irclog2html for #bzmods on 20060831

00:23.41blast007~literal trap
00:23.48blast007~literal trap $1 $2
00:23.49ibotACTION traps $1 $2 at work!
00:24.05blast007~literal trap One Two
00:24.06ibotACTION traps One Two in the attic!
00:24.23blast007~literal cmd: trap (.*?)
00:24.24ibot"cmd: trap (.*?)" is "($1): <action> traps $1 (in the closet|in the attic|under the floorboards|around the bend|at work|at macdonalds with a bunch of 5 year olds|in a worm hole|in a box|on IRC|on the internet)!"
00:24.34blast007~literal CMD: trap (.*?)
00:24.36ibot"cmd: trap (.*?)" is "($1): <action> traps $1 (in the closet|in the attic|under the floorboards|around the bend|at work|at macdonalds with a bunch of 5 year olds|in a worm hole|in a box|on IRC|on the internet)!"
00:24.45blast007heh, it just doesn't like you
00:24.59blast007~literal CMD: trap (.*?) (.*?)
00:25.20blast007did you change it?
00:25.34blast007cuz above it did "traps a in the b", which would imply two variables
00:32.28CBGyes, it was (.*?) (.*?)
00:32.33CBGthen I chaned the command
00:32.37CBGsorry, shouldda said
00:33.38blast007it was screwing my my miiiiiinnnnnddd maaaannnn!
01:22.18CBGwow, met will believe anything
01:22.43CBGblast007: ;)
12:05.15*** join/#bzmods CBG (
12:05.15*** mode/#bzmods [+o CBG] by ChanServ
22:52.22*** join/#bzmods ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
22:52.23*** mode/#bzmods [+o ChanServ] by

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.