IRC log for #cyrannus on 20111108

00:47.51*** join/#cyrannus OluapPlayer (bd0e86f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:47.54*** part/#cyrannus OluapPlayer (bd0e86f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:44.56*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
15:06.10*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
15:06.45infobotrumour has it, waaaaaaagh is LOLOLOLOLO ORKZ SUK
15:23.44*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
15:30.33*** join/#cyrannus MasterMachine (62e1fcfc@gateway/web/qwebirc/
15:30.49*** part/#cyrannus MasterMachine (62e1fcfc@gateway/web/qwebirc/
15:43.31*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
16:09.35*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
16:19.41*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
16:34.29*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562dc579@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:46.07*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
16:46.25*** part/#cyrannus Imperios (
16:51.57*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
17:11.09*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae (519d5e60@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:16.27CyrannianHi Ghelae!
18:04.18*** join/#cyrannus dino___ (3eeeb1ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:04.48dino___wow quiet here haha
18:07.36Cyrannian|NomingHello Dino!
18:07.50CyrannianI was having dinner!
18:09.33*** join/#cyrannus Ghelae_ (519c98bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:11.34dino___Apollo escapes!
18:13.12GhelaeI think he knows; he *did* write the story. :P
18:15.27dino___oh o I know
18:15.32dino___was just making a statement!
18:15.40dino___I am currently writing Rambo Nation initial defense
18:16.36*** join/#cyrannus Irskaad (
18:16.43*** join/#cyrannus Xho_ (5ac811a0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:16.53CyrannianI'm currently writing about the CAS thingie.
18:17.12*** join/#cyrannus MasterMachine (62e1fcfc@gateway/web/qwebirc/
18:17.36Cyrannian~welcome everyone
18:17.36infobotHey, everyone! Glad you could join us.
18:17.38*** join/#cyrannus Wormy (568d75c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:17.39IrskaadWhich CAS thingy?
18:18.11*** join/#cyrannus Lonestar (44ec0a0b@gateway/web/qwebirc/
18:18.42MasterMachineI'm kicking ass in Civ5 :D :D :D (it's really making my dad lol)
18:18.45dino___oh coolio
18:18.47Cyrannian~welcome Wormy and Lonestar
18:18.47infobotHey, Wormy and Lonestar! Glad you could join us.
18:18.48MasterMachinedad = day :/
18:19.24Cyrannian - Apollo's reaction :>
18:20.41IrskaadI want to read more about the GEC :D
18:20.52Xho_I can summarize
18:21.30CyrannianI'll make the page after I finish the final chapter. :>
18:21.59MasterMachineFirst line: Apolo Looked in Shook. It should be Shock :)
18:23.01IrskaadWill it ever be explained how Kara got her powers?
18:23.23Xho_Kithworto - Did I do something?
18:23.33Xho_Kithworto - Because if I did that would be...annoying
18:24.20CyrannianOh, and it won't be known by its acronym. You can choose between the Galactic Empire of Cyrannus/the Empire or the Cyrannian Empire. GEC isn't intimidating.
18:25.05MasterMachineGEC - O
18:25.22WormyGEC is just simplified :P
18:25.56GhelaeOf course, Apalos always uses full names.
18:26.25Ghelae~give Cyrannian a pie
18:26.25infobotACTION gives Cyrannian a home-baked pumpkin pie with ice cream on the side
18:26.27Wormyyes Irskaad
18:26.39CyrannianIs there human in it?
18:26.43Xho_Wait what would Apalos call the Xhodocto
18:27.11Xho_Considering there's an alien name for them in like four or five languages
18:27.17GhelaeXho_: ...Okay, they just call them "Ayrai'Shikua". But if they call them "Xhodocto", then something's gone wrong.
18:27.18MasterMachineI'm planning to alter the full name of the Wentals... To "Wentalian Order of Mecholife" or something... WOM :P
18:27.39WormyTemple Ship gone senile captain
18:27.56GhelaeOr, I've just forgotten. :P
18:27.59IrskaadHow about Wentalian order of Mecholife Breeds? Or WOMB? XD
18:28.05Xho_There's Ayrai'Shikua, Ovscuayiraonuran, Kḫoḫ'mē'il'llpā'īlkānāi, Xhodocto and  Khádékhtá
18:28.36MasterMachineThe Great and Powerful Order of Wentalian Mecholife and Friends. GaPOoWMaF
18:28.46*** join/#cyrannus Asdruabel (
18:28.53infobotACTION waves goodbye.
18:29.04GhelaeThat's nice.
18:29.08Xho_All of which those names include destruction
18:29.11GhelaeEven Infobot thinks that he's going to be kicked. :P
18:29.19Xho_Ayraishikua - "To destroy what is not ours"
18:29.31Xho_Ovscuayiraonuran - "Darkness Incarnate"
18:29.37Xho_Well that doesn't have it
18:29.40Xho_But meh
18:29.53infobotACTION kills herself Juliet style, after seeing asdruabel commit suicide
18:30.02Xho_Kḫoḫ'mē'il'llpā'īlkānāi - Eternal/Everlasting Gate/Hand of Destruction
18:30.11Xho_Xhodocto - Destroyer
18:30.28GhelaeHow well-thought out is the language? Maybe their term for "darkness" comes from a word that has something to do with destruction.
18:30.56Xho_Well Ovscuayira is probably 'nothingness' as well
18:31.35Irskaad Look at the artist's name
18:32.37Xho_Khádékhtá is a portmenteau of 'Khádá -'ín' and 'Ékhtá -'in' which mean 'Fearsome' and 'Destructive' respectively
18:33.02Xho_Which was combined to make it sound like Xhodocto
18:33.14Xho_And the meanings were nice to fit as well
18:33.23AsdruabelHow would be "adorable" on DT and AST?
18:33.38Xho_Xhodocto probably wouldn't have a word for it
18:33.46Xho_Definitely not in DT
18:34.02Xho_DT's language remains mainly in a generic sense
18:34.19Xho_Agh I don't know
18:35.09Xho_I dunno
18:35.28AsdruabelSounds fine
18:38.06Xho_Then again there isn't enough AST to make any presumptions about it
18:38.36Xho_The extent of the knowledge that AST is now was salvaged from Cult territories on research on Xhodocto language
18:55.33*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
18:56.13*** part/#cyrannus Lonestar (44ec0a0b@gateway/web/qwebirc/
18:57.57ImperiosWhat have I done so I was banned?
18:58.28IrskaadBanned? Ya here :D
19:03.31*** join/#cyrannus Imperios (
19:03.41WelcomeBackImpyWelcome back!
19:05.23CyrannianImperios: Can you enter #sporewiki ?
19:05.35ImperiosNo I can't
19:05.47WelcomeBackImpyWhat does it say?
19:05.54Imperios* #sporewiki Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned
19:06.00ImperiosFOR NO REASON
19:06.02WelcomeBackImpyZay wut
19:06.12ImperiosI have just posted a dreadnought. Killing a pony.
19:06.51CyrannianActually it was the collective decision of the admins. And it was more about the video you posted.
19:07.11WelcomeBackImpyWhich admins? You, Ghel and Wormies?
19:07.14ImperiosAhem. I was not aware that there was a plaguebearer chan.
19:07.25CyrannianWelcomeBackImpy: Yes.
19:07.41ImperiosI. WAS NOT. AWARE. OF. THIS.
19:08.07ImperiosI posted a cute girl.
19:08.11WelcomeBackImpyThere's many pictures, he may have skipped 10 seconds of the video, thus missing the offensive content
19:08.23CyrannianI'm very sorry Imperios, but we will release the ban within a few days.
19:08.42ImperiosIt is simply... illogical.
19:08.45*** mode/#Cyrannus [+b Imperios!] by Cyrannian
19:09.02WelcomeBackImpyIllogical = What I think of- I better stop here :P
19:10.11*** join/#cyrannus Catface (d0bf8f01@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:10.27CatfaceWhat manner of evil is in here?
19:11.27WelcomeBackImpyPoor Impy's upset. And I won't get to see him in #sporewiki for an undeclared amount of full Earth rotations around its axis.
19:11.54Xho_That was the nerdiest alternative for 'time' ever
19:12.07Xho_Catface: "Messing around with Drop C# Standard tuning caused the high E string on my guitar to snap. Niceeee." -- Some local band I follow
19:16.32CyrannianWe have come to decision to ban Imperios both here and on #sporewiki.
19:17.19Xho_Currrent time is...probably 10 days or more
19:17.28*** topic/#Cyrannus by Cyrannian -> Hail Cyrannus! || || All conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged. Logs are updated daily. || Note to Self: Remember to update Featured Articles weekly.
19:17.55PoorImpyHalf of me is thinking: "He kinda needs this ban". The other says "Poor Impy I want him back"
19:18.03Xho_Go with the first half
19:18.17Xho_Actually go with the second so I can whack you
19:18.28PoorImpyBut they're in conflict
19:18.36PoorImpyLike Xhoddies vs Ravvies
19:18.57Xho_But we all know that outcome
19:44.54CatfaceBan his ass on the wiki. There is no turning back now.
19:56.58*** part/#cyrannus Catface (d0bf8f01@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:06.17*** join/#cyrannus asd2341212wsd (
20:06.21asd2341212wsdI will leave... for now. However, I should tell you that this ban is unfair. I cannot even make a slightest error. I post TVTropes article and everyone thinks I am posting something sexual. I post 1d4chan picture of Dreadnought killing a pony - with Irskaad and Hachiman immediately telling that this is fine - and you think that I post a picture of rape. Seriously. I wasn't aware that the video contained sexual things.
20:06.23*** part/#cyrannus asd2341212wsd (
20:06.37*** join/#cyrannus asd2341212wsd (
20:06.43asd2341212wsdBy the way, I was banned for... how much time?
20:06.48*** mode/#Cyrannus [+b *!*] by Cyrannus
20:06.51*** kick/#Cyrannus [asd2341212wsd!562dc579@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] by Cyrannus (wibble)
20:07.01SuperIrskBoyI only said I seen the picture many times
20:07.14CyrannusIrskaad, could you please tell him that the ban will last a week?
20:14.06*** join/#cyrannus dino___ (3eeeb1ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:14.39GhelaeHello again.
20:15.36CyrannusHi Dino!
20:16.22GhelaeCyrannus: So, has the CAS been completely replaced by the GEoC (with the exception of probably a few scattered seperatist/remnant groups, much like URC loyalists)?
20:16.46CyrannusSome small remnants surive.
20:16.51GhelaeAnd so, what about extragalactic territories?
20:17.04GhelaeDoes the GEoC (officially) have the Vartekians on its side?
20:18.26CyrannusYes indeed. I imagine the Vartekians would be pleased.
20:18.44dino___poor CAS, also gone
20:18.50dino___the Cyrannus have no hope left anymroe I gues
20:19.10GhelaeOf course there's hope.
20:19.14GhelaeJust not much.
20:19.33CyrannusYeah, there's always hope.
20:20.00CyrannusBut yeah, there's not really a point to the hope considering its so small.
20:20.39CyrannusI've started this page though, [[Fiction:Galactic Empire of Cyrannus]]
20:23.33GhelaeMorgothBot's not part of this channel... :P
20:24.00dino___I was
20:24.19dino___there is little hope, even for the Rambo has dark thoughts about this current event
20:31.32dino___exciting times!
20:38.47dino___It seems like such a long time ago that there was just the Imperial Alliance to worry about... such an epic quote!
20:39.18dino___Really Ghelae, you are epic
20:39.31GhelaeSo people tell me. :P
20:40.32dino___The Empire gets form!
20:40.40dino___The Universe await when the Empire will make it's first move!
20:47.52dino___bye have to leave
20:47.54dino___see ya ll next time
22:17.03*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562dc579@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:17.59*** mode/#Cyrannus [+o Um2k9] by ChanServ
23:13.41*** join/#cyrannus OluapPlayer (bd0e86f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:14.17OluapPlayer~poke Cyrannian
23:14.17infobotACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Cyrannian, pokes Cyrannian repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
23:14.35CyrannianI was a busy boi today.
23:14.40OluapPlayeru no escape me todai
23:15.26Cyrannian - The CAS got Mekie'd
23:15.41SuperIrskBoyRne Elo iz ded
23:16.05CyrannianSuperIrskBoy: Do you see the Zrannie in the background?
23:16.29SuperIrskBoyIs that Rne or Lore Enema?
23:16.39CyrannianI think Lore survived
23:16.48SuperIrskBoyYep he did :D
23:17.01OluapPlayerZillum is like "Brr it's cold here"
23:17.12OluapPlayerAnd Tyrant is like "BREAK THEM APART"
23:17.38CyrannianI thought Tyrant is like, ''TURN THE DAMN HEAT ON!!!''
23:17.54OluapPlayerAlso works
23:18.06CyrannianSo Mekie lights a Libertus on fire
23:18.40CyrannianI also made this:
23:19.53OluapPlayerYeah I see it
23:20.00OluapPlayerDid you see the parts I wrote?
23:20.29CyrannianAh yes, i liek
23:20.53OluapPlayerTwo things
23:20.59OluapPlayerdere better b Eviran with Apollo liek u seid
23:21.06OluapPlayerand make nu khuenie
23:21.51CyrannianIndeed, he will be at the rendezvous
23:22.28OluapPlayerGhelae also controls the Big Anteddy Empire?
23:22.31CyrannianAnd I'll make nu khuenie if you help me past-tense-afy the URC/CAS
23:22.51OluapPlayerYeah I'll help
23:23.08CyrannianBut I have to go now >:(
23:23.25CyrannianOh yeah, Ghelae is helping Wormy with technoloy
23:24.03OluapPlayerGhelae and Wormy help by making it geeky
23:24.26CyrannianBasically, by adding ''hyper-'' in front of things.
23:24.48SuperIrskBoyHYPER HYPER
23:25.30CyrannianBye everyone, see y'all tomorrow!
23:27.00*** part/#cyrannus OluapPlayer (bd0e86f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:39.48*** join/#cyrannus Cyrannian (562f10e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:40.31SuperIrskBoyHow's it all?
23:40.48CyrannianDid OP say he would be back?
23:41.23SuperIrskBoyOluap is in #sporewiki

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