IRC log for #cyrannus on 20111231

01:43.03*** join/#cyrannus OluapPlayer (bd0ebc71@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:43.14*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o OluapPlayer] by ChanServ
01:43.23OluapPlayer~seen Cyrannian
01:43.30infobotcyrannian <562eae9e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 3h 52m 16s ago, saying: 'I deleted that bit.'.
01:51.46*** part/#cyrannus OluapPlayer (bd0ebc71@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:00.14*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (6d940501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:05.57*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (6d940501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:59.56*** join/#cyrannus dino_ (3eeeb1ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:13.48*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (56ae43c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:29.23*** join/#cyrannus dino_ (3eeeb1ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:29.52dino_Hello Ghelae!
14:30.06dino_As promised for Luc I created a city of Man for the Empire of Man
14:30.28dino_which you could use in the Truly Human story, as you once told me you were a bit short on places and characters
14:31.35GhelaeAnd ideas. :P
14:31.53GhelaeYes, I've seen the city, and it might be one place I use in the story.
14:33.49dino_cool! If you need anymore for Koldenwelt let me know, I know the Uridale are mostly isolated
14:39.30dino_Oh and ideas , hmm tha tis always difficult yes.
19:52.50*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (
20:38.59*** join/#cyrannus Antediluvian (562dcf11@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:38.59*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Antediluvian] by ChanServ
20:50.42*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
20:50.47ImperiosMind you if I'll stay here?
20:50.56ImperiosIf you do mind, just tell so.
20:51.58ImperiosI'll leave if you want.
20:52.02AntediluvianAs I've said many times. You can join if I give you permission.
20:52.53ImperiosCan I join?
20:53.17ImperiosFAIR ENOUGH...
20:53.19*** part/#cyrannus Imperios (
21:11.32*** topic/#Cyrannus by Antediluvian -> Hail Cyrannus! || || All conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged. Logs are updated daily. || Note to Self: Remember to update Featured Articles monthly. ||Happy New Year!||
21:21.13*** join/#cyrannus OluapPlayer (bd0ebc71@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:21.13*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o OluapPlayer] by ChanServ
21:23.38OluapPlayerAntediluvian: y u threat to eet ma face
21:23.52AntediluvianBecause I'm hungry
21:24.09AntediluvianThat pictuur was hilarious!
21:24.56OluapPlayerbtw did you see I joined the Clash of the Gods?
21:25.25AntediluvianYes, indeed! Hopefully that'll move it along a bit
21:25.53OluapPlayerimma nom dat 13th tribe with xhousties
21:27.04AntediluvianBy the way, I may start Apollo's voyage today
21:28.05OluapPlayerNot may, you WILL
21:28.36AntediluvianBut you're right. If I don't do it today, I'll have to wait until next year.
21:36.22*** join/#cyrannus OluapPlayer (bd0ebc71@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:36.35*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o OluapPlayer] by ChanServ
21:37.25*** join/#cyrannus The_Randomness (
21:38.07AntediluvianWelcome, O'Random one.
21:38.35The_RandomnessHello there
22:01.05*** join/#cyrannus Tybusen (44e45820@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:03.39*** join/#cyrannus OluapPlayer_ (bd0ebc71@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:03.55*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
23:04.03*** join/#cyrannus Gorf_ (562dcf11@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:04.04*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Gorf_] by ChanServ
23:04.34*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
23:04.58ImperiosI'll try to do something with female Libertus tomorrow.
23:05.04ImperiosOkay, going to sleep.
23:36.59OluapPlayer_ Apationagtus - WE NOT FORGOTTEN :>
23:37.59AntediluvianI have to go.
23:38.02AntediluvianSee you next year!
23:39.50*** part/#cyrannus OluapPlayer_ (bd0ebc71@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

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