IRC log for #cyrannus on 20120823

15:09.25*** join/#cyrannus infobot (
15:09.33*** mode/#Cyrannus [+v infobot] by ChanServ
17:06.18*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562f4595@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:06.20*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
17:55.51*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (56b11188@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:59.45IrskaadYay Ghel *hug hug hug*
18:20.05IrskaadYAY *Hugs both*
18:24.01IrskaadWhere's the conference?
18:24.59IrskaadAnd when is it going to happen?
18:25.49CyrannianPerhaps tonight, if I'm not busy.
20:17.58*** join/#cyrannus Monet (2ed0812f@gateway/web/qwebirc/
20:18.15CyrannianIrskaad: Are you there?
20:18.54Monetafaik h's eating.
20:19.08IrskaadI'm here
20:19.23CyrannianGood, I've called you here to settle your differences.
20:19.53CyrannianThe main thing is, to stop the backhanded comments from both sides on IRC
20:21.18CyrannianFor example, Irsk you need to stop criticising everything in Monet's fiction so openly, and Monet you need to stop calling Irskaad's fiction moronic.
20:22.17MonetIt would help if he fully understood it. I'm just saying.
20:24.22CyrannianIrskaad: Do you agree to stop criticising it so heavily?
20:24.33IrskaadI'll try.
20:25.45MonetI try to find sense and someething worthwhile in it but a lot of the stuff they say and do makes me want to shout at my screen.
20:26.03IrskaadWhat are the most memorable things you shouted?
20:26.18CyrannianCould you try and conceal your opinions, then?
20:26.52MonetI say a lot more that never goes on the IRC.
20:28.13MonetBut I suppose, it doesn't really help the problem though.
20:29.37GhelaeIrskaad: "What are the most memorable things you shouted?" sounds almost like you enjoy triggering those reactions in people.
20:31.15IrskaadI just wanted to know.
20:31.50IrskaadAlso I'll be in a D2 match soon, so...
20:31.56CyrannianIn short, do you both agree to at least be civil to each other?
20:32.01*** join/#cyrannus RubickAndroid (~Irskaad@
20:32.17RubickAndroidI'll try.
20:32.22MonetI can be civil.
20:32.54MonetBut I just wish Irskaad was at least a little mroe open-minded.
20:34.16CyrannianTrying to change another person doesn't help. We've all come to accept that part of his personalit
20:36.08MonetAnd ignoring that it is a problem?
20:36.22GhelaeI directed a ":P" towards R17 a couple of days ago and he didn't go crazy at me for it. Anything's possible. :D
20:38.22MonetThat is jut one tiny aspect of R17's personality.
20:39.00GhelaeIt's still an improvement.
20:40.12MonetRaking over a single smiley within a certain context is different to being closed minded.
20:40.34MonetYou're asking me to jut ignore a huge part of what made Irskaad who he is.
20:41.09GhelaeI'm not asking you to ignore anything. You seemed to interpret my comment as being on the other side of the discussion to your points.
20:41.51GhelaeIf anything, I was agreeing with you that the conventional attitude of accepting things is unnecessarily defeatist.
20:43.52MonetI see, this confusion is probably realted to a another thing i feel is happening - When Irskaad's fiction is causing people to attack it, his fiction ends up better off.
20:44.24MonetAs iff the users want ot make him happy.
20:48.02MonetA couple of examples I discovered: When the DI first appraoched the Kraw Empire they offered Pax Draconica, Varkeos rejects it with no sign of negotiation and Kies slanders it as imperialism. The EMprie coem in as the Kraw Empire is being attacked through reasons of it's own fault and Kies agrees with noly a little negotiation. An agreement I made to his empire months ago.
20:49.21CyrannianThat's because he prefers the Empire to the Imperium.
20:49.35MonetBecause the Empire is evil and the Imperium isn't.
20:49.46MonetThat is the ONLY reason I can see!
20:50.46MonetWhen Grochius dies at the end of the Andromeda War, Irskaad was the only one to cry over his death despite hwo much of a callous and inaane bastard the Grox king was. AndroGrox and KGGC merge, the new KGGC king renames himself empire becomes superpowered and threaten the Imperium.
20:51.30MonetAgain, because Grochius was fucking evil.
20:51.33CyrannianIt's none of your business what he accepts to be honest. I've known Irskaad far longer than you, plus you two don't exactly have the best history together. That's probably another reason why he went for the Empire.
20:51.36MonetI'm sorry...
20:52.04MonetAlso my deal was made while we were still getting along.
20:52.49Monetmy protectorate deal was offered*
20:53.36CyrannianHe still knew me since he first joined the wiki, a year beforehand.
20:53.46CyrannianI've no idea why you are getting annoyed by that.
20:55.06MonetI'm not annoyed that you know him more, I am annoyed that I cannot seem to find ANY common ground, and when I do, HE finds some excuse ot dismiss it!
20:55.45MonetI have had periods where I get thefeeling he only talks to me to provoke me.
20:57.58MonetAnd whenever I do find something interesting he's either going to forget it in a few days or was jsut toying with me by playing along that he was interested.
20:58.10CyrannianSo what if he likes other things?
20:58.19MonetOr he might not even MENTION he was not interested.
20:59.33MonetA few months ago I thought I managed to get him to wonder why the Amazon rainforest is so important and what could ahppen if we keep up the livestily he does - he forgets everything I said after a month.
21:00.06MonetTwo hours of my live wasted.
21:02.43CyrannianLook, I really couldn't care less about how he annoyed you in the past. He already agreed to try not to annoy you in the future, likewise you shouldn't try to annoy him.
21:03.29MonetDo you think I haven't already tried that?
21:04.09MonetIt feels like I am getting hit by a brick wall.
21:04.14CyrannianClearly it didn't work well enough. I recommend you try again.
21:05.20CyrannianBecause as I mentioned before, arguments are *not* tolerated any more.
21:06.36MonetYou might not get this but I actually prefer playing the role of a tanker in most online RPGs than talking to him - I get a ton of crap every run I used to make.
21:08.03MonetForget it. I am not in a great mood right now.
21:09.04MonetIn fact I feel worse than when we started.
21:12.16CyrannianI just need you two to stop arguing and act civil. Or ignore each other. Irsk has already agreed to stop commenting on your fiction. You should do the same. Because you are both a part of this equally, and that's coming from a neutral standpoint.
21:13.43MonetMay as well, none of it actually interests me. so I am okay with not talking about it.
21:23.18MonetIapologise if I offended anyone, i guess I thoguht it had to be said.
21:24.34MonetI don't like the idea of bottling thigs up.
21:26.36MonetIt doesn't help that the only people who I can talk to about this without them glassing over over half of the information are on this wiki.
21:26.49*** join/#cyrannus DaaxAndroid (~Irskaad@
21:39.43*** part/#cyrannus Monet (2ed0812f@gateway/web/qwebirc/
22:08.02*** part/#cyrannus Ghelae_away (56b11188@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:48.43*** join/#cyrannus RubickAndroid (

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