IRC log for #bzflag on 20210331

00:29.07*** join/#bzflag Sgeo (
00:42.33*** join/#bzflag Sgeo (
04:30.19*** join/#bzflag cntfai-ack (~My_user_n@
11:13.54*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
12:13.08*** join/#bzflag Cnt-Fai (~My_user_n@
14:33.30*** join/#bzflag Sgeo (
14:40.27*** join/#bzflag sm2n (
15:35.41*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
15:35.41*** mode/#bzflag [+v BulletCatcher] by ChanServ
18:23.03*** join/#bzflag Sgeo_ (
18:24.17*** join/#bzflag Sgeo__ (
18:40.10*** join/#bzflag Sgeo_ (
19:40.07*** part/#bzflag bboles_ (~bboles@
19:41.11*** join/#bzflag bboles (~bboles@
21:05.12blast007there will be a brief outage of the sites
21:05.59the_mapI see you're planning ahead for tripping over the ethernet cable
21:09.06*** join/#bzflag Cnt-Fai (~My_user_n@
21:10.22blast007and we're back up
21:11.22Cnt-Faiit's not april yet? what sorcery is this
21:13.59allejoI mean, two April fools ago we launched the new website
21:14.16allejoso I guess in that trend, we're relaunching the same website after a brief outage :p
21:14.40blast007migrated to a whole new server!
21:24.36blast007yeah, it was tough work pressing the button.
21:25.07blast007I had to move the mouse, and then press the button down and release.  Think I'll take a nap now.
21:26.27short_circuitGet a cold compress on that finger.
22:12.49Cnt-Faihave you tried heroin?
22:13.03Cnt-Faii hear its good for extreme pain

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