IRC log for #cyrannus on 20130706

08:00.29*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (6d9606ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:00.31infobothello, ghelae
14:54.01*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562ced3e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:54.01*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
15:59.35*** join/#cyrannus Atamolos (adaf3ca0@gateway/web/qwebirc/
16:01.04Ghelae~give Atamolos a cookie
16:01.04infobotACTION gives Atamolos a home-baked oatmeal raisin cookie to cheer him up.
16:01.42AtamolosDid that cookie have cats in it by any chance?
16:01.58GhelaeYou never know with infobot.
16:09.47Atamolos When I first saw this picture, I didn'teven notice the Star Destroyer there. :P
16:10.31GhelaeI need to think of a proper name for the story now. Any ideas?
16:10.55AtamolosNot really.  I just woke up, so my brain is not feeling very creative.
16:11.03GhelaeI was going to go for "Worst Contact", but I googled it and apparently that's not original enough.
16:15.38*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562ded31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:15.38*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
16:24.09AtamolosGhelae:  If you're interrested, I have an idea for a part two for the Apalarchy Story.
16:24.31GhelaeI'm always open to ideas.
16:25.23AtamolosDid the Adventus ever communicate any details of their encounter to the Hegemony before they were captured?
16:25.45GhelaeYes. Up until they destroyed the communications arrays, they were sending a data stream to Exodium.
16:27.23AtamolosWell, I think that Scorpio could end up in the Girdo Dwarf during his search for rebels and encounter the Apalarchy in a similar fashion.
16:28.33GhelaePerhaps. I've been thinking that any future sections would need to be done in collaboration with somebody else.
16:29.17AtamolosAlthough, I'm not exactly sure how that encounter would transpire.
16:29.44GhelaeOne problem may be that the Apalarchy have been known about, and Girdo has been monitored, for nearly 20 years now. Scorpio should know that there's no chance that any rebels managed to get through to the galaxy.
16:30.10GhelaeOf course, since he knows about the Apalarchy, Scorpio may be more likely to go there for them instead of rebels.
16:30.33AtamolosWell, that's true.  He could be investigating the vanished Adventus.
16:30.43GhelaeAnd Exodium probably gave him all of the data from the incident.
16:31.09AtamolosThat's also true.
16:31.54GhelaeHowever, although they may have detected a Worldship leaving Girdo to the Adventus's location and then returning to Girdo around the time it disappeared, they won't know anything else about what happened after communications went down.
16:32.37GhelaeThey should have been told why the arrays were destroyed - to prevent the Belatra from accessing the net - but that'll be the last thing.
16:33.08AtamolosSo, essentialy, They don't know anything except for the dimensions of the Apalarchy ships and the Belatra?
16:34.07GhelaeOr, perhaps more specifically, they know *everything* up until "Suddenly, a series of low shudders swept through the ship".
16:37.04AtamolosOk then.
16:38.44CoffeemolosTime to go wake up.
16:50.04AtamolosAwake now.

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