IRC log for #catroid on 20120705

08:29.39*** join/#catroid ptreitler (
08:40.07ptreitlerhaving read I think this mostly doesn't apply to us
08:40.36ptreitlerWe don't update the submodule ourselves and we'll most likely seldom require an update of the submodule
09:17.29aried3rI agree
10:32.57*** join/#catroid atermenji (
13:37.38*** join/#catroid infobot (
13:37.38*** topic/#catroid is Official #catroid channel. Logs available at
18:43.45aried3ratermenji: pong
18:50.58atermenjiI was building my branch today on jenkins
18:51.49atermenjiso when I build UI test project from command line locally on my PC everything is ok. But Jenkins can't compile it because of ABS library project
18:51.54atermenjiI did some research
18:52.22atermenjiand discovered that this issues was fixed in latest Android tools rev 20
18:52.35atermenjiI have rev 20 here but Jenkins server has rev 19
18:53.07atermenjihere is the line from ADT 20 issues list:
18:53.13atermenji"Fixes in Ant:Test projects now have access to the full classpath from the tested projects, including Library Projects and 3rd party jar"
18:53.39aried3rI'll tell our jenkins guy. Hope he can upgrade soon.
18:53.46atermenjiso is it possible that your web-server admin can update sdk tools?
18:54.09atermenjiok. I'll continue implementing DialogFragments until then
18:55.04aried3rYeah, he can. He's not online right now though.
18:55.27atermenjigreat, thanks a lot
18:55.44aried3rOh, and there is one more important thing. Our project room - where the test server and device is - will get renovated in July, ending with August 14th (iirc)
18:56.04aried3rI hope we can somehow move our server elsewhere. Would be bad for the whole projects, so we'll definitely do something about it.
18:56.17atermenjifrom July 15?
18:56.30aried3rThink so. Did you also get the mail?
18:56.40aried3rI was to lazy to check the 80-something recipients on my phone :)
18:57.22atermenjiJenkins will be useful for me now because I need to see what tests have to be fixed
18:58.21aried3rI'll tell our server guy right now.
19:00.44atermenjithanks again :)
21:50.11*** join/#catroid ptreitler_ (
22:45.16atermenjicreated DialogFragments for costumes and sounds
22:50.51aried3rGreat :)
22:51.26atermenjimade some code clearer and removed two layout files
22:51.32atermenjijust reporting :)
22:52.18aried3rSounds good. Pushed?
22:53.51atermenjiit is on my local branch currently
22:57.42aried3rOk, tell me whenever you think it's ready and pushed.
23:46.18atermenjipushed to my branch
23:53.56atermenjiand going to sleep
23:55.37aried3rGood night

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