CyrannianI think they are much better then the original plan of a mere Neraida invasion. I support the Salsetthe/Neraida conflict
20:25.40The_RandomnessLet's move this over to #sporecreate to be sneaky.
20:34.20*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (65a556ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:52.26Liquid_InkAnyways, as I was discussing last night, I need a new and better idea for a chaotic good race.
20:52.58GhelWhat's your current one?
20:53.05CyrannianChaotic, but honourable space Dvotties that steal from the rich and give to the poor.
20:54.00Liquid_InkGhel: My current fiction sitting in that position was originally intended to be a Q esque race, but I've grown to dislike that idea.
21:00.43Liquid_InkI already have a loveable democractic superpower, a presumed extinct space-magical oligarchy, an ominous interdimention military power from the future, civil rights taken to the point of secession, a horrible infectious disease, an ambitions fascist state, a criminal syndicate and a xenophobic holy empire.
21:01.51GhelYou could allow for other ideas to come naturally instead of specifically trying to forge one to desired specfications. And then you might be able to chaotic-goodify it as required.
21:04.45Liquid_InkI suppose
21:08.54*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink_ (65a556ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:24.44Liquid_Ink_I could reuse those space Jewish I made.
21:25.03Liquid_Ink_Oh sorry: "Dzewish"
21:30.20GhelDzhooish, actually.
21:30.20Liquid_Ink_You told me that would be silly!
21:30.21GhelWhat's wrong with silly?
21:31.44GhelOkay, fine. Dzhewish. But not Dzewish.
21:31.45Liquid_Ink_I see.
21:33.55Liquid_Ink_I suppose I could make them as the Israeli's saw themselves in the 1948 War
21:36.51Liquid_Ink_And their mirror universe counterpart would be the Mongol Hordes or something. I'd make them the Jewish as seen by the Medieval Christians, but I don't want to seem antisemetic.
21:49.27Liquid_Ink_I still maintain we rethink Earth's status in the mirrorverse.
21:49.55GhelIf you want to spark interest in the Mirrorverse, you could just write a story for it yourself.
21:50.01CyrannianI have no problem with removing the whole random explosion part.
21:50.45Liquid_Ink_Ghelae told me you had an issue with there being more nations in the mirrorverse when it's meant to be controlled by a massive hyperpower
21:53.41CyrannianI did, but since you already created the map there's no point in retaining the original fate of the planet. Especially considering the accidental gridfire was added in for humour.
21:55.57Liquid_Ink_Hmm? You mean this? This is actually completely unrelated to SPorewiki.
21:57.07CyrannianOh right. If you still want to make it, it might add a bit more activity to the Mirrorverse
21:59.24Liquid_Ink_I think it would. To counter the whole issue of more nations in a universe meant to be in control of a hyperpower, we could say that all the nations should have alliegence to the Hegemony
21:59.58Liquid_Ink_If the Hegemony is an actual hegemony and not just pulling a Democratic People's Republic, it shouldn't really mind.
22:00.32GhelPerhaps the individual nations could be ruled be e-dictatorship. :P
22:01.36Liquid_Ink_So what? Day Z? :P
22:16.36Liquid_Ink_Oh, is the Plazith Rim Directive meant to be mirror DCP?
22:17.01GhelIt's a mirror Milky Way Cooperative in general.
22:17.58GhelWith most AIs being general apathetc towards biological life, except for Exodium who is possibly the nicest entity with any real power in the galaxy.
22:45.49*** part/#cyrannus Ghel (6daf891f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

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