IRC log for #cyrannus on 20131018

12:21.15*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (4e125ac2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:21.15*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
12:26.49*** join/#cyrannus Liquid_Ink (79d0badc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:27.35Liquid_InkIn this story I'm writing about politics that isn't related to Sporewiki, I decided that Northern Ireland would screw both Ireland and the UK over and become its own country
22:30.00*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562dc68e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:30.00*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
22:48.19*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (b2424ded@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:48.39*** join/#cyrannus Zillafire101 (6318ce54@gateway/web/qwebirc/
22:54.20CyrannianThis is just between Zilla and I, Imperios.
22:54.36*** part/#cyrannus Imperios (b2424ded@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:55.09CyrannianZillafire101: I only have a few minutes but is there anything in particular you'd like to discuss?
22:55.53Zillafire101Possibly a meeting between the Cognatus and Primal Movement, and an agreement reached between the 2.
22:57.54CyrannianSounds interesting, they seem to have interesting ideals and I've been looking for the Cognatus to ally with another faction.
22:59.46CyrannianSorry for not having a huge discussion, but I'll be free tomorrow to talk if I see you
23:00.55Zillafire101It's ok.
23:01.09Zillafire101It's always start.
23:01.12Zillafire101Bye bye.
23:01.19*** part/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562dc68e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:01.23*** part/#cyrannus Zillafire101 (6318ce54@gateway/web/qwebirc/

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