IRC log for #cyrannus on 20140126

01:18.16*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (
10:40.47*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (6daf8918@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:02.22*** join/#cyrannus Wormy (1f306ee6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:02.53WormyThe Dromanji might have been summoned or ressurected by forces from behind the scenes.
16:33.48GhelWhat "forces from behind the scenes" might these be?
16:39.35WormyThe forces at work behind the Gigaquadrant Conflicts
16:40.00WormyThe Xeranbha, Alpha Draconians, or someonelse
16:43.28GhelAh. Perhaps to draw the DCP into a conflict with the Vermulans in order to weaken them?
16:45.20WormyThe Dromanji's goal is to try and make them more moral, but perhaps the Dromanji are being manipulated too.
18:15.08*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (6daf8918@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:16.10*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (5f2c0d44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:16.11*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
19:54.56*** join/#cyrannus Ecoraptor (51523776@gateway/web/qwebirc/
20:32.36*** join/#cyrannus Angrybirds (47ca15d9@gateway/web/qwebirc/
20:32.44AngrybirdsOr, you're already here.
20:33.31WormyI've haD TOO MUCH ruSSUAN STOUT 8%
20:34.04WormysO sYATION hASLCON?
20:36.34Cyrannianl can roleplay for Halcyon if you'd like
20:36.53GhelaeI'm not sure if Womy can, however.
20:37.21WormyI can
20:37.30WormyI'm, not on the spirits yet
20:38.54WormyXigor - I'm sio sad I'm on my own
20:47.05WormyI'm si alonre2..
20:47.20Wormymy race hasd dioed ouy
20:47.39Wormyall the humnity!
20:47.54Wormyratgher GRimbolsaunaritu2
20:49.24GhelaeApalos - Oh dear. Xigor's been on the Draconis wine again.
20:51.17WormyThere is so much to sob over+
20:51.29Wormylol Jo use4s + ALOTR
20:52.23WormyZigor - I need a hug.3
20:54.38Wormyi m ust repiulate
20:54.48Wormystart a nrew grimbolaurian race3
20:55.45Wormybut with who?
21:17.31AngrybirdsWormy , Cyrannian, do you guys want to talk about the EAU?
21:17.42Wormywahats that?
21:18.19AngrybirdsEuropean Aerospace Union.
21:18.53AngrybirdsTechnological collaboration between France, the ESR, and the Fjord League.
21:19.01Wormyof course
21:19.45WormyThough I know very little of wgat the Fjord league has in termsof arsenenall
21:20.02AngrybirdsThen make it up. You're going to have to at some point. :P
21:20.11AngrybirdsRun it by Liquid later.
21:20.24AngrybirdsAlright. So it's been established that the ESR is advanced when it comes to making line ships, so we're not really going to get much help on that front.
21:21.00AngrybirdsUnless we can get the ESR into a deal by forcing France to collaborate with you guys on a fighter. :P
21:21.28AngrybirdsIn what areas do you guys want to collaborate in?
21:23.17WormyFjord Leage - Avanced environmental tehnology
21:24.11Wormyterraforming, geoengineering, life systems, that kinda thing
21:26.31AngrybirdsRight, though unless they don't invest any funding into their military research and import everything, they've got to have some equipment they're producing.
21:30.20WormyLiquid thinks they should use tetryon weapons
21:30.29Wormyhypermatter decay
21:52.18WormyBTW Cyrannian, i feel like I can spell coherently now.
21:52.44WormyThough, we need Tybusen
21:53.33WormyI managed to mostly stay off #sporewiki, which is also good!
21:55.52*** join/#cyrannus Tybusen (44e45895@gateway/web/qwebirc/
21:58.36WormySo, let us recap on what is supposed to  happen
21:59.37WormyWasn't it an Cyrannian Empire exploratory fleet that discovers Halycon adrift?
22:00.57CyrannianIndeed. A single Star Destroyer
22:07.52WormyRemind my poisoned neurons any ideas we discussed
22:08.09WormyI remember we discussed characters
22:08.39WormyIncluding some of yours as a ship commander
22:13.06CyrannianThere is Caelia Valerii, a Libertus (the commander) and a Basileus Imperial Ambassador
22:35.33*** part/#cyrannus Ghelae (6daf8918@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:06.33*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (65a556ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:06.43AngrybirdsWormy , Liquid is here
23:07.02AngrybirdsWe can discuss the Fjord League's military technology/doctrines =D
23:10.41Liquid_InkI figured they were a leading Earth nation in science
23:12.10*** join/#cyrannus Patriot868 (44e35645@gateway/web/qwebirc/
23:12.22Patriot868hello gents
23:14.05AngrybirdsLiquid_Ink : Yus. The Aerospace Union is mostly for military technology. By pooling together resources, much higher quality stuff can be made.
23:16.41Patriot868So why are we gathered here?
23:18.39AngrybirdsWell... I'm trying to get these guys to discuss the European Aerospace Union. They're not budging.
23:20.25Liquid_InkWhat particular aspects do you wish to discuss.
23:22.15AngrybirdsWell, I'm not sure when it was founded. Cyrannian suggested that it be based out of an orbital station around Earth –– neutral ground.
23:22.45AngrybirdsI'd like to figure out what kinds of equipment we'd collaborate on so I can start to elaborate.
23:24.51Liquid_InkWeapons and propulsion technology.
23:25.37AngrybirdsHm, I was thinking we'd work on specific projects, like creating designs for ships or something.
23:26.03AngrybirdsCyrannian kind of has a monopoly on excellent starship design at the moment, though, so we're not going to have much help on that front...
23:26.34AngrybirdsThe idea is to pool our resources together to create better equipment than we would independently.
23:27.57Liquid_InkI see.
23:28.51WormySo sorry enveryonen, I fell asleep
23:29.03AngrybirdsNo problem, it happens.
23:29.08AngrybirdsRead up slightly?
23:29.22AngrybirdsAnd Liquid's here, so we can talk about Fjord League technology.
23:30.43WormyTheGC title now looks beautifil Cyrannian
23:31.46WormyRight, me and Liquid basically said we'd think think oftechnlgy ideas while writingf the DCP Vermulasr war
23:33.31WormySorry Tybusen and Cyrannian, sleep called.
23:34.15AngrybirdsAlright. France's capability to make line ships is probably average, while its carriers are better than average to match their fighters. I was thinking of pooling our resources together. In exchange for Cyrannian's better understanding of line ships, France would help the two of you develop a fighter.
23:34.43AngrybirdsAlternatively, we could just stay away from our places of strengths and work on our weaknesses. Any ideas?
23:34.47WormyYes a fighter would be great.
23:34.55Liquid_InkSo far I've made a grand total of one Fjord Ship
23:34.55Patriot868What are the dimensions of your ships?
23:35.43AngrybirdsDimensions of Cyannian's ships are here:
23:35.45Liquid_InkAlso, it doesn't shoot plasma beams. I tried editing that, but I couldn't.
23:35.51Liquid_InkShould be hypermatter.
23:36.26AngrybirdsAlright. Spore models aren't necessary for now, but they're great. I'd like to think of concepts first.
23:36.32Patriot868Ah, ok, I didnt overstep my boundraies then
23:36.37AngrybirdsBut that's a good looking ship.
23:36.46AngrybirdsCan I add it to the market?
23:37.07Patriot868UK is part of the european union right? or is this just fjord league right now?
23:37.25AngrybirdsIt's split between the Fjord League and the ESR.
23:37.31AngrybirdsFrance is independent.
23:38.45Patriot868Ok. Since South Africa has alwasy had ties to Europe, I think I might toss in some ships. I also need to finish the vehicles.
23:38.57WormyNorth England and Scotland are in the Fjord League
23:39.11WormyI don't know about Wales
23:39.38WormyWhether they are in the South or are independent or not.
23:39.51Liquid_InkOn the map they're south.
23:40.51WormyI din
23:41.12AngrybirdsSo, right now we have a fighter and some kind of line ship on the table.
23:41.16Wormydon't think anyone has given any thought about the Welsh
23:41.47WormyWhether they are in the South or North, or are independant.
23:43.01AngrybirdsDo we want to start thinking about the characteristics and names of one of these, think of more things we could collaborate on, or push these talks to some other time?
23:45.19AngrybirdsBecause nobody seems to be focusing. xD
23:46.21Patriot868If everyones here, then talking now is good.
23:57.46AngrybirdsCyrannian Wormy Liquid_Ink Should we do this at some other time?
23:58.07Liquid_InkI'll make some Fjord LEague ships later.
23:58.25WormyI'll come up with Fjord weapons in the war
23:58.58WormyI have nothing top contribute at this moment.
23:59.05AngrybirdsYes, but we're talking about common European stuff.
23:59.16AngrybirdsOr at least I am.

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