IRC log for #cyrannus on 20120107

00:15.57*** join/#cyrannus Irskaad (
00:16.17*** join/#cyrannus Hachi_ (56900da5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:16.56IrskaadAre you aware of my latest addition to Tzhrhokia?
00:17.03*** join/#cyrannus Catface (459a6c51@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:17.17CatfaceKies is a meth addic.
00:17.26Hachi_Yes I am. Kies got his bitch to launch an attack on Brood space.
00:17.42IrskaadGreetings, people, we have gathered here today to speak about GEC involvement in Tzhrhokia.
00:18.16IrskaadRight, Antediluvian ? :P
00:18.42AntediluvianWell I was here before any of you. So I didn't officially come here for that reason.
00:19.45CatfaceI think that the GEC should try to annex the Kraw galaxy to corner the intergalactic Cucumber market because the Kraw galaxy is Panda free.
00:20.41AntediluvianYou lost me after intergalactic.
00:21.08IrskaadAnyways, Kies is leading forces to the ULE, while Inhraahk is leading forces towards the ULE. Will the GEC help in either invasion? You can discuss with Cat and Hachiman.
00:21.39Hachi_Inhraahk is leading forces towards the Brood.
00:21.42CatfacePandas are the cucumbers enemies. They attack them with his feet.
00:21.45IrskaadMe dum
00:24.24Hachi_Perhaps GEC would like to go ground-side with Brood
00:26.09AntediluvianGround battles are a waste of resources. A superlaser strike is sufficient. The Empire would prefer to have a beneficial relationship with the ULE more so then the Brood. But their recent relationship with the TIAF isn't helping that. #
00:26.54Hachi_Hmph, the Brood's fleet is also very powerful.
00:27.03Hachi_And also very numerous.
00:27.49CatfaceThe ULE only entered relations with the TIAF for there own political gain and to use them as a buffer or something.
00:28.26Hachi_If the Kraw or GEC attack the Brood, they will also have the Draconid Imperium and Divinarium to answer to.
00:28.51AntediluvianThe Imperium has on many occasions pointed out their desire to not engage with the Empire.
00:29.23Hachi_Hmm, still, they will help fight Kraw if they attack Brood
00:30.05CatfaceThe ULE does not even want to fight with the GEC.
00:30.12*** join/#cyrannus Monet (1fb9291e@gateway/web/qwebirc/
00:30.37CatfaceMonet we are talking about the GEC cornering the intergalactic cucumber market.
00:30.42AntediluvianAlso, considering that Irskaad has adminship over the Kraw Galaxy, in theory what he says goes.
00:31.06IrskaadThe war will flow realistically :P
00:31.14Hachi_So, ULE and GEC are trying to be on friendly terms, the Brood are a target for Kraw and GEC, which the Imperium will only fight against Kraw.
00:32.49MonetIf they are to go on the offensive it would be against the GEC (it does sound stupid i know), they don't want to hurt the native population.
00:33.34Hachi_GEC aren't native to Kraw
00:33.54MonetWhich is why i said that.
00:37.21IrskaadWe'll need to start writing battles at some point
00:37.28MonetDraconis aren't going to dive into the Imperial war machine right away, They would only actively fight if either they or their allies are at risk from the empire.
00:37.58IrskaadKies only wants the empires out of his Galaxy. That's it.
00:38.13Hachi_Then he will have a hard time fighting Brood.
00:39.16AntediluvianDid Kies already send an ultimatum to the Brood?
00:39.24IrskaadWhat's that?
00:39.32AntediluvianA final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations
00:39.45IrskaadOh yeah I'll send it now.
00:40.18MonetThe story 'scaling up' sums up how concerned the Imperium is since they deployed a 20km long warship  into the fray.
00:42.39IrskaadSent, Hachi_
00:44.27Hachi_Inhraahk doesn't understand that Zazane don't have TV
00:53.39IrskaadIs the brood going to reply?
00:54.03MonetThey did.
00:54.04IrskaadOh they did
00:54.05Hachi_They did
00:55.11IrskaadSo yeah, Brood is angry as well at the Kraw :P
00:56.00Hachi_What do you expect? They just got threatened.
00:56.42MonetNever threaten a Zazane - unless you want to be beaten down.
01:00.12Hachi_Indeed, Draconis have seen it happen.
01:00.27Hachi_They have seen a single Zazane slaughter a group of Korkonid.
01:00.54Monethasn't happened yet -.-
01:01.08Hachi_They WILL do
01:08.38MonetYes they will, but they know not to get a Zazane angry from the Andromeda War.
01:09.14Hachi_Ah yes, as evidenced by Tyraz and Volkarus.
02:00.00IrskaadI'll be here on Android purely for discussion with Zyr for the next 30 mins. Bye.
02:02.09*** join/#cyrannus IrskAndroid (
02:11.35*** part/#cyrannus Hachi_ (56900da5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:55.12*** join/#cyrannus IrskAndroid (
03:48.30*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (
06:43.51*** join/#cyrannus R17kagamine (79362259@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:36.15*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
08:30.38*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (568c4c49@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:30.00*** join/#cyrannus dino_ (3eeeb1ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:09.36*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (56b07321@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:22.44*** join/#cyrannus Impribution (
18:13.54*** join/#cyrannus Antediluvian (5629e5c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:14.47*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Um2k9] by ChanServ
18:46.20*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
19:59.49*** join/#cyrannus IrskAndroid (~Irskaad@
20:00.14*** join/#cyrannus IrskAndroid (~Irskaad@
20:00.54IrskAndroidHello :D
20:02.59IrskAndroidHow's apalos feeling about the KG?
20:04.21GhelaeThey don't really care. :P
20:04.32*** join/#cyrannus newbie (
20:04.44GhelaeThey think Kies seemed a bit angry in his reply to their question on the UDB, though.
20:16.45ImperiosDoes all of the KG support Kies' actions?
20:17.17GhelaeI'm sure the TAE doesn't.
20:18.26IrskAndroidTAE is Neutral now
20:21.57Guest89268What does Kies think of the Divinarium nao?
20:22.48IrskAndroidKies is slowly disliking them
21:21.15IrskAndroidGhel, what solution to the KG conflicts would Apalos propose?
21:22.20GhelaeA volley of hyperluminal missiles against all of the galaxy's stars. :P
21:22.29GhelaeOr do you mean what they'd recommend to Kies. :D
21:25.00GhelaeThey'd recommend that Kies be a bit more considerate of what the people of other empires say. That doesn't mean he has to take everything they say at face value, of course - the accusations of the GEC being in league with the Cult of the Deathmarch, for example, are unfounded - but that doesn't mean that they're all constantly lying.
21:25.35GhelaeAlso, acting less angry should help. Antediluvian only acts like that when someone seems to be trying to make a threat against him or the GEC.
21:25.54IrskAndroidKies is paranoid tho :P
21:26.04GhelaeI know. :D
21:27.08GhelaeFinally, one last thing to remember is that different empires are different. Even amongst the empires that hate the KrawFed, they have different reasons for doing so. Some may be scared. Some may underestimate them. Some may just really, really not like Lezia.
21:28.43GhelaeAnd, if Kies seemed too unwilling to take Apalos's suggestions into account, Apalos would point out that they were the ones who helped build the KrawFed in the first place.
21:29.53IrskAndroidLol, we should rp that sometime.
21:30.15GhelaeAnd they'd try to avoid pointing out that, if they really had the KrawFed's destruction in mind, it would only take a single volley of hyperluminal missiles to destroy the galaxy entirely. :P
21:34.47*** join/#cyrannus Irskception (
22:08.11*** part/#cyrannus Ghelae_away (56b07321@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

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