IRC log for #card10badge on 20200110

00:02.18*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
00:06.45*** part/#card10badge theAntimon (
00:29.08*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
00:30.25*** join/#card10badge Stormwind_mobile (
00:41.25*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
01:09.32*** join/#card10badge Guest65635 (~erlehmann@
01:10.25*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
01:26.00*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
01:30.29*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
01:30.50*** join/#card10badge ebi_ (
01:35.25*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
01:43.39*** join/#card10badge mkie (
01:43.40*** join/#card10badge ebi_ (
03:04.03*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
03:23.17*** join/#card10badge verin0x2 (
03:39.55*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
03:55.08*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
04:11.15*** join/#card10badge PyroPeter (~pyropeter@april-fools/2013/tenth/pyropeter)
04:50.17*** join/#card10badge palid (~palid@unaffiliated/palid)
05:31.33*** join/#card10badge DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:02.51*** join/#card10badge LeoDJ (~LeoDJ@
09:24.42*** join/#card10badge theAntimon (
09:24.55*** part/#card10badge theAntimon (
10:29.10*** join/#card10badge msvb-mob (~msvb-lab@monero/hardware/michael)
10:40.03schneideri was about to introduce another epic_ call for that
10:42.01schneidercard10.cfg is on the blacklist
10:43.22schneiderbecause execute_elf ^^
11:10.49*** join/#card10badge mmu_man (
11:19.00*** join/#card10badge theAntimon (
11:20.41*** part/#card10badge theAntimon (
12:50.01rahix[m]We'd need a config-option name blacklist I guess
13:23.41*** join/#card10badge mmu_man (
13:32.25*** join/#card10badge mmu_man (
13:34.57schneideryes ;)
13:35.10schneiderand a pop over with a warning
13:35.30schneiderthen we can add the execute_elf option to a python config editor
13:35.54schneiderand if it tries to edit it, epicaridum halts core 1 and asks if the user really wants to do that
13:41.18gruetzkopfplay the UAC sound on the vibration motor
14:07.18Stormwind_mobileHow does one enter the admin password?
14:15.42schneiderspecal hand shake
14:24.00Stormwind_mobileFingerprint reader maybe? Smartcard? RFID?
16:19.47*** join/#card10badge frigginglorious (
17:02.06*** join/#card10badge corby (
17:02.59corbyhi, can somebody tell me where I can buy replacement buttons for the badge?
17:03.07corbyor what to search for
18:23.07*** join/#card10badge erlehmann (~erlehmann@
18:42.06*** join/#card10badge Benjojo (sid4563@gateway/web/
18:57.43*** join/#card10badge frigginglorious1 (
19:05.06*** join/#card10badge mmu_man (
20:22.15corbynevermind I finally found the bom
20:31.06*** join/#card10badge mmu_man (
21:06.37*** join/#card10badge frigginglorious (
22:10.15*** join/#card10badge Tii (
22:33.09*** join/#card10badge bionade24 (
23:02.01*** join/#card10badge mmu_man (
23:33.57*** join/#card10badge msvb-mob (~msvb-lab@monero/hardware/michael)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.