IRC log for #cyrannus on 20120216

10:00.59*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (56ae4422@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:39.17*** join/#cyrannus OluapWorker (b164139a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:39.17*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o OluapWorker] by ChanServ
14:14.13*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (6d4d9dbf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:14.13*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
14:14.54CyrannianI have two major retcons coming up.
14:16.05CyrannianOne, is that there was a UN-like organization that existed in Cyrannus before the URC
14:16.05GhelaeAnd what are these retcons?
14:16.47GhelaeThat makes sense.
14:16.59CyrannianWith nations like the CSA being members
14:17.46CyrannianSo, when the Cognatus arrived, it was reformed into the URC
14:19.40CyrannianThe second retcon is that its capital was Orbispira, which wasn't built by the wartorn URC in the space of a few years
14:19.57GhelaeThat makes even more sense.
14:20.18CyrannianI thought so
14:21.40CyrannianAh yes, the organization wss called the Cyrannian Federation but I still need to work out how old it was
14:23.17GhelaeWell, given how important Libertus seemed to be in it, would that suggest that the CSA was particularly important member?
14:24.10CyrannianI suppose it would, yes.
14:24.51CyrannianBut I think the CyraFed being formed in about 5500 BNE can work.
14:25.17GhelaeI was thinking that it could be the case that the CSA were a founding member, or at least a founding member of one alliance - maybe there several such federations appeared across the galaxy, and later united, for example.
14:25.58GhelaeEither way, it would most likely have formed before the Mortalitas War, so 5500 BNE would fit.
14:27.28CyrannianI really should have thought of this sooner
14:27.53GhelaeIf the CSA were an important early member, that would have meant it probably began between (looking at the URC history page) 1727 and 961 BTC. However, having it another 4000 years before does have the advantage of not squishing a whole load of a galaxy's history into such a small space of time.
14:28.48GhelaeTalking of which, the URC history page is seriously out of date. :P
14:28.56CyrannianThough the CSA was only formed about fifty years ago
14:29.26CyrannianYeah, I recommend looking at the Cyrannus History page
14:29.32GhelaeOkay, not the CSA itself, but its predecessors.
14:30.22CyrannianYes, the independent 12 colonies
14:32.10CyrannianHave you noticed any other inconsistancies about Cyrannus?
14:32.36GhelaeI probably would if I could be bothered. :D
14:34.11CyrannianI've also begun work on the Alavar fiction page
14:36.54CyrannianIn fact, I may finish it now. Ciao!
17:37.38*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562ceeec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:37.39*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
17:38.18OluapWorker~glomp Cyrannian
17:38.18infobotACTION becomes fully animated as her eyes squint in an upside-down-U formation, gets a running start and tackle-glomps Cyrannian
17:38.18CyrannianWhoops, I'll be back in a while :3
18:45.14*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562ceeec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:45.15*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
18:45.27Cyrannian~seen Cyrannian|Away
18:45.34infobotcyrannian|away <562dc311@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #cyrannus, 58d 36m 2s ago, saying: 'fuuuu'.
18:46.24Ghelae[18:12] == Cyrannian|Away [562ceeec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:46.50CyrannianMust have been a connection error.
18:46.56Cyrannian~glomp OluapWorker
18:46.56infobotACTION becomes fully animated as her eyes squint in an upside-down-U formation, gets a running start and tackle-glomps OluapWorker
18:47.17GhelaeApparently, infobot doesn't recognise actions either, because the last thing you did was: "[17:38] * Cyrannian|Away laffs at OluapWorker"
18:48.07Cyrannian~hug OluapWorker
18:48.07infobotACTION hugs OluapWorker tightly until OluapWorker turns slightly blue
18:48.15OluapWorker~smurf Cyrannian
18:48.15infobotACTION DoSes Cyrannian
18:48.49OluapWorkerfinish paegs grrrrrr
18:49.08Cyrannian - When I first saw this, I thought it was the Asgord threatening to hug its enemies, prompting them to explode.
18:51.03CyrannianDid you see the retcons I have in mind?
18:51.58OluapWorkerYes but I don't remember them anymore hur
18:52.53CyrannianBasically, before the URC existed, there was the Cyrannian Federation which was like the UN
18:53.08CyrannianAnd second, the planet Orbispira has existed for thousands of years
18:53.19CyrannianRather than being built by the URC after the Intergalactic War
18:59.06OluapWorkeri c
18:59.25OluapWorkerIt did look silly that the CSA evolved into a Tier 1 so fast
19:02.29CyrannianAnd that the URC, which was almost destroyed, managed to create Orbispira in the space of a few years
19:48.59Cyrannian~seen Wormy
19:49.11infobotwormy <5684c739@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 1h 44m 41s ago, saying: 'hurr read #8'.
20:29.34Cyrannian~seen Imperios
20:29.38infobotimperios <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 35m 13s ago, saying: 'Their advancement made large population unnecessary'.
20:41.44Cyrannian~seen Imperios
20:41.48infobotimperios <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 47m 23s ago, saying: 'Their advancement made large population unnecessary'.
23:08.29*** part/#cyrannus Ghelae_away (56ae4422@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.